by Patrice Wilton

  “Yes. That’s why I’m not ready to come back to the land of the living. I don’t want to leave my daughter—wherever she is—alone. I can’t be happy, not without her. My wife and I, we were so ripped apart by all of it, that we didn’t have anything left. Being together was killing us.”

  “Is it any better being alone?”

  “On a scale of one to ten, I guess it’s a two.”

  “Oh, Sean.”

  “Don’t worry about me, just worry about my clothes. I’m fine, or as fine as I want to be.” His jaw firmed.

  “I understand.”

  “No one does. I know you want to, but nobody really understands this kind of grief. And I hope you never do.” Everything inside of him hurt. Raw, fresh pain, not the kind he was getting used to. Obviously talking about it didn’t help. Nothing ever would.

  She bit her lip, looked like she was about to say something, and then thought better of it. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.” Zipping up her pants, she skipped out of the water and ran toward the pier.

  He laid down on the sand, letting the waves wash over him. Luckily the moon was playing peekaboo with some clouds, and even if someone was looking out their window he and Kayla wouldn’t be seen.

  He had no idea why he’d jumped in the ocean and swam toward her like a man possessed. Yes, he’d wanted her. But that wasn’t it. It wasn’t want. It had been need. Pure and simple. Physical, emotional, perhaps a little of both. He didn’t regret it, anymore than his confession tonight. It was important that Kayla understood him. He didn’t want to hurt her. One day in the near future she might wake up and find him gone. He couldn’t get close to her or anyone. He had nothing inside of himself to give.


  Kayla returned with his clothes, each step harder than the last. What would she say to him? What had they done? Practically strangers, and yet now connected in a way that should be wrong but seemed so right. It would be easier if she didn’t care about him, if this could be brushed off as a one-nighter, sex between two consenting adults. But, thing was, she did care. How could she not? He was a man in great pain, a good man who had lost his precious daughter and nothing in his world would ever be the same again. She knew she couldn’t heal him, she couldn’t keep him, but perhaps, perhaps she could bring a little joy into his world as long as he stayed.

  “Hey good-looking,” she called out, trying to sound upbeat and casual. Her heart was thumping like a congo drum, but he didn’t need to know that.

  Sean turned his head and gave her a lazy smile. He was still lying in the sand, letting the water rush over his naked body. He looked ridiculously sexy. Like a hot calendar poster for romance in the tropics. If she could blow this picture up it would make one hellova ad for Paradise Cottages.

  “You want to come back into the water?” he asked with a wink and a grin. “It’s warm, like bath water.” He glanced up toward the sky. “And there’s a pretty moon out tonight. We could take the boat out if you want.”

  “No…I—” she was tongue-tied all of a sudden as a yearning grew in her belly. She wanted to sink down next to him and cradle him in her arms. To comfort him, to lie with him, make love…

  He stood up slowly, all glorious male, and her mouth went dry. He took hold of her hand and pulled her close. “You’re regretting this, aren’t you?” His eyes were dark and beautiful under the light of the moon.

  “No…” she swallowed the lump in her throat. “Not for a second. If I wasn’t such a control freak, I’d probably do it again. But, I have to be the sensible one. My mother and sisters certainly aren’t.”

  “They aren’t here,” he pointed out, and put a hand around her waist. “It’s just you and me and the sea.”

  “Uh-huh. And that’s half the problem.” She relaxed long enough to let her body rest against his. He was dripping wet, but she didn’t mind. Neither did she mind the feel of his erection against her belly. She put a hand down and stroked him. Sex with him was like candy. Not healthy or good for her, but worth it anyway.

  Besides, didn’t she want to make him happy while he was here? Perhaps if he was happy enough he might linger and never leave. She stood on her tiptoes and put her arms around his neck. Her nipples tightened when they made contact with his hard, wet chest.

  She tilted her head to look at him. “I like you, and that’s problem number two.”

  He moved his hands around and cupped her bottom, pulling her closer so she could feel his need. “Stay with me tonight. Just tonight.” He moved his hips against her and she clung to him, her body moving on its own accord.

