The Politics of Truth_Inside the Lies That Put the White House on Trial and Betrayed My Wife's CIA Identity

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The Politics of Truth_Inside the Lies That Put the White House on Trial and Betrayed My Wife's CIA Identity Page 52

by Joseph Wilson

governmental oppression

  human rights violations

  magic forests

  as military base

  oil industry

  and United States

  politics in

  Bongo reelected

  election process

  leaders gather at U. S. embassy

  opposition broadcasts, in Libreville


  as producer of uranium

  relations with United States

  tribal relations

  Gabonese National Day

  Gaffney, Frank

  Galbraith, Peter

  Ganwa (Burundi royalty)

  Gaweye hotel, Niger

  Geneva Convention


  in Bosnia

  Hutus and Tutsis

  in Burundi

  in Rwanda

  International Convention on

  Iraqi Kurds

  Republic of the Congo


  Clinton addresses survivors

  Genscher, Hans-Dietrich

  George Washington University

  “Geriatric Row”

  German Embassy

  hosts reception

  negotiation with Iraqis


  as CINC headquarters

  reunification of


  Clinton visits

  Ghassemlou, Abdul Rahman


  Ghozali, Sid Ahmed

  Gillespie, Ed

  Gingrich, Newt

  Ginsberg, Marc

  Glaspie, April

  leaves Iraq

  meets with Saddam Hussein

  Gnehm, Edward “Skip”

  goat mechouis

  gold mining

  Goldwater, Barry

  Goldwater-Nichols Defense Reorganization Act

  Goodall, Jane

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  Gore, Al

  2000 campaign

  Goree Island, Senegal

  Grahl, Larry

  Great Lakes Justice Initiative

  Greene, Graham

  Greenwald, Robert

  Grossman, Marc

  Guardian (British newspaper)

  Gulf War I


  media coverage

  and New World Order

  Saddam left in power

  operation launched

  revisionist history of

  U. S. military deployment begins

  Gulf War II


  costs, monetary

  Iraqi military, disbanded

  and occupation of Iraq

  reaction, of Iraqi people


  cutting and running

  internationalization of

  resentment, of other nations

  terrorism encouraged by

  as unnecessary

  and world standing, of United States

  Haas, Richard

  Habyarimana, Juvenal

  Hadley, Stephen

  Hagel, Chuck

  Haig, Alexander


  Halabja, Iraq

  Hamdun, Nizar

  fate, during Desert Storm,

  fate, during Desert Storm

  last meeting with Wilson

  Hamilton, Lee

  Hannah, John

  Hannity & Colmes

  Harare, Zimbabwe

  Hardball with Chris Matthews (TV news program)

  Hare, Paul

  Harman, Jane

  Harrison, Roger


  Hayden, Tom

  Health and Human Services Department

  Heath, Edward

  Height, Dorothy

  Helms, Jesse

  Herman, Alexis

  Hersh, Seymour

  Highway of Death

  History Channel

  Hitler, Adolf

  compared to Saddam

  Holbrooke, Richard

  Homeland Security Act


  in Iran, during Islamic revolution

  in Iraq

  efforts to free

  maintaining contact with


  on Thanksgiving

  House Government Reform committee

  House Intelligence Committee

  International Relations Committee

  House Judiciary Committee

  House of Representatives

  Howard, John

  Howell, Nat

  Huffington, Arianna

  human rights violations

  Equatorial Guinea



  as justification for invasion



  Republic of the Congo

  Sierra Leone

  Human Rights Watch

  humanitarian organizations. see also Peace Corps; USAID

  Hume, Brit


  Hussein, king of Jordan (Hussein bin Talal)

  meets with Saddam

  Hussein, Saddam

  see also Iraq

  accused of seeking uranium in Niger. see uranium deal allegations

  announces posession of WMDs

  and Arab-Israeli peace process

  attempts Bush assassination

  Bush, George W., administration targets

  celebrities meet with

  inflammatory rhetoric against, U. S.

  links to al Qaeda, unsubstantiated

  manipulation of social situations

  in the media

  meets with U. S. representatives

  military strategy, element of surprise

  motivations for Kuwait invasion

  portrayal, in the media

  sociopathic nature of

  dealing with

  as justification for invasion


  supports Palestinian intifada

  as target of George W. Bush administration

  and Tariq Aziz

  U. S. decision to leave in power

  weapons programs

  Hussein, Uday

  Hutu people

  Hyde, Henry

  Ibrahim, Izzat

  Ibrahim, Yousef (Cat Stevens)

  identity, of CIA operatives, protecting

  Ifill, Gwen

  imperial agenda, of invasion proponents

  Implementation Forces, Bosnia

  Imus, Don

  Incirlik, Turkey

  Independent (London newspaper)

