Love Under Two Wranglers [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Ménage Everlasting)

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Love Under Two Wranglers [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Cara Covington

  How much better would it feel to have a lover wash her hair for her?

  “You don’t have to worry about that, sweetheart.” Duncan grinned. “It’ll be our pleasure to be your very own personal bath attendants.”

  “That sounds naughty.”

  Alan chuckled. “It’s the best kind of naughty.”

  He stepped under the shower with her, turning her so the spray didn’t catch her in the face. Setting her on her feet, he pulled her flush against him so that her back was against his front, and she faced Duncan.

  “I want you, too, Mr. Moore.”

  His grin flashed, quick and devilish, as he scrubbed his hands on the bar of soap he held between them. “Don’t you worry about that, baby. You’re going to have me. After we’ve taken care of you, and you’ve rested.”

  “But…” Her protest was cut off when he swooped in and stole a kiss.

  “But nothing. Watching you take your first lover, watching you come—I don’t have the words to tell you how special that was, or how satisfying. It’ll hold me, for now.”

  Holly believed his words, because she heard his heart in them. But she also saw how very rigid his cock was.

  “Put your arms around me, Holly, and let Duncan bathe you.”

  She complied, her fingers interlocking behind Alan’s neck. “Is that what he’s going to do?”

  Both men laughed. “After a fashion,” Duncan said.

  She closed her eyes as he used his hands on her, spreading the lightly scented foam over her torso, taking care to ensure her breasts were clean before moving up, over her shoulders, and then down, across her hips and stomach.

  “Mmm, that feels good.”

  Duncan took the time to gently bathe her pussy. Knowing that he was “taking care of her” didn’t prevent her body from responding to the touch. Her heart quickened, her nipples peaked, and she was certain she felt her juices flow.

  After Duncan used one of the shower wands to rinse her, Alan reached up and tugged gently at her arms. She lowered them as he kissed her shoulder and said, “Close your eyes, honey.”

  She didn’t wonder for long why as the smell of peaches tickled her olfactory sense. Alan tugged on her hair and she tilted her head back, sighing when he began to wash it.

  They’d positioned her so that the water raining down from overhead missed her face. The sensation of having Alan’s fingers working the lather into her hair, stimulating her scalp, was way better than having the hair dresser do it. Throaty sounds of pleasure escaped, making both men chuckle.

  “I do believe our Holly really likes having her hair washed,” Duncan said.

  “So it seems. Let me rinse, now.”

  She sighed as he did and then sighed again when she smelled the conditioner. “Have you done this before?”

  “Honey, I’m going to tell you that anything the two of us did in the past was merely our getting ready to be able to take proper care of you.”

  Oh, he’s slick.

  Maybe she’d used that as his nick name. But it wasn’t Alan’s words that held her attention right then. Because she was already coming to know these men—and because she was a bit on the tired side—she had the feeling that they were going to continue pampering her until she fell asleep.

  The only problem with that was it would leave Duncan suffering through the night. She and Alan had enjoyed stupendous orgasms.

  Going to sleep without taking care of Duncan just went against her strong sense of fair play.

  “I have a question.”

  “Okay.” Duncan’s one word sounded hesitant and she wanted to laugh, knowing they were bracing themselves for more very personal questions about their pasts.

  “Did either of you finish reading those two books you checked out last Saturday?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Alan said. “We both did. Then we swapped.”

  “And then we went looking online and purchased a few more by both those authors for our Kindles, too.”

  “Good. I’ve read a lot of erotic romance books. It was an interesting thing to do because, even though I had never taken a lover, it opened my eyes to possibilities for the future.”

  “That sounds promising,” Duncan said.

  Lover, you have no idea. But you’re about to.

  Alan rinsed the conditioner from her hair, then squeezed gently. “Is there anything else you need, honey?”

  She straightened and looked over her shoulder at him, then turned to face Duncan. “There is just one thing.”

