Timber's Fairy (Wolfsbane Ridge MC)

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Timber's Fairy (Wolfsbane Ridge MC) Page 2

by Marissa Ann

  “Is there a fucking problem here?” He said as he slid his massive arms around my waist pulling me into him. His voice was a deep growl like sound that made my female parts start to tingle.

  You could see the rich slime ball deflate as he looked at the leather and patches Timber wore.

  “Nah, there’s no problem. I didn’t realize she was part of your party.”

  “Now you know. So get to fucking walking before I teach you a lesson in how to treat a woman with respect.”

  We watched the slime ball walk away and then I finally stepped out of Timber’s arms. When I turned around I had to look way up to see his eyes. He was easily 6 feet tall making me look like a shrimp next to his big muscular body. His hair was a deep dark brown that came to his shoulders and his eyes were almost silver in color that seemed to draw you in and see straight through. I realized we had been staring at each other for several minutes without saying anything.

  “Um, thanks for that.” Great Mina, you picked a wonderful time to be shy! “I’m Mina Star.” I said as I offered my hand. He grabbed it with his which swallowed up my small hand. Okay, girly bits are definitely sparking now. He still hadn’t said anything back to me yet. “I guess I need to go find where my best friend ran off to.”

  “She was headed towards the lady’s room. My name is Jaxson Creed but everyone calls me Timber.”

  “It’s nice to meet you Timber. I’ll go check on Bella.” I said as I started towards where the restrooms were located. I kept thinking about Timber as I walked through the crowd. My body had never responded to a man just by him talking or shaking my hand before. I also wondered why he decided to come to my rescue like that and made me wonder what he could possibly want with me. With a past like mine, it was hard to trust that people, especially men, did things just to be kind.



  I walked back through the crowd to the edge of the dance floor where I left Blade and Snake when I first seen that slimy bastard putting his hands on Mina. I didn’t understand why I felt so much jealousy over a girl I didn’t even know but I didn’t really care to examine it in detail at the moment. Right now my mind was still on the tingle I felt in my arms from where I held her for the first time.

  “The little bastard give you any trouble?” asked Snake.

  “Of course not, He apparently knew enough about this area to recognize my cutt and what it meant. Although we make bank on these damn tourists coming into the area to rent cabins and shit, they are sometimes a lot of fucking trouble. Get someone to keep an eye on the rich pricks. I think they are the business party that rented a few cabins over at Wolfs Ridge.”

  “I’ll call the prospects we have stationed over there.” Snake said as he walked towards the door so he could place the call.

  I watched as Mina and Bella came back through the bar from the restrooms. The girl was hot enough to make my blood turn to molten lava and I decided I’d find out just how hot it could burn.

  “Think I finally found something or should I say someone to get my mind off that custom bike job.” I said as my eyes ate her up from the top of her silky black head to the tips of those black boots.

  “Ha-ha, yeah Prez, I think I see that you have. Let’s go have a drink with the ladies.” Blade said as we moved toward where the girls were sitting at a table in the back.



  After I found Bella in the bathroom, supposedly touching up her makeup, I told her about the sleaze ball encounter and Timber coming to my rescue. Or rather, the rescue of sleaze ball because I can totally take care of myself! I made sure of that a couple years ago when I took self defense classes.

  “I can’t believe that I step away for only a few minutes and miss all the excitement!” Bella says as she sits back down at our table.

  “That’s all you care about girl? The excitement you missed? I want to know why you went sneaking off to the bathroom without saying a word to me about needing to go. What’s up with that?” I narrow my eyes at her because I know something is going on. She has never just bounced off the dance floor and left me there without a single word.

  “I don’t know what you mean. I just needed to go and you were way ahead in the crowd already.” She says looking everywhere but at me. Yeah something is going on with my best friend. I’m still looking at her, when her back straightens and her eyes get as big around as saucers as she looks over my shoulder. As I turn around to see what she’s looking at, I realize that Timber and another guy from his crew are walking towards our table. I don’t know who this other guy is but damn, is every guy in the Wolfsbane MC tall, muscular and hot as hell? Is that like in the requirements to join?

