The Wolf's Prey

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The Wolf's Prey Page 16

by Edugardo Gilbert X

  I can't help but crack a smile. "Yeah, I love being the center of attention. Cant wait for people to talk about me behind my back."

  "Excuse me. I forgot you're not a normal teenager with a yearning to be popular."

  "Nope." I agree.

  "Are you going to at least let me introduce you to my friends?"

  "Nope." I shake my head adamantly. I know Jessica, any introductions to her friends is bound to get embarrassing at some point.

  "Stop being such a boob punch." She states, unhappily.

  Mom bursts out laughing at Jessica's description of me being a "boob punch" and I giggle with her. "I'm not trying to be a boob punch, I just know you'll say something embarrassing and I want avoid getting to know anyone. I'm going to keep my head down and hope I make it out alive. I hear that school is full of sharp objects and violent shifters ready to shank."

  "Fine, be lame." She pouts as Josh and Jason come into the room.

  "Finally, we've been waiting let get out of here." Jessica complains to them and hands me my backpack.

  "What's the rush I haven't ate?" Josh complains.

  "The rush moron is that school starts in fifteen minutes. Lets go." Jessica orders. I follow them out to Jessica's red Hummer. I gather that my father likes the big vehicle, I think that's all they own. Of course, being so deep in the woods without paved roads it's smart to have the bulky vehicle.

  I sit in the passenger side and the twins are in the back seat as Jessica backs out of the driveway and into town. I grab the "Oh shit" handle above the door a couple times and yell, "Break!" more then once. Jessica is officially the worst diver I have driven with. It takes less then ten minutes to get to school since Jessica ignored more then one speed limit and several stop lights.

  After she parks in the parking lot, I gladly get out of the car and start walking towards the school. "Wait up! I'll show you to the front office so you can get your schedule." Jessica offers.

  "I'm meeting Marta at the entrance. You don't have to come unless you want to."

  "I do. I want to see if we have lunch together."

  Seeing Marta waiting by the entrance, I give her a small wave and walk faster. "Hey, that's for waiting."

  "No problem. Lets hope we have some classes together." She says, smiling.

  "We better." I mutter, walking through the doors. A couple people look our way but generally most are too busy with their morning rituals and talking to their friends.

  Then I hear Jessica yell to everyone, "Yo, listen up! This is my sister! Mess with her and you mess with death. Understand?" I feel my cheeks redden and dunk behind Marta who is laughing with Josh and Jason.

  "Thanks so much, sis." I say, sarcastically.

  "Just doing my duty." She puffs proudly. We start walking again and I notice we've gained a lot of attention thanks to Jessica. I smile at a few in apology before we make it to the front office. I open the door and walk in as the receptionist behind the counter smiles at us and holds out my schedule.

  "You must be Jocelyn. Here is your schedule and locker number and combination." She states, nicely.

  "Thank you." I reply, taking the paper, only to have it immediately ripped out of my hand and inspected by Marta and Jessica.

  "We have lunch hour together!" Jessica squeals happily.

  "And we have second and fourth period together." Marta adds, just as excited as Jessica.

  "That's good. Now, we better get going. I hate being the last to class and introducing myself."

  Jessica takes me to English and I wave bye as I walk into the room. There are a few students sitting in their seats but the class isn't full. I leave the slip of paper telling the teacher I am a new student and sit in the first row furthest from the door. I take out a notebook and ink pen, doodling absentmindedly until class starts.

  After an uneventful hour in English I make my way to home-mech happy that Marta will be in the class with me. I sit down at a work table and watch for Marta. When she finally shows up with a group of friends I realize I wont be able to be invisible with Marta in class with me. She smiles and comes over to my table I'm at and sits down. "Hey, how was English?"

  "Boring. I need a favor." I whisper to her.


  "Can I borrow your cell phone? I need to talk to Lennox and my dad wont let me. He even took my phone."

  "Why cant you talk to him?" She questions, outranged for me.

  "My dad thinks he needs to, 'calm down' first." I answer.

  She rolls her eyes. "Like that's going to work. Keeping you from him is bad enough, but to forbid you to call is asking for a fight."

