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Flirting on Ice

Page 2

by Veronica Forand

  Everything about Heather was authentic, welcoming, and comfortable. And, truth be told, sensual and alluring. Damn it to hell, the woman had burrowed into his psyche. He was twenty-eight years old, and he’d never met anyone like her. Women like Keira could never compete. One quick circuit of the room and then he’d drop off Keira and head home.

  They arrived at his boss’s house, and he parked close enough to allow himself a quick get away without involving the valet service. He escorted Keira into the house. Someone had done an amazing job of decorating the Ryan family’s main hall with thousands of white lights, and dozens of red and white roses wrapped with red, white, and black ribbons for the Hustlers team colors.

  Big band music blasted in the background, drowning out the welcoming voices of his team. He shouted his responses as dozens of fists reached out toward him in greeting. He kissed the cheeks of his teammates’ wives and girlfriends and greeted the team owner, Patrick Ryan, and his wife. They acted as though nothing had occurred between their first-line center and Heather, their only child. Good. His temporary lapse in sanity, ignoring Patrick’s threat of castration to any team player seen with his daughter, could stay under wraps. He wanted to forget the whole ordeal.

  He tried to enjoy Keira’s company, but her personality bored him. And she didn’t appear too enthusiastic in his company, either. Instead, she focused on everyone else in the room.

  “Oh my God, that’s John Sweeney.”

  Zac glanced in the direction of Keira’s gawking. Sweeney, a rookie center, was holding court with a few other new players and their dates. “In the flesh. Do you know him?”

  “No, but I watched the news when he signed with the team. Is that his date?” She pointed to the petite brunette beside him.

  “His fiancée.”

  “Oh.” Her voice deflated at the news.

  Since picking her up, she’d asked him how much his car cost, bragged about her two-thousand-dollar shoes, and tried to convince him to join her and her roommate in a ménage à trois back at her place. She seemed upset after he told her he preferred being with only one woman at a time. Her next barrage of questions involved the sex lives of his teammates. When he stopped responding, she’d pinched her red lips together and pouted.

  From what the guys had told him, Keira had a well-earned reputation as a puck bunny, craving intimate knowledge of as many players as possible. When he was a rookie, he’d dated too many women searching for money and status through sex with a pro athlete. He had no desire to become a notch on this blonde’s hockey stick. As an experiment, he escorted her to meet the team’s new goalie, imported from the Swedish national team at the start of the season.

  “Mikael. I’d like you to meet my friend, Keira. She loves cars and is dying to see that new Maserati you bought.”

  Mikael’s appreciation for blondes was legendary. If he wasn’t dating a blonde, he was pursuing one. And they pursued him as well. His eyes danced over Keira’s long golden hair, artificially enhanced breasts, and those blood-red lips.

  “For you, Elliott, anything.”

  Keira giggled and glanced back at Zac, her bright blue eyes sparkling at the attention of two pro athletes. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  She took off with Mikael without waiting for his response.

  Zac headed toward a group of players who had taken over a large sitting area near floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. They’d give him some hell and an ounce of friendship to keep his mind off Heather.

  Too late.

  The one person he didn’t want to see stood directly between him and the group. Zac forced himself to glance away from her. So what if her smooth green gown caught every curve on her tall frame, and her black flyaway hair spilling over her shoulders made him think of what she’d look like after a night in bed. He shook his head.

  Even after they’d had fun that afternoon, she didn’t want anything to do with him. She’d shared details of their afternoon together with her father’s right-hand man and claimed he’d been “conceited and a bore.” What had inspired her to trash him, especially to Ben? Whatever the reason, her actions had made the desire to call her evaporate faster than a slap shot to the groin.

  Ben now stood next to Heather, his green tie matching her dress like an overeager prom date’s. His mouth was positioned too close to her ear. What the hell?