  “Mind if Blade and I join you ladies? Promise we don’t bite. Not yet, anyway.” Timber says while looking straight at me. Bella of course starts her giggling.

  “You should see your face Mina. You look like you are not sure if you want to “punch him in the throat” or eat him alive!” I rarely get embarrassed but I can feel my face heat up a little at Bella’s comment.

  “The saying is “throat punch ‘em”, not “punch him in the throat.” I inform Bella as I continue to stare at Timber as he takes the seat closest to me.

  “But isn’t that the same thing, Mina? Good lord the way you talk sometimes in that twang, I wonder if we don’t need passports to visit your hometown!” She says in reply while both guys just watch our conversation back and forth like they are watching a tennis match.

  “No it does not mean the same thing girl! We have already talked about this. You still haven’t caught on, ya never will. It’s a “Southern thang”. I reply making us both laugh.

  “Are you sure you two are not sisters?” Blade asks.

  “Nope.” We reply at the same time and immediately cut up laughing again. I look over at Timber and he’s just watching me. As if he is trying to figure out exactly how to take me.

  “Where are you from? That accent is very unique. Can certainly tell it’s Southern but which State?” Timber asks me.

  “I am from a very small town in North Mississippi.”

  “Why did you move to Montana?”

  “Are we playing hundred questions now?” I ask with a raised brow.

  “Just small talk darlin’. What made you want to move way out here?” he persisted.

  “Well, after college I decided to do some traveling. I always wanted to see more than just what could be found in our small little town. Don’t get me wrong, I love it there but not enough to really feel like I was at home. I had been traveling for about a year, never staying longer than a week in any one place, when I came through White Summer and rented a cabin at Wolf’s Ridge. While staying there, I took short drives around a lot of the mountain roads. On one of those drives I spotted a beautiful cabin that was posted for sale. It was rustic, needed some work but the views were breathtaking. A month later I finally contacted the realtor about buying it. So now, here I am.”

  “So you stayed at Wolf’s Ridge? Surprised we didn’t run into each other. Our MC owns and operates the place. A year ago would have been right after all the upgrades we put into it. Did you enjoy your stay while there?”

  “Yes, it was a very nice place. I was actually very surprised at the low cost of the rentals compared to how nice it was, including the buffet bar.”

  “So what does your family think about you moving way off into the wilds of Montana?”

  “My brothers still are not taking it very well. After our parents died when I was 15, both of my brothers stepped up to take care of me. And boy have they taken the role of parent seriously.”

  “Hey guys, Bella and I are going to hit the dance floor.” Blade says catching our attention that our friends are already standing up from their chairs.

  “We’ll join you.” Timber replies as he helps me from my chair like a regular every day gentleman.



  I wasn’t acting myself and I knew it. Hell even Blade knew
it. He kept giving me the side eye like he expected me to grow two heads and speak in tongues. Just something about this girl had me acting all kinds of wrong in a good guy kind of way. But I wasn’t a good guy. I was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, maybe. I had so much blood on my hands from my past, I was afraid to even touch this girl. She was tough, sure, but still just a good girl.

  I didn’t go for the good girls. They were not normally my type. They had expectations, wanted relationships and eventually marriage. I was used to the biker bunnies that I didn’t have to care about getting dirty or forming hurtful attachments to me. They knew what was up from the get go. This girl was definitely going to be trouble. But fuck all if I cared right this moment.

  We got to the middle of the dance floor and I pulled her into my arms. Again that tingling sensation was back and it was making my dick hard as hell. She had her head laid on my chest and I could smell her sweet scent. She smelled like tropical fruit which did not help the tightness in my jeans one damn bit but no way in hell was I letting her go now that she was in my arms. But there was no way she didn’t know how I was reacting to her.

