Dusk of a Hybrid

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Dusk of a Hybrid Page 50

by Ryan Johnson

  Valverno looked forward as he seen everyone and creature heading for the east, the way to Shimabellia.

  It was all on, and it starts with the invasion of the Shimabellia that lay only ahead of him, away from Isla Maeli and toward the eastern horizon. The fight for the future was now!


  It has been a long year since Shimabellia was struck by the comets, and the island still remained enflamed. Black smoke rose from the sun’s dawn, but black clouds circled over the enflamed island. Valverno’s home wasn’t the same as he remembered it was. He remembered Shimabellia as a green, lively, blossoming island filled with children running through Geraldus’s village with small dragon hatchlings. The scent of the wheat flower blowing from a summer’s breeze and the sounds of crop cutting and horse-hooves stomping on the ground are all what Valverno remembered during his seventeen years of isolation from watching in one house’s window.

  Now, the island looked like was completely dead like a doornail. There were no green plants or blue waves washing against the shores. There was only black smoke rising from red-blood flames spurring all across Shimabellia, and black clouds floated over Shimabellia to cover the sun’s light from reaching anyone still living on the island. But everything was about to change.

  Valverno and the four clans landed on the western shores of Shimabellia and marched eastward. He and his army were going to liberate Shimabellia the one threat that threatens the entire Mortal Realm: the new Demon Prince Lusìvar. Valverno’s army of flyers would be the first to enter Shimabellia’s borders, followed by the fleet of ships that would touch the beaches of the western corners of Shimabellia.

  The boats from below sailed as fast as the flyers flew in the air. The Demigod used a small douse of his power to make all the ships sail faster. In his mind of a deep conscience, he connected to the minds of others: Sora and Ganymede made it to the underground city.

  Flavius and Teutates and soldiers the Lion Clan dismounted from the creatures, but many kept on the horses and made portals that transported them to the northern part of Shimabellia.

  Monico created portals of his own to make the army of Centaurs and Unicorns to move to the Southern Region; and Marina was flying on Flarefur toward Shimabellia with her army of Dragons, Fairies, Griffins, and Pegasi carrying all the archers Valverno had to spare, even most members of the Eagle Clan were abroad the flying creatures.

  And that is how it would be. Marina would attack first from the sky, Flavius and Teutates attack from the north, and Monico would attack from the south. They would surround their enemies and pave their way toward the central heart of Shimabellia.

  Valverno landed by the western shores of Shimabellia with the hundreds of ships landing by him. Now, I must go forward and see what lies ahead, but first to visit before my battle, he thought.

  Valverno walked across from the beach further inland. He and his army of tens of thousands of soldiers walked behind him. They were armed with sharp weapons and shining armor that sparkled with the greatest oil polish.

  He reached a certain settlement that was in complete ruins. All the buildings he once strolled for seventeen years and the big house he lived in were all destroyed. A few walls and a small portion of the living room is what remained of Geraldus’s mansion and his village.

  The demigod strolled around the village to see a few buildings still standing while all were blown to the ground or had only one wall standing. The entire village was destroyed. The air was filled with the scent of dead, rotten corpses and the fill of ashes fuming the air with deadly toxins. The blacksmith’s workshop and the furnace were no longer standing and nowhere to be seen, and it would mean all the tools Valverno personally empowered once before was all turned to dust particles.

  What used to be his second home was gone, just like his first home of Pangaea. He had a feeling the little cottage house he and Mariana shared only for six months was destroyed. Everything that made Shimabellia special was gone and turned into a volcanic wasteland of ash, soot, and death. But he still sensed humans and many other creatures trapped under a dark prison centered eastward.

  With him wasting no time to look more at the ruined village, Valverno marched forward. His army marched behind him in large swarms of spear-soldiers and armed women in bronze armor and carrying bronze shields and heavy swords.

  His mind was set toward Marina’s mind; she was ahead of his army and the archers abroad from the Dragons, Griffins, and Pegasi, and they all have started to do battle. They shot down many evil creatures, and the Dragons breathing fire upon the enemies on the ground to clear a way for Valverno and his army. The Fairies split into small units and created barriers to protect their allies from being attacked from the ground.

