Famous (Famous #1)

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Famous (Famous #1) Page 16

by Kahlen Aymes

  “None of you have any idea how we feel ab—” I stopped myself mid-sentence, and took a deep breath to steady myself. “I need to talk to Cade, and I need to get the hell out of here. Thank you all for coming and for sharing your thoughts. I know you’re just doing your jobs.” I stood to leave.

  My mother followed suit. “Thank you all, so much,” she said. “I’ll try to reason with her.” Then, she followed me out.


  I decided it would be too late in London to call Cade immediately, but when I opened my phone to send a text, there was one he’d sent three hours earlier already waiting for me.

  Going to bed without you is torture. Mind, body, and heart, I’m aching without you.

  I closed my eyes, my heart lurching at his message. I loved him so much. How were we going to get through this without being able to touch each other? How would I hide my feelings when I looked at him? How could we act like casual acquaintances? I didn’t think I’d be able to carry it off.

  I feel the same way. I miss you so much. Please call me tomorrow. I love you, always.

  I sent my reply, then got ready for bed and mulled over everything that was said to me during the meeting as I cleaned my teeth. I didn’t think anyone took a picture of us at the pub, but I’d been too over wrought with emotion to notice anything that went on around us. I sighed, and put my long hair up in a scrunchie, as was my habit before sleep.

  It was after 10, so I was surprised when my phone rang. My new ringtone was the song he sang to me at the wrap party. I needed to talk to him more than I realized.

  “Hey… aren’t you supposed to be in bed?” I smiled into the phone.

  “It’s a lonely hell without you. I miss you, love.”

  “Me, too. I got my press packet today. That’s good news, isn’t it?” I asked him.

  “Yeah, only twelve days, five hours and thirty-six minutes until I can kiss your mouth and wrap my arms around you.” He was teasing me.

  “Mmmm. Sounds like heaven to me,” I sighed. “You’re very sweet to me.”

  “Mmmm, is right.” He sounded relaxed, which would be a good prelude to the conversation I needed to have with him.

  I didn’t know how to begin, so there was a pregnant pause that quickly rid him of his calm demeanor.

  “Is something wrong?” He paused. “I can sense something’s up. What happened during your meeting, Brook?”

  “Wow. How do you know me so well?” I asked softly.

  “Because you’re part of me. It’s like knowing myself, except you’re much more delicious.” I could picture the crooked grin he’d have on his face.

  I smiled. “That’s a matter of opinion. I find you very motivational.” I told him with a little giggle.

  He laughed and I knew his hand was running through his hair. “I missed you.”

  “Me, too, Cade.”

  “Okay, spill. Tell me everything.”

  “Um…” I began hesitantly. “You’re not going to like it.”

  I heard him take a breath. “Just tell me what it is.”

  “I was informed about the confines of our contracts with Pinnacle,” I began. “Apparently, there’s a clause in them that prohibits us from any romantic involvement.”

  “What? That’s utterly ridiculous!” He laughed. “They can’t do that!” he retorted.

  “My lawyer told me they can, and they have.” I could feel my eyes begin to tear and my throat throb. “I’m just in hell,” I said softly.

  “Did they give any specifics?” His voice was tense and angry.

  “Yeah. They said that Pinnacle needs you to be single because of the fan girls’ fantasies, and they have legitimate concerns about a possible split during the promotion of the first movie or filming subsequent sequels, that it could seriously damage box office. If that happened, they could sue us, cancel our contracts, and a bunch of other unpleasant shit.” I started to cry softly.

  “Brooklyn, don’t cry, love. We’ll figure this out. I’m not going to let anything keep us apart. I promise, okay?” But I could hear an edge of panic in his voice.

  “Cade, the worst part is that it could damage your career, and I won’t let that happen. I just have to believe that we’ll survive this, that eventually we will be able to be together like we want.”

  “What about your career, Brook? This could be your year!” his voice was getting louder, angrier. “I was going to tell you I’d changed my mind about keeping it a secret. It’s too much bloody work, and I’m miserable as fuck!”

