The Wolf's Prey

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The Wolf's Prey Page 3

by Edugardo Gilbert X

  I stand up and leave. In class I ignore the speculative glances and take notes. By the end of the day I'm drained. I answer all of Marta's questions and go up to my bedroom. I collapse onto my bed and don't wake up until the following day.



  I haven't seen Alpha Hall for three days. I was starting to think he was over his protective instincts until Marta found out that he was out of town visiting a neighboring pack. I had seen Beta Holden a few times, but didn't realize he was my shadow until one day at lunch when a couple of girls started making snide remarks to me. I watched as Beta Holden walked over from the corner of the room and whispered a few words to them. They put their heads down and didn't look at me again.

  After school was over I felt nothing but relief. Meeting Marta at the car she was all smiles.

  "What's up with you?" I ask smiling at her happiness.

  "Mom and dad are going back to see Alpha Rhys."


  "I don't know. They didn't say. Mom just called when I was at lunch. She said you wouldn't answer your phone."

  "My phone was off. This news is making you jump in your seat because?"

  "Girls night!" She yells.

  I laugh. "Girls night? Who'd you invite?"

  "A few girls from my geometry class, Elizabeth Edwards, Missy Stern and Leah Dixon. Leah's brother is twenty-one so she's bringing the beverages."

  "Nice. When do mom and dad leave?"

  "They already left! We have all night!" She squeals.

  Once we got home Marta opened a bottle of wine she stole from my parents after the move. They never even noticed it was missing. We pour a glass and end up finishing the bottle before any of the girls get to our house. We cook frozen pizzas and the bell rings. Marta leaves to answer the door and comes back with all the girls.

  It's awkward at first. Then we all start drinking the vodka and wine Leah brought. Two hours later we are all singing and dancing in our underwear in the living room listening to Miley Cyrus’ Wrecking Ball, passing around the bottles.

  After Miley is done singing I play Mac Miller's Watching Movies and attempt to rap along. I'm doing pretty well until someone stops the music. "Hey, why'd you stop the music?" I ask taking a drink of wine. They point behind me and I turn, surprised I spit out my drink all over him. He doesn’t even blink.


  Take off Your Shirt

  I look at the red wine stains on Alpha Hall's white shirt. "Fuck me, I'm in so much trouble. I'm so sorry!" I say loudly and wipe at the stains. He stands there with his arms crossed watching me. Panicking, I start to pull up his shirt trying to take if off so I can put it in the dryer. He uncrosses his arms to make it easier on me but he's too big. "Take your shirt off and I'll dry it." I order apologetically.

  Slowly he lifts up his shirt and I help him, pulling it all the way off. I run to the laundry room, throw it in the dryer and slam the door shut. Turning it on, I see one of my dad’s clean white t-shirts and run back to the living room. The Alpha is standing where I left him. I see that the other girls have their heads down smirking. I bring the shirt to him and he looks at me. Unable to read his expression and say, "It’s my dad’s."

  I hear a snort and laughing. I turn and see Marta holding her stomach and the other girls are holding their hands over their mouths. "What?" I ask.

  "That's not going to fit him!" She points out.

  "Its cotton, it stretches and uh, breathes." I try to explain the stupidest thing I've ever done. I hold the shirt to his chest noticing its three sizes too small. This only makes Marta laugh harder and fall to the ground. "He doesn't have to wear it." I snap throwing the shirt at her.

  "Good, because it would look a lot like a condom." Beta Holden remarks fighting a smile. "Although, it would be funny to see you try to dress him, too."

  I turn red. "Oh, my God. I undressed you!" I realize horrified. I hear another body fall behind me. I am so happy they're enjoying this. "I swear I didn't mean to, Al-Lennox. Please, don't be mad at me." I plead.

  "I'm not mad, but next time finish the job." He mutters at the same time Marta stands up saying. "Our parents are gone. You can't blame us for a little having a little fun." She pouts.

  "I heard about your aunt. I'm sorry." He replies seriously.

