by Patrice Wilton

  There would be plenty of time later for her to grow up and realize that dreams didn’t last and happiness was as fragile as an over-full balloon one tap away from bursting.


  Colt had a miserable week. Although miserable might be a mild description of the hell he’d been put through. First his wife tells him she’s taking his son away, then he gets a court order to defend a charge of battery—as if the guy didn’t deserve a good punch in the nose.

  Worse, he had made a real mess of things with Taylor. His stupid proposal, or whatever the hell it was, had wounded her deeply. On hindsight—and he’d had a lot of time to mull it over and dwell on it in his spare time—he’d realized that she’d been right. Marriage was something really special—not to be entered lightly or for the wrong reasons. And his had been all wrong. True, he’d done it nobly enough—wanting to keep his son from moving away and to create a home for him, a home with two parents who cared about him. Taylor had been instrumental in that part of the plan.

  Unfortunately, she didn’t realize how much he wanted that idyllic picture he’d painted. Wanted her. Because fool that he was, he’d never told her. Fact was, he hadn’t realized it himself. Not until he pissed her off good and she stormed out. And never came back. Didn’t call to ask how he was, how things were working out with Jamie. Nothing.

  Every minute of every day he’d relived those last awful moments. If he’d done something different, might there have been a better outcome? Had he gotten down on his knees and proposed properly, or swept her into his arms and proven his love once again? Every kiss had been heartfelt. Every touch he’d ever laid on her. Every smile, and hug, and caress had come with love.

  What were words anyway? Had he not shown her in dozens of ways how much he cared about her and her family? He loved them all, but he only wanted to marry her. Damn woman. He hadn’t wanted to get married again so soon. Heck, his divorce was not much more than a year ago. He’d been quite happy bedding every single girl in town. Visitors too.

  It had been good for a while, but then she’d caught his eye with her long-limbed gait and dancing eyes—the warmth of her smile, the music of her laughter. Suddenly everyone else had paled in comparison. They had been cheap substitutes for a woman he couldn’t have, and didn’t deserve.

  Bedding Taylor had been a big mistake. He knew that she wasn’t the kind of girl he could take to bed and not commit to. For many reasons—one being that he respected her so much, and her family. And two, she wasn’t the love ’em and leave ’em kind. She was a gal that would get so deep under his skin, he’d never get her out.

  Hell—he didn’t want her out. He wanted her to own his heart, to be so much a part of him that he couldn’t live or breathe without her.

  No one had ever mattered this much before. How foolish he’d been to hide himself from her, and not explain about his past. As if she’d care about the son-of-a-bitch he’d had for a father. She wouldn’t judge him for that. And she’d understand why material things held no allure for him. Sure he could become a private boat captain and be at the beck and call of some filthy rich billionaire, but he’d hate every damn minute of it. Taking the money would slowly rot away at his soul.

  Luckily, he’d been busy for most of the week taking her guests out on his boat. He’d avoided seeing her by parking his car in the marina lot, and not taking his normal route through the resort. He’d needed to work out a few things in his head, and to have all the answers when he saw her next.

  Well, he still didn’t have all the answers, but he knew one thing. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer. She was going to marry him, whether she liked it or not.

  He chuckled and ran a hand over his chin. Now, that would go down well. Matter-of-fact he couldn’t wait to tell her so and see the fire in her eyes, and the haughty look she’d give him.

  Tears sprang to his eyes. Damn he missed her. And he needed to tell her.

  An hour later, he was spruced up and drove over to Paradise Cove. He made his way to the pool, knowing that happy hour would be a good place to start the comeback trail. She wouldn’t put up a fight and kick him out—not in front of their guests.

  “Hey, Anna.” Colt swept a hand around Anna’s waist. “I don’t see Taylor. Is she coming back?”

  “Why, hello, Colt. We haven’t seen you here for awhile. Thought maybe you’d lost your way.”

