Beyond the Nightmare Gate

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Beyond the Nightmare Gate Page 14

by Ian Page

  If you wish to step forward onto a two-sword flagstone, turn to 7.

  If you wish to move diagonally to the left, onto a one-sword flagstone, turn to 89.

  If you wish to move diagonally to the right, onto a one-sword flagstone, turn to 11.

  If you wish to move towards the doorway on your left by stepping onto a two-sword flagstone, turn to 349.


  The acid is very potent. Carefully, you pour it over the lock and watch with satisfaction as the iron lock bubbles and steams like boiling lava. In moments, the lock has melted clean away. You push the door open to reveal a narrow flight of stairs, leading downwards into blackness.

  If you wish to step forward, turn to 125.

  If you wish to go back to the large stairway by stepping on the flagstone that bears one sword, turn to 89.

  If you wish to go back to the large stairway by stepping on the flagstone that bears two swords, turn to 349.


  You face impossible odds — you are outnumbered by over ten to one. At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you slay the nearest Elessi with a rapid sweep of your Staff. But the other Elessin do not attempt to retaliate. Instead, one of them places a silver pipe to his lips and blows. A savage pain echoes in your head and you fall to the ground with an agonized cry: lose 6 ENDURANCE points.

  If you are still alive, turn to 18.


  You grab Spittlethrift by the shoulders. ‘The Realm of Paradox,’ you say, shaking him roughly; ‘how do I get there?’ You shake the little man again.

  Dazed, he replies: ‘We will adjust the Gyronome. It will take a little time.’

  ‘I have no time. Perhaps the impostor has slain her already.’

  ‘We will hurry,’ replies Spittlethrift, who scuttles off to see about the task.

  Time drags on inexorably. You pace the room until, eventually, Spittlethrift and Slypate return with the adjusted Gyronome and follow you to the Ethetron. Hastily, you drag the statue of the Screaming God from the craft and dump it at the tower door. Then you take to the air once more.

  Just as the tingling sensation that heralds the crossing of the realms begins, you hear a terrible sound in the distance. It is a moaning wail that chills your heart. Looking back, you see that the Crystal Tower is falling. Suddenly, you realize that you did not warn the Academicians of the peril of the Screaming God. One of them must have removed the Threnogem from the mouth of the statue. You can do nothing for them now. As you look away, your eyes are greeted by a strange sight: the Realm of Paradox.

  If you have the Magical Power of Enchantment and wish to use it, turn to 14.

  If you do not have this Power, or if you do not wish to use it, turn to 32.


  You walk towards the Singing City and its dazzling display of glass and fragmented light. Delicate spires point towards the sky and you can hear the distant ringing of countless tiny bells and a warm, resonant humming of shifting timbre, accompanied by pure harmonies that whisper like the breeze. You are stunned by the sheer splendour of the city. The Academicians told you that the Elessin were cruel people, but their dwelling suggests a purity and an advanced civilization.

  As you approach the city gate, you see an Elessi standing beneath the large, curving arch of crystal. He carries no weapon but he marches before the gate as if he were a guard. He has not seen you yet.

  If you wish to enter the city through this gate, turn to 274.

  If you wish to try to find another way into the city, turn to 280.

  If you possess a Mind Gem and wish to use it to pass the guard undetected, turn to 301.

  If you possess the Magical Power of Enchantment and wish to use it to pass the guard undetected, turn to 294.


  I am the Guardian of the Screaming God, he says, the words ringing in your mind with a clear, musical tone. Before you continue with this madness, let me tell you of that which you seek to steal. You cannot know the danger of what you do.

  If you agree to the Guardian's request, turn to 245.

  If you do not trust him, turn to 209.


  Of one thing you are certain: Spittlethrift spoke the truth when he said that you cannot leave the Realm of the Neverness without his help, and therefore you cannot complete your quest for the Moonstone without accepting the task they have appointed you. You see a vision of yourself, alone, standing upon a strange machine with a curiously shaped sail and a large glass dome at its centre. You wonder what has become of Tanith and why you journey alone. You have expended 1 WILLPOWER point.

  With a mind crowded with doubts and uncertainties, you agree reluctantly to undertake the quest to steal the Threnogem. ‘Good, good, marvellous,’ says Spittlethrift, joyfully. ‘Come with me — to the laboratory.’

  Tanith shakes her head, the look in her eyes revealing her deep mistrust of Spittlethrift and his kin.

  Turn to 105.


  Slowly and carefully you step onto your chosen flagstone. Nothing happens and you breathe a sigh of relief.

  If you now wish to step onto the flagstone bearing one sword in front of the door, turn to 118.

  If you wish to step onto the flagstone ahead of you bearing two swords, turn to 349.

  If you wish to step onto the flagstone that is ahead and to the right bearing one sword, turn to 311.


