Rising from the Ashes

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Rising from the Ashes Page 3

by Charity West

  The officer’s pen froze, and he looked up at me. “And did you put him there?”

  I gave a nod. I’d already divulged way more than I had wanted to, especially in front of Zarek, but if Price was really after me, the more people who knew, the safer I would be. Or at least, if anything did happen to me, people would know where to start looking. I knew Zarek would have questions about my past, but I wasn’t certain I was ready to talk about it just yet.

  “Miss Witherspoon, my partner has already cleared your apartment, but I’m going to go through it again. Then I want you to check and see if anything is missing or has been disturbed. When we’re done, I strongly suggest you pack a bag and stay with a friend tonight. Or anywhere other than this apartment. You’ll want to talk to the building manager about getting some stronger locks installed.”

  “Do you know how he got in?” I asked.

  “Looks like he jimmied the lock. As feeble as these doors and locks are, it wouldn’t have taken much effort to get inside. Nice girl like you shouldn’t be staying in a place like this. My advice is to do whatever you have to and get out of here. Work two jobs, whatever. This place isn’t safe. We get calls all the time about break-ins, and you don’t want to know what happens during some of them.”

  Fear knotted my throat. I’d thought I was safe here, but how could I have been so wrong? As if it wasn’t bad enough that Price was after me again, now I had to worry about random strangers breaking in and doing horrible things to me? I felt a little sick to my stomach and wasn’t certain how much longer I could hold down the pizza I’d had for lunch.

  I looked up at Zarek and realized he was still here when he needed to be back at the station. I didn’t want him getting written up or fired because of me.

  “You should go back,” I told him.

  “While we were waiting for the police, I called for someone to cover the rest of my shift, and cleared it with the captain for me to use some vacation time until the morning.”

  “I don’t want you to get into trouble.”

  He brushed his thumb across my lower lip. “I won’t get into trouble, Kaycee. Let me help, okay? I’m not leaving you here alone, not with someone after you. It’s clear you have a stalker, and if you claim your ex has a record and might be after you, then there’s no way in hell I’m leaving.”

  The officers came back out and asked me to go through the apartment. Butterflies rioted in my stomach as I went through each room. Nothing was touched in the living room or kitchen, but when I got to my bedroom, I noticed my closet was standing open, and my underwear drawer was open as well.

  “Did you open those?” I asked the officer.

  “The closet and drawer were open when we came in.” He looked around. “I’m assuming you had them closed?”

  I nodded.

  “Anything else out of the ordinary?” he asked.

  I scanned the room and did a double take of my bed. The covers had been pulled down, and there was an indention in one pillow, like someone had been lying there. I pointed it out to the officer. He retrieved a kit from his car and took some hair samples from the pillow.

  “Sorry, but we don’t have a forensics team.” The officer shrugged. “The downside of living in a small town, I’m afraid. We’ll send these off to be processed at the lab a few towns over. I need to swab your mouth, so we’ll have your DNA to compare the hair samples to.”

  He opened a swab, and I opened my mouth. When he was finished and had packed up his kit, I stood uncertainly in the apartment. With nowhere to go, I wasn’t sure what would happen next. The officers left, and I was alone in the apartment with Zarek. He looked around and I wondered what he thought of my place. It wasn’t much, but it was mine, and I’d worked hard for everything in it, from the full-size bed to the second-hand dresser. Nothing I owned was fancy, and aside from the bed, none of my furnishings were new. I just hadn’t been able to stomach the thought of sleeping on a stranger’s mattress, not knowing where it had been or if someone had died on it.

  “You should gather some stuff. I agree with the officer. There’s no way you can stay here tonight.” Zarek glanced around the room.

  “I don’t have anywhere to go.” It hurt to admit that. I was sure it made me sound like a loser. I couldn’t afford a motel room, and I didn’t have any friends to stay with.

  “Yeah, you do.” He gazed at me intently. “You can stay with me.”