  “No, ma’am.” He grinned. “I found it at last. Now I need to make my intentions clear. Where is she?”

  “At the cabin. With Meri. Miguel and Juanita have gone to the baseball game at the school. Taylor’s taking care of the baby.”

  “Ah. Two of my favorite people.” He winked at her. “I’ll just head over. Wish me luck.”

  “Luck.” She watched him leave, and he knew that he’d made one important women in his life happy. Now for the other.

  He knocked on the door, but knowing it was unlocked he opened up and entered.

  Taylor was sitting on the floor with Meri in her lap, playing with a couple of plastic dolls. The sight of her and the baby sent a low thrill riding through him. He wanted to see her with more babies of her own. She was so beautiful, inside and out, and would make a great mother too.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  Meri jumped out of her lap and came running into his arms. “Hug, hug,” she said, as he swung her up high, then cradled her against his chest.

  He walked slowly over to the woman he loved, who wore a scowl instead of a smile. He plopped down beside her, and settled Meri between them. “I came to see you. We have things to discuss.”

  “What kind of things?” Her beautiful eyes narrowed. “I thought I’d made myself perfectly clear.”

  “Uh. Yes, you did.” He flashed a smile, which wasn’t returned. “But in my haste, I didn’t.”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore. I understand what you have to do.” She refused to look at him, but played with the toy doll in her hand. “I’m sorry, Colt. I know leaving here will be hard for you.”

  “I’m not leaving. Matter-of-fact, on my way over here my lawyer called.” He grinned and bent over to kiss Meri. She had climbed back into his lap and was patting his cheeks with her plump small hands.

  “What did he say?” Suddenly Taylor looked at him with interest.

  “He said…” he held the baby’s hands in his, so he could focus on Taylor. “He said Sharon has agreed to let me keep Jamie, and she’d work out a plan where she could have him for the summer and holidays.” He kissed Meri’s little fingers. “She loves her son as much as I do, and knows he’ll be happier here with me.”

  “Oh, my gosh. That’s wonderful, Colt. I’m so happy for you.”

  “Yes. And I don’t have to go to jail either. She got Dennis to drop the charges.”

  “Wow. That’s really great news.” She stood up, and brushed Play-Doh from her shirt. “Want a drink to celebrate?”

  “Not yet.” He put the baby down and stood as well. He moved toward her. “I have more news for you.”

  “What’s that?” She stepped behind the kitchen counter to put some distance between them. But nothing was going to keep them apart. Not anymore.

  He stepped around the counter, and put his hands on her waist. “We’re getting married.”

  “What the hell do you mean?” Her head shot up, and her eyes flashed with anger.

  “Don’t swear around the child,” he said then bent his head and kissed her.

  “What are you doing?” She pushed at his shoulders, but he didn’t break away, only tightened his grip and pulled her in so his legs could straddle hers.

  “I mean that it’s time to admit defeat. You and I have been fighting this for darn near a year now, and I’m done fighting. I want you. Forever. I love you and you love me. We are good together.”

  “No.” She shook her head, her hair flying about her face. “We’re not.”

  “Yes, we are.” He cradled her head and looked deeply into her eyes. His hea
rt thumped and swelled. He loved her so much and could only see pain and confusion in her beautiful dark eyes. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. So sorry for hurting you. For making you doubt me. This proposal is for real. I want you to be my wife. I want to wake up every day with you. I want to fall asleep with you in my arms. I love you and have never loved anyone more. I want to make babies with you.”

  “I…uh…don’t know what to say.” Her eyes filled with tears, and he kissed them away. Then he dropped to his knees before her.

  He looked up and reached for her hand. “Will you marry me, Taylor, and make my life whole again? I’m nothing without you. Say yes. Please say yes.”

  Meri had crawled over to him. She hugged him from behind, but his eyes were only on Taylor.

