Letting Go of the Pain

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Letting Go of the Pain Page 14

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Let go, Lauren. Relax those muscles and let go. Give it to him.

  Give us all your orgasms. Come on now. Again. Come again,”

  Panther ordered, and something inside of her exploded as she came really hard, panting, moaning, and then Eddie pulled his fingers from her ass and cunt and hugged her from behind.

  “Sensational. Goddamn, woman, I can’t wait until we fill you up with our cocks and claim you our woman. Fuck, I can’t wait.”

  She felt scared and aroused, then more scared, and then happy.

  She was a roller coaster of emotions but prayed she hadn’t just made a huge mistake. She wouldn’t be able to handle that a second time around. She exhaled, and all the men caressed her body until Panther lifted her up into his arms and hugged her to his chest.

  “Now we can test the brownies,” Mink said, and they chuckled.

  * * * *

  Mink stared at Lauren as she took several bites of the brownie with her eyes closed. She moaned softly and sounded like she was actually trying to figure out his secret ingredient, and then she smiled.

  “Cinnamon-sugar, just a pinch, vanilla bean, fresh, and a hint of chocolate brandy.”

  “What? How the hell?”

  “Oh shit, that was it? She figured it out?” Eddie asked, and they all started laughing and carrying on.

  She gave Mink a sassy look as she stood up and placed the plate down. He pulled her into his arms, and she grabbed onto his shoulders.

  “How the hell could you figure out chocolate brandy? I can understand the cinnamon, and fresh vanilla bean but the chocolate brandy?” he asked.

  She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. “They are so delicious.” She then pressed her lips to his.

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  He ran his hands up her skirt, lifting it and exposing her ass to his brothers.

  She tried to put her hand back to pull down her skirt, but then Steve was right there. He gripped her wrist, held it behind her back, and then moved her hair off her shoulder to kiss her neck.

  The fact that he was restraining her sort of scared her, but it was also this position, her rear exposed and fearing that suddenly they would become violent and strike her. Make her submit to their power and control in a bad way and hurt her.

  “Let go, Steve,” she said in a panic.

  He kissed her neck. “Easy, baby, just don’t want my brothers and I to lose this great view.” He suckled against her neck.

  She closed her eyes, loving how it felt to be sandwiched between them, but as she closed her eyes, images of Connor and Logan striking her with their hands and the belt ruined the moment.

  She pushed down on his hold, and he released her, must have sensed her fear as she moved quickly from between them, fixed her skirt, and then ran her fingers through her hair.

  “Lauren?” Steve questioned her, and then she felt his hands on her shoulders. She covered them with hers.

  “Don’t ask me anything. Please.”

  “I did something to upset you. To make you think of them. I need to know so none of us do it again.”

  Tears filled her eyes. She turned around to face him, and he squinted as if shocked to see the tears.

  “It’s me, not you. I understand that men, especially powerful, big men like you guys, need to feel superior and to dominate, to possess, and it can be in a good, sensual, arousing way, but you see, they took advantage of the moments when I was vulnerable or weak, and even trusting, and that’s when they struck.”

  He cupped her cheeks.

  “I know what you’re feeling. I know it, too. It’s beyond feeling vulnerable. It’s feeling defeated.”


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Her eyes widened, and she nodded.

  Mink caressed her hair and then her back “What did we do that upset you? I won’t do it again.”

  “No, I need to face these demons. I want you to be honest.”

  “Then you need to be honest with us, too. Explain what you were thinking and fearing,” Panther said to her.

  “Yes, you need to, and it might help you get past those fears with us and thinking we could react or act like they did,” Eddie added.

  She stared at all of them and then shook her head. Things had gone perfectly until this moment. Until she let the memories of the past interfere. She stepped away from them.

  “I think now would be a good time to call it a night.”

  “No, don’t go yet.” Steve took her hand.

  She was even attracted to the size of his hand, the masculinity of the calluses, the strong hold he had naturally. Mink took her other hand. She stared at their hands and then looked up at them. Panther and Eddie stood right there, too.

  “I had a great time. So much happened, and we did a lot of things that I never expected, or thought I was even capable of handling. I don’t regret any of it. I just need to remain levelheaded and take things slow. We sure didn’t go slow.”

  Eddie caressed her hair.

  “It went the way it should go when there’s such a strong attraction like this. It was different for us, too, Lauren. We haven’t dated a woman, or even considered it,” Panther added.

  “Then why now?” she asked.

  “You showed up and snagged each of our attention. That isn’t an easy thing to do,” Panther replied.

  “Not easy at all. We like you a lot, are all attracted to you, which has never happened,” Eddie told her.

  “Well then, how do you know it’s not just some fantasy, a game for you?” She released their hands.

  Steve and Mink placed their hands on her hips on either side.

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  “Don’t do that. Don’t try to make us out as men after sex or some sort of fling. We don’t date because we never found a woman we wanted to date either separately or together,” Mink told her.

  “I’m not. I’m just trying to handle all these emotions,” she admitted.

