Dusk of a Hybrid

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Dusk of a Hybrid Page 53

by Ryan Johnson

  Valverno grunted and had his tight grip being jerked around like swinging to beat a piñata. He used his free forepaw and scarred Lusìvar’s right eye. At the same time, one of the claws of Lusìvar’s wings hit Valverno’s eye with the scar that still showed on Valverno’s dragon body.

  Both had strong grips that were released simultaneously, and both dragons stumbled back on the mountaintop. The flames that Valverno burned spread to the top of the mountain and surrounded both dragons, and there was a mixture of good and evil flowing through the rising flames.

  Valverno stumbled back to his feet and looked at the black dragon getting back to his feet. “This Realm isn’t yours rule to, Lusìvar!” shouted Valverno.

  “This is, indeed, MY Realm to rule, hybrid! It’s always been my duty to rule, my destiny to rule!”

  Then both dragons lunged toward each other with heavy bites and wings and claws trying to rip at each other’s heads. Valverno was the first to give a hard push and pushed Lusìvar to the nearest cliff. But Lusìvar shoved the glowing dragon back while standing on his back legs, to show himself standing taller than Valverno’s dragon body.

  Valverno quickly jumped forward again, with his back legs carrying his heavy body and quickly clawed Lusìvar’s eyes with one heavy, strong swipe of five claws on a forepaw. Lusìvar felt his eyes were torn out but quickly shook his head and swirled his body around again.

  Then both dragons leaped forward again and with both jumping back from both their back legs.

  Valverno managed to upper his head around Lusìvar wings to give a massive, hard bite to the black dragon’s neck. Lusìvar felt the brim of the bone snapping like snapping a twig from a tree, and Valverno used all his strength to hold Lusìvar’s neck on his teeth and his front legs. Valverno shoved the black dragon toward the rising flames of the nearest cliffs.

  Lusìvar was pushed toward the nearest cliffs and tried to claw his way from Valverno’s biting grip, but it was too late for him. He felt the weight of his entire dragon body from feeling the rock of the mountain to a free space of hot air; he fell over the edges Valverno shoved him toward and descended into the flames.

  “Arrghh!” yelled out the black dragon.

  Valverno stood above the cliff he shoved Lusìvar and saw him fade into the flames down below. Then he soared into the air and let water pour out like a waterfall from his mouth.

  The water doused the flames to have smoke rise in the flames’ place. The red flames turned to black smoke rising and destroying the light of the flames, but Valverno’s eyes saw through the dying flames and rising smoke.

  After ten seconds, Valverno flew down to a wide opening and turned his dragon body back to his hybrid body, with his white-blue uniform and his long red-hair ponytail.

  He waved his hand and the black smoke was swiped away, clearing a way for a clear look of the surroundings.

  Ahead of him was Lusìvar, who was back in his own Titan body instead of a dragon, lying on the ground if he was already dead. But the figure moved in a sluggish manner. Lusìvar slowly moved back to his feet and looked at the hybrid glowing brightly like the sun; Valverno’s scales of his tail and wings shined dimly through Lusìvar’s eyes.

  “Impressive power and skills,” said Lusìvar, drawing out his red demonic sword. “You really are powerful as I thought you would be, but magic power and power of brute force won’t be enough to kill. Only the skill of the blade will decide the future. And I will make sure this ends today, before the sun sets one your time.”

  Valverno only stared; he pulled out the Crystal Sword and marched forward toward Lusìvar, with eyes glittering of anger and determination. He looked toward the west, and his eyes zipped pass dark clouds taking away the clear, blue sky. He saw the sun drawing close to the west. It would mean it would be late in the afternoon and close to early evening. And Valverno turned back to face his opponent.

  The two previous fights were only warmups to them; now the fight to the death was on!



  Valverno readied his sword with both hands. There was a blue mist swirled around the blue blade of the Crystal Sword like a blue flame. Lusìvar stood with his sword pointing to the ground. Both stared anxiously into the other’s eyes.

  Then Lusìvar was the first to charge, lifting up his sword with both hands at full speed of a run. Valverno flapped his wings to propel his body at the same momentum of Lusìvar’s charge.