  Finally, the magnificent woman he adored smiled back at him and laughed. Then she bent down to kiss him. Her hands clasped behind his head and Colt could feel her tears on his cheeks. Her mouth was warm and sweet, and clung to his for so long he grew worried.

  He broke away, needing her answer. “Taylor, will you be my wife? Don’t make me wait any longer. I’ve waited my whole life for you.”

  “Then the answer is yes. I love you, Colt Travis, and will be very proud to be your wife.” She cocked her head to look him in the eyes. “What about Jamie? Is he on board with this?”

  “Jamie doesn’t know yet. But he will be pleased, since he already adores you.”

  “I adore him too. You know why I turned down your proposal, right? Not because of Jamie, but because I didn’t think your love was real.”

  “It’s real, baby. And I’ll spend my life proving it every single day.”

  Her eyes lit up. “One question. Can we have the reception here? At my cafe?”

  He laughed and kissed her again. “You can have the reception anywhere you want, but I thought it might be nice to take you to Europe for a honeymoon. There are a lot of places I want you to see, and a lot of stories I need to tell.”

  “Then we have the rest of our lives to hear them, don’t we?”

  “I guess we do. I haven’t always been a fisherman you know.”

  “Well, whatever you were, and the man you are now—one thing I know for sure. From your first dazzling smile, I was hooked on you.”

  He grinned, and kissed her nose. “Lucky me. You are the finest catch of all.”



  by Patrice Wilton

  Brittany Holmes, heartbroken and pregnant, leaves the touring dance troupe and the glamorous life she led in Miami for home in Paradise Cove. Her mother and sisters are like a beacon at the end of the road, and their unconditional love and support is what her bruised heart craves.

  Ashley Jordon Chase, New York advertising exec, is in Paradise Cove to pursue his lifetime dream of being a playwright. Family circumstances thwarted his earlier writing ambitions and his lucrative career doesn’t satisfy him.

  When Brittany loses her baby, Chase offers comfort. Having experienced the same tragedy in his first marriage he knows how devastating a miscarriage can be. Brittany hides her insecurities behind a wall, but Chase breaks past it to see her most vulnerable side. Their friendship becomes more, and she trusts that he won’t let her down. Yet a family emergency pulls him away, leaving her alone. Again. Was she a fool to let him into her heart? Or can they turn their brief affair into a lifetime of love?


  Brittany Holmes paced her third floor apartment, feeling both nervous and excited at the same time. Tonight would change everything. Forever. Light-headed and slightly nauseas, she made another circuit around the living room.

  “Where are you, Jose?” She spoke aloud, wanting a glass of wine, knowing she shouldn’t. Six-thirty—he was due any second. The champagne was chilled, his dinner simmering on the stove. She’d worked so hard on the paella, on everything, wanting this night to be perfect.

  Just then the buzzer rang, and she squealed as she pressed the intercom. “Come on up. I have something to tell you!”

  “I’m on my way. You’ve been acting strangely all week. Hope it’s good news.”

  “It is. The best.” She touched her tummy, wondering if he had guessed.

  Jose normally took her out for dinner, but tonight she’d wanted him here, alone, so they could celebrate in private. She’d chosen a slinky black dress and silver sandals, and a hint of the expensive perfume he’d bought her. She’d prepared his favorite dish, a paella that would have been much easier to order in, and had planned the evening to the last detail.

  Brittany opened the patio door, so when Jose entered he’d see the table set prettily for two. She’d used a round white cloth to drape over the small outdoor table, good crystal and china. The bottle of champagne sat in an ice bucket to be served with the mouth-watering meal. The scent of saffron, garlic and herbs simmering over a pot heavily laden with fresh seafood drifted from the compact kitchen to where they’d sit and enjoy a toast.

  At his knock she moved quickly to the door, and felt the flutter of butterflies rise in her stomach. She was nervous. She shouldn’t be, but she was.

  With a big smile on her face she opened the door and pulled Jose inside. “Hi, good-looking. You are right on time.” She gave him a light kiss and his mustache tickled her lip.