  “You know this is crazy, don’t you? You’re not going to stick around.” Her eyes searched his, wanting some reassurance yet knowing it wouldn’t be there. “And then I’ll miss you when you’re gone.”

  His voice was solemn when he answered. “I’m here now, and sometimes that’s all the time we’ve got.”

  She couldn’t argue that. She knew how fast life could change. One minute all was right with the world, then along comes a plane and within minutes the landscape is never the same, innocence is lost, and thousands of lives forever gone. Sometimes you just had to hold onto something, accept it for what it is, and then let it go.

  Nothing was forever. She knew that. He was offering her a night of immense pleasure, and she was realistic enough not to expect promises that couldn’t be kept. Sex for a night, a week, or whatever, and no emotional commitment. Brittany could handle that without complaint. But could she?

  “Here, put on your shorts.” She pushed out of his arms and handed him his clothes. “I don’t want anyone to catch us out here like this.”

  He nodded and did as she asked, but she could see the closed look on his face. He knew better than to expect something for nothing, but it meant he’d go back to his empty cabin and remain alone with his thoughts and sad memories.

  She grabbed his hand and tugged him along. “I’ll stay tonight. I want to, and then we can go tomorrow and pick up Miguel and Raul. Okay? They can’t remain at the hospital.”

  “I don’t want to talk about them tonight. Are you okay with this?” He pulled her to a stop. And then he kissed her.

  All thoughts disappeared. She only had one wish and that was to make a pleasant memory tonight that would keep them both feeling safe and warm.

  Once they got inside his cabin, he turned to her and kissed her again. Then he broke away long enough to pull her T-shirt over her head and toss it to the floor. He cupped her breasts and kissed her nipples through the lacy bra.

  She heard his moan, and felt an answering need. She wanted his mouth on her and was greedy for it. Reaching behind she unsnapped her bra and let if fall between them. She took his head and held him to her naked breasts. Her head rolled back as he licked her nipples, teasing them with his teeth until they were erect, aching for more.

  She ran her hands under his shirt, stroking his back, wanting to feel skin on skin. She pulled at his shirt until he tore his mouth away from her breasts and ripped it off, then met her chest to chest. She groaned with pleasure and kissed his shoulders and neck. His hands were roaming everywhere as though he didn’t know which part of her he wanted the most.

  She helped him with that and unzipped his shorts. He followed suit and unzipped hers. His hand slid in, finding the lacy patch of silk, holding her for a moment, letting the warmth of his hand ignite a fire between them. She moved against him, wanting to take it further, and too impatient to wait.

  He slid a finger under the material to stroke her once, twice. She was wet and needy and took hold off his shaft, sliding her hand up and down, feeling his slickness, the pulsing excitement as his desire grew.

  She pushed his shorts over his hips and they dropped to the floor. His thighs pressed into hers as he walked her backward toward the hall that led to his bedroom. They continued to kiss and caress each other every hungry, long step of the way.

  Finally, when she thought she might explode from the flood of emotion insi
de of her, she felt the bed behind her knees. He took her by the waist and hoisted her onto the mattress, then slid on top. His knee moved between hers, and she opened her legs wide, giving him access to where they both wanted him to be.

  His hand touched her first. He worked a finger in and another. She withered under him and gritted her teeth, then moaned his name. “Sean. I want you. Now. Please?”

  He didn’t make her beg twice. Gently at first he pushed inside of her, then finding no resistance he slid all the way in. He filled her completely and she knew it was in more ways than just one.

  * * *

  Kayla awoke, stiff and sore. She was tangled up in the bed sheets and Sean’s arm was draped over her, making an easy escape impossible. She didn’t have to turn to know he was still asleep, the heavy breathing on her neck told her he was out cold.

  As the man should be. She’d never known a man to be so hungry, so insatiable, as if he could devour her up and still want more. Sweet Jesus, it was no wonder every part of her ached. Sean had worked her over good—not that she was complaining. She’d enjoyed every moment.