  Both banged their weapons close together and a sparkling light ignited upon impact. Sparks flashed before their eyes from the bang of two different metal swords. A mighty force of wind impelled in the opponents’ faces.

  Valverno and Lusìvar pushed against their blades with their full strength at the greatest amount of a push. Both swords were the ones feeling the brunt of the force as each holder tried to use a sword to thrust the other opponent. Both Lusìvar and Valverno had supreme strength no army of a million soldiers would stand against, but Lusìvar stood two feet taller than the demigod.

  Lusìvar had a greater height than the Valverno, but Valverno had the wings of flight and a tail to use like a whip. Valverno was the first to move his wings and flap them vigorously like a bird caught in a trap. The flapping of his wings’ strength moved his body forward pushing back Lusìvar.

  And in one hard push, Valverno used his arm to toss Lusìvar back and quickly swung the divine, glorified Crystal Sword, and he swung it around Lusìvar’s body many times before landing a final strike from a bottom angle that tossed the Titan into the air and landing in the ground a short distance away.

  Then Valverno lunched himself into the air, and snapped his sword onto the Titan lying on the ground, but Lusìvar rolled aside as Valverno pinned his sword into the dirt instead. He quickly snapped the blade out of the dirt, but Lusìvar got to his feet and launched his sword forward.

  Valverno barely blocked with one of one gauntlet from his left arm and cracked open when Lusìvar struck it and sent Valverno flying away. Valverno landed on his feet away from his attacker, but lost a piece of armor in defending himself. His arm felt tingly after blocking Lusìvar’s attack and gazed at it smoldering; steam just grazing from the skin of his newly formed human hand. His emerald eyes glared back at Lusìvar’s eyes.

  Am I lucky I blocked that poisonous strike, thought Valverno.

  His emerald irises saw the Titan looking back at him with red-yellow glaring eyes that lit his whole dark grey skinned body. Lusìvar had strength and a greater height of two feet, and Valverno himself had flight and apparently strength.

  “You are stronger than ever, but you are fighting weaker when you disposed of my Titan brethren. That must be because of cutting out half your heart before you fought the Titans. The power you conjured against them must have cost you dearly, but I’ll find out soon enough, if you are strong enough to defend.”

  In one moment, Lusìvar vanished from sight. He was gone in two seconds, and he appeared again two seconds later in front of Valverno, in close-range Lusìvar could bite the demigod like a snapping snake.

  Valverno managed to swing just in time to counter against a low-swing of Lusìvar’s waving arm trying to punch Valverno like slapping a hand to his cheek with a wing and block against a high-angled swing of the Titan’s sword, and Valverno swirled his legs in the air and did low kicks with high assaults of his wings to counterattack against Lusìvar’s attacks.

  Valverno used the momentum of Lusìvar’s attacks against him. Instead of using his arms and a sword, Valverno used his entire body to fight back against the new Demon Prince strong, brute attacks; he was using the martial arts he learned from the Amazons and the Tokagehebi in his three-month of training.

  After a duration of three minutes attacking with his body strength at a great speed, Valverno maneuvered the pointy-end of Lusìvar’s sword to the ground, digging it deep and preformed a jump-spinning in
the air and used his tail to whip against Lusìvar’s face.

  Lusìvar felt the whip of Valverno’s tail snapping at flashing-light-speed that sent him flying off into the distance, with his feet still standing in the ground but leaving curve marks like a trench in the ground.

  He stopped sliding on the ground on his bare feet and shook his head from the whip against that could have snapped his head off like cracking an egg open.

  Then light appeared from the darkness lurking in the sky, and the sun shined brightly to reveal the blue sky he doesn’t like seeing. None other than Valverno himself was setting free the land from Lusìvar’s corrupted darkness, with the Crystal Sword raised to the sky.

  The demigod was in the air, and his form looked the same and different: a face spilt in two. A Demon showed in one half and the face of a human showed in the other. A strong, atmospheric pulse shot from the blue sword straight into the sky. There was a sickly feeling of fear and dread when Lusìvar stared at the face of a Demon and a human, and knew Valverno wasn’t a mere mortal at all; he was a Weapon of the Gods.