  These chemicals, when mixed together with crystals, ground into a powder, and then heated, produce a metal-destroying acid. If you do not have a Tinderbox, you must exert 1 WILLPOWER point in heating the mixture. If you have an empty Vial, you may keep the Ezeran Acid in it (mark it as a Special Item on your Action Chart). If you do not have an empty Vial, you must use up all the acid on the lock.

  Turn to 312.


  You watch as the Elessin head back towards their city. When they are a sufficient distance away, you follow, keeping out of sight. Their path leads you to the gate of the city and, crouching behind a bush, you watch as they enter.

  The city is a dazzling display of glass and crystal. Delicate spires and ivory towers point to the sky. You listen to the music of the city: a faint ringing like a million tiny bells and a warm, resonant bass accompanied by pure harmonies that sigh like a spring breeze. The Academicians told you that the Elessin are cruel creatures, but their dwelling suggests purity and an advanced civilization. Beneath the curving crystal arch of the city gate, an Elessi stands. He has no weapons, but he marches before the gate as if he were a guard.

  If you wish to enter the city through this gate, turn to 274.

  If you decide to try to find another way into the city, turn to 280.

  If you possess a Mind Gem and wish to use it, turn to 301.

  If you have the Magical Power of Enchantment and wish to try to pass the guard undetected, turn to 294.


  With all the speed you can muster you sprint down the stairs and along the corridor of statues. Tanith is close behind as you rush into the room of mirrors. To your horror, an iron door falls to block your escape. You have no choice — you must turn and face the monster.

  Turn to 263.


  With an impetuous yell you hurl yourself at the Elessi. He falls to the ground and you wrestle desperately with each other. If you are fighting without your Wizard's Staff, you must deduct 8 points from your COMBAT SKILL total for the duration of the fight. If you possess a Jewelled Dagger, subtract only 6 points from your COMBAT SKILL total.

  Elessi Leader: COMBAT SKILL 12 ENDURANCE 25

  If you have not defeated the Elessi after three rounds of combat, but still have the greater ENDURANCE points total, and wish to cease fighting, turn to 99.

  Otherwise, if you have already killed the Elessi after three rounds, or you continue on and win the combat, turn to 107.


  You kneel down and reach, tentatively at first, with your hand into the strange black gap in the clouds. Your hand totally disappear
s and you hastily withdraw it. You are unharmed. It is almost as if your hand had left this realm.

  If you wish to enter the black hole, turn to 269.

  If you wish to explore any of the other gaps in the cloud, turn to 119.

  If you decide to continue towards the Crystal Tower, turn to 302.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 337.


  The night passes without incident. You feel refreshed and revitalized by your rest and you may restore 2 ENDURANCE points and 1 WILLPOWER point. As you move on to the low ground, a vague feeling of disquiet stirs inside you. It is a familiar feeling.

  If you wish to continue, turn to 228.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 236.


  You reach out towards a Shianti rune carved deep into the wall. A door appears and opens slowly. You enter the Trianon and prepare to fulfil your quest.

  Turn to 341.


  Two deft blows knock aside the two Elessin that hold you. With a startled cry, another Elessi backs away but a scything blow from your Staff kills him instantly. You have used 3 WILLPOWER points. The remaining Elessi places a slim, silver pipe to his lips, and suddenly your head is filled with a screaming pain as the high-pitched shriek of the pipe tunnels into your mind.

  Add together your current WILLPOWER and ENDURANCE scores.

  If the total is 20 or less, turn to 271.

  If the total is more than 20, turn to 284.


  For what seems like an eternity, you fly over the Chaos Sea. Eventually, you sight a row of barren cliffs, black and forbidding. You increase the Ethetron's speed and soon you are flying overland.

  You sight a large quarry, dug out of the blood-red soil. You fly low and circle the huge quarry, noticing a small wooden shack at the centre of a copse of withered trees. You decide to land and investigate the shack.

  Turn to 12.


  Bravely you stand your ground, ready to receive the lizard's charge. But a single chilling glance from the lizard's deadly eye transforms your flesh to stone.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  You crouch down and reach your hand, tentatively at first, into the hole. It disappears totally and you hastily withdraw it. You are, however, unharmed.

  If you wish to enter the black hole, turn to 269.

  If you wish to return to the Crystal Tower and attempt to climb it, turn to 264.


  The people of the Vale emit a great cheer. Fires throughout the village are already beginning to dwindle without the Jahksa there to stoke them afresh. The village elders ask if you would like to stay with them as honoured guest at a great feast.

  If you wish to stay with them, turn to 338.

  If you feel that you must go, turn to 306.


  There is no other gate to the city, and you are reluctant to try to bluff your way past the guard.

  If you wish to try to climb a sheltered section of the city wall, turn to 30.

  If you wish to try your luck at the city gate, turn to 307.