  Inslee, Jay

  inspection program, in Iraq


  list of inconsistencies, in Iraq WMD report

  intelligence. see also CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)


  gained from released hostages

  Iraq Kurdish

  and Niger uranium report

  restricted, in Iraq

  sharing, with U.N. member states

  sources of information

  subversion of process

  intelligence community

  consequences of exposure

  role of

  Intelligence Identities Protection Act

  violation of

  as crime

  dangerousness of


  violation of, as crime

  Justice Department investigates

  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

  and U.N. Resolution 1441

  International Convention on Genocide

  International Foundation for Electrical Systems (IFES )

  International Herald Tribune

  intifada, second

  intimidation tactics, of Bush administration


  Islamic revolution

  relations with neighboring countries

  relations with United States

  Iran-Contra scandal

  Iran-Iraq war

  booty, displayed

; casualties

  costs, monetary


  and history of animosity


  and U.S. relations

  and water rights

  Iranian Kurdish Democratic Party (IKDP)

  Iraq. see also Gulf War I; Gulf War II

  Balkanization of

  containment policy, U. S. see containment policy, U. S.

  diplomatic procedures

  diplomatic relations suspended

  disarmament vs. regime change

  ethnic groups

  governmental oppression

  human rights violations

  as imminent threat

  failure to prove

  intelligence service

  invasion of Kuwait. see Kuwait, Iraqi invasion of

  Iran-Iraq war. see Iran-Iraq war

  Kurds in


  and Lebanese civil war

  meets with Kuwait

  nuclear program, discovered

  occupation of, repercussions

  oil industry

  and postwar reconstruction

  Operation Provide Comfort

  oppression, social

  post Gulf War II

  and reconstruction

  relations with Egypt

  relations with France

  relations with Israel

  relations with Russia

  relations with Soviet Union

  relations with Turkey

  relations with United States

  as Israeli ally

  post-Iran-Iraq war

  trade sanctions


  search for WMD. see WMD (weapons of mass destruction)

  secretive nature, of government

  social factions

  surveillance in

  international calls, monitored

  and Syria

  as tribal society

  and U. N. inspections

  United States invades. see Gulf War II

  and WMD

  Iraq, during Kuwait invasion

  foreign citizens trapped

  German Embassy reception

  Iraqis attend

  Iraq Liberation Act

  Iraqi embassy, in Washington

  Iraqi Liberation Foundation

  Iraqi ports

  Iraqi Survey Group, CIA

  Iraqis, character of

  Irbil, Iraq


  Isikoff, Michael (Newsweek)


  and anti-Semitic feeling

  and Gulf War II

  relations with Iraq

  relations with United States

  violation of U. N. resolutions

  Israel/Palestinian conflict, terrorism

  Israeli peace process


  George W. Bush administration disengages

  Wilson urges reengagement

  and Gulf War II


  Ithaka (Cavafy)

  Izetbegovic, Alijia

  Jackson, Jesse

  Jamerson, Jim

  James, Charles


  Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

  Jewish culture

  Johannesburg, South Africa

  John F. Kennedy Bridge, Niger

  Johns Hopkins University

  Johnson, Nancy

  Joint Chiefs of Staff

  Joint Command, London

  Jones, Paula


  Jordan, Eason

  Joulwan, George

  journalists, browbeating of

  Justice Department, investigates violation of Intelligence

  Kabila, Laurent

  Kagame, Paul

  Kalugin, Alexander “Sasha”

  Kalugin, Oleg

  Kamel, Hussein

  Kampala, Uganda

  Kansteiner, Walter

  Kasane, Botswana

  Kassebaum, Nancy

  Kassim, Abdel-Karim

  Kay, David

  Kelly, David, suicide

  Kelly, John

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, Ted

  Keogh, Dennis

  Kerr, Deborah

  Kerry, John

  Khartoum, Sudan

  Khomeini, Ayatollah

  Kigali, Rwanda

  Kimmit, Bob

  King, Coretta Scott

  Kingston, Jack

  Kinshasa, Zaire

  Kirkpatrick, Jean

  Kirkuk, Iraq

  Kissinger, Henry, The White House Years

  Konare, Alpha Oumar

  Koppel, Ted (ABC)