  After mere seconds, Valverno’s face changed back into one full, human face. The demigod showed a face of a disgusted anger yet sympathetic look, and the light behind him glimmered through his white, blue-caped uniform. His crystal wings were flapping from his back, and his tail waving in the air sparked and glimmered like previous sapphire diamonds and white crystals mined from a cave.

  “This ends today, Demon Prince Vaeludar,” shouted Valverno’s voice. His voice didn’t sound of a crossbred of a human and dragon; it sounds of a giant majestic god in the form of a glowing human dragon hybrid. He aimed his sword up high across from his shoulder and flung down to meet the specimen he called “Demon Prince Vaeludar” of which the name he once held and no longer considers himself a Demon or a Devil, but a half god.

  Lusìvar only stared and walked a few steps of a small rock curving upwards. Behind him, red-thundering black clouds gathered and swarmed against the blue sky above, but no black clouds covered the sun’s light flickering against the Shadow trying to consume the Light. Both the elements of Shadow and Light battled against the berating sky when Valverno and Lusìvar met their swung their blades again.

  Valverno strongly banged the Crystal Sword against Lusìvar’s sword he was only raising but not swinging. And in one hard bang, a loud spark flashed and ignited brightly like the sun’s rays of light blinding both opponents’ eyes. Lusìvar was disgusted with the light but Valverno welcomed it.

  In seconds, Valverno moved around in the air swinging his sword vigorously and furiously as Lusìvar did the same thing: both had great speed and strength.

  And when each bang was heard on each metal sword, a crimson lightning would flash and scrape near the landscape.

  Valverno moved around in the air from a higher altitude while Lusìvar stood and maneuvered on the ground. Lusìvar only used his arms and his upper half of his body to block every attack Valverno was angling from a short-high altitude, and his flying made it difficult for Lusìvar to get a deep wound. And the light from Valverno’s crystalized scales dimmed Lusìvar’s eyesight.

  After many brawls, Valverno saw a quick, small-angled opening Lusìvar made with one arm and quickly took advantage at the small weak spot and dropped to the ground to take the spot he quickly saw.

  He slipped through Lusìvar’s small, undefended spot and slashed the blue blade against Lusìvar’s grip of the hilt and moved it to a sided-angle. Then Valverno moved the blade upward and struck through Lusìvar’s right shoulder, which made him growl a mournful tone. Valverno moved the Crystal Sword quickly in a full, complete circle and cut deep through Lusìvar’s right eye, making him groan even more in pain. Then Valverno withdrew his sword and spun his body in the air and kicked Lusìvar in a far distance, rolling across the ground.

  Valverno landed on the ground with both feet and saw the Titan stopped rolling at a far distance. He felt the presence of the Titan still alive and breathing with still a lot of lively demonic power coursing through the eight-foot Titan.

  “Is that all you got, hybrid?” called out Lusìvar. The Titan stood back to his feet. Deep cuts revealed yellow smoke rising from his shoulder and his eye. “I haven’t endured three Generations to get pawned by a small ant.”

  “A small ant with god power!” Valverno called back. He was ready to jump and slash down on him again, but that was the same mistake he made and almost killed him and destroyed the gauntlet protecting his left arm.

  “With all the power you wielded against the Titans, you are not showing it against me. That must be because you may have used up most of it, thus making you weaker. It seems you are growing weaker in every second, by the second.” Lusìvar walked closer with his red sword aiming toward the sky.

  A yellow-glowing energy ball shaped on the edge of Lusìvar’s red pointy sword and threw to toward Valverno.

  Valverno sense there was something odd about the ball and didn’t bother on striking it, thinking it would electrocute him if he tried to cut it down. The demigod rolled aside and the energy ball shot passed him and shot toward the ground, sending out a pulse of an electric surge in the ground widely.

  Valverno then soared into the air and made sure his feet didn’t the ground. After which, Lusìvar sent many more after Valverno who dodged all being thrown at him. Valverno wouldn’t risk himself being harmed by the yellow energy balls, knowing full well what would happen if even the Crystal Sword struck against the energy balls.