  She understood his need, and didn’t congratulate herself on being the most desirable woman in the world. It was a need way beyond sexual, it was soul deep, and Kayla had wanted to assuage his wounded spirit and bring him comfort. It was not a mercy fuck, nor did she feel sorry for him. Oh, she ached for his loss, what woman wouldn’t, but that wasn’t why she opened herself to him.

  He created feelings inside of her that had been depleted after her father’s death. He fulfilled her needs as much as she hoped she could his. They might be a sorry lot, but she would take this one day at a time and see where it led. Heartbreak probably, but if it could ease his grief she would gladly deal with a bruised heart.

  She squirmed a little, needing a bathroom break, and wanting to sneak away before he woke up. Words were redundant, and she honestly didn’t know what to say. Inching herself toward the edge of the bed, she held her breath and lifted his arm to slip out. He rolled over and snored louder.

  With a sigh of relief, she slid out from under the covers and went in search of her clothes. She used the bathroom, dressed quickly, then ran his brush through her matted mess of hair. Last thing she wanted to do was run into her mother or a guest looking like she’d just had a night of hot sex.

  A woman had to have some secrets. She tiptoed out the door and very carefully shut it behind her, racing back to her own cottage, glad to see that her family hadn’t locked her out. It was not quite six in the morning, and no one was up. She pushed open the door to the bedroom she shared with Taylor, and sucked in a breath when she heard the loud creak.

  She’d hoped she might slip into bed without detection, but the hinges needed oiling and she hadn’t gotten around to it. Taylor rubbed her eyes and sat up.

  “Hey. You coming to bed or getting up? What time is it? It’s still dark.”

  “Go back to sleep, sleepyhead. It’s five forty-five. I’ve already gone for my early morning run,” she stated, wincing at the lie. “I was about to shower.”

  “You’re a tyrant, you know that? How can you punish yourself day after day? We work hard enough around here besides going for runs.”

  “I like it. Makes me feel good.”

  Her sister blinked the sleep out of her eyes. “You’re not sweating. How come?”

  “I walked the last mile home. Had some thinking to do.”

  “Yeah?” She gave her a suspicious glance. “With this humidity, you should be sweating buckets, walking or running.” A smile crept over her face. “Wouldn’t be getting any other kind of exercise, would you?”

  “What do you mean?” Kayla asked, and turned so Taylor couldn’t see the hot flush in her cheeks.

  “Well, funny thing happened last night after you left.” Taylor drew her knees up, and hugged them as she spoke. “I went down to the pier to sit and look at the moon, and I saw two people out in the water. Looked like they were getting it on. Fellow reminded me of our friend, Sean.”

  Kayla gave her hair a toss and turned her back, not wanting her sister to see her face. She was a terrible liar. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she said, hoping her voice sounded normal. “Couldn’t be. Probably our honeymoon couple. That would make more sense.”

  “Yeah, well, I spotted some clothes on the pier, so why would Ken leave his there, and not Linda? Besides, I think I would know the difference between Ken and Sean. He’s got to be at least thirty pounds heavier. Besides, the shirt looked like the one Sean wears.”

  “Wow, that’s weird. If it was him, which I doubt, maybe he has a girlfriend stashed somewhere?” Kayla didn’t like being dishonest but sometimes it was just a whole lot easier than telling the truth.

  “Really? Although I was a long way off, the woman kind of looked like you. Just saying,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes.

  “Taylor, stop teasing me. You know I wouldn’t do anything like that. I hardly know the man.”

  “True, but you like him.”

  “What’s that got to do with it?”

  “Well, I think he’s a pretty cool guy, and it would be great if you two hooked up.”

  “You think so?” Her stomach rumbled as if in dispute. There was no future for her with Sean. She knew that even if her heart didn’t. “Oh, Taylor. It can’t happen. We have way too much on our plates as it is. This year we have to sink all our resources and energy into this place to make it work. Romance is not on my agenda, and it’s the last thing Sean needs. He’s hurting, Tay. He came here to heal.”

