Rising from the Ashes

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Rising from the Ashes Page 7

by Charity West

  While he loaded the first Scream movie into the player, I got some sodas for us from the kitchen and popped some popcorn. We were down to two bags, but I figured it would be enough for the movie marathon. Even though Zarek had offered to fetch more from the store, I didn’t want him to go out and leave me alone. Not when we had so few days off together. Even though the movie wasn’t scary, I cuddled close to him on the couch and laced our fingers together. Being with Zarek was magical, even if were just watching movies or grabbing a bite to eat. I hoped it wasn’t just the newness of our relationship that made everything seem so wonderful. I wanted all of our days together to be like this, even ten years from now.


  Yeah, I went there. Ten years with Zarek? There were worse fates. I hadn’t really thought about us being together indefinitely. We’d only known each other for about two weeks, but if I closed my eyes and pictured my wedding day, it was Zarek waiting for me. And if the reality of him in a tux even came close to my imagination, then he was going to be hot! A smile curved my lips as I thought about a future together, and I wondered if he’d want kids. I knew he was adopted, but would he want kids of his own, or would he want to adopt? Or maybe do both? I would be okay with that. Although, if anyone dug into our background and found out about Price, they might not be too eager to give us a child. The man had, after all, killed my baby and seemed intent on harming me further.

  “You’re awfully happy tonight,” he observed. “Penny for your thoughts?”

  “They would terrify you. Best if I keep my secrets.”

  His thumb rubbed my hand as he watched me instead of the movie. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted to say something. I waited patiently for him to decide if he was going to speak up or not. Before he could say anything, the Chinese arrived. I stayed out of sight while he paid for our food. The first time I’d answered the door in my pajamas, he’d give me a dark scowl and told me that all my sexiness was for him and not the delivery boy. I’d laughed but indulged him. He didn’t go all caveman on me very often, but it was cute when he did.

  After he’d closed the door and carried the pizza into the kitchen, I got up and followed him. Instead of taking plates into the living room, we ate out of the box in the kitchen. I’d seldom been able to order pizza since living on my own and Zarek was quickly spoiling me. When we didn’t get takeout, we went to the diner or the local deli for sandwiches. I cooked sometimes, and Zarek had made a few Iranian dishes like Fesenjan and Baghali Polo. I liked experiencing new things and had even ordered an Iranian cookbook, so I could learn to make his favorite foods. I also planned to ask his mom for some of her recipes. Damn, could that woman cook!

  We finished our pizza and went back to the living room to finish the first movie. Sometime during the second one, we both bolted off the couch when the alarm started screeching. Zarek motioned for me to stay put while he investigated, but I nervously chewed on my nails while I waited. He went to the front door first and turned off the alarm.

  “It’s still locked,” he said as he made his way down the hall toward our bedroom. I heard him curse and I willed my feet to move. He met me in the bedroom doorway and refused to let me enter.

  “Zarek, what’s wrong?”

  “He came through the patio door. I don’t know how he unlocked it, but he left a present in our bed.”

  I tried to peer around him, but he ushered me back toward the living room. He picked up the phone, and I heard him speaking to the 9-1-1 operator. My stomach sloshed, and I felt like I might throw up at any moment. Why wouldn’t Price just go away and leave me alone? I’d moved on with my life, and I didn’t understand why he couldn’t do the same. Didn’t he know that he was only going to land himself back in jail? Or maybe he didn’t care. Maybe he was so intent on revenge that nothing else mattered. That thought terrified me more than anything, because it meant he would never stop coming for me. Even if they arrested him, he’d eventually get out again.

  The police came and Zarek asked me to stay in the living room. Whatever was in the bedroom was carried out in a dark bag, and I watched as another officer carried our bedding out the front door, claiming it was evidence. I still didn’t know what the hell was going on, aside from Price breaking in again. Of course, neither of us had actually seen him, so we didn’t have proof that Price was the one breaking in.

