One Hot Summer

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One Hot Summer Page 44

by Rosemary Ashton

  Lucan, Lord (i), (ii)

  Lucas, Samuel (i)

  Lucknow (i)

  Lucretia Borgia (Gaetano Donizetti) (i)

  Lunacy Act (1845) (i), (ii)

  Lunacy Commission

  Bulwer Lytton and (i)

  earl of Shaftesbury (i)

  false imprisonment cases (i)

  founding and purpose of (i)

  in pantomime (i)

  newspapers report on (i)

  Rosina Bulwer Lytton and (i), (ii), (iii)

  scrutinised (i)

  Turner enquiry (i)

  lunatic asylums (i)

  Lyell, Sir Charles

  Darwin turns to (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Darwin writes on natural selection (i)

  Darwin’s fear of diseases (i)

  death of (i)

  doubts over natural selection (i), (ii)

  on Huxley (i)

  Wallace recognised by (i)

  writes to Linnaean Society (i)

  Lyndhurst, Lord (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Lytton, Edward Bulwer see Bulwer Lytton, Edward

  Lytton, Rosina Bulwer see Bulwer Lytton, Rosina

  Maclise, Daniel (i), (ii), (iii)

  Macready, William Charles (i), (ii), (iii)

  Madame Bovary (Gustave Flaubert) (i)

  Maine Liquor Law (i)

  Malay Archipelago (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Malay Archipelago, The: The Land of the Orang-Utan, the Bird of Paradise. A Narrative of Travel, with Studies of Man and Nature (Alfred Russel Wallace) (i)

  Malaysia (i)

  Malthus, Thomas (i)

  Malthusian League (i)

  Malvern (i), (ii)

  Manchester (i), (ii)

  Manchester Times (i)

  Manners, Lord John (i)

  Mansion House (i)

  Manuals for the Many (Edward Copland) (i)

  ‘Mariana’ (Alfred Lord Tennyson) (i)

  Marriott, Charles (i)

  Marshalsea debtors’ prison (i)

  Martin, John (i)

  Marx, Jenny (i)

  Marx, Karl (i)

  Communist Manifesto published (i)

  connections (i)

  considers Darwin ‘unphilosophical’ (i)

  Engels on Edwin James (i)

  on Palmerston (i), (ii)

  on Sepoy rebellion (i)

  Rosina Bulwer Lytton (i)

  Marylebone (i)

  Masson, David (i)

  Masthouse Terrace Pier (i)

  Maxwell, John (i)

  Mayhew, Augustus (i)

  Mayhew, Horace (i)

  McKay, Rev. (i)

  Medical Act (1858) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Medical Act (1886) (i)

  Medical Practitioners Bill (i)

  Medical Register (i), (ii)

  Medical Times (i)

  medicine (i)

  Melbourne, Lord (i)

  Mendel, Abbé (i)

  Mendelssohn, Felix (i)

  Meteorological Society (i)

  Metropolis Local Management Act (i), (ii)

  Metropolitan Board of Works

  Bazalgette’s appointment (i)

  Disraeli and (i), (ii)

  doubts re competence of (i), (ii), (iii)

  Era on (i)

  formation of (i)

  in pantomime (i)

  paralysed by disagreement (i)

  Times on (i)

  Meux, Sir Henry (i), (ii), (iii)

  Meux, Lady (i), (ii)

  miasma theory (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) n10

  microhistory (i)

  Mid-Kent Railway (i)

  Midlands (i)

  ‘Milk and Honey by W.M. T——k——y’ (Edmund Yates) (i)

  Mill on the Floss, The (George Eliot) (i)

  Millwall (i), (ii)

  Millwall Iron Works Company (i)

  ‘Modern Fiction’ (Virginia Woolf) (i)

  Moor Park see Lane, Dr Edward

  Morley, Henry (i)

  Morley, Malcolm (i) n63

  Morning Chronicle (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Morning Post (i)

  Morris, William (i)

  Morrison’s Hotel, Dublin (i)

  Morton, Thomas (i)

  Motley, John Lothrop (i), (ii), (iii)

  Mr Thackeray, Mr Yates, and the Garrick Club: The Correspondence and the Facts (Edmund Yates) (i), (ii)

  Murray, John (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Nag’s Head, Borough (i)

  Napoleon III

  attempted assassination (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Eugénie and crinoline (i)

  National Gallery (i)