  My cheeks flushed, and he smirked.

  “I meant you could stay in my guest room, but if you decide to fall into my bed tonight, I won’t kick you out.”

  “Getting into bed with someone is how I ended up in this mess to begin with.”

  “I won’t lie. I want to know more about this ex of yours, particularly if he’s going to come after you. But I’m not going to force you to tell me anything you don’t want to. I’m a really good listener though, if you decide you want to talk.”

  I nodded and retrieved a bag from my closet. I put in two changes of work clothes, some intimates, and pajamas. It took a little longer to gather my bathroom stuff as my makeup was scattered across the counter and not neatly tucked into its bag. Once I had everything together, Zarek walked me to his truck and then drove me around to the manager’s office. I wasn’t looking forward to talking to them about my problem, but if I needed new locks, I didn’t have a choice.

  Mr. Bertrund, the complex manager, was in his office doing paperwork when I walked in. He looked up and gave me a smile that sent chills down my spine. He’d always creeped me out, the way his gaze lingered a little too long on my breasts. Zarek came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. The lascivious look on Mr. Bertrund’s face shifted, but he looked less than pleased to see a man with me.

  “What is it, Miss Witherspoon? I’m a busy man.”

  “My apartment was broken into today. I filed a report with the police, if you need a copy. They suggested that I have extra locks put on my door for added security.”

  “This isn’t Ford Knox, Miss Witherspoon. If I add locks to your door, then I have to do it to all the doors. Do you really think your cheap rent covers something like that?”

  I heard what sounded like a growl come from Zarek.

  “What if I add the locks to her door?” Zarek asked. “Do you have a problem with that?”

  “Again, if I let her add locks to her door, then I have to do the same for everyone.”

  “Considering how many times the cops are called out here, maybe you should let the tenants protect themselves better. Or maybe you just don’t give a shit. After all, you collect your money whether they’re safe or not.”

  Mr. Bertrund’s face flushed. “You’re going too far, you little punk.”

  “Consider this Kaycee’s notice. She’ll be moved out before the weekend.”

  I whirled to face Zarek. “What are you doing? I can’t afford to move.”

  “The guys will help you pack and move. We have enough trucks between the seven of us that I think we can move anything in your apartment.”

  “Zarek, I don’t have anywhere to go. I spent all of my money getting into this apartment. I can’t afford to move to a new one.”

  “Then you’ll move in with me until you can find a place. The spare room is yours.”

  My mouth opened and shut several times. I wanted to tell him no, to say that I could take care of myself. But truthfully, the thought of Price being out there scared the shit out of me. I knew I wasn’t safe here, especially on my own. It would be stupid to turn down his offer, even if we had just met. So far, he’d been the perfect gentleman. Besides, if he did get handsy with me, I wasn’t sure I’d mind all that much.

  He watched me expectantly, and I finally nodded.

  “All right. I’ll stay with you, but only until I have enough saved for another place.”

  He smiled, flipped off Mr. Bertrund, and led me back out to his truck. I had to stifle a giggle, because I’d wanted to do the same thing to that horrible man every time I’d been in h
is presence. I’d call him a troll, but it would be an insult to trolls everywhere. I wasn’t sure there was anything low enough to associate with him.

  Zarek backed the truck out and pulled out of the apartment complex. As he sped down the road, he reached for my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. That one touch was enough to comfort me, and to reassure me I was doing the right thing. My life had once again turned upside down, inside out, and just plain crazy. I was getting good at crazy. No one should ever be good at that.

  His apartment was on the other side of town, in the nice area. I didn’t know how he afforded it unless the firemen were paid a lot more than I was, which would make sense. They put their lives on the line every day, while I shuffled papers. He carried my bag inside and showed me around. I’d expected the typical bachelor pad with pizza boxes and soda cans everywhere, but the place was immaculate. The living room was spacious with a large black leather sofa and matching chair, a glass and chrome coffee table, and a huge TV mounted on the wall. There was a cube organizer beneath it with what looked like a Blu-ray player and a game system. I wondered what was in the canvas cubes since there was also a bookshelf full of Blu-rays and DVDs.

