The Order

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The Order Page 4

by E P Lenz

  Chiara was stunned. It was very rare for a plebian, although a high ranking one, to be raised to nobility. She did not have long to contemplate this as her uncle then turned, grabbed her hand in his other hand, and raised it before all onlookers. He then continued, loudly and clearly, “No doubt, other honors and rewards will follow for Lord Romanus as a mark of appreciation for his performance.”

  Chiara’s eyes snapped up at her uncle just as the room erupted in boisterous congratulatory shouts. There was no denying the fact that Gregory had sent a very clear message to everyone that he intended to give Chiara to Lord Clavus. Chiara could feel dozens of eyes on her, jeering and leering at the announcement. Gregory did not look at her, but she did see Clavus smirk at her while he perused her body from head to toe, unashamedly.

  Chiara snatched her hand away from Gregory’s as a blush crept up her neck onto her face from the mix of raging emotions … frustration, hate, sadness … and above all, fear. Her uncle, in his drunken stupor, took this as a reaction of embarrassment and modesty and smiled at the crowd.

  Brutal Reality

  Chiara was forced to sit back down as her uncle indicated that the meal be resumed. She suffered through the rest of the courses, waiting for an opportunity to make her escape. She had to get away from here to make sense of everything that had happened in the last few minutes. She couldn’t even begin to imagine how her life would change were she to really be married off to Romanus Clavus.

  Chiara understood that most women of the nobility ended up in marriages that brought status, connections, or more wealth to the family. But then, was that not the reason why she had been promised to Livyus Savoy? Her uncle couldn’t just renege on her parents’ words and hand her over to someone else of his choosing. She was not a piece of property to be passed on to Gregory’s pet as a prize for a job well done!

  Suddenly, Chiara remembered the enigmatic statements made by Clavus the day before. ‘It is my privilege to ensure her safety and happiness’ and ‘My lady, things will be changing soon. A lot.’ A shiver ran down her spine. Had Clavus been referring to the fact that he would soon be her husband? Right on the heel of these thoughts came the thought that completely jarred Chiara. What had Gregory done with Lord and Lady Savoy and her dear Livy? She prayed that they were all safe and not dead at the hands of Gregory or Clavus.

  With these thoughts swirling in her head, Chiara waited until she was finally able to escape the dining hall full of her uncle’s drunken cohorts, not to mention Romanus’ watchful eye. She turned the corner and headed straight to the gardens, the only place she could find peace and strength. Perchance she might meet Owl and ask him if somehow he had been trying to warn her of this development last night. Or she could take Cassius for a ride. Although she was not allowed to leave the villa after the sun went down, she was not in a particularly obedient mood right then!

  She pondered her fate and wondered what The Order would say when they learned of her betrothal. Surely, they wouldn’t permit this union? Or perhaps they would, if they thought that this marriage would elevate her to a position with even higher influence within her station than a union with the House of Savoy would have done. That was a most terrifying thought! She had always considered The Order as her guardians, sometimes forgetting the fact that their ultimate loyalty was to the cause and not an individual.

  She remembered how, other than the occasional visits by members of The Order in the guise of gardeners and other craftsmen, The Order had gained control over her education, posing as private tutors hired by Lord Gregory. He’d never once suspected that the tutors he had hired were teaching Chiara a lot more than spinning, sewing, and other skills required by a lady of noble birth.

  The tutors of The Order had taught her to improve and control her power. They had educated in the history of the Chosen and helped her understand what would be expected of her when she came of age at ten and eighteen years. The Order expected her to marry into a position of influence as befitting her station as the niece of Lord Gregory. She’d step into the life for which she was born and into the ranks of society that her mother’s bloodline ensured and her father’s nobility guaranteed.

  Chiara, without any conscious thought, went to her favorite mulberry tree in the garden and sat underneath it, not bothering about getting her gown dirty. She realized that, no matter who she married, she did not have long in Lord Gregory’s villa now. She was going to have to act on her suspicion that the evidence was in her uncle’s study. The room that was banned to everyone except the most trusted men of Lord Gregory’s. She had had that suspicion for some time now, and it had only gotten stronger as time went by and she found nothing incriminating anywhere else in the villa. Clearly, it was now time to act and not hesitate.

  Chiara simply had to find the written proof required by the Order to present the damning evidence of his treachery to the Roman Council as specifically requested by Council Member Gaius Octavius. A rising political star, the charismatic Gaius had promised The Order that he would combat the treachery of Queen Anselperga and Lord Gregory. Evidence was being compiled against them for other crimes against the empire.

  Chiara lost track of time as she sat under the mulberry, mulling over what was to come. She slowly came awake with a gentle shake of her shoulder and the soft voice of Aelia. “Oh! Here you are, my dear. You had me worried when I could not find you in the great hall and Lord Clavus raised a ruckus demanding to know where you had disappeared. Come, let us get you to your room and into bed.”