  "My aunt." I state confused. He nods. "What about her?" I ask still flustered about his earlier statement.

  "The car accident." He clarifies.

  "What? Why didn't my mom tell us? Why aren't we there?" I ask shocked. I look at Marta who doesn't seem surprised about the news. "You knew!" I accuse.

  "She's fine, Joce. She just has a broken arm and some cuts and bruises. Mom told me not to tell you because you’re not allowed to leave the territory and I knew you'd leave and get in trouble. I was just trying to help you."

  Mad at Marta I don't respond to her. I just leave and go back to the laundry room. I take out Alpha's stained white shirt just as I turn to leave I run into him. "Sorry. Here," I say holding out his nearly dry shirt.

  He takes it. "I'll talk to Alpha Rhys. Maybe your aunt can come visit here."

  I nod. "Thank you." Then I remember what Martha said about me not being able to leave the territory. "Why can't I go see her?"

  "You can’t because you’re an unmarked female wolf under eighteen."

  "That's the reason?" I question incredulously. That's so stupid.

  "That along with the fact I'm claiming you on September 22nd. I don't want anyone getting to you before I do."

  "My birthday." I say stunned.

  "Same day as the challenge." He replies nodding.

  "Why?" I ask.

  He stares until I start to get self conscious. "I want you." He states simply.

  "So all this isn't because I'm considered the weak link in your pack?"

  "Why would you think that?"

  "I can't run with the pack, you lift me in and out of your truck like I'm made of glass. You ordered me to tell you if any one showed interest in me, the same morning someone told me it was because you didn't want me to mate and produce weak pups in your pack. I fell asleep at the park and it warranted a search of the territory. I didn't eat dinner and you made it seem like you had to make sure I ate breakfast. You left for three days and I was being watched by the Beta. Is that enough?" I ask frustrated.

  He steps closer his eyes on mine. "Yes, that's enough." He replies. I step back but he pulls me to him. His hand lifts to my face and his thumb traces my lips.

  "Can we go back to drinking?" I hear Marta yell from the living room.

  Ignoring her I say, "I can choose a mate before I'm eighteen."

  He leans down and whispers, his mouth brushing my ear, "You wouldn't like what I'd do to him." I tense up. Is he's threatening me?

  His eyes narrow on mine. I feel like he's trying to work something out on his head so I stay quiet.


  Alpha Lennox Hall POV

  The fact that she brought up finding a mate before her birthday pissed me off. I didn't hesitate to tell her what would happen if she did. From the moment I saw her, I wanted her. She doesn't act like any of the other females in the pack. I never liked the female attention I received and she definitely doesn't give me her attention. I'm used to walking into a room and turning on every female in it. When I came to take their scents and faces she spaced out and didn't bother hiding it, I thought it was a ploy. Her innocent eyes and the fact she didn't respond sexually to my touch or presence angered me. It still does. I've given her extra attention and figured at some point she wouldn't be able to control her response to me. I was wrong. Whispering in her ear, touching her hip and I smell nothing.

  Even when she was running her hands on my stomach trying to undress me she was unresponsive. The other girls reeked of the lust I caused them to feel.

  I intend to make her want me. I just have to figure out how. Judging by the way she looks at me she's not comfortable with my size. I can't h
elp that part but I need her to relax around me and not notice it so much. Realizing I'm still touching her lips I lean down placing my mouth on hers. It's an innocent kiss but I still hear her gasp when I pull away.

  "Don't drink anymore tonight." I demand putting my shirt on and walking back to Holden. He's standing bored in front of a room of half naked drunk girls. Like me, he doesn't favor girls asking for attention. These girls are trying their best to get to him but he's not having it.

  I walk past him to the door not even glancing at the other girls, knowing he'll follow. I walk to my truck and get in.

  "You went after her, but you didn't leave with her?"

  I clench my jaw even tighter. "I told her she is mine."

  "What was her response?"

  "She said she could find a mate before her birthday." I growl.