  Zac turned and escaped down a long hallway to a small bathroom. Forget the party. He’d grab Keira and leave. Better yet, maybe Mikael could drive her home, and he could head straight to his house alone. Company was overrated. He splashed some water on his face, rubbed his hands through his hair, and texted Mikael.

  Could you take Keira home? Something came up.

  The response was immediate.

  Of course. She’s begging to go for a drive.

  He slipped his phone into his pocket. Perhaps there was a door leading to the beach he could use so he wouldn’t run into Heather on the way to his car. How could he have misjudged her interest in him? The fact that he’d enjoyed their time together caused him even more irritation. Maybe this was for the best. Patrick would kill him if he knew how attracted Zac had been to his daughter.

  Sneaking out via the back hall, he stopped. Heather blocked his path and stared him down. She stepped closer, an earth goddess with the most kissable rose-colored lips.

  With a classy and utterly feminine swagger, she approached his hiding spot. “You’re not leaving, are you?”

  His gaze traveled down her flowing gown, reminiscent of silk sheets and mind-blowing sex. “I think it’s for the best.”

  The smooth skin on her forehead crinkled. “For the best? Why?”

  “I’m not in the mood for a crowd tonight.”

  She nodded. “I understand. Keira seems lovely. She’s a lucky girl.”

  Her smile softened into genuine friendliness, and her eyes sparkled with a hint of interest. Confusion sharper than a skate blade cut into his thoughts. “You’re complimenting me, yet you made it quite clear to our general counsel that I was an egotistical bore.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You told Ben I was an arrogant jerk who repulsed you on every level.”

  She lifted a very sexy eyebrow. “I wouldn’t say that about you, and I never mentioned meeting you to anyone.”

  He raised an eyebrow in reply, as though she were a rookie player with a bad excuse for a hangover at practice.

  She shook her head, causing her hair to cascade over one of her shoulders. “And have my father lecture me on dating the players? No.”

  “So you had fun with me?” He leaned toward her.

  Her expression softened, and a subtle smile emerged. “Don’t sound shocked. You’re smart, you’re charming as hell, and you’re one of the nicest men I’ve come across in professional sports. What’s not to like? I’m not, however, too keen on sharing.”

  Keira’s earlier request popped into his head, and he let out a laugh. “Me either. One of the guys fixed me up with Keira. Trust me, there’s nothing there. She left with Mikael.”

  “Ben told me he’d seen you plastered up against a blonde waitress at the team dinner. When you walked in with Keira, I assumed she was the woman.”

  “Are you serious? Ben wasn’t at the restaurant that night. It was a players-only dinner. And tonight was the first date of any kind I’ve had in weeks. And this wasn’t officially a date. It was more of a favor to a friend.” The image of her and Ben rose up in his mind. A flash of heat ripped through his system. “What’s going on with you and Ben?”

  “Nothing. He moved into my building a few months ago and offered to drive me tonight. We’re just friends.” Her voice trailed off, and she walked to the window.

  “He sure as hell isn’t acting like he wants to be just friends.” Anger burned through him. Zac had never liked Ben, but his intrusion into their relationship crossed boundaries.

  “I’m sorry I believed him. Why would he tell you something like tha
t?” She shook her head as though ridding herself of a bad memory.

  The lying son of a bitch would be dealt with, but not now. Zac closed the distance between them in two long strides. He took a deep breath to keep his temper from flaring up and frightening her away, although she didn’t appear nervous around him. At all. Just ask, take another chance. “After everything Ben put us through, I think we deserve a fresh start.”

  She smiled at him, the same smile she wore while strolling the boardwalk. “I happen to be free right now.”

  He’d kill Ben as soon as he got him alone for all the trouble he’d caused. Right now, however, he needed to fix things with Heather. “In that case, I neglected to do something the last time we met, and I need to make it right.”