  Chiara blinked up at the familiar face and smiled. She would never be able to thank the god of the fates of men enough for giving her the gift of Aelia and Marcellus in her life. Their love had helped her become the confident young woman that she was now. Their support had helped her deal with the horror of her mother and father’s death. They had helped her to accept that she was different from other children, and that it was not something to feel ashamed of.

  Chiara held onto Aelia’s outstretched hand and stood up, her bones protesting at the sudden change in position and also the fact that she had fallen asleep in an awkward position. As they walked, hand in hand, toward her chambers, Chiara told Aelia everything that had gone on at the party. She was sure Aelia knew it all already; she seemed to know everything before everyone! Sometimes Chiara wondered if that was the gift Aelia possessed.

  As the two women neared the villa, they saw Lord Clavus striding out toward them. Chiara’s heartbeat picked up. She had completely forgotten about Aelia telling her that Clavus had been upset at her disappearance. She wondered if he was angry and what he’d do if he was, indeed, angry. He had no right to chastise her. She was still his lord’s niece.

  Chiara took a deep, fortifying breath as she realized that she was about to find out just how angry he was as Clavus’ long stride ate up the distance between them. He stopped just short of where the women had halted and snapped out, “Where have you been, Chiara?”

  Chiara noticed his intimate use of her name and her heart sank. She was now sure that Lord Gregory was giving her away to Lord Clavus. He would not have dared to address her so intimately if that were not the case.

  Chiara debated with herself about objecting to Clavus’ use of her given name, but decided against it. Clavus was nothing if not politically correct. She knew he had a very good reason for this encounter. He was staking his claim on her and letting her know that he would soon have all the power over her. She looked up at him and said, “I am sorry, Lord Clavus. I was not aware I had to keep you informed about my whereabouts.”

  Chiara noted the fury in his eyes and mentally kicked herself. She had decided not to make a fuss over such a small reason, but her tongue seemed to have a mind of its own. Now that she had poked the bear, she had to stand her ground. So, she tipped her chin up and looked at him defiantly. His thin lips formed into a slow smile which was so venomous, it made Chiara take two steps back.

  “I will allow it this once, seeing as you were not aware. However, know that
from henceforth you are answerable to me as your soon-to-be betrothed. The announcement shall be made tomorrow.” With that, he spun around on his heels and left her and Aelia shocked and stunned.

  Chiara did not need any more confirmation. She was suddenly very afraid of what her future held. Turning to Aelia, she whispered, “Oh, Aelia! Will The Order do something to stop this? I cannot live with that brute.”

  “I don’t know, my child,” Aelia murmured, her eyes never leaving Clavus’ retreating back. “He is, after all, a rising star of the empire. Even if we are able to bring your uncle down, I am not sure Clavus will go down with him. He is a smart man. The Order may see him as a potentially powerful man, thus granting you a lot of influence as his wife,” she continued.

  Chiara felt like, once again, her entire life was crumbling down around her. The first time it had happened, after her parents’ murder, she had had Aelia and Marcellus to help her. This time she probably would have no one. She sighed and continued toward her chambers, towards another listless night which was likely to be followed by a lot of dark nights and days if she was unable to find the evidence against her uncle.

  Chiara settled into her bed with thoughts of how she would break into Lord Gregory’s study and look at all the tablets he kept hidden away. Although she hated it, she knew she was going to have to rope Livy in on her excursion. She couldn’t read, and what use was getting to a tablet if you couldn’t read what was on it! She growled in frustration. If only she could read. She wouldn’t have to put Livy in danger. But there was nothing for it. She would have to ask for Livy’s help and hope to God that they did not get caught.

  She had found out that Lord Gregory was going to go out to another village the next day, no doubt on another murderous raid! But this time, she was not feeling as bad about it as she usually did. For this time, she was going to use his absence from the villa to acquire the elusive evidence which would hopefully result in purging the earth of his pestilence.

  That thought put a smile on Chiara’s face and for the first time in several days, she fell into a deep slumber.

  Deadly Secrets

  Chiara woke up to a beautiful day, sunny and warm. She had to take it as a sign from heaven. Yes, that’s what the signs are telling me, she said to herself. It had to be.

  “Well, you have a spring in your step today, child,” Aelia commented happily. “You have been so unhappy lately, I didn’t know what to do,” she continued while helping Chiara with her hair. She could not wait for the day to be over! But she had a big task to do before that. She needed to get Livy to come over and then convince him to help her. But before she started the hard work, she was going to go for a ride and center herself so that she would be able to concentrate on the tasks ahead. This day could see her dead if anything went wrong!

  Chiara came back from the ride to see Livy walking up to the stables. She took this as another sign from the Divine God, just like the bright sunny day. She was so happy and excited to see him that, for the first time since adopting Cassius as her own, she left his care to the stable hand. Walking up to Livy, she said, “I am so happy see you, Livy!”

  He looked at her, surprised. “What do you mean Chiara? What is special today?”