  She looked down at his cock, still standing at attention, and as she looked, she could have sworn it bobbed slightly—a kind of “come hither” gesture she had no intention of ignoring. She reached out and fisted him, thrilled at the hissing sound he made as he inhaled, noting that he closed his eyes and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the caress.

  She moved, placing her feet shoulder-width apart, and flipped her hair over her shoulder. Then she smiled as Alan grabbed a hold of her waist, which helped to brace her.

  Trusting that the authors she’d read had written at least a little bit from personal experience, and more curious than she’d known she’d be, Holly bent from the waist, and then sucked Duncan’s cock into her mouth.

  * * * *

  “Oh, God!”

  Duncan had thrown his head back, eyes closed, immediately seduced by the sweet feminine grip of Holly’s hand on his cock. He’d been doing his best to bring his inner horndog under control, when she replaced her hand with her mouth.

  He opened his eyes, his body taking control as he combed his fingers through her wet hair and gripped.

  “Lord, woman, what are you doing?”

  He supposed it was probably one of the most inane questions he’d ever asked. Alan snorted, and Holly drew her mouth off him, the wet plop echoing in the enclosure.

  She stayed bent over but looked up and met his gaze. He saw the hint of vulnerability in her eyes. “If you don’t know what I’m doing, then I must be doing it wrong.”

  Duncan didn’t need Alan’s steely stare to tell him he’d better make amends, and fast. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the way you were doing it. You just surprised me. I wasn’t expecting such a gift. It’s nowhere near Christmas.”

  When she continued to look at him as if trying to decide if he meant what he said, he flexed his fingers in her hair. “I wouldn’t have asked you to do this so soon, but since you’ve started…suck my cock, Holly. Make me come.”

  Her grin was small, but then she looked down at his cock. He looked down, too, and couldn’t help but notice the tiny drop of pre-cum that had emerged. They were the longest ten seconds of his life, and he thought that if she refused—which really was nothing more than he deserved for being such an idiot—he might just literally cry.

  Then she placed her lips on him again, but instead of opening wide and encasing him in her hot little mouth, she placed a very sweet but not nearly enough kiss on the side of his cockhead.

  Weeping seemed to be on his personal horizon. But then her cute little tongue snaked out and swiped at the drop of liquid he’d produced.

  “Mmm.” She then proceeded to lap the length of his shaft, balls to tip, as if his cock was a lollypop.

  He actually felt his eyes begin to roll to the back of his head. Never had a woman aroused him so completely in such short order as Holly was doing.

  A sound emerged from deep inside him that he’d never made before. But it must have spoken to Holly’s inner feral woman, because she chuckled—a wholly naughty sound—and then, thank you God, she took his aching and needy cock back into the honeyed cavern of her mouth.

  She reached up with her right hand and fisted his shaft, pumping him as she sucked. Then she cupped his balls, treating him to a pulse-like squeeze timed with her suction.

  Oh, God, I am so done for. Duncan had never lost control of his body, not once, but his churning, roiling arousal was escalating at an astounding pace. He flexed his hands in Holly’s hair. “Baby, I’m close. Le
t go, Holly. I’m going to come.”

  Holly made a humming sound against his flesh, and began to suck on his cock long and hard. Duncan totally lost it. He still had hold of her head and began to thrust into her mouth. It was only maximum effort that kept those thrusts gentle.

  Holly’s response was to form her mouth in a perfect, submissive little “O” around his cock, ceding control as she continued to suck.

  Thoughts, breathing, everything stopped, and nothing existed except the barreling explosion of his climax. Head back, every muscle tensed, Duncan shouted as he came, as stream after stream of cum shot from his body at what he was sure had to be record-breaking velocity.

  Holly continued sucking, drinking down everything he gave her, sucking the cum out of his balls and the strength from his legs.

  He became aware, slowly, that Holly still had his cock in her mouth, and that she seemed to be breathing deeply, still bent from the waist.