  After the officers had left, Zarek carried cleaning supplies into the bedroom, and when he came back, he said we were sleeping in the guest room for the night. I hated that Price was ruining our lives, but I didn’t know how to make him stop. The only way I knew to protect Zarek was to leave, but I didn’t want to. I was selfish and wanted to stay with him. I was almost certain my macho boyfriend would insist on it, claiming he could handle himself. I hoped he could. So far, Price seemed more interested in me, but what would I do if he went after Zarek? Just the thought of him getting hurt, or worse, had me running to the bathroom and throwing up.

  Zarek rubbed my back and held my hair. “We’re going to catch him, Kaycee. I promise he’s not going to keep coming after you.”

  “How do you know?” I wiped my mouth before splashing water on my face and brushing my teeth. “He’ll never stop, Zarek.”

  “When the stores open, I’m going to get some of those hidden security cameras, the ones you aren’t supposed to see unless you know where to look. I’ll put one at the front and back doors, and the next time he comes around, we’ll have proof of who’s harassing you.”

  “How will that make him stop?”

  “Once the police have proof he’s behind the attacks, they’ll work harder at bringing him in. He can’t hide forever. Even if he’s under an assumed name, someone somewhere in this town has seen him. If I have to, I’ll call the local news station and have his picture broadcasted across the area. I’ll even put up a reward for information that leads to his capture.”

  “Zarek, no … you’ve done so much already.”

  His hand caressed my cheek. “And I would do so much more for you, Kaycee.”

  “You’ve already done more for me than anyone else in my life ever has. I feel like our relationship is lopsided. You do so much for me, and all I seem to give you in return is a maniac who keeps breaking into your house.”

  “Hush.” He kissed me softly. “Don’t you know what a gift you are? I don’t need anything from you, Kaycee. Just having you in my life is enough of a reward. Until you, I’ve never wanted a steady girlfriend. There have been women in my life. I dated a ton of girls in high school, and since joining the fire department, the uniform has attracted quite a few of them. But none of them compare to you.”

  “I’m not anything special, Zarek. Just a common girl from the wrong side of the tracks.”

  “There isn’t a thing about you that’s common. You’re incredibly beautiful, have the biggest heart of anyone I know, and I love the way your smile lights up even the darkest room. I wouldn’t spend so much time with you if you weren’t special.”

  “You make me feel special,” I admitted. “When you hold me, all the times you kiss me … being with you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And even though I know leaving would be the best thing, I can’t seem to turn away from you. I’m selfish and want to stay.”

  “That’s not being selfish. I want you here, whether Price is creeping around the corner or not. We’ll fight him together.”

  I threw myself into his arms and hugged him tightly. The L word was on the tip of my tongue, but I worried it would be too much too soon. The last thing I wanted to do was spoil the moment. I helped Zarek gather some things from our bedroom, and we retired to the guest room for the night. He turned the TV on low and cuddled me close. It took a while for me to relax enough to sleep, even if I hadn’t seen what happened in the bedroom, just knowing Price had gotten into our apartment again was enough to keep me awake.

  Even after Zarek’s breathing evened out and his hold on me loosened, I st
ill stared into the darkness, listening for anything out of the ordinary. The early rays of morning’s light filtered through the blinds before my eyes finally closed. Despite my exhaustion, I only napped. According to the bedside clock, my eyes opened about every half hour until I finally gave up at eight and got up to face the day, even if my eyes did feel like they had sand in them. While Zarek slept, I brewed a pot of coffee and started breakfast. I made ham and cheese omelets, and then plated his and stuck it in the oven to keep warm.

  Zarek had left his laptop on the kitchen counter, so I used it to browse CNN for the latest news. By the time Zarek woke up and joined me, I’d cleaned the kitchen, started a load of laundry, and remade our bed. As tired as I was, I knew that even if I went to lie down, there was no way I’d sleep. I wasn’t sure I’d ever sleep again if Price wasn’t caught soon. Zarek was fully dressed, and after he had eaten his omelet, he left to buy the security cameras, promising to be back shortly.