  Korean War


  Kountche, Seyni

  Krauthammer, Charles

  Kristol, William

  Kuma, Hussein al


  history of

  intelligence from

  and Iran-Iraq relations

  protection from West

  rebellion, crushed

  relations between clans

  victims of chemical weapons

  Kushner, Sam, Long Road to Delano


  finances Iran-Iraq war

  meets with Iraq

  relations with neighboring countries

  relations with United States

  Kuwait, Iraqi invasion of

  American military deployment begins

  Americans in Kuwait City


  embassy threatened

  Glaspie blamed

  inside Iraq during

  borders closed

  communication with Washington


  evacuation plans


  provisions, for stranded personnel

  status of private citizens

  travel prohibited

  U. S. personnel defy Iraqis

  women and children free to leave

  Iraq expelled by U. S. forces

  Iraqi justification for

  media coverage. see media coverage, of Gulf War I

  motivations for

  and stolen goods

  Laden, Osama bin

  Lamberene, Gabon

  Land, Richard

  Landrieu, Mary

  Lang, Pat

  languages, Nigerien

  Larry King Live

  Late Edition (CNN)

  laterite roads

  Le Monde

  Leahy, Patrick

  leaks, to media

  Lear, Lyn

  Lear, Norman

  Lebanon, civil war

  Leiby, Richard (Washington Post)

  Leonard, Mary

  leper hospital, Gabon

  les Rapides (bar)

  L’Événement de Jeudi (French newspaper)

  Levin, Carl

  Lewinsky, Monica, scandal

  Libby, Lewis “Scooter”

  named as possible source of leak


  Libreville, Gabon


  under Muhammar Qhadafi

  relations with United States

  Libya, relations with Niger

  Liebow, Elliot, Tally’s Corner

  Likud government, Israel

  Limbaugh, Rush

  Lissouba, Pascal

  Livingstone, David

  Lockwood, Stuart

  Lome, Togo

  Los Angeles Times

  Lott, Trent

  Lowery Joseph

  Luanda, Angola

  Lusaka protocol

  Luti, William J.

  Madrid Conference, on Middle East peace

  magic forests

  Mainassara, Ibrahim Bare


  al-Majid, Ali Hassan (“Chemical Ali”)

  Malabo, Equatorial Guinea

  Malan, Magnus

  and Angolan war


  Mandela, Nelson

  Marine Corps

  Marshall, Josh

  Mary Hart
man, Mary Hartman (sitcom)

  M*A*S*H (sitcom)

  Matthews, Chris (MSNBC )


  May, Clifford

  Mayaki, Ibrahim

  Mba, Leon

  McCain, John

  McClellan, Scott

  McClure, Jim

  McDermott, Jim



  Bush, George W., administration intimidates

  coverage of Gulf War I. see also Radio

  and evacuations

  use of, by U. S.

  coverage of Plame’s exposure

  publishes classified information

  seeks Wilson’s response

  news websites

  Wilson redeemed

  Wilson slammed

  Meet the Press (NBC)

  Metzenbaum, Howard

  Middle East. see also under individual countries

  Christians in

  Operation Provide Comfort

  relations with United States

  Middle East Institute


  coordination, with other nations

  and humanitarian duties

  United States

  bases, new

  training, joint, with African troops

  working with NGOs

  military service, of author’s family

  military strategy, in

  Gulf War II

  military, United States, organization of

  Milosevic, Slobodan

  mines, uranium, location

  mining industry, uranium

  Mitchell, Andrea (NBC)

  Mitchell, Maggie

  Mitterrand, Francois

  Moana Game Park

  Mobuto Sese Seko


  Monrovia, Liberia

  Mons, Belgium

  Monteiro, Barbara

  Moon, Sun Myung

  Moore, Bob

  Moose, George


  Moskowitz, Stanley M.

  Mosul, Iraq

  Mount Rainier

  open letter to George W. Bush

  Movimento Popular de Libertacao de Angola (MPLA)

  Moyers, Bill (PBS)



  breaks leak investigation story

  Buchanan and Press

  Mubarak, Hosni

  assempted assassination

  Mugabe, Robert

  Murkowski, Frank

  Museveni, Yoweri

  Muslim culture

  burial customs

  food in

  in Niger


  Mwami (Burundi chief)

  My Lai massacre

  Mycene tribe, Gabon

  Naimey, Niger



  as producer of uranium

  Nathness, Sarah

  Nation Institute, The

  Nation, The (magazine)

  National Cathedral

  National Democratic Institute (NDI)

  National Guard, in Iraq

  National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)

  National Museum, Niger

  National Press Club

  National Review Online

  national security adviser, position created

  national security, compromise of

  National Security Council (NSC)

  and Africa

  counterterrorism office

  debates resolutions on Iraq

  and Kuwait invasion

  and Israel


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