  He smoothed his hands over her hair, then used his fingers to brush her cheeks. When she released him, he and Alan both helped her straighten. He drew her into his arms and held her tight.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  “I didn’t expect the taste to be so strong.”

  “Too much?”

  “No. I…I liked it. Will Alan taste the same?”

  “You can find out another time, honey.” The look in Alan’s eyes said it all. He’d clearly been turned on watching Holly go down on him, but his inner horndog apparently was content to wait to find out what heaven was all about.

  “Thank you, sweetheart. That was the most wonderful gift anyone ever gave me.”

  “It was okay, then?”

  He heard the uncertainty and could kick himself, because he knew he’d caused it by his knee-jerk, unthinking reaction earlier.

  “Baby, that was far and away better than okay.” Just as he knew he’d caused her doubts earlier, he knew that telling her it was the best blow job he’d ever had likely wouldn’t be a good idea, either.

  Until this night, and the two of them, this woman had been virginal—completely inexperienced, never mind the reading and research she’d done.

  And what she needed right now was some extreme pampering.

  Alan turned off the water, and left the shower, heading toward the hidden dryer. Duncan was glad now he’d put some towels in to heat before he’d turned on the water.

  He continued to hold Holly as Alan pulled two towels from the shelf, and two from the dryer. He reached out and accepted a warmed one, which he wrapped around Holly.

  She’d begun to shake slightly. Duncan thought her reaction might be a bit more than the reaction of mechanically cooled air on heated flesh.

  It took no effort at all for him to lift her, and carry her out to the chair that was positioned by the counter.

  As soon as he had her on his lap, Alan came over and worked on blotting most of the dampness from her hair while Duncan patted her body dry. She felt like a sleepy kitten in his arms, with her head on his shoulder and her arms lax. He adjusted her on him, murmuring encouragement for her to part her legs. He worked the thick terry gently, careful to ensure her soft feminine flesh was dry.

  He also checked to make sure the bleeding from earlier had stopped. There hadn’t been a lot, which had been a relief to both him and his best friend.

  Alan set the towel down and motioned to him, letting him know he was going to go and change the sheets on the bed. He nodded in response, and then gave Holly a long, heartfelt hug. “Are you sure you’re all right, sweetheart?”

  “Mmm. I’m just really tired.” She sounded surprised that it would be so.

  Duncan knew that she’d experienced a huge physical as well as emotional night. “Hmm, I wonder why?”

  She must have heard the humor in his tone. She pushed, and he helped her sit up. Then she met his gaze, and he let everything he was feeling—awe, gratitude and yes, even love—show in his eyes.

  “You are quite simply the most amazing woman I have ever met.”

  Her cheeks turned a light but pretty pink. She shook her head. “I’m nothing special.”

  “You are to us. It’s all right to feel tired, or overwhelmed, love. It’s all right to be whatever you want to be.”

  “Do you know what I want right now?”

  Duncan knew he’d give her whatever she wanted, but hoped that something wasn’t more loving. He wanted her very badly, but he was a man, not a boy. He could and would keep his urges in check, and take care of her instead. “What do you want, Holly?”

  “A drink of water, and then I want to snuggle in bed between you and Alan.”

  His friend must have anticipated the first part of her request, because just then he reentered the bathroom with a chilled bottle of water in hand.

  He opened it and handed it to her. As she drank her fill, Duncan looked up at his best friend. He knew they were both making mental notes of all the amenities in this master suite. They’d easily chip into to make sure the house that the Benedicts were building for their use had all the bells and whistles, so they could take care of their woman like this on a regular basis.

  There was no doubt in Duncan’s mind, not one. Holly was the woman he and his best friend were meant to spend the rest of their lives with. But he didn’t kid himself. Tonight had been just the first night, just the beginning.

  “Come on, baby. It’s bedtime. And there’s nothing that either of us want more, right now, than to have you snuggled in between us.”

  Holly sighed. “Good.”

  Yes, it was good, so far. Duncan knew he’d move heaven and hell to make sure things stayed that way.