  I spent the rest of the morning cleaning the living room, washing the bedding in the guest room, and doing a lot of pacing. Zarek returned a short while later with two sacks clutched in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. My heart melted. No one had ever bought me flowers before, and I had to blink back tears at the thoughtful gesture.

  “They’re beautiful,” I said as I carried them into the kitchen.

  “This is also for you,” he said, handing me the second bag.

  I opened it and smiled when I saw the box inside. The picture showed a crystal vase with butterflies twining around it. I pulled it out, rinsed it, and then filled it with warm water for the flowers. I had heard that roses liked sugar water, but I wasn’t certain about mixed bouquets, so I just used plain water. When I had the flowers arranged neatly in the vase, I carried it to the living room and set it in the middle of the coffee table so I could enjoy them every day.

  “I don’t believe my apartment has been this clean since I moved in,” Zarek said as he looked around. “Are you nesting or something?”

  “More like bored. I didn’t want to watch a movie and wanted to keep busy.”

  He smiled a little. “Maybe you should take up knitting or something. Do you have any hobbies? We could go to a craft store if you want to pick up anything.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t paint, or knit, or do anything crafty. I used to write really bad poetry in high school, but I’m out of the habit. I do like word search puzzles, though. I used to keep a book of them with me at all times, but I haven’t bought one in a while.”

  “Do you like to read?”

  “I devour books. Well, romances and mysteries. I especially like the ghost hunting mysteries. I have no idea why, but ghost stories have always fascinated me.”

  “Then get dressed. We’re going shopping.”

  I placed a hand on my hip. “You’ve bought me enough, Zarek. I’ll get some books and puzzles when I get paid. And speaking of my paycheck, I’m helping out with rent and the other bills around here. I’m not a freeloader.”

  “I never thought you were. But you’re my girlfriend, and I should be able to buy you stuff if I want. The only people I’ve spent money on, since getting hired at the fire department, are my mom and myself. If I show my checkbook balance, will you let me take you shopping?”

  I had no idea what his balance had to do with him buying me crap. I didn’t know what the firemen made, even though I was certain it was a lot more than I did, but I doubted he had millions tucked away. He’d already spent a small fortune since I’d moved in and I wasn’t about to let him buy me anything else. Well, food. I’d let him buy me food.

  Zarek got his checkbook, flipped it open to the register, and stuck in under my nose. I narrowed my eyes at him before I glanced down. And nearly fell out.

  “How do you have that much money in your account?”

  “I saved almost every penny I earned when I was working in high school, then on graduation, my grandparents gave me twenty-five thousand.”

  My jaw dropped. “Isn’t that a bit excessive for a graduation present?”

  He shrugged. “They’re rich, and when each my siblings graduated, they received the same amount. My grandfather bought stock in a lot of bit companies back when they were first starting up. Aside from rent and the basics, I don’t spend a lot of money.”

  I pointed to the bookshelf full of movies.

  “All right, aside from movies and games, I don’t spend a lot. And most of my games I get used at the local gaming store.”

  “You’re determined to take me shopping?” I asked.

  “Books and puzzles, right? Maybe we’ll find something else along the way that you want to try. I know you have to get bored sitting here alone on the nights I work. I may have a massive movie collection, but you’re going to get tired of them before too long.”

  “All right. I’ll go shower and get dressed.”

  It didn’t take me long to get ready, and I had to admit, shopping with Zarek was fun. He bought me three new paperbacks, two puzzle books, and then convinced me to check out some other stores with him. We shopped until my feet were aching and my cheeks were sore from smiling so much. To say he spoiled me was an understatement. When he wanted to buy me a tablet, I had to put my foot down. And then he showed me the different reading apps on it … way more tempting than chocolate.

  Yep. I caved, and he bought it, but we had an agreement that he won’t pay for another thing unless it’s something I can eat. We’ll see how long he sticks to that.