  "I know." I agree, as she hands me her phone. "Where's the nearest restroom?"

  "Down the hall to the right. I'll tell Mrs. Spencer you'll be right back."

  "Thanks." I respond, getting up and walking out of the classroom and down the hall. I open the bathroom door. There's no one but me, so I lock the door behind me and dial Lennox's number.

  It rings once. "Alpha Hall." Lennox's deep voice answers.

  "Its me." I say, breathless from hearing his voice.

  "I'm coming to get you soon." He replies, instantly attentive.

  I figured he has been planning something. "What do you have planned?"

  "Calling your father out for holding my mate prisoner on his land. I have several other packs willing to join me."

  "So, your planning of fighting my father? Lennox you can't do that, its my dad." I remind him, upset that he'd even think of fighting.

  "What should I do? He's not giving me many options."

  "I know, but you can't hurt him. I think I can get away. I'll get Jessica and Marta to help me. If you can meet me somewhere I can convince Marta and Jessica to take me, I know it."


  "I'll ask them. It won't be far from here, the nearest big city. Maybe Jessica can convince my dad to let us go shopping and I can slip away with you. If he doesn't go for that I'm sure Jessica will think of something. I'll call you tomorrow, same time. I have to go, now. I have class."

  "If I don't hear from you tomorrow, I'm coming anyway."

  "Okay." I reply, knowing he's not bluffing.

  "I miss you."

  "Miss you too." I reply, smiling to myself. "Bye."

  "Bye, baby."

  I sigh. I have to get away from here. If Lennox is recruiting other alphas hoping to gain their support he's definitely preparing for a big fight.



  Alpha Lennox Hall

  I look at the phone in my hand, it’s been minutes since the phone call with Jocelyn ended. Yet, I can't stop staring at my phone. I toss it on my desk, I'm getting her back soon, that's all that matters. If she can plan to get away without involving a fight with her father the better it'll be. I need her here with me it’s not sitting well with my wolf that she's away. We're restless and agitated, I haven't slept longer than a few hours a day. I achieved the numbers I need to pressure Travis on handing Jocelyn over, almost anyone can be bought and wolf packs are no exception.

  Those with the capital have the means of raising an army, so why am I hesitating to go after her? The same reason she is thinking of an alternative way out. It’s her family. I've known Travis a very long time and to attack him seems wrong, but him holding my mate against me is wrong too. He's being hypocritical, he mated with Jenna when he learned about his mark being rejected. I understand why he did, it's a knee jerk reaction.

  I don't want to force Jocelyn to have pups and I don't plan too, but I can’t promise my instincts won’t take over. I can’t agree to Travis's demand to wait until his daughter is ready, it’s not any of his business anyway. He's been her father her whole life, but her dad for only weeks.

  Realizing the mating was rejected while Jocelyn was out of my territory made me panic. The need to have her back on my land was overwhelming. Then Travis's refusal to let her leave incited a war. I am ready to take him out at any time, but I can’t hurt Jocelyn and this wou

  The phone on my desk rings and I pick it up quickly, "Alpha Hall."

  "Lennox, are you ready to talk civilly?" Travis asks, his voice serious. He has called every four days wanting to talk, yet my anger has always taken over. After talking to Jocelyn and having a plan worked out to get her back, I can listen.

  "Explain exactly what it is you think you're accomplishing." I demand to know.

  "My daughter’s safety and your conscience."

  "My conscience?" I ask, baffled.

  "I forced the women I love, my mate to bare my pups even though she wasn't ready. I live with that thought every day. That and my failure to protect my first born baby. Tell me that you would feel no remorse for those things."

  "I can’t." I admit.

  "Jenna, has never punished me for how I acted. She doesn't have to I do, I do a fine job of it myself. I can’t take back what I did and I can guarantee you'll never forgive yourself. It’s something you'll never be able to make right. Now I have Jocelyn, I can redeem myself and one of my biggest errors in my life. I can finally protect her."