  Quickly, you hide the bodies of the Elessin in the undergrowth within the grove of trees. It is likely that the Elessin who escaped will raise the alarm and you carefully consider your next course of action: should you enter the Singing City as you are or should you adopt a disguise? To disguise yourself as an Elessi means leaving your Backpack behind. However, you must attempt to enter the city before evidence of your crime is discovered and that means that you cannot wait for nightfall to try to sneak into the city.

  Whatever decision you make, you now face great danger. You are an intruder in an unknown city, unfamiliar with the language or customs of its people and intent on stealing their most precious artefact.

  If you decide to disguise yourself as an Elessi, turn to 344.

  If you decide to attempt to enter the city as you are, turn to 315.


  You show him the Gold Coin. He shakes his head and frowns as he speaks to you. He is becoming very suspicious. Once more he holds out his hand.

  If you wish to show him the Glass Rod, turn to 267.

  If you wish to show him the Parchment, turn to 289.

  If you wish to show him the Silver Coin, turn to 348.

  If you wish to show him the Copper Coin, turn to 90.


  You raise your Staff and, with deadly accuracy, hurl a bolt of force at the golden-haired man. He is thrown to the ground, engulfed by a cloak of magical flame. Your attack has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points. His Elessin guards cry out in horror. There are ten of them.

  If you wish to take the Threnogem from the statue's mouth, turn to 71.

  If you wish to attack the Elessin guards and possess more than 10 WILLPOWER points, turn to 80.

  If you wish to grab the statue, turn to 92.


  The lawn is bordered by a high wall of transparent glass: you have come to a dead end. Before you can take further evasive action, the Elessin surround and capture you. You are forced to surrender and they march you to a gigantic palace in the centre of the city.

  Turn to 191.


  The statues are disturbingly life-like. Each one is characterized by a tortured expression or pose.

  If you wish to continue, turn to 298.

  If you have the Magical Power of Psychomancy and wish to use it, turn to 224.


  You close your eyes and search the future with the power of your thought. Your Power of Prophecy tells you that the black gap in the clouds contains a fathomless void but reveals no more. The use of this Power has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point.

  If you wish to enter the black hole, turn to 269.

  If you wish to put your hand into the hole, turn to 323.

  If you prefer to continue towards the Crystal Tower, turn to 302.


  You spend another day and night with these happy, simple people. The beauty of the vibrant valley is a welcome relief from the hardships of your quest, however worthy the cause. The time spent with the people of the Vale has a beneficial effect, restoring 4 ENDURANCE points and 2 WILLPOWER points. Tanith radiates a happiness and gaiety that you have seldom seen before. You ask about the Gate that leads to the Realm of the Moonstone, and the elders tell you of the Silver Lake.

  That night, you and Tanith are led up into the mountains to a large lake. They tell you to board the Ethetron and fly above the beautiful lake. Then, when the moon has climbed to its highest point in the sky you must fly into the water, for the lake is the Gateway to the Realm of the Moonstone and the light and power of the moon its key. You do as they instruct, and with a wave, you dive towards the Silver Lake, but as you break the surface, it is not water that washes over you but awe and wonder.

  Turn to 247.


  Summoning the might of your Wizard's Staff, you hurl its power at the sheer, crystal surface of the tower wall. An arc of magical fire hurtles towards the wall but is deflected. The wall remains unharmed. You have expended 1 WILLPOWER point in your futile assault.

  If you wish to use another 2 WILLPOWER points in a more concentrated attack against the wall, turn to 112.

  If you wish to try to climb the tower, turn to 264.

  If you wish to examine one of the many black gaps in the cloud plain, turn to 285.


  With amazing agility, you catch the Staff as it flies towards you and, in one swift, fluid movement, you whirl the Staff above your head and unleash a fiery bolt of magical flame at the Elessi. The blast throws him up in the air to fall to the ground beneath a plume of smoke. Your attack has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

  Turn to 107.


  You are standing at the start of a long corridor. There are more than a hundred doorways leading from this passage.

  If you wis
h to explore the corridor, turn to 47.

  If you do not, turn to 128.


  Outnumbered by more than ten to one, you decide to surrender. Restrained by the Elessin guards, you are taken to a huge palace at the very heart of the city.

  Turn to 191.


  Amazingly, before you can unleash the final, killing blow, the Jahksa's body begins to fade, becoming more and more transparent.

  ‘Farewell, Wizardling. I will await you in the next realm,’ he says, and disappears.

  Turn to 330.


  You wonder if all the Elessin are fair-haired. Fortunately, one of them is wearing a kind of hood that you can use to disguise your own black hair. You don the loose-fitting toga of one of the Elessi and make sure that you have all the items they carried. Unfortunately, you will have to leave your Backpack behind, but you decide to keep your Staff in spite of the suspicion it may arouse.30 Satisfied that your disguise is as convincing as you can possibly make it, you set out for the Singing City.


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