  He put his hands on her rump, and nuzzled her neck. “Something smells awfully good. Is it you?”

  “No,” she laughed. “It’s the paella I made for you.”

  He pulled away, sniffed the air and spotted the bottle on the outside table.

  “Champagne?” Jose eyed her with curiosity, his dark brown eyes raking over her face. “What’s going on? You’ve been very mysterious about this. Is there a special occasion I should know about? You won the lotto or something?”

  “First the champagne. Then I’ll tell you the good news.” She headed for the patio and he followed. Passing him the bottle she watched as he expertly handled the cork, sending it flying over the balcony with a big pop and a large spray that made her laugh with delight.

  She grabbed one of the elegant long-stemmed flutes and captured the icy cold champagne in both glasses before raising her head. She tossed her long dark hair back from her bare shoulders, and paused with her glass raised.

  “To us,” he said, his eyes searching hers, a sexy smile on his lips.

  “Yes. To us.” They touched glasses and sipped. It gave her a moment to think before blurting out the truth. She needed to remain calm. Confident. After all, she was his lover. Young, beautiful. How many times had he told her that? There was no doubt that he loved her. Had he not whispered that in passion so many times, and in so many ways?

  It was ridiculous to doubt him now. He’d be just as delighted about the baby as she was. Why not? He was twenty years her senior, and didn’t this just prove his masculinity, the fact that he was still youthful and virile?

  He’d probably chuckle with pleasure and brag to all his friends. Jose had four children already, and three ex-wives. Another child would be a gift. She fully expected that he’d sweep her up in his arms with pride and carry her into the bedroom to celebrate their joy. Her new lacy black thong would get him hot, and she might like it too.

  In the wake of their happiness, dinner could wait. She didn’t have much of an appetite anyway.

  “What is the matter, my pet?” He placed a hand around her waist, and let it drop to her ass. “The champagne is excellent, and I’m sure your paella will be as well.” He smiled, sipped from his glass, his eyes warm on hers. “So tell me your big secret. I can hardly stand the suspense.”

  Did he know? Had he already guessed? Her heart raced in anticipation, and she relaxed her guard.

  Placing her glass down on the table, she put her arms around his middle. She rested her cheek on his chest, then pulled back so she could look into his eyes as she spoke the words that would unite them, or tear them apart. “I missed my period,” she whispered. “It’s two weeks late.”

  “You what?” His
head jerked up and he tossed her hands aside. He moved quickly, bumped into the table, and knocked a chair to the patio floor.

  She clasped her hands before her, stunned.

  “You’re pregnant?” he shouted, his face turning a bright, ugly red. “That’s what this is about? You cooking dinner?” he scoffed. “Champagne. Why, you little slut. How dare you try to trick me like this.”

  “It’s not a trick. Don’t talk to me like that!” Her head spun and her stomach rolled as she processed the loathing for her on his face. “Jose. I’m not even sure. Not yet. And you couldn’t possibly mean what you said. You couldn’t!”

  “Pregnant? Not from me, baby.” He ran a hand over his face. “Impossible.” His eyes darkened, and he made a fist.

  Frightened now, she backed away through the patio doors, into the living area. He followed her, his expression menacing. “It was an accident,” she said in a rush. “But a happy one I’d hoped.”

  “You hoped? You imbecile. I have two ex-wives and a third wife at home. She knows about you, and is accepting of our harmless relationship. But a baby? No. She would not accept that.” He advanced toward her, and Brittany felt a wave of fear. Was Jose capable of hurting her?

  “Why are you acting like this?” she cried, holding out her palms.

  “Get rid of it. I insist. Tonight. I will drive you myself. I know a lady who takes care of these matters.” His lips curled into an unpleasant smile, and Brittany shuddered, wondering how she’d ever thought him handsome. Sexy.

  She shook her head, hanging onto the counter for support. “No. No.”


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