  National Portrait Gallery (i)

  Natural History Museum (i)

  natural selection (i) see also Darwin, Charles

  all-important mechanism of evolution (i), (ii)

  Darwin and Wallace (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  friends help Darwin secure credit for (i), (ii), (iii)

  Hooker not convinced (i)

  Huxley describes (i)

  Linnaean Society meeting (i)

  Lyell’s doubts (i)

  Owen opposes (i), (ii)

  painstaking work on (i)

  W.B. Carpenter supports (i)

  Nature (i)

  New Guinea (i)

  New Street, Covent Garden (i)

  New Timon, The: A Romance of London (Edward Bulwer Lytton) (i)

  New York (i), (ii)

  New York Daily Tribune

  Conspiracy to Murder Bill (i)

  Dickens’s separation (i), (ii)

  Horace Greeley and (i)

  Marx’s articles for (i), (ii)

  Newdegate, Charles Newdigate (i), (ii), (iii)

  Newgate prison (i)

  Newman, John Henry (i)

  newspapers (i)

  Niagara, USS (i)

  Niger, river (i)

  Norton, Caroline (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Norton, George (i)

  Not So Bad as We Seem (Edward Bulwer Lytton) (i)

  novels (i)

  Oath of Abjuration Bill (i), (ii), (iii)

  Observer (i)

  Odyssey (Homer) (i)

  Old Bailey (i), (ii), (iii)

  Old Palace Yard (i)

  On Chloroform and Other Anaesthetics (John Snow and Benjamin Richardson) (i)

  Once a Week (i)

  Orlando Furioso (Lodovico Ariosto) (i)

  Orsini, Felice (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Osborne House (i)

  Othello (William Shakespeare) (i)

  Oudh (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Out of Sight, Out of Mind (i)

  Outram, Sir James (i)

  Ouvry, Frederick (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) see also Farrer, Ouvry and Farrer, Messrs

  Owen, Professor Richard

  anonymously reviews his own books (i)

  attacks Origin of Species (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  BAAS presidential speech (i), (ii)

  Darwin’s rival (i)

  Natural History Museum (i)

  natural selection doubts (i)

  on photography (i)

  on Thames sewage (i)

  Oxford University (i), (ii)

  Palace of Westminster (i)

  Palaeontology (Richard Owen) (i)

  Paley, William (i)

  Pall Mall (i)

  Palmer, William (i)

  Palmerston, Lord (i)

  Dickens on (i)

  Disraeli assisted by (i)

  Disraeli outperforms (i)

  Divorce Bill’s progress thanks to (i), (ii)

  lover and stepson (i)

  Marx on (i), (ii)

  on the medical profession (i)

  Oudh proclamation and (i)

  plans censure motion (i)

  possible return of (i)

  rakes, adulterers and (i)

  return of (i)

  Royal Academy banquet (i)

  sanitation committee (i)

  surprise fall of (i)


  Thames in (i)

  theatres featuring (i)

  topical references (i)

  transformation scene (i)

  Paper Mill Company (i)

  Papers Relating to the Sanitary State of the People of England (John Simon and Edward Greenhow) (i)


  1848 (i)

  attempted assassination of Napoleon III (i)

  crinoline craze (i)

  miasma theory (i) n10

  Reynolds’s fictional guide to (i)

  safe sewage removal (i)

  Thackeray’s daughters in (i)

  Parslow (i), (ii), (iii)

  Past and Present (Thomas Carlyle) (i)

  Past and Present (Augustus Egg) (i)

  Pavilion Hotel, Folkestone (i)

  Peel, Sir Robert (i), (ii), (iii)

  ‘pegtop’ trousers (i)

  Pelham, or, The Adventures of a Gentleman (Edward Bulwer Lytton) (i)

  People’s Paper

  attempted assassination of Napoleon III (i)

  Big Ben brought to site (i)

  Edwin James appearing for Lady Meux (i)

  Isabella Robinson’s diary (i)

  Marx writes for (i)

  Marx’s articles on Palmerston (i)

  Paris sewage removal (i)

  Thames stink (i)

  uses of crinoline (i)

  People’s Provident Assurance Society (i)

  Petticoat Lane (i)

  Philharmonic Hall (i)

  Phillimore, Robert (i)

  Phillips, John (i)

  Philosophical Club (Royal Society) (i)

  photography (i)