  "I was in that school three days. She got a lot of shit. The whole pack things you don't like her, that you’re making her an outsider. Give her time to readjust. Now she knows you want her. Maybe it will make her more aware of you."

  "I haven't gotten a sexual response from her."

  "She's different. She won't fall at your feet without knowing you first."


  No Swimming!

  In the morning, I'm the only one without a hangover only because Lennox ordered me to stop drinking.

  I go outside and sit on the front porch hearing the girls wake up gradually. Drinking my tea and honey, I watch the sky change colors and reflect on last night. Why would the Alpha want me?

  I hear the roar of an engine as it comes up our road. I see it's a red jeep with the top off. The driver pulls in and parks. I notice he doesn't have a shirt on just a pair of sunglasses and shorts. Then I notice a small black sports car behind him. I don't know either of the guys. Maybe they're rides for Marta's friends.

  "Hey, want to go swimming?" The guy in the jeep asks. I look him over, way too big and muscular. No way do I want to be alone with him.

  "No, thank you."

  The front door opens and Marta, Elizabeth, Leah and Missy come out. I can see they're wearing their swim suits under their clothes. I guess they didn't want me to go with them.

  "Elizabeth, tell your friend she has to come."

  "You have to come. Go get your suit on." Elizabeth says bored.

  "I think I'll just stay here."

  "Just come!" Marta yells pushing me through the front door. Reluctantly, I walk to my room and change into my white bikini. I throw a long white tube top dress over it and white flip flops. I walk back outside and the guy in the jeep jumps down waving me over to the passenger side of the jeep. He opens the door and I get in. "Thanks." I say quietly.

  "You're welcome, babe." He replies smiling and shutting the door.

  He gets in and pulls out of the driveway after the little black car leaves. I silently wonder why no one else rode us.

  "I'm Tom." He introduces himself.


  "I know. The whole pack is talking about you."

  I groan. I really don't want to hear about more gossipy rumors. He laughs. "Don't worry. I know bullshit lies when I hear them."

  "Where are we going?"

  "To the falls."

  "Why didn't anyone else ride with us?"

  He shrugs. "I only invited you." He states. I look at him. He's a jock, I can tell and a very cute one, probably popular. He has thick arms and a broad torso. He's tall and very athletic.

  "Aren't they your friends?"

  "Yeah, but I just wanted it to be us."


  "So we can get to know each other. Now, tell me about yourself."

  "Uh, I like to read. My favorite color is red and my sister is my best friend."

  "I love football. Favorite color is blue and I'm challenging the alpha position this year."

  My head snaps his way. "Are you crazy?! He'll kill you."

  "Thanks for the confidence, babe." He jokes and then adds more seriously, "I need to try. I have alpha blood and I want to run this territory."

  "He's faster and stronger than anyone. He's never even been taken to the ground." I stress. I know all about Alpha Hall, he's a legend. He took over at eighteen. "How old are you?"


  "Oh, I thought I went to school with you."

  He smirks. "You kind of do. I coach the football team."

  "Couldn't you get in trouble for being out with a student?"

  "Do you play football?"


  "Then it's fine. I can't show you any favoritism or proposition you." He says with a wink.

  We pull off a paved road onto a bumpy trail. Five minutes later Tom stops the truck. I open the door and get out. There are four more trucks parked around us. How many people are going to be here?

  I walk over to Marta who is giving me the cold shoulder for some reason. "What's up?" I ask as we walk through the woods.

  "How was your drive?" She whispers.

  I shrug. “Fine. Are you mad that I came?"

  "No, I'm mad that he only wanted to be with you." She replies looking at Tom longingly.

  "You like him?"

  "Oh, yeah. Everyone likes him."

  "He's different but he's an idiot. You know he's challenging Lennox right?"


  "Yeah, he told me on the ride here." I state.

  "You just called Alpha Hall, Lennox."

  "He told me to." She looks at me stunned.


  "The night of the butt touch." I whisper.

  "And you didn't tell me!" She yells. I can't imagine what she'll do when I tell her he wants to claim me.