  We were on our third slow song, because yeah I signaled to the DJ to keep that shit slow, when Snake showed up next to me.

  “There is something that needs your immediate attention Prez.” Giving me a look that told me I was not going to like what he had to tell me.

  “I’ll meet you outside in 15 minutes. Round up the rest of the boys.” He nodded once and walked off. I turned back to Mina, “Are you and Bella staying longer?”

  “Nah, it’s late and I think I need to get her home. She doesn’t hold her liquor too well.” She said looking over at Bella who looked more like she was asleep in Blade’s arms than dancing.

  “Are you okay to drive you both home?”

  She nodded with a smile “Yeah, I’m good. I knew I would need to drive so I stopped having shots way before Bella did.”

  “We will walk you out then.” I signaled to Blade we were heading to the door. He swung Bella up into his arms and just carried her. He grinned at me as I watched him. The man knew how to play the gentleman far better than any of the rest of us in the club.

  Outside we walked the girls to a newer model 4 door, 4-wheel drive Dodge Ram. It looked like she had a lift kit on it and it made me wonder how the two little pixies could even get up into the damn thing. Blade walked around to the passenger side and helped Bella into the seat. I could tell he was talking quietly to her while he also helped her with her seatbelt.

  I opened the driver side door and took Mina by the hand to help her up. Just before she stepped up into the cab, I pulled her back and into me. She was looking at me with a question in her eyes.

  “I got to have just one taste before you go Mina.”

  “Just one?” She asked quietly.

  “For now…” I growled as I slammed my mouth onto hers causing her to tense up. The second my tongue slid along her bottom lip, she relaxed and let out a sigh as she opened for me. My first taste of her sent a shot of white hot liquid fire straight to my cock. I couldn’t stop myself from sliding my hands down to her ass and pulling her up into me even closer causing her to moan into my mouth. This girl was truly an innocent and it showed in the way she was kissing me back. It made me want her even more.

  I slowly pulled away from the kiss looking into her lust filled eyes as I lifted her straight into the driver side seat. “I will see you again real soon. Drive carefully.” I said as I shut her door and walked back towards my brothers.

  “Tell me.” I said to Snake as Blade and I watched the girls drive away.

  “Someone blew the lock at the bike shop and trashed the place.”

  “What about the custom we’ve been working on?” asked Blade.

  “It was knocked over. The paint job will definitely need to be redone on the gas tank. Tires were slashed so those will need replaced as well.”

  “DAMN IT!?!” I was so pissed off I needed to calm myself. I needed a target for my anger but didn’t want that target to be one of my brothers. “What else?”

  “It doesn’t look like anything was taken and they didn’t even try to hack into the main computer as far as I can tell at the moment from my phone. They definitely wreaked the place, smashed a couple of the computers and pushed all the shelves over.”

  “Tell me we know who the fuck did this.”

  “Not yet we don’t. Appears from the video feed there was only one person, all dressed in black with a mask. Soon as we get back to the clubhouse I will go through the feed slowly and see if I can get anything useful. We haven’t had any run-ins with anyone since going legit. So this break-in doesn’t make a hell of a lot of sense.”

  “Who the hell knows? It could be someone from our past looking to start trouble. Let’s get back to the club and see what we have.” I turned to Blade and said, “Call in all the guys, emergency church in an hour.”

  We all climbed on our bikes and took off towards the club to figure this shit out. We might be almost completely legal but we were still a 1% club. We would handle business one way or another. In this life, you live by the gun and you died by the gun.


  Chapter 3


  On Sunday morning I was out on my porch drinking coffee trying to keep my thoughts on my new book. There didn’t seem to be anything that could distract me very long though from the memory of kissing Timber two nights ago. I had never been that attracted to a man before and I had certainly never had these types of feelings. Just the thought of his kiss caused my thighs to squeeze together and my panties to become wet.