  Physical, Sexual, and Natural Religion, by a Student of Medicine (George Drysdale as anon.) (i)

  Pickwick Abroad, or, the Tour in France (G.W.M. Reynolds) (i)

  Pieri, Giuseppe (i)

  Pimlico (i)

  Pius IX, Pope (i)

  Poisons Bill (i)

  Pollock, Sir Frederick (i)

  Poole, Rev. Alfred (i), (ii)

  population (i), (ii), (iii)

  Portsmouth (i)

  Pre-Raphaelites (i), (ii)

  Prerogative Office (i)

  Price, Stephen (i)

  Probate Courts (i)

  Proceedings (Linnaean Society) (i), (ii)

  Property Qualification Bill (i)

  Prussia (i), (ii)

  public health (i)


  ‘Advice in Hot Weather’ (i)

  anti-Semitism towards Disraeli (i)

  appointment of Clanricarde (i)

  Bulwer Lytton despised by (i)

  Epsom Derby article (i)

  Great Eastern (i)

  main artist for (i)

  Mark Lemon (i)

  Oaths Bill poem (i)

  on crinoline (i), (ii)

  on doctors (i)

  on the Ecclesiastical Court (i)

  Poisons Bill (i)

  Poole case (i)

  Queen Victoria visits Great Eastern (i)

  Rarey’s show (i)

  Thackeray and (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Thames Bill committee (i)

  Thames cartoon (i)

  Thames project (i), (ii)

  weekly dinners (i), (ii)

  writers and publishers (i)

  Pusey, Edward Bouverie (i), (ii)

  Quarterly Review (i)

  Queen’s Bench Prison (i)

  Queen’s Speech (i)

  Racing Times (i), (ii)

  Rarey, James (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Rattlesnake, HMS (i), (ii)

  Raverat, Gwen (i), (ii)

  Recollections and Experiences (Edmund Yates) (i), (ii)

  Red Lion Hotel, Dorking (i)

  Red Lion Square (i)

  Reed, Dr (i)

  Reform Act (1832) (i), (ii)

  Reform Bill (1859) (i), (ii)

  Reform Club (i), (ii)

  Regent Street (i), (ii)

  Regent’s Park (i), (ii)

  Régnier, François (i)

  Reigate (i)

  Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain (Edwin Chadwick) (i)

  Reynolds, G.W.M. (i), (ii)

  Reynolds’s Newspaper

  attempted assassination of Napoleon III (i), (ii)

  Dickens’s private life and (i), (ii)

  Disraeli and the Oaths Bill (i), (ii)

  turns on Garrick Club and Thackeray (i)

  Richardson, Benjamin (i)

  Ritchie, J. Ewing (i), (ii)

  rivers (i) see also Thames, river

  Robinson, George (i)

  Robinson, Henry (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Robinson, Isabella (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Robinson v. Robinson and Lane (i), (ii), (iii)

  Divorce Act amendment and (i)

  importance of (i)

  judges need legal advice (i)

  most interesting case so far (i)

  Robsart, Amy (i), (ii)

  Ross, George (i)

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (i), (ii)

  Rotherhithe (i)

  Rothschild, Charlotte de (i)

  Rothschild, Lionel Baron de (i)

  elected but unable to stand (i)

  Newdegate opposes (i)

  Russell’s bill for (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  subscribes to Rarey (i)

  Times on (i)

  Rothschild, Mayer de (i)

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (i)

  Royal Academy (i)

  1858 exhibition (i), (ii)

  crinoline craze and (i)

  Queen Victoria goes to concert (i)

  Royal College of Physicians (i), (ii)

  Royal College of Surgeons (i), (ii)

  Royal General Theatrical Fund (i)

  Royal Geographical Society (i)

  Royal Literary Fund (i)

  Royal Lyceum Theatre (i)

  Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society (i)

  Royal Meteorological Society (i)

  Royal Society (i), (ii), (iii)

  Ruck, Laurence (i)

  Ruskin, John (i), (ii)

  Russell, Lord John (i)

  admires Disraeli (i)

  attacks Derby government (i)

  campaigns for Jews in Parliament (i), (ii), (iii)

  Palmerston and (i), (ii)

  praises Stanley (i)

  Royal Academy banquet (i)

  sanitation committee (i)

  supports Rothschild (i)

  Russell, John Scott (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Russell, William Howard (i), (ii)