  Chapter Six

  Another week passed without any more incidents. I’d started to relax my guard, which probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do. Zarek was working, and I had the night to myself. The alarm was set, even though it had failed to keep Price away before. Now that he knew we had one, maybe he’d go away. I was in the tub, trying to soak away my worries when I heard a knock at the front door. I wasn’t expecting anyone, so I decided to ignore it, but they hammered at the door again.

  “I’m coming,” I yelled out. I quickly dried off and pulled on some clothes before answering the door. A neighbor I’d seen in passing, but hadn’t spoken to, looked panicked.

  “Your car is the old Honda right?”

  “Yeah, I have a Honda.”

  “It’s on fire.”

  Um, say what? I brushed past him and hurried to the parking lot. Sure enough, my death trap was ablaze. I could hear sirens in the distance and knew Zarek, and the guys, were on their way. What I didn’t understand was the point in setting my piece of shit car on fire. It wasn’t like I had a sentimental attachment to the damn thing. I stared at the fire, feeling oddly detached. When the fire truck roared into the parking lot, Zarek was off and running toward me before it even stopped completely.

  His arms came around me, and I felt his hands brushing over me. “You’re okay.”

  I nodded. “I was inside.”

  He kissed me hard and then joined the crew to get the fire under control. There was a loud explosion as the hood of the car flew into the air and landed in the parking lot behind the car. The fire blazed even higher than before. I knew the guys would get it under control, but I wasn’t sure what to do with a charred car when they were finished. I only had liability insurance on it, and even if I’d had full coverage, the car wasn’t worth five hundred.

  I watched the guys work, and when they were finished, I thanked each of them, getting hugs from everyone. Zarek kissed me a few more times before checking the apartment. He declared the place all clear and made sure I was safely locked inside the apartment before he left. He assured me he’d have the car taken care of, and I was happy to let him. I hadn’t been in the apartment long when I realized something didn’t feel right. Instead of feeling safe and alone, there was a heaviness in the air, like there was an ominous presence trapped in there with me.

  I cursed myself for being an idiot when I realized the apartment had been left unlocked while the fire was dealt with, and with all of us watching the parking lot, anyone co
uld have slipped into the apartment unnoticed. Zarek may have checked the place, but what if someone had come through the backdoor after he left? I couldn’t remember if I’d latched it earlier or not. My heart hammered in my chest as I crept into the kitchen and pulled the largest knife from the butcher block. I cleared each room, saving the bedroom for last. The room was dark, without so much as a flicker of moonlight shining through the doors. I could hear my heart racing in my ears, along with a roaring sound. My hand shook as I clutched the knife in front of me.

  “Is that any way to greet your boyfriend?” a voice said softly from within the darkness.

  “You’re not my boyfriend.”

  He tsked at me, and I strained to catch any hint of movement in the room.

  “If anything happens to me, Zarek will hunt you down and gut you.”

  “Brave words for someone about to die. I should have killed you when I had the chance, instead of playing games, but it was fun to watch you squirm. You’ve looked over your shoulder every time you’ve left, even at work you’ve been as jumpy as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.”

  “What do you want, Price?”

  “I want you dead. You sent me to jail, Kaycee. That wasn’t very nice of you.”

  “You killed our baby and assaulted me. Did you think you would just skip off to college unscathed after that?”

  There was a breeze, and I heard movement, but I still couldn’t see a damn thing. I strained, trying to figure out if he was close. I didn’t want to be caught unaware if he should attack.

  “You ruined my life. I never told you, but I had a football scholarship to any college I wanted to attend. They were all clamoring for me to join their team. Girls were kneeling at my feet, anxious to suck my dick. Then you had to get pregnant.”

  “I didn’t do it on purpose.” I ground my teeth together. “You think I wanted a baby with you? Anyone else would have been a better father. You’re the idiot who didn’t have a condom that night and assured me you’d pull out.”


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