  His hand clasped hers. He drew her farther down the hall and into a quiet alcove. She leaned into him the same moment he wrapped his hand around the back of her head and pulled her lips into a long-overdue kiss. The kiss was sweet and proper and restrained. If he were a gentleman, it would have stayed that way, but being a gentleman at their last meeting hadn’t worked out. He deepened the kiss. His nerves fired as the intensity moved from sweet to holy shit. Hunger for her erupted into something bordering on frenzy. He pulled back to calm his ravenous impulses. The velvety moan at the moment of their separation told him she was as affected by their kiss as he was. Her eyes remained closed, and her head tilted to the right, waiting.

  He tangled his hands in her hair and pulled her back to him, becoming lost inside the sexiest mouth he’d ever kissed. She tasted of chardonnay, an intoxicating mix of vanilla and peaches. Toned arms rested on his hips, and her fingers slid under his jacket, caressing his back in small strokes.

  Time, place, and reason disappeared. He backed her against the wall, and her body molded to his. A perfect fit.

  She murmured her approval and drew him closer.

  His hand drifted around her back, and he touched bare skin. Carnal cravings ignited inside him—he’d never wanted anyone as much as he wanted…no, needed her.

  Pulling away from her lips and trying to keep his breathing steady, he touched his forehead to hers. “We have to get out of here.”


  Breathless, Heather rested against the solid support of the wall. Her mind spun, her pulse raced, and energy surged through her limbs. Nothing could have prepared her for kissing Zac.

  Voices raised in laughter carried down the hall.

  “This place is packed. Escaping shouldn’t be too difficult.” She led Zac out of the alcove.

  “There you are, Heather.” Her mother hurried toward them, her winter-white gown gleaming. “Can you thank Mrs. Featherstone? She’s just made a donation to the foundation.”


  “And, Zac, a couple of the guys are looking for you.”

  “Thanks, ma’am.” Zac’s hand slipped off Heather’s back.

  She followed her mother toward a group of elderly women. Across the room, Zac’s teammates gathered around him, slapping him on the back and making animated toasts. No doubt, they were discussing the previous night’s victory over Houston.

  After thanking Mrs. Featherstone, Heather turned to search for Zac and came face-to-face with Ben. His breath smelled of Jack Daniel’s and he appeared annoyed, but she didn’t care what was going on in his head. The thought that Ben would lie about Zac and a leggy blonde aggravated her and addled her composure. She couldn’t cause a scene with her father’s general counsel, but she wasn’t obligated to entertain him, either.

  He stood too close, invading her space. His long, aristocratic fingers pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  “Oh?” Over his shoulder, she saw Zac drift apart from his teammates and weave his way through the room.

  “Can I get you some champagne?” Ben’s insistent voice pulled her focus back to him.

  “No, thanks. I’m not feeling well. I’m going to head home.”

  “I’ll drive you. Let me grab my coat.”

  “That’s okay. I already have a ride, but I appreciate you bringing me here.”

  “Maybe we can meet up tomorrow.”

  “I can’t. I have plans.” She excused herself and greeted a friend of her mother’s. After exchanging general pleasantries, she moved on to another guest, threading her way closer to Zac. When they crossed paths, she pretended to greet him with an air kiss.

  “See those French doors by the bar?” she whispered. “They lead down to the patio by the side of the house. Give me five minutes, and I’ll meet you by your car.”

  His gaze scanned the crowded room. He looked like a warrior plotting a strategy. “We might not be able to get away. Maybe we shouldn’t try it tonight. Your dad’s right over there. He’d tear me apart if he found out we’d left together.”

  Not only would her father take issue, the fans and Zac’s teammates would too. And yet… Her lips tingled. She could still feel the weight and warmth of his lips. “After that kiss, I feel like taking the risk.”

  “If I’m going to break the rules, it would have to be for you.” His thumb brushed across her wrist.

  His words and the jolt of heat erupted goose bumps all over her body. She couldn’t hold back her sigh. His breath caressed her cheek. “I parked on the side closest to the beach.”

  With a sedate smile and a polite nod, he turned away.