  Russia (i)

  Ryves, Rebecca

  attempts to intervene in Rosina Bulwer Lytton’s committal (i)

  letters from Rosina (i), (ii), (iii)

  Rosina boasts to (i)

  Rosina falls out with (i)

  Saint-Hilaire, Étienne-Geoffroy (i)

  Sala, G.A. (i)

  Dickens and (i)

  Epsom Derby (i)

  Evans’s Supper Rooms (i)

  hiding from creditors (i)

  idolises and imitates Dickens (i)

  on clubs (i)

  on Frederick Dickens (i)

  on photography (i)

  Yates’s waspishness (i)

  Salomons, David (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  sanitation (i), (ii), (iii)

  Sarawak (i)

  Sartor Resartus (Thomas Carlyle) (i)

  Saturday Review (i), (ii)

  Savage, Marmion (i)

  Scenes of Clerical Life (George Eliot) (i), (ii), (iii)

  Sclater, Philip (i)

  Scotland (i), (ii), (iii)

  Scotsman (i)

  Scott, Dr Dukinfield (i)

  Scott, Walter (i)

  Scott, William Bell (i)

  Sedgwick, Adam (i), (ii)

  Sedgwick, Amy (i)

  Sephardic Jews (i) see also Jews

  Sepoy rebellion (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  sexuality (i)

  Seymour, Ro
bert (i)

  Shaftesbury, Lord (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Shakespeare, William (i)

  Sheffield and Rotherham Independent (i)

  Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (i)

  Silas Marner (George Eliot) (i)

  Silver, Henry

  diaries (i), (ii), (iii)

  Dickens/Evans split (i)

  hoop-de-dooden-dos (i)

  Thackeray’s ally (i)

  weekly Punch dinners (i), (ii)

  ‘Silver Thames, The’ (Edwin Lankester) (i)

  Simon, John (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Singapore (i)

  Slough (i), (ii)

  Smee, Alfred (i)

  Smethurst, Thomas (i)

  Smith, Albert (i)

  Smith, Arthur

  appreciated by Dickens (i)

  Dickens on Catherine and (i)

  Dickens’s reading tours (i), (ii), (iii)

  Dickens’s separation agreement and (i), (ii)

  Household Words auction (i)

  Smith, George (i), (ii)

  Smith, George Frederick (i)

  Smith, John Abel (i)

  Smith, Madeleine (i), (ii), (iii)

  Smithfield meat market (i)

  Snow, John (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  Socrates (i)

  Soho Theatre (i)

  South America (i)

  South Kensington (i)

  Southampton Street (i)

  Southwark and Vauxhall Company (water) (i)

  Spectator (i), (ii)

  spiritualism (i), (ii) n171

  St Barnabas, Pimlico (i), (ii), (iii)

  St Clement Inn, Strand (i)

  St James’s Chronicle (i), (ii), (iii)

  St James’s Hall, Piccadilly (i), (ii), (iii)

  St Martin’s Hall, Long Acre

  A Christmas Carol (i)

  Dickens reads ‘Little Dombey’ (i)

  Dickens’s acting abilities (i)

  Dickens’s final performances at (i)

  more public readings (i)

  St Paul’s, Knightsbridge (i)

  St Paul’s Cathedral (i)

  Stanfield, Clarkson (i)

  Stanley, Lord

  advances India Bill (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  distrust of Disraeli (i), (ii)

  Royal Academy banquet (i)

  Times report (i)

  statistics (i)

  Stevens, Samuel (i), (ii)

  Stillwell, Arthur (i)

  Strand (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Strand Theatre Company (i)

  Sudbrook Park (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) n97

  Sumner, John (i)

  Swan Hotel, Worcester (i)

  Sydenham (i)

  Sykes, Colonel (i)

  Sykes, Lady Henrietta (i), (ii), (iii)

  Symons, G.J. (i)

  Synge, William (i), (ii)

  Tait, Archibald (i), (ii), (iii)

  Tait, Robert (i), (ii)

  Taming of the Shrew, The (William Shakespeare) (i)

  Tancred (Benjamin Disraeli) (i)

  Tate collection (i)

  Tattenham Corner (i)

  Taunton (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)

  Tavistock House

  an evening described (i)

  Catherine Dickens leaves (i), (ii)

  connecting door blocked (i)

  Dickens family arrangements at (i)

  private theatre built (i)


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