  Then Valverno looked upon Flavius and Teutates who led the all the soldiers of the Lion Clan on horseback from the mountain border of the Northern Region; there was little resistance from the Northern Region.

  And Valverno connected to Monico’s mind. There was no trouble with Monico with the Centaurs and Unicorns trotting across the swamps of the Southern Region.

  Then Valverno and his army charged in the greatest speed to catch up to Marina, and her army of flyers attack from the air. She was only a hundred miles away from him.

  It was a few hours after Valverno took the charge, and he came into a great battle against a small army of Cyclopes, Giants, and Minotaurs. There was also a large number of Hobgoblins, and those creatures weren’t seen in such a long time; they were thought to have been extinct.

  The three giant species of two-legged creatures fought against Valverno’s army of magical-enhanced weapons that spiked through a Minotaur’s hide, which is thought to have been strong enough to resist any metal from piercing its fur.

  Volleys of arrows shot from the sky from the magic bows that magical hit directly on a target’s head and kill it instantly. Hundreds of Cyclopes, Minotaurs, and Giants were slaughter by a few dozen arrows that magically went from one target to the next. A thousand Hobgoblins evaded the arrows, but were felled by soldiers armed with swords and spears.

  The human forces weren’t losing any soldiers with their supplier in weaponry and armor to protect them from harm.

  Valverno swung the Crystal Sword that had blue clouds flaring within it and made it like a sword ignited on fire. The sapphire color flaring from the blue blade was ablaze, and its power swirled in many angels, leaving an array of clouded lit swirls from each swing of the blade toward an oncoming large creature.

  Valverno’s face lit with an expression of an azure fire-breathing Dragon into the eyes of his opponents that suddenly halted when they gaze upon the blue-glowing human dragon hybrid. His long, red ponytail hair waved like a red burning flame with heavy swing of the blue sword he swung with his hands. His crystal scales of his wings and tail blinded all his enemies’ eyes, and given him the opportunity to cut them in half with a single swing.

  Through a battlefield of the outskirts of the ruined village, Valverno and his army strove through many a thousand Minotaurs, seven hundred Cyclopes, and one thousand two hundred Giants, and the Giants Valverno thought he had wiped out. It turns out he didn’t make all the Giants go extinct, or they are just zombies brought back from the dead by Lusìvar. As well for the Hobgoblins, a few escaped and didn’t bother to stand to fight to the last one standing.

  The evil creatures were wiped out mostly by the archers from the sky and rest faced annihilation by Valverno’s ground forces.

  After the three evil species were spent and a few Hobgoblins retreating, Flarefur floated down to the spot where Valverno led his forces further inland. Flarefur landed near the hybrid standing atop of several dead Minotaurs, and Marina waved her hair to the side of her shoulders.

  “Marina, what do you see up ahead?” asked Valverno.

  “I found a small group of humans that are bound in heavy chains, and one of them lo
oks familiar to us. One of our oldest companions is up ahead. I’ll be taking the flyers further toward the spot the capital city stands or maybe fallen. The magic barriers the Fairies are protecting us are simply divine-looking like you.”

  “Don’t get too overconfident with their magic barriers,” warned Valverno with a stern eye look. “They may shield you, but they are going to have limitations. They may do well for now, but they won’t stand against the might of Lusìvar’s new Demon power he holds, which he taken from me and I don’t need.”

  “I won’t try to engage close to him, dear husband,” Marina replied with a smile. “After all, you did cut out half your heart and gave it to me. Certainly, your divine power can protect me when I’m in danger.”

  “I don’t know what you people are talking about, so fill me in after we’re done,” said Flarefur.

  “Don’t worry, Flarefur. Since you have been left out of the loop, I will tell you everything you need to know of what happened to us,” said Marina. Then Marina’s gave a loud shout and her Pegasus flew away with a thousand Dragons, two thousand Griffins, fifteen hundred Pegasi, and a small legion of Fairies to protect them. The rest stayed behind and soared above Valverno and his forces.

  Valverno and a big legion of a thousand soldiers followed after him. He passed a few hills and gazed upon a long line of humans all chained. They were all sitting so close at close quarters, with short chains locking neck-to-neck and foot-to-foot within a foot or less of another person.

  There was about more than a thousand people chained in a long line, and they were lucky that Valverno had arrived. Valverno flew from the ground, and he picked up the scent of a familiar comrade he thought was dead and found him in rusted, dented armor.

  It was Galvin. And right beside him was the Gorgon Valverno saved years back when finding the second armor artifact; the Gorgon spared in the village of her turning people to stone. And those people Valverno saw among the people chained and caged on Shimabellia. It was quite a surprise to see the Gorgon among the humans chained in a long line. Galvin and the people and the Gorgon from the Greenwood Forest were caged in a straight line Valverno was going to break and set free.

  “It’s been a year, Galvin,” said Valverno.

  Galvin moved his head and looked up to see Valverno shining in front of him. Galvin didn’t look amazed to see the hybrid, and possibly due to Valverno being a changed hybrid with clothes and glowing wings and a tail. “Who are you?” he asked.

  “It is I, Demigod Valverno!”

  With a flap of his wing, a bright lightened shockwave spread throughout Shimabellia. All the cages and chains faded like a wisp of a cloud. And the black clouds floated ahead faded and the light of the sun peaked with ease, but a lot of dark clouds still remained. Still, light flickered from a small porting of fading clouds and shined down the long freed humans.

  All of them suddenly stood up and looked at the demigod who had freed them from their chained bounds. The Gorgon even was surprised to be set free from her chains and see the hybrid standing before her. He spared her once, and he was doing it again.

  Then Valverno grabbed Galvin’s wrist and pulled him to his feet. “Didn’t you hear me? I’m Demigod Valverno. And Lusìvar is going to meet his death today. Here!” Without looking, Valverno picked up a longsword from the ground and blew on it with his mouth.

  The rusted blade shined and was polished clear like a mirror. Then Valverno gave the longsword to Galvin who reluctantly took it in his own hands. Then Galvin looked at the soldiers of the Cheetah Clan, Tigress Clan, and the Lizard Clan; the Lizard Clan held only swords and shields, and the blades were all laced with the deadliest of poisons to kill their enemies.

  “To give you a short summery, soldiers and creatures have come from Isla Maeli and invade the territory of Lusìvar. We’re going in full force with all our strength without going back. We are battling for the future, and everyone is fighting. The five clans, Centaurs, Dragons, Fairies, Griffins, Pegasi, Sea Serpents, and the Unicorns, but the Merpeople are staying behind. Will you fight with Lusìvar, or will you fight against him? Your choice, Galvin, and your future lies within your decision.”

  Valverno turned his head away and looked at Kelda, Bjorg, and Orinù walk up to Galvin and the demigod.

  “And I thought he was dead,” said Kelda.

  “As did I,” Orinù.

  “But I had a feeling he was alive, and I was right,” said Bjorg.

  “Enough talk. By sending all soldiers toward the east and slay any creatures you come across, expect this Gorgon that isn’t taunted by darkness.” Valverno looked at the Gorgon that refused to look at the hybrid that spared her life. “And have a thousand soldiers of the Lizard Clan take these people back to the ships and set those ships sail to the fortress of Isla Maeli.”

  “Yes, sir,” the three said in unison. The three clan leaders dashed off with hundreds of soldiers behind them. Soldiers of the Lizard Clan walked upon the line of humans and helped them move on their feet and toward the west to where the ships are.

  In a matter of minutes, soldiers of the Lizard Clan and the humans went walking, Valverno turned back to Galvin. “If you refuse to fight, there are ships west from here. These people can’t fight, but they can be safe on Isla Maeli. All the people from Geraldus’s village are set up there.