  Heather fought the urge to follow him and returned to her duties as hostess. Ben’s gaze seemed focused on her movements from room to room. Avoiding him became a game of hide-and-seek. Moving quickly among groups, she located her parents standing by the large fireplace. After she refilled her father’s scotch, she told them she was leaving.

  He placed his arm around her in the same protective manner he’d done since she was a child. “Do you have a ride home?”

  “All set.”

  “Be careful, Princess. These players are worth millions, but you’re priceless.” He hugged her close.

  Priceless… The word twisted her gut with the familiar, subtle, nagging pressure for perfection. An only child born to parents who’d dreamed of filling their home with dozens, she strove to make up for what they didn’t have. Letting them down wasn’t an option.

  Wrapping her arms around her mother, she gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before rescuing her wrap and clutch from the closet and edging closer to the door to freedom.

  Floodlights on the front of the house illuminated the lawn. Feeling like a spy, she ducked low and moved between cars. Zac’s Porsche sat idling nearby. She tugged the door open, laughing.

  He flashed a wicked grin. “You made it.”

  Scrambling into the seat, she buckled the seat belt and laughed again. “Floor it, before they release the hounds.”


  “Okay, one very large, very old golden retriever. But Brindy loves car rides so she might muster the energy to chase us.”

  “I’d like to see that. She’s not lazy, she’s smart. Pizza and cars seem like great motivators.”

  Once outside Avalon, Zac’s car picked up speed as they drove down the highway. Lights from the Atlantic City skyline dotted the coast. Heather relaxed against the leather seat and turned toward him. “Where are we headed?”

  “Where would you like to go?” His right hand reached across the console. Warm fingers brushed the back of her hand, sending bolts of excitement up her arm and straight to her core.

  Heather linked their fingers together. “How about the Blue Dog?” The hole-in-the-wall diner on the outskirts of Atlantic City would allow privacy. They could focus on each other and not a constant barrage of interruptions. “We’re a little over-dressed, but I’d kill for a slice of cheesecake.”

  “Works for me.”

  They pulled onto the gravel parking lot. Dark wood weathered by the salty sea air flanked large windows and a neon blue sign. Inside, a blast of heat greeted them. A mix of Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations adorned the counters, tables, and
walls. As they crossed to a corner table by a window, Heather’s heels clicked against the red-and-blue checkerboard floor.

  A gray-haired waitress approached. She eyed their outfits and raised a brow. “What’ll it be?”

  “Two coffees and a slice of strawberry cheesecake, two forks.” Zac grasped Heather’s hand and winked. His finger traced a circular pattern over her palm, scrambling her thoughts and stirring the longing that had welled within her since their last meeting.

  After their order was delivered, the waitress hinted at an autograph for her grandson. Zac accepted her pen and smiled as he scrawled his name on a napkin. The overhead lights gleamed off his dark blond hair and golden skin, and cast a shadow on wide shoulders and hands designed for more than shooting a puck.

  He handled the interruption well, with humor and courtesy. Although many people feigned interest in her for the wrong reasons, either her family’s money or her connections to the team, more people clamored for his attention, wanting a piece of his celebrity. The inconveniences of fame didn’t seem to bother him. And he seemed unfazed by her status as the heiress to the Hustler’s team. She’d spent enough time in his presence over the past few years to know that she didn’t need to keep her guard up around him. He understood. They could enjoy getting to know each other better without worry, because neither desired the other’s money or status. It was a nice change from the guys she usually dated.

  When the waitress left, Heather lifted a forkful of cheesecake covered in red strawberry sauce. Zac raised his own fork, but his eyes focused on her lips as she savored the sweet, creamy cake. The intimacy of sharing the dessert led her mind to their steamy kiss. Was he thinking about it, too?

  He picked up his coffee cup, his huge hand dwarfing the mug, and nodded toward the tree decorated in red and green in the corner. “So, what do you want for Christmas?”


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