  “I think so too. Wonder what his problem is?” she asked, giving Kayla a long appraising look.

  “I’m sure he’ll talk about it when he’s ready,” Kayla replied. “Want to use the bathroom before I shower?”

  “No. Go ahead. I’ll just lie here for another few minutes then go put the coffee on.”

  “Great. Thanks. I won’t take long.”

  “Your makeup is smeared and your hair’s a mess. Take your time. You don’t want the others seeing you like this.” She giggled. “It’s our little secret.”

  Kayla could see there was no point in denying it, so she grabbed some fresh clothes and left without a word. Her sister might think it was romantic, but she knew differently. She and Sean were not going to fall in love and live happily-ever-after. He would disappear one day and she would remember him fondly, until one morning the memory of him was gone.


  Sean flipped over, his hand seeking contact with the woman he’d spent the better part of the night making love to. When he couldn’t feel her, he opened his eyes and saw the bed empty. “Kayla?” he called, hoping she’d be in the kitchen making coffee. Silence was the only reply. He sniffed the air. No scent of coffee, no sounds coming from the bathroom. She’d high-tailed it out of here while he was fast asleep.

  What a thing to do to a guy. Least she could have done was to hear him out, let him have a chance to say he was sorry he couldn’t be the man she wanted him to be, but that for a few hours at least she had made him feel alive again.

  He swung his legs off the bed and got to his feet. Stretched his arms behind his head, cracked his knuckles, and felt a sappy grin twitching on his lips. Damn, but he did feel good. He shouldn’t. He shouldn’t feel good about screwing that beautiful girl every which way but Sunday. Gawd, he hadn’t had that kind of staying power in years. He’d made love to her once, and within minutes he’d wanted her again.

  The woman was beyond sexy, unlike anyone he’d ever known. She came across as straight-laced and subdued compared to her younger sisters, but she was a hellfire in bed. Who had done what to who, he didn’t know and he didn’t care, but she had been an active participant right from the get-go. Hell, half way through the night when he was sure he’d never get another erection for a year, she’d climbed all over him and within a few sweet seconds he’d been ready.

  Well, it was good to know that at least one part of him wasn’t dead. He might be incapa
ble of emotion, but he had certainly felt lust. Raw, almost savage in its intensity, he had taken her, again and again. God love her, she had opened herself to him and given as much as she got.

  What a woman. If he was half the man he used to be, he might want to make her his own.

  Naked, he strolled into the kitchen, grabbed a bag of coffee out of the fridge and dumped enough for half a pot into his coffee machine. Dawn had broken but he didn’t want to lower the blind. For the first time in months he didn’t crave darkness, silence or being alone. He hoped a certain young woman might come along the path—on her way for her usual run, and he could entice her back to bed.

  From the small window in the door, he could see the cabin where she lived. There were no lights on inside, and he couldn’t see any activity about. After he showered and dressed he might knock on her door and invite her over for breakfast. Why not? Why the hell not? It wasn’t just sex he was after. They had things to discuss—like Juanita and her family. It might be better for everyone concerned if they joined their relatives in Miami. Sooner, rather than later. It would free up a cabin for rent, and be less of a burden.

  Or they could just talk. He knew she wanted to know more about Sara, and for the first time in as long as he could remember it hadn’t hurt to say her name.

  Twenty minutes later, Sean stood outside Passions and knocked softly on the door. He hoped Kayla would answer as he had no idea what he would say to her mother. He felt like a schoolboy, asking for his first date.

  Nerves skidded over him and he turned to retreat when the door opened. Kayla stood there, hands on her hips, a puzzled frown on her face. “What are you doing here?” she asked quietly, her eyes downcast.

  “Not the response I had wished for, but I guess it’s one I could expect.” He gave her a bashful smile. “You left early this morning. I was hoping we could talk.”

  She stepped out and closed the door behind her. “I don’t want anyone to suspect anything,” she said in a whisper. “You know…about us. I mean there isn’t any us, so it would be awkward if people knew. Right?”


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