  “We have to. I’m sorry.” I waited a minute to continue. “There’s more.” I sniffed back the tears and he sighed.

  “Ugh!!!!” He yelled, but waited for me to tell him the rest.

  “They said we couldn’t be seen out alone together, that we can never arrive, leave or travel together. We even have to be careful what we say about each other in interviews, and watch how we act when we’re near each other. We can attend cast functions, but not together, we can’t act like a couple… ever. If we’re asked about our relationship, they want us to deny it… and… and…” My heart was breaking at telling him the next part.

  “Honey, I’m sorry I got upset, it’s just pissing me off, but we’ll get through this. I’ll do anything, wait however long I need too, to be with you. You know that.”

  “You might change your mind after this next thing,” I moaned. His silence told me he was worried, so I just barreled on with it. “Um… Oh, God.” My voice cracked. “They want me to get back together with David.”

  “What? No! This is just fucking brilliant, Brooklyn!” His voice rose as frustration overtook his words. “I can’t go through that kind of hell again. I’m going to call my lawyer right now,” he growled.

  “Calm down. Believe me, I don’t want this; I won’t hurt you like that!” I paused. “We might have an option, but you need to have an open mind. Just remember how much I love you, okay?”

  He sighed heavily. “I’m sorry, but I just got you, and now this fucked up mess! Bloody hell! I want to kill something!”

  “Well, David is between jobs and might need money. What if I hire him to go to functions with me, hold my hand a little, but no kissing, or anything. I’ll just have him there to keep the illusion the studio wants in place.”

  “And, all the while I have to stand there and watch? Smiling for the cameras, while my guts are ripped out? No! I can’t! Don’t ask that of me, Brook.” I’d never heard him so upset. I waited as he calmed down. “Besides, he’ll never agree to that. I know I wouldn’t.”

  “It would only be for show. You know I’m with you now, and nothing would change between us, I promise,” I whispered. “Please, just think about it.”

  “Except he’d be able to touch you, kiss you,” I could hear the pain dripping off the words, “when I can’t.”

  “I wouldn’t let him kiss me, Cade. You should know after what I told you in London, that I don’t want anyone else touching me. I meant that. Trust me, please?” I begged.

  “I do, Brook. But, this is going to be bloody unbearable for me.”

  “I know. It’s killing me too, but I love you enough to do this. It sucks, but we don’t have a choice. In order for us to get through this, I have to believe you’re with me, okay?”

  He took a deep breath and let out the sigh. “How did they know about us?” It suddenly dawned on him to ask. “I haven’t told anyone.”

  “I didn’t either. There was a photo that someone took at the pub while we were fighting. They sent it to my publicist, demanding hush money.” My lips pressed into a taut line.

  “Fucking people! Is this how it is going to be?” His voice was strained.

  “I think it will get much worse before it gets better, but, don’t let this rip us apart, Cade. I love you.” My voice broke on the words.

  “I love you, too. I’ll do anything for you, you know that.” He took a shaky breath. “But, um…”


  “Have you already hi
red David?” he asked.

  “No.” I tried to clear my throat. “I wouldn’t do that without talking to you first, you know?” I hoped the love I felt came through in my voice.

  “Thank you, love.” I could hear his voice relax. I yawned, and he heard it. “You sound so tired, sweetheart. We’ll talk about this tomorrow. In to bed with you, vixen, and don’t forget to remember me.” His voice sounded weary.

  I smiled when he repeated words from the script. It was the title of the second book, but already, he’d said it filming the first one.

  “I wish I were right there beside you.” He sighed. “I miss holding you.”

  “Mmmm… I miss you, too, and you’re burned into me.” I repeated Julia’s line that followed Ryan’s, so Cade would know I caught it. “I’ll let you know what he says. Don’t worry, okay? I love you.”

  “Okay, I love you, more… Bye sweet,” he said and hung up.

  I crawled into bed, wrapped my arms around myself and shuddered at the situation.

  I hoped to hell David wouldn’t be a jerk and agree to help us. Cade was my future and we had to make it through this necessary charade.

  Chapter 10

  The Madness Begins

  As I got ready for the MTV awards, my heart was beating wildly. I was worried about the interview, and what type of questions would be asked about our personal lives. Even though we hadn’t been out promoting the movie together yet, there were tons of things online that focused on our relationship. Youtube and other sites had multiple fan-made videos focusing on our chemistry on set and already speculating if it was real. The enormity of what could happen to us scared the shit out of me.

  I had done my best to block all of it out, but if I were honest, many of the fans were spot on. When we did that MTV interview on the set last February, we’d both said so many things that could be construed as personal. Even in jest, we basically blew our cover before we even knew how we felt ourselves. We played and goofed with each other way too much for mere co-stars. I’d been so naïve and oblivious to how those words would be interpreted later. When I’d watched the interviews, I could see what everyone was seeing between us. But hell, we were friends then. We hung out, we goofed around. That’s what we did, my mind protested.

  Damn it! I needed to just get through this interview, and then get Jeanne to help me find a way to be with Cade.

  This would be the first time I’d seen David since our break-up two weeks ago, and Jeanne and Ken had worked out the details with him. Shit. He was going to receive a hundred grand every time he went somewhere with me. I only made two million on the entire fucking movie.

  I picked up my phone, and called my agent.

  “Hey Jeanne, what’s the break down for today?” I really didn’t care about any of it except how Cade and I were going to be together, afterward.

  “Hi, Brook. The car will pick you up in twenty minutes. They’ve already picked up David. He’s been briefed on what will go down and how he needs to behave. Cade should be there when you get there, so David and you will meet him there.” She stopped for a minute as she contemplated her next words. “Okay, so hand-in-hand, arm-in-arm, I don’t care how you do it, but the two of you need to show some form of affection as you walk up to Cade.”

  “This is going to be hard on Cade, Jeanne.” I sighed.

  “It’s necessary, Brook. Cade will be having his individual photo call, David will drop back and they’ll take photos of you by yourself, and then you and Cade will pose together.”

  “Can we touch at all during that time? Jeanne, you have to understand how seeing me with David is gonna affect him. I have to be able to let him know in some small way that I care about him.”

  “We’d prefer it if you wouldn’t, Brooklyn, but if you must, then you can have your arms around each other for the pose. You know, lightly behind the back, no hugging and no kissing. None.” Her voice was stern.

  “Cade knows what this is about, and he’s on board.” I could tell she was sidetracked as she went through the itinerary. “Oh, and try not to look adoringly at each other, too. You guys suck when it comes to that. Focus, Brooklyn, focus.” She was teasing me but I was not laughing. “This will be huge for your career. Being with Cade on any red carpet is huge. Huge stars clamor to be next to him, and you’re just getting started.”

  “Thanks for the reminder,” I scowled. I didn’t really care about that crap, so it was a good thing that it was her job to worry about it. I rolled my eyes and nodded. “Okay, is the interview on the carpet or after the awards?”

  “Right after the photo calls on the carpet. Keep it light when it comes to your relationship, but answer the questions about your roles, the characters and the books as you normally would. Except don’t give up too many details of the film, only a taste to get them to the theaters, you know the drill.” She sounded nervous, too, and she noticed my silence on the other end of the line.

  “Do I?”

  Jeanne sighed. “Look, Brook, I’m really, really sorry. I know this sucks for you guys,” her voice pleaded with me for understanding. “But Cade’s people are adamant that we have to keep your relationship under wraps. He won’t blow out the box office if he gets tagged as trashing your relationship. Maybe when the movie gets closer to release…”

  Oh, sure. When the movie releases and it will line the studio exec’s pockets, then they’ll want us to flaunt it. “It’s okay, Jeanne. I know it’s not your fault and you’re doing what you can. Will there be any way to see Cade while he’s in town? It’s been weeks since we’ve seen each other, and we need some time alone.”

  “I’ve already called Cade’s agent, Denise Kriby, and we’ve arranged for me to bring him over to your place for a while tonight. Will your parents be cool with that?” Jeanne wanted to know.

  I felt my pulse speed up. “Yeah, they’re cool. How long will I have with him?”

  “Until he calls her to pick him up, but it would be best if it was in the middle of the night that they come to take him back to his hotel. Less chance of photographers, you know. So, maybe ten or twelve hours.”

  My heart fluttered and the corners of my mouth lifted slightly. At least I’d have a few hours with him. “Thanks, Jeanne. I really mean it.” I hung up the phone and went to finish my make-up.

  On the drive to the event, David didn’t say much, so finally, I decided to break the silence. “Hey, David, it’s good to see you. Thanks for doing this for me.”

  He looked straight ahead. “Sure, maybe someday you can return the favor.”

  “Yeah, of course,” I said, even though I knew it wasn’t likely.

  “So things aren’t so smooth with Mr. Perfect, eh, Brook?”

  “David, do we really have to do this? This has less to do with Cade than it does with our commitments to Pinnacle Studios, and promotion of the film. You and I have always been good friends, even more than we were a couple, if we’re both honest about it. I don’t want to lose that, so can we just get past all this shit, please?”

  He reached out and took my hand. “Okay. Look, I’m sorry. It’s just not easy to know you don’t love me anymore.” His brow crinkled but he tried to smile at me as he squeezed my hand.

  “I still love you, David. You’ve been a big part of my life. I haven’t forgotten that, and I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you.” I squeezed back.

  “Okay.” His other hand touched my chin. “Let’s do this.” I smiled, hoping that we really could be friends. Cade might not like it, but he’d understand.

  The door to the limo opened, and the sun shone in. When I stepped out onto the Red Carpet, the crowd was already screaming. The throng of fan girls screeching at the top of their lungs made my ears hurt.

  “Hmmph…” The object of their desire, and my desire, I thought. My heart was pounding in my chest as my eyes searched for him through the flashing cameras and over the heads of the hundreds of squealing women.

  There he was. My heart thumped in my chest and my hungry eyes devou
red him.

  Gorgeous as ever in a dark grey jacket, black slacks and a lighter gray button down and the classic Ray-Bans he always wore. His hair tousled adorably in a way that screamed for my fingers to run through it. He was smiling brilliantly as he frantically signed autograph after autograph. “You’re mine! Mine!” one of them screamed and the rest of them added their screams to the din. “Marry me!” “I love you, ahhhhh!” Hundreds of them were screaming at him. Holy shit. I started to giggle lightly. This was nuts. I mean, I guess I expected it, but it seemed so silly.

  “Hmmph!” I huffed and shook my head slightly as I got out of the car. Get used to it Brooklyn.

  David took my hand and we walked up, cameras flashing. I tried to remember to smile but my eyes were locked on his. Good thing my sunglasses hid the direction of my gaze. I waved to the crowd and the screams amplified.

  He stopped signing autographs when he heard the commotion. The girls were actually begging for my autograph as well. I was surprised as I signed my name next to Cade’s scribble across one of the first released movie stills.

  “What’s it like to kiss the hottest actor in the world?” they screamed. I rolled my eyes behind my sunglasses.

  “You’re so lucky!”

  “Oh, my God! Ahhhhhh!!”

  “Is he a good kisser? Tell me!!” They kept screaming at me over each other, and I couldn’t help laughing at the absurdity of it all.

  Okay… seriously? I took the books and photos they offered, and started signing. I’d never expected anything like this, and it was a little overwhelming.

  “Well… um… sure. It’s hot!” I smiled at them, feeling ridiculous as heat infused my cheeks. The women screamed even louder. “Sort of amazing.” I nodded and bit my lip. More screaming followed, more shrill and concentrated than before, if that were possible. Holy Fuck.


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