  “It’s a two-bedroom, one bath, so we’ll have to share the bathroom,” he said as he led me down a short hall. He stopped at the first door and opened it. “This is where you’ll sleep.”

  I peered around him and was pleasantly surprised. The furniture was contemporary, like the living room, but I actually liked the black and white comforter with its swirly pattern. It reminded me a little of a print by M.C. Escher. Zarek carried my bag in and set it on the dresser. There was a small TV on the corner of it with a remote.

  “It’s a Smart TV,” he said. “You can access Netflix on it. If you don’t have an account, you can use mine. I’m set up for two TVs to stream at one time so you can watch it whenever you want. Feel free to watch in the living room too. That’s the only Blu-ray player.”

  “I appreciate this, Zarek. I didn’t want to accept your offer. I mean, we just met.”

  “But your need to feel safe won out?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  “I’m glad you feel safe with me.” His lips turned up on one corner. “Let me finish the tour. You can have anything in the kitchen, and if there’s stuff you want that I don’t have, we can pick it up at the store on my off day.”

  “I can buy groceries, you know. I don’t need you with me to do that.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “I didn’t mean for it to sound that way. I just don’t like the idea of you running around town, by yourself, until your ex is back in custody. That dude is seriously fucked up if he’s slashing your tires and breaking into your place.”

  If only he knew just how fucked Price really was. But that was a story I wasn’t ready to tell yet. If more than friendship developed between us, then he would have a right to hear it. For now, I would keep the details to myself. Of course, anyone who had access to the Internet could look it up. I wasn’t stupid in thinking it was a big secret, but I didn’t think Zarek would take the initiative to snoop like that. He seemed like the type who would wait to hear the story from me.

  We finished the tour, and I put my things away, the few things I’d brought with me, and then he made arrangements with the guys to pack and move my stuff on their first day off. I hated that they would waste their time off helping me move, but I was glad they were willing to do it. The thought of being in the apartment by myself, even to pack and move, left me feeling unsettled. Even now, there was no guarantee I was safe. Price could have easily been hiding and followed me here. A shiver racked my body as I thought about him hurting Zarek. Not to mention what he’d do once he got his hands on me. I knew my death was a guarantee, and it would probably be gruesome, knowing Price.

  Zarek seemed to sense my unease. He took my hand and pulled me closer until our bodies were nearly brushing.

  “You’re safe here,” he assured me. “I’ll call the manager now and have some extra security installed. Hell, I’ll even pay extra if they’ll come do it tonight. No one is going to hurt you as long as I’m here.”

  “Thank you, Zarek.” I couldn’t help but lean into him a little and rest my head on his chest. His strong arms came around me, and at that moment, I felt safe. I believed him when he said no one would hurt me.

  Chapter Three

  At work the next day, everyone gave me sympathetic looks, and someone checked on me about every half hour throughout the day. Even when they went out on calls, they checked in on their way back to the station. The captain stayed with me all day. Even during my lunch break, I had the guys with me. They’d insisted on ordering from the sub shop that delivered, and we ate in the common room. It was nice to have so many people watching over me, and it eased my fears a bit. Still, I watched the doors like a hawk, ready to run if I saw Price. He’d have been stupid to enter a place with so many men around, but he wasn’t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  Zarek had paid to have my car towed to a nearby garage his family owned. I’d insisted on paying for the new tires, but he’d refused. Once his family had heard why my tires were slashed, they declined payment from me. I hadn’t realized so many chivalrous men still existed in the world, and somehow, I’d landed in a town that had a lot of them. Not for the first time, I was thankful I’d come here. Things would have ended so differently if Zarek hadn’t been around yesterday. What if I’d moved somewhere else and hadn’t found so many friendly people?