  Steve cupped her cheek. “Let’s handle them together. Let’s not make any assumptions about anything. This was a great first date.”

  “Fucking incredible first date,” Mink said and ran his hand along her ass and then her lower back.

  She chuckled. They all did.

  “Okay, but I think it’s still a good time to head out.”

  She pressed her hand to Steve’s chest then leaned forward and had to stand up on tiptoes to reach his lips. His hands slid to her waist as he bent lower. She felt him pull her snugly against him. Run his hand along her ass and squeeze it. She kissed him back, and things got a little out of hand.

  The next thing she knew she heard plates moving, and then she was being laid over the coffee table in the living room.

  He loomed over her, lifted her skirt, pushed down her panties, and then kissed her on the mouth. As he pulled back, he was breathing heavily, and his dark blue eyes looked hungry and possessed.

  “One more fucking taste, baby. One more to help me until I get to see you and taste you again,” Steve said, and she thought she might come right there from his words and his actions.

  His fingers slid right into her wet cunt. He stroked and held her gaze, his hand on her hip and his fingers thrusting, pulling another orgasm from her body.

  Eddie took her hands and raised them up above her head. The move made her hips lift higher, and then Steve adjusted her so he had access to her pussy and her ass. Mink cupped her breasts and then lowered to kiss her mouth but not before he held her gaze and spoke to her.


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “This is special, and you’re special to us. Don’t ever think otherwise. This is definitely just the beginning of us.” He pressed his lips to hers as Steve replaced his fingers with his mouth and tongue.

  When Steve’s tongue licked down to her asshole then back and forth over and over again, she grabbed onto Eddie’s hands, their fingers entwined, and she lifted up and down then came.

/>   “She’s so fucking beautiful when she comes. Look at her. She’s a fucking angel,” Panther said and then tapped onto Steve’s shoulder.

  “Let me in there. One more time, all of us, and then we’ll follow her home,” Panther said, and she thought she might not be able to drive after all of this but then exhaled as Eddie kissed her next and they each took turns making her come and making her promises of what the future would bring, including spending time together again tomorrow after work and going out to dinner.

  She didn’t know if she should be relieved or disappointed at the going out to dinner. A woman sure could get used to four men making her come and not finding a reason to make her feel guilty or not good enough.

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  Chapter Six

  Panther sat at the computer and looked at the information he’d found out about on Connor and Logan, Lauren’s ex-boyfriends. He was glad that her cousin had shot and killed them. The lousy bastards were working for a terrorist from Ireland. He got more info from Finlin, who had other details from Thylane but was sworn not to reveal those secrets to anyone. Finlin, of course, teased him about making sure they didn’t hurt Lauren and to stake a claim and ask for guardianship fast.

  Guardianship? Jesus, he’d never even thought he’d have a steady girlfriend, and here he was head over heels for the woman who was twelve years younger than him. He couldn’t even sleep last night. He kept thinking about her and wanting her in his bed, underneath him, between him and his brothers. Holy fucking shit, she’d done what none of them could. She’d brought Steve back and made him happy, made him fucking smile. Crazy shit this was, and now, he’d gotten possessive. He was looking up information on the exes, on Lauren, her baking, and trying to find out what exactly the men had done to her.

  Finlin wasn’t much help but hinted about abuse, and one story he overheard about the men making Lauren feel like she wasn’t good enough, was disobedient, and that they struck her repeatedly with hands and then a belt. He saw red. Got so damn pissed off he wanted to drive by Happy Endings to make sure she was safe.

  He stared at the screen and some information on the two men, when a location caught his attention.


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He looked at it closer, and he remembered something from the case with Pachessa, some contact somewhere, a bomber, a terrorist who made homemade bombs that were complicated. There was a transporter, a guy who came from that area that did work for Pachessa. He didn’t know much about him because that wasn’t their job, but perhaps this location in Ireland might be one to look into. He pulled out his cell phone and called Finlin. He couldn’t ignore his gut or this coincidence. Somehow there was a connection here.

  “I would talk to J.T and his team, as well. They did come across safe houses, but that wasn’t why any of us were there. We wanted Thylane back and, of course, to eliminate Yorkshire. If you think somehow there’s a connection, we want to be involved in this to make sure Thylane, Lauren, and her sisters are safe.”

  “Understood. I could be reaching, but there’s something here.

  Maybe looking back at your investigation with those feds that were involved. I know Ferrow fucked up and nearly cost Thylane her life, used her as bait, and withheld information, but what about the other agents? Were they dirty, too, or willing to look the other way?”

  “I don’t know. Like I said, we pretty much took over. Our focus was Thylane and getting to her in time. J.T. can get shit, anything you need even on a hunch. He’s got connections all over the freaking place and family in New York, some in Russia and the Ukraine, hell, he and his team know heavy individuals.”

  “Glad he and the team are on our side. I’ll call him now.”

  “Keep me posted, oh, and claim guardianship of Lauren. Men are asking about her and whether or not she’s taken.”


  Finlin chuckled. “You snooze, you lose.” Finlin ended the call.