  “Right now, I’m in the middle of leading an invasion. Monico leads an army from the south, and Flavius and Teutates lead an army from the north, and Marina leads an army in the air. We’ll all be working our way to the heart of Shimabellia and kill Lusìvar. If you won’t come, see ya around. But what about you?” Valverno spoke the Gorgon.

  The Gorgon refused to speak yet alone look at the demigod that saved her life a second time.

  “Have it your way then,” said Valverno. Valverno turned and used his wings to fly into the air. He soared into the air and followed after the running soldiers.

  The time it took them to run to the central heart of Shimabellia was taking hours. Normally, it would take two weeks or a month to get from Geraldus’s village to the capital city, but the soldiers’ speed and ability from the armor they worn from the fortress on Isla Maeli enhanced their bodies tenfold.

  Now, each soldier had the strength of ten soldiers, and they could keep up with Valverno’s flying. All the soldiers from the Eagle Clan, Cheetah Clan, Tigress Clan, and Lizard Clan were strong as strong people could be. It was if they were demigods themselves.

  Valverno landed in front in a battle: the Lion Clan was fighting against Chimeras and Manticores, the monstrous lion creatures. Chimeras had two heads in the front, which is a lion head along with a goat or a tiger head, and a snake’s body as a tail. And the Manticores were large lions, and they had only a scorpion tail to deal a deadly, poisonous sting.

  “Engage at once, fighters!” shouted Valverno.

  Valverno flew and led the charge of tens of thousands of as the four clans behind him charged to help the Lion Clan in battle. The Lion Clan, who were fighting bravely in a straight alignment, on horseback fight against the two lion creatures.

  The Eagle Clan had thirty percent of its forces on the ground, and the other seventy perfect in the air; the archers stood in position and fired from their magic powers that didn’t need any physical arrows.

  Valverno and his forces plundered through the southern tip where the Manticores and the Chimeras fought against the Lion Clan. Valverno landed deep in the heart of the army of evil lions and used his flying abilities to plow straight through the army of lions. Then he would rise up in the air and blow down an indigo ray of fire. He burned through a large portions of the Manticores and Chimeras, and he saw them burn like a spec of fog through his divine flames.

  I knew these monsters would not be a part of nature like Dragons and Griffins, thought Valverno. These monsters are embodied by Demons, no doubt.

  “Don’t worry if they die,
soldiers,” Valverno shouted though the air, flying over the human soldiers crowding around the lions, which roared and pawed at human soldier who came too close. “These are evil creatures processed by the Spirits of the Dead! Slay them all!”

  Within an hour, the both lion species died by the thousands, led by Teutates and Flavius. Valverno blazing the lions through the air.

  After a strong skirmish, a hundred Manticores and Chimeras retreated.

  Valverno rejoined Teutates and Flavius who rode on horseback. “Good to see you’re both still alive,” said Valverno.

  “No trouble in the Northern Region,” said Flavius. “And thanks to our White Knight power, our horses are faster than cheetahs.”

  “And no trouble in the Southern Region,” called Monico’s voice. Monico rode on a Centaur and joined with Valverno, Teutates, and Flavius. “But we did run into Black Dogs, Harpies, and Banshees. We managed to beat them back, thanks to those weapons stashed up in the fortress. The Dark Pangaeans knew their weaponry that ended up being purified by Valverno’s divine power. And of course, the Unicorns had their magic horns that created barriers to shield us from attacks. No casualties.”

  “This is too strange,” said Valverno, stroking his chin. He lifted up the Crystal Sword to see the cloud circulating within the blade. He tried to get a vison of Shimabellia and Lusìvar, but nothing showed. “No one is taking heavy casualties, and I expected more monsters to be on the frontier.”

  “Unless they are waiting for us at the finish line,” said Teutates.

  “I thought Lusìvar would have more monsters spread throughout Shimabellia, but it seems he may have all his forces drawn to the capital city. And if that is true, then that will be the place where the final battle must take place. And where I will summon up my home city of Pangaea and have the Pangaeans joy us on the last fight.”


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