  "You can't keep her from me. Jocelyn and I will discuss this ourselves, but refusing to let my mate leave your land is unacceptable. This has nothing to do with you, you're just making me angry. I could end you with one order. Is that what you want?"

  "Why haven't you?"

  "Because unlike you I don't want to hurt the woman I love. I can't fathom how you could've and I hope I can avoid the same fate. I don't plan on forcing her to have pups, but the longer she is away the stronger my urge to claim her becomes. If you don't have her on my land in 24 hours I can’t promise your safety or sparing my mate the pain of losing her father."

  "What would you do if it was your daughter?" He asks, tiredly.

  "I'd give her what she wants. What does your daughter want?"

  "They don't always know what's best for them." He grumbles.

  "You don't know her well enough to make that distinction, Travis." I point out.

  He doesn't reply, he knows I am right. I know Jocelyn better than he does. I understand he thinks he's righting a wrong that happened long ago, but he’s not. He's keeping his daughter from her mate and it’s as self-serving as forcing Jenna to have his pups.

  "Come get her." He says, giving in.

  "I'm on my way." I reply, hanging up. I stand up feeling anxious but not lighter. I'm still angry with him, but it makes sense. His actions were his desperate attempt to redeem himself. His heart was in the right place, just not his brain.

  I call ahead for the plane to be readied and drive to Liam's house. I pull up to his house and honk my horn once. He comes out immediately and to the driver’s side door, I roll down the window. "Travis is allowing me to come get Jocelyn." I state.

  "Finally." He mutters, distastefully. Liam is still a little sore that he was forced to leave his Alpha's mate unguarded. I doubt he's going to forgive himself anytime soon.

  I nod. "Stay and watch the pack."

  "When will you be back?" He asks, curiously.

  "I'll call." I answer, pulling away. I head toward the airstrip as quickly as possible. I don't want to wait another minute to hold her. I feel myself stir and shift in my seat, I don't know how I'll be able to refrain from taking her as soon as I see her.

  Jocelyn's POV

  I walk back to class feeling better now that I talked to Lennox. I was surprised he built an army, but even more surprised he hasn't attacked yet. He must care about me if he waited this long to avoid fighting my father. I walk into class apologizing to the teacher and take my seat next to Marta. I slip her phone back to her and smile at her stupidly.

  "It went well?" I nod smiling wider. "Please, tell me you didn't have phone sex using my cell." She begs, looking horrified.

  "Gross, no. I was in a public bathroom." I remind her.

  She shrugs. "It wouldn't have stopped me."

  "Well, you're disgusting." I tease.

  "Oh, yeah." She says, pretending to remember suddenly. I giggle and the teacher narrows her eyes our way. We pretend to pay attention until she looks away. "By the way, your wish to stay invisible has failed."

  I wince. "What are they saying?"

  "Everyone in Andrew's pack has been ordered to be nice to you. Making his intention towards you obvious. His pack is naturally curious and asking Jessica all kinds of questions. Naturally she's loving the attention and she is telling everyone that you are mated to Alpha Hall."

  "Remind me to thank her for that."

  She smiles. "I'm sure she'll remind you herself."

  If Andrew challenges Lennox and loses, Beta Hightower would take over the pack. He would run the pack for a full year before any other challenges for the position could be made.

  "I hope Beta Hightower is ready to run a pack." I whisper.

  Marta gives me a leveled look and I am shocked by her seriousness. She takes out a piece of paper writing. He was planning on challenging Andrew anyway. "Really" I whisper, stunned. Even knowing how intimidating Beta Hightower looks, I am still surprised he'd challenge his Alpha. He already has power as a Beta, why would he want to risk his life for the Alpha position?

  "Now, get started class." I look up at the teacher and round the room. Everyone is getting supplies to bake homemade cookies. Marta walks away to get the supplies and I snap out of it. I follow and help with the ingredients, carrying them awkwardly because of my cast.

  When its lunch time Jessica finds me and pulls me towards the commons to eat. "Please, no announcements involving me. I beg you."

  “What do you mean?" She asks, completely perplexed.

  "Please don't do what you did this morning." I remind her.