  She linked her hand with his and walked away from the stables. She didn’t want anyone to overhear what she had to say to Livy today. She quickly recounted last night’s story, wanting to move on to her plan for the day, never giving him a chance to react to the news. But Livy, too sharp for his own good, halted their walk and said, “What are you saying, amica mea? Slow down. He broke our betrothal without telling my parents and me?”

  Chiara had been holding in her feelings for the past day, but Livy’s stricken face at the news was enough to break down her control. She felt tears welling in her eyes and nodded, unable to speak. He looked devastated as he continued incredulously, “And he betrothed you to Clavus?”

  Again, Chiara nodded. Her doubts about whether or not Livy wanted her as his wife flew out the door. But, now was not the time to be thinking about this.

  Livy seemed at a loss after that and continued to look at her, not saying anything, as if willing the Creator of the Universe to alter the past. Finally, he started them on the walk again. Chiara wanted to tell him her belief that if they acquired the evidence against Lord Gregory soon, Gaius Octavius might arrest him right away, leaving her free to marry Livy. But she held her tongue, giving him time to cope with the blow she had just dealt.

  After what seemed like hours, he spoke again, asking Chiara to continue what she had been trying to tell him before he’d interrupted her.

  “Livy, what if we find strong evidence that Lord Gregory did indeed order my parents to be killed? Surely, Gaius Octavius will then arrest Gregory right away and I won’t have to marry Clavus?” She looked up at him, willing him to understand. As if, were he to agree with her reasoning, it would come true.

  “It is certainly possible, amica mea,” Livy said cautiously, obviously not wanting to dash her hopes.

  “I have a plan,” Chiara continued excitedly. “Gregory has left the villa and he won’t be back until tomorrow. I know he has something hidden in his tablinum. We can sneak in there tonight and find the evidence.”

  “Do you know exactly where this evidence is, Chiara?” he asked.

  “No. But we can find it. The Strategy Chamber is not that big!” Chiara insisted.

  “All right. Do you know what the evidence is like? Is it a tablet or papyrus?” Livy inquired.

  Chiara threw her hands up in frustration. She hated it when Livy insisted on such little details. She tried another track, instead.

  “Will you come with me tonight, Livy, please?” she pleaded. “I cannot read and will need your help to find out which one is the right one.” Chiara looked up at Livy, praying that he would agree to her plan. He looked hesitant at first, and she bowed her head in defeat. If Livy did not agree, she knew not what she would do.

  “This is a dangerous game you are getting involved in, amica mea,” he said gently, sliding a finger under her chin and tipping her head up to look at him. “But I will help you.”

  Chiara let out the breath she had been holding, waiting for Livy’s answer. A sigh of relief, and finally, a little smile graced her lips. They agreed on meeting later at night, after the sun had gone down, to stay away from the prying eyes of the servants, and bid each other goodbye.


  The rest of the day was a blur for Chiara and she soon found herself tucked in bed, pretending to be asleep until the slave girl who helped her prepare for the night left. As soon as the girl was out of her chamber, Chiara was up and away. Livy was waiting for her right outside the door of her chambers.

  They looked around the dimly lit hallway. It was clear! She hiked up the hem of her long blue silk dress and bolted from her hiding place towards the forbidden Strategy Chamber. The palms of her hands were sweaty as she reached for the iron handle. Her uncle was not one to be trifled with and he had made his point clearly understood that his tablinum was not a place for anyone but the most trusted of his men.

  Livy gently removed her hands from the door handle and eased it open himself. She looked behind her and whispered, “Livy, it’s clear now, hurry! We don’t have much time before someone realizes I’m gone, or one of Uncle’s officers comes here for something.”

  This was one of the times when she wished that Livy was a take-charge warrior like other men his age. Instead, he was a timid, scholarly, red-headed young man with unruly, naturally curly hair. A real bookworm. He would rather learn war strategy than do the actual fighting.

  His naturally slight frame had none of the hard muscles like his peers because of a lack of any physical training. Anyway, he would rather avoid physical confrontation than take up a sword and dash into the fray. But the regret was fleeting. He was her dear Livy, who she was confident would stand up for her no matter what, just like he was doing now.

  He forced the large, heavy door of
the chamber open by a sliver, allowing Chiara to squeeze into the room. He then slid his skinny frame through, bolting into action and scurrying after Chiara. They had been lucky so far. No one had seen them in the hallway, and Livy had assured her that he had arrived unseen. Chiara’s hopes soared and she was more and more certain that she might yet find what she was looking for and get away without getting caught.

  “I’ll hold the candle. You quickly read the Latin texts for me. It’s so humiliating that Uncle won’t permit me to learn foreign languages; it’s not normal for someone in my position,” she whined softly to Livy as she turned to him and took his hand in hers. “Sorry, Livy, if it weren’t for my uncle, I’d be able to do this myself and not put you in so much danger. I know how this kind of activity stresses you beyond all measure.”

  “It’s okay, Chiara. You’re my best friend and that’s what friends do,” Livy said, wiping the perspiration from his pale freckled forehead as he peered around in the dim light of the single candle