  I shrug. "I didn't know it was a big deal until last night."

  "What happened last night?"

  I stop walking and whisper in her ear that he's going to claim me on our birthday.

  "What!" She screams.

  I nod. "I know. I was shocked too." We start walking again and come to the lake with a waterfall. It's beautiful. Marta and I take off our dresses and jump in. The water is slightly cold but not uncomfortable.

  "Why'd you ditch me, babe?" Tom asks swimming over to us.

  "Do you know my sister Marta?" I ask evading the question.

  "Nice to meet you, Marta." He says shaking her hand. "Are you older then Jocelyn?"

  "Yeah, by minutes."

  "You're twins?" He asks looking at me.

  I nod. "You two are complete opposites." He replies. We get that a lot so we don't respond.

  "Jocelyn Robinson, out of the water!" Beta Holden yells walking towards us. What the hell?

  I lift myself out and walk to the Beta who looks pretty angry. "Are you trying to piss him off?"

  "Who? Lennox?"

  "Of course."

  "God no, I don't want him mad. What'd I do?"

  "You left your home with an unmated male for starters." He answers turning away. "Let's go."

  "Wait! Why does she have to go?" Tom asks getting out of the water and coming towards us.

  "Alpha Hall has plans to mark her." He replies seriously.

  "I guess I have more than one reason to challenge him then." He responds glaring at Beta Holden who chuckles and shakes his head. "You don't want to do that. You and everyone here knows how it will end."

  "We'll see. Bye, babe. I'll be seeing you soon."

  "Bye. I'll see you at home Marta." She nods. I walk behind him all the way to a beat up old truck. I like it instantly; it reminds me of a ranch truck I used to drive on my grandpa's land.

  "Cool truck. Is it a '57 or '59?" He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "What? Those two years are very similar." I respond defensively.

  He laughs. "Are you joking?"

  "No, why? You think they're that different? The only thing that's possibly a tell is the tail gate and I didn't see it. My grandpa always said, 'never trust a man with a clean truck, if it's not beat up, he's not a man.'"

  "It's a '57. You know, I didn't understand why ever
yone was walking around with a hard on for you. Now, I'm starting to see your appeal."

  "Yuck! Thanks, I guess."

  "You're welcome."

  "How mad is he?" I question nervously.

  "Well, he wants to see you so I guess you'll find out soon. He'd never hurt you, you don't have to be so scared of him. He never even yells." He remarks smirking.

  "Yeah, he just looks at you like he's looking through your soul. In my opinion, that's much worse. Sometimes, I want to touch him just to see if he's as cold as he looks."

  "He's been Alpha for seven years, it's a lot of pressure. He takes his job seriously."

  "Has he always been so serious?"

  "Yeah, his dad raised him. He never had a nice thing to say to Lennox. I think I could count on one hand how many times I've seen him smile or laugh."

  "Why does he want me? He should already be mated by now."

  "He doesn't like the reaction he gets from the other females. He's convinced they only want one thing and that's position in the pack. I don't know why he chose you. You'll have to ask him."

  "Was he hurt before?"

  He looks at me like I'm stupid. "No, he's never been hurt. He's just really good at reading people."

  I don't say anything else. I just get lost in my thoughts about Lennox, he really is attractive. I think if he ever smiled I might have more of a reaction to him but I've never even seen him smirk. He's unreadable and that's what frightening. I never know what he's thinking.

  We pull up to Lennox's house and I get out of the truck and I realize I left everything back at the lake, I blush. "I'm not really dressed to go talk to the Alpha."

  He smiles and chuckles. "He'll love it. Plus, it will soften him up a bit."

  "Yeah, right." I mutter, following him into the house. "Hey, what's your first name?"

  "Liam." He answers and knocks on a set of double doors before he peaks his head in. "I have your package. I even wrapped it." I hear him say and I scoff. What a jackass.

  He turns back to me and nods for me to go in. I stick my tongue out at him and walk in. The door closes behind me and I jump. I keep my head down.


  Rice Crispy Treats


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