  "Oh." She laughs. "Sorry, I wanted to be part of the gossip."

  "Really, Jess?"

  "What? No one cares about me, you've made me popular. All the seniors are talking to me and the juniors are wishing they were me. You're a god send." She gushes.

  I roll my eyes, I can't see Jessica as someone anyone could ignore but I don't say anything. Just a few more hours and I can get out of here. "I was thinking I really need some new clothes. Do you think you could talk dad into letting us go to the nearest mall?"

  "No, way. He's on lock down waiting for Lennox to show up."

  "He is?" I ask, surprised.

  "Oh, yeah. Since Lennox won’t talk without yelling at him dad is sure he's going to attack."

  "Why would he risk the pack like that?" I question, thinking out loud.

  "Dude, you're his daughter. He already failed to protect you after you were born. He's trying to make it up to you I guess."

  I stop walking. Here I am hating my father, when he's only trying to assure I get a choice. I'm such a bitch, instead of hating him I should try talking to him. I need to tell him that I don't blame him for Alpha Rhys Sr. kidnapping me. He needs to know that I can make decisions for myself. That I want to be with Lennox.

  Lennox has already shown restraint by not advancing on my father’s territory. Maybe he can show restraint when it comes to the claiming me? I am beginning to think I was wrong about him, that he might listen if I ask him to wait.

  Jessica pulls at my arm until I start to move again. I walk with her into the lunch room. The smell of food hits me, making me hungry. I put all thoughts of Lennox in the back on my mind and continue to follow Jessica to a half empty table. I sit and so does Jessica, who is already talking a mile a minute to the person across from her.

  When lunch is almost over the room goes quiet. I look up from the book I'm reading and everyone is staring wide eyed at the double doors that lead out to the parking lot. I turn in my seat to see what is happening and see Lennox walking towards me. My eyes go wide and my pulse races. I stand up and start running towards him flinging myself into his arms. His arms wrap around me, picking me up and I wrap my legs around his waist to support my weight.

  "Miss me?"

  I shrug and smile. "A little."


Not Entirely

  I tighten my legs around Lennox as he walks further away from school, resting my head on his shoulder. I still can't believe he's here and I don't care how it happened. I missed him, he makes me feel whole and safe when I'm with him. I felt all of that as soon as we made eye-contact in the lunch room, I never want to go a day without it. I just want to go home. "Are we leaving?" I ask.

  "Yes, immediately." He replies, arms tightening around me. I nod that I hear him as he stops at a black hummer and I lift my head.

  "So, my dad does know." I state, amused.

  "He does." He replies and sets me on my feet.

  "Not that it matters but explain anyway." I request.

  "He realized he was making a mistake." He smiles, leaning down and capturing my lips in a searing kiss.

  I sigh when he pulls away. "I'm grateful. That's means no fighting."

  "Not entirely." He grumbles.

  Not liking the sound of that my face falls. He looks away from me and nods behind me. I turn watching Andrew pull into the parking lot, not looking happy about Lennox's presence. "Forgive me." Lennox says, leaning down. I'm confused until I feel his canines at the side of my neck and his hands bracing my neck. He bits down hard and I wince until the euphoric feeling washes over me. Andrews loud growl breaks me out of the trace and I watch as he walks determinedly to us.

  Lennox moans as he stands upright and watches Andrew. "I don't know how you convinced Travis to agree to this and I don't care. However, you are now on my land and I'm not okay with it."

  "Its shared land. Between you and the Griffin Pack." Lennox, corrects.

  "I don't believe you got my permission. Shared land or not."

  "If you want we can settle this disagreement right now." Lennox, welcomes. I feel his anger and excitement spike through me.

  Andrew nods. "Fuck it. I'm not keen on awaiting any longer."

  I stand stunned at their casual agreement to try to kill one another in front of me. They take one step closer to each other when both of their phones ring simultaneously. Both take out their phones and answer as if nothing is amiss. "Alpha Hall." "Alpha Briggs." I look at both them, not in shock anymore but fascination. They're both so similar, is it an Alpha thing to walk around without any fear?


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