  Chapter 13

  She was having the most wonderful dream. Holly sighed as the sensation of a feather-like caress danced across her skin, from her shoulder to her neck. Surrounded by heat, resting on cloud-like softness, it felt as if every definition of comfort and delight she’d ever dreamt had been rolled into one very realistic dream.

  “Look at that smile. Makes you wish you could mind-meld with her and see what she’s dreaming, doesn’t it?”

  “Mmm, yes. But I think we can have a pretty good idea—at least my cock has a pretty good idea what she’s dreaming about.”

  Not a dream, but stunning, wonderful reality. And I’m sleeping through it? Holly opened her eyes and looked from one handsome face smiling down at her to the other. They’d pulled the sheet off her, past her waist, so that her breasts were exposed. It amazed her that she didn’t feel uncomfortable or embarrassed at being on display.

  What she felt was aroused, and very, very happy.

  “Were you having a sexy dream, honey?”

  “I thought I was having a dream, but I wasn’t…I’m not. This is real. Isn’t it?”

  “Yes, sweetheart, it is.” Duncan bent down and kissed her.

  Holly closed her eyes and sank into the flavor of him, loving the way his mouth moved on hers. When his tongue stroked her bottom lip, she opened to him. Her tongue slid along his, and Holly imagined they were in a grand ballroom, dipping and gliding to the most sensuous music.

  Duncan cupped her chin, and lifted his lips from hers. “Are you very sore, baby?”

  Thank God for my reading! This felt like the embodiment of the typical morning after for the virginal heroine. Yet this was her reality, her longings come to vivid, sexy life.

  “I won’t lie to you, I’m a little tender. But I want to feel you inside me.” She turned her head and met Alan’s gaze. “And I want to taste you, the same way I tasted Duncan last night.” All right, so maybe she couldn’t yet be bolder in her speech—though she thought she had no problem doing so at the height of arousal.

  I’m only mildly aroused, and yet I want them both more than I have wanted anything in my life.

  It didn’t surprise her that the two men looked at each other. If she had to beg, she would. She knew they were trying to decide if they would grant her requests, or not.

  “Please.” She reached u
p and stroked Duncan’s cheek. “I’m only a little sore, and I need you very badly.”

  A part of her felt that she couldn’t fully trust that these two men really cared for her, wanted her, until she’d taken them both inside her body. She needed them both to be complete.

  Duncan sighed. “It just so happens that I need you, too.” He kissed her again, and Holly sighed. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and let her fingers play in his oh-so-soft hair. She tugged. Letting him know that she wanted his weight on her, pressing her into the mattress. She might have been a mouse, pushing on an elephant, her effort was that ineffectual. I’ll never be able to push him into doing what I want if he doesn’t agree.

  That thought felt sexy as hell.

  Duncan reached out and stroked her cheek, then trailed his hand down her body. When he cupped her breast, she moaned, and arched her back, thrusting herself into his hand.

  She felt his smile in his kiss, and couldn’t help but smile back. He lifted his head and then looked down at the breast he held.

  “You’re so responsive, baby. And so very tasty.” He lowered his head and took her aching, needy nipple into his mouth.

  Holly loved the sensation of being suckled. She combed her fingers through Duncan’s hair, holding him to her breast, as if afraid he would stop. The way he smoothed his hand down over her stomach and then trailed his fingers against her slit set her arousal climbing. Surrendering to the seduction, Holly rolled her hips, giving in to her body’s demand for more.

  A masculine chuckle against her breast made her shiver because the vibration of it on her wet flesh threw more fuel onto her growing fire.

  “Give me your mouth, honey. I need to taste you.”

  Holly didn’t think. She simply turned her head and raised her lips. Alan’s kiss, hot, wet, and totally carnal, thrilled her. She opened her mouth to him, giving him complete access, giving him everything.

  Two men kissing her, stroking her, using their hands and their mouths to arouse her, this was her own personal sexual fantasy come to brilliant, heart-pounding life.


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