  Panther felt the scowl on his face. So men were hitting on her, asking to be her guardians, or what? Fuck, he felt jealous and angry, but he needed to make this call first. He would see her tonight for dinner and maybe discuss this guardianship thing and the idea of taking things slow, not really working out at all.

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  * * * *

  “So what are you saying?” Steve asked Panther. Mink and Eddie stood in the doorway.

  “I spoke with Finlin as well as J.T., and this guy, the bomber, not only makes fucking bombs but he’s got a connection to the transporter, the guy who may or may not have helped Pachessa escape. Maybe Lambert, too. I think if we track this guy Randolph down then we might find Pachessa and Lambert.”

  “Call Jed and Jaret,” Eddie said to him.

  “What about your commander on this, Fairchild?” Steve asked.

  “We’ll wait on that. Let’s see what we find. It could be nothing,”

  Panther told them, but Steve felt there was something more here, and now a connection to the two men that were ex-boyfriends to Lauren?

  “If her exes were involved with these men, too, and they were soldiers, there could be other inside people who were working against the agents and you guys from the start. You realize that, right?” Steve asked them.

  “Who could it be though? It doesn’t make sense. Everything was pretty self-explanatory,” Mink stated.

  “Who gave the orders for you guys to just hand over the prisoner and not see him through to the prison?” Steve asked.

  “The commander, but that probably came from above him.”

  “Who?” Steve asked.

  “It wasn’t the commander, Steve. You weren’t there and don’t understand how it went down,” Panther said to him.

  “Yeah, I know I wasn’t there, seem to be constant reminders of that.” Steve walked out of the room.

  “Steve, Steve!” Panther called after him.

  Steve grabbed his keys and headed to his truck. He didn’t want to be here to give his opinion only for it to be shot down.


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  * * * *

  “I take it the date went well?” Thylane asked Lauren when she came into Happy Endings with Stack and Rusty.

  Lauren smiled, which was something she couldn’t seem to stop doing since last night. Her sisters were asking her a thousand questions, and of course, she filled them in on what had happened and how she was feeling. Lauren came around the counter and hugged Thylane hello. Thylane held her tight.

  “Are you really okay? They didn’t move too fast or were too aggressive?” she asked Lauren.

  Lauren felt flush as she pulled back and shook her head. Thylane squinted and then she smiled.

  “Oh shit, I, want to hear everything.”

  Lauren nodded and then looked at Stack and Rusty.

  “We’ll leave you two to talk,” Stack said and kissed Thylane’s bare shoulder and gave Lauren a wink.

  Rusty brought Thylane’s hand to his lips, held her gaze, and gave her a wink. Lauren could see how much the two men adored her, and Finlin and Pisces were just as caring and intense. She was coming to realize that all these men who were part of Sons of Justice were hardcore, top-of-the-line badass and then some. The fact that she didn’t even truly know what they were capable of was a mystery that, with her men, actually aroused her. She’d hardly slept last night thinking about what they knew how to do, what types of missions they went on. She went from feeling aroused to feeling scared. What if she got involved with them, fell in love with them, and then something bad happened? Like what if one or all were killed? Then what?

  “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  She shook her head at her cousin and exhaled. She held her head and stared at Thylane. “My mind is going a thousand miles a minute. I can’t stop thinking about them, Thylane. I went from being attracted

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  to them, aroused thinking
of how our first date went, wondering what they were capable of what with their military skills and experiences, to freaking out about them getting hurt or killed. That would be just my luck. I would find men that could truly love me and care and then something bad would happen to them. Damn it, it just isn’t fair.” She plopped down onto the stool by the counter and shook her head.

  Thylane chuckled. Lauren was surprised by her reaction and looked up squinting. Thylane reached out and caressed her arm.

  “Welcome to the club, honey. It’s a catch 22. They’re hot, sexy, capable of killing, going in and out of danger at the drop of the hat, can do things with their hands alone, never mind those firm, hard, commanding expressions. It’s all so arousing and sexy, but then there’s the fear that it won’t last or that they’ll get hurt or killed and never return from one of those missions, and it’s sickening scary as hell. I know. I get it. I think women who fall in love with a soldier truly have got to be special, like their own breed of woman. There has to be a toughness, an understanding, and, as much as it sucks, to fear and worry when they’re gone. It’s a hundred times stronger, amazing, and powerful when they’re right here in your arms, touchable, huggable, loveable. It’s a whirlwind of emotions, Lauren, but I get it.

  I’m actually happy for you. I think they’re good men. Trustworthy men, and even my soldiers think highly of them, as well.”

  Tears filled Lauren’s eyes. “I like them so much it’s crazy, and too soon, Thylane. It has to be too soon and too fast.” She lowered her voice and whispered to her, “Maybe things moved quickly last night because it’s been like three years since I had sex, and they’re so attractive, sexy, and their bodies? Oh God, you’ve seen them. It’s not fair, and how could I resist?”

  Thylane chuckled and then whispered back, “You slept with them?”

  “No. Oh God no, no way, are you kidding me? On a first date?


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