  Ever since the encounter with my ex-boyfriend the night of my 21st birthday party I had made sure to never allow another guy to get that close to me. Not even those I considered family. But for some reason I didn’t feel anxiety when Timber held me. I felt protected and safe. Kind of a contradiction when you looked at how solidly built the man was. He should have frightened me with how big he was and how intense his gaze could be.

  My thoughts were interrupted when the phone rang. Just by the ring tone I knew it was my brother, Rafael. I had been avoiding his and Mathis’ phone calls since our last argument. They both took the parent role way too far and were having a hard time learning to let me live my own life.

  I decide I should probably answer the phone before they decide to come out for a surprise visit. “Hey, Rafe.”

  “Do not hey, Rafe, me. Why the hell have you not been answering your phone? I understand that you have been pissed off at the two of us but that is no reason to make us worry about you.”

  “You and Matt need to learn to stay out of my business and let me live my life. I am not a teenager any more. You had no right to pay off the loan on my cabin! I told the both of you before and I’ll say it again. I make plenty of money to pay my bills. I do not need y’all’s money. I’m doing well here and want to make my own way.”

  I can hear him take a deep breath and sigh on the other end of the phone. The frustration he feels is clearly in his voice. But I am not a kid that needs to be taken care of any more.

  “Mina, we just want you to never go without. To always be happy. We are just doing our part to ensure that. When mom and dad died, we swore we would always make sure that you were safe and well provided for.”

  “I understand where you are coming from, Rafe, but you need to understand where I am coming from as well.” I say to him gently. I love my brothers and don’t want them to feel like I don’t appreciate everything they have done for me.

  “How about I promise you that we will try? Do you forgive us now?”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” I say with a smile. “Where is Matt anyway? He’s usually on the line with you.”

  “He’s out on a run for the club. So what you been up to lately? Have you and the other little pixie been hanging out?” He asks.

  I roll my eyes. I should have never told him about Bella and I being nicknamed Pixie One and Pixie Two. “We went out to B
lackcat on Friday night for drinks.” My mind immediately went to thoughts of Timber.

  “Um hmm, did something happen? Your voice did that squeaky thing it does when you have something you don’t want me to know. Care to go ahead and share?”

  “My voice does not get squeaky!” feeling offended about his comment.

  “Ha-ha, yeah it does kiddo. Now stop stalling, just spit it out. Might as well tell me now, you know I will find out anyway.”

  “And one of these days dear brother I will find out how exactly you know what I am doing. I swear if you have a prospect out here spying on me, you will not like what I do!”

  “I promise we have not sent anyone to spy on you. When you left, you said that you didn’t want the MC to follow you, that you needed space from us. As much as that hurt, we kept our promise to stay away but you promised to stay in touch with Matt and me. Don’t shut us completely out of your life, Fairy.” He said, calling me by the nickname given to me by the club brothers when I was younger. “Matt and I would like to come for a visit when you feel up to it.”

  “You think you can come for a visit without most of the club coming along with you?” I say on a laugh.

  “Ha-ha, you are right. But we all would like to come visit, soon as you are ready to let us back in. We miss you, we all do. Hang on a minute.” I heard someone talking to Rafe in the background while I waited for him to come back on the line. The voice was too muffled for me to figure out who it was. “I need to go sweet pea. I’ll call you again in a few days. Maybe by then you will be ready to tell me about your night out. Love you little Fairy.”

  “Love you too, Rafe.” I said as he hung up the phone.

  His words kept playing back through my head. I knew they all missed me but I still wasn’t ready to allow them back into my life. They still hadn’t learned yet to stop trying to control everything. Having an entire MC full of overbearing protective men was enough to drive any girl insane. There had only ever been one boyfriend they couldn’t run off from my life until the night he tried to hurt me. He got lucky they didn’t kill him. Instead they gave him a solid beating and I hadn’t seen him since.


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