  The demigod flew over into the air and flew directly toward Lusìvar who still casted the energy balls toward Valverno. Valverno spat out fireballs from his mouth and to counter and destroy any energy ball being chucked at him. His fireballs exploded at each energy ball and left behind a pulsing reaction in the air and fade three seconds later.

  Valverno flew in fast and wide while dodging and countering against Lusìvar’s attacks. He first landed hard on the ground several feet away from Lusìvar, making the ground briefly shaking. Then he jumped into the air and landed behind Lusìvar to prepare the killing blow, but Lusìvar blocked in one swing of his sword without moving his body backward.

  Then Lusìvar’s left hand was lowered with an energy ball already formed and fired at the demigod. Valverno jumped back but barely grazed by it, he shot out a fireball while Lusìvar shot his energy ball by a mere second.

  The energy ball and the fireball exploded on impact and close range of both Lusìvar and Valverno, and both have gotten electrocuted by the strong pulse of both colliding balls.

  Valverno tried to use the Crystal Sword to block, but it barley defended the electrifying sparks firing out in long distances. He felt a strong pulverizing shockwave running through his uniform protecting his body instead of his bones and muscles, but felt it grilling on his open skin.

  Then Lusìvar moved closer to the demigod and swiped his sword, which was flaring with a yellowy pulse, at Valverno.

  Valverno was struck through his chest and an explosion was fired upon the red blade touching Valverno’s uniform.

  Both were shot back and rolled across the land, both their bodies were smoldering in smoke. They both got up after mere seconds by being shot back from Lusìvar’s strike that didn’t kill the demigod but only torn his uniform by fifty percent.

  “I’m not done yet,” grunted the demigod. “I can still fight!”

  “How can you in that form? You are showing off the Demon Prince you are.”

  Valverno rubbed against his skin and saw himself back in his demonic body. Red skin with red horns and his eyes being of yellow-sclera, red-irises, but with black pupils. “If you think this will change me, it will not. No matter what form I may take, I am still the demigod that I am!”

  “Are you really sure, demigod?” shouted a man’s voice.

  Valverno saw Teutates stood above a nearby hill looking at the smoldering demigod looking li
ke a smoke corpse that looked like he survived a volcanic explosion.

  “For the longest of time, I’ve wanted to be the one to kill the Dead Spirit. I thought I had the strength to beat this Titan. But, when you killed all the Titans with your hands, I ended up seeing much of the distance there is between you and me. And no matter how I may battle my way through the castle, you still ended up sitting on the throne like a king. So, show us why you are the Chosen One!”

  “If you think you’re here to cheer for him, then stand back and watch him die. My Shadow Men, kill him!”

  The four Shadow Men came crawling from the ground like corpses rising from their graves. At first, they were fighting the White Knights and Marina, but somehow they have appeared from the ground beneath Lusìvar’s feet. They still appeared the same when they battled the four White Knights, but they carried bone-made spears. They all stared at Teutates, and their weapons sparks a red lightning dripping with blood.

  “Think again, Mad Titan!”

  Suddenly, Sora jumped from nowhere and slammed her twin kukri knives at two of Lusìvar’s minions, drawing the two away from Lusìvar’s side and quickly moving away from the Titan larger than them all. “We’re not here to cheer for him; we are here to assist him. And to be sure he doesn’t fall prey to you like as you felled Pangaea.”

  “Yes, and how I was prey to you,” shouted Marina’s voice. The Siren came running with Flavius and Monico and all came running behind Teutates. She fired an arrow that magically spilt into four arrows and shot through the four Shadow Men; their armor destroyed and revealed black faces with black with red eyes on humanlike heads.

  The four White Knights joined in unison and drawn away the Shadow Men. Four battled against other four on equal terms of strength and speed of an individual.

  “You must kill this incarnation of evil, my brother,” shouted Sora, jumping and fighting against a Shadow Man. “This Devil of Death is the ultimate death of the entire Mortal Realm. What we can do is little, but all we can do is draw away the Shadow Men. And no matter what you look like, no matter how your appearance may be altered, you are still the hero everyone still needs you to be. I still call you my Elder Brother, and I need you, as all the mortals do.”


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