  My day ended at 4:30 PM, but Zarek still had to work until seven the next morning. He tossed his truck keys to me and made me promise to call the second I got home. True to his word, he’d had extra locks installed the previous night and had even gotten permission from the complex manager to have an alarm installed, even though he hadn’t done it yet. I thought it was a little overkill since I wouldn’t be living with him long, but he said it was a sound investment.

  The parking lot was busy when I pulled into a space in front of Zarek’s apartment. He was on the ground floor, and the corridor was clear. With the keys he’d given me clutched in my hand, I approached the door. After looking around to make sure I was alone, I let myself in and immediately bolted every lock on the door. After I put my purse down and kicked off my shoes in my bedroom, I pulled out my cell phone and called Zarek. He’d programmed his number in this morning, as well as several of the guys’, claiming that he wanted me safe at all times and able to call for help.

  I thought it was sweet.

  “Zarek,” I said when he answered. “I made it home, and I’ve already locked the place up tight.”

  “You’re not going anywhere tonight, are you?”

  “No, I’m home for the night. I thought I’d soak in the tub and watch some movies. I can’t promise your stash of Oreos is safe though.”

  He laughed. “You can have as many as you want. We’ll stop by the store tomorrow night, after we get your place packed up. What do you want to do with your furniture?”

  “I guess I need to store it somewhere, until I find a new place. I should probably make some calls tonight and see if there’s a place that has room for my stuff.”

  “Make sure it’s on the east side of town.”

  “I think I’ve learned my lesson.”

  I could hear a siren go off in the background and knew he had to go.

  “Be safe,” I told him.


  The line went dead and I said a quick prayer for his safety, and the rest of the team as well. Tomorrow would be my first day meeting the other crew. It was hard to believe it was only Tuesday. Yesterday had felt like several days hit me all at once. I kept my phone with me as I got my pajamas out and went into the bathroom. Even when I filled the tub, I kept the phone within reach, and I locked the bathroom door. I wasn’t going to take any chances.

  When the tub was full, I eased back and closed my eyes. Despite my love of water and soaking, I couldn’t completely relax. Knowing that I was a
lone was enough to make me jumpy. Price would have to get through two locked doors to reach me, but if he was determined enough, I wouldn’t put it past him. After another ten minutes of straining to hear if the apartment was still silent, I gave up, washed and got out. I pulled on my pajamas, tossed my wet towel in the hamper, and went to figure out what I was making for dinner.

  It felt strange cooking in Zarek’s kitchen without him here. I found a box of Kraft Spirals in the back of the cabinet and decided it was a macaroni kind of night. I added a little extra butter when I went to mix the powder packet with the noodles so it would be extra creamy. Once my dinner was ready, I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and went into the living room to eat. I needed a good blow-up-the-bad-guy kind of movie. Zarek had a ton of Blu-rays and DVDs, so it wasn’t hard to find something to watch.

  When I had finished eating, I got up and took my plate to the kitchen to rinse it and put it in the dishwasher. On my way back to the living room, I froze. I watched in horror as the deadbolt unlocked and the knob rattled. My heart took off as fear overtook me. Was it Price on the other side of the door? If Zarek had come home early, he’d have called, wouldn’t he? I grabbed my cell phone and called him.

  “Everything okay?” he said when he answered.

  “Someone’s trying to get into the apartment,” I whispered into the phone.

  “You’re sure?”

  “The deadbolt unlocked, and the knob rattled.”

  “Go to my room and lock the door. There’s a sliding glass door that leads to a patio. If someone breaches the apartment and makes it that far, go out the patio door and climb the wall. I’m calling the police. Stay on the phone with me.”

  My heart was pounding in my ears as I raced to his room and locked the door. I could hear him using another phone to call the police, and I tried not to freak out while I waited. It felt like hours instead of minutes when he came back on the line.

  “Kaycee, the police said they have a unit in the area, and they’re sending them right now. It shouldn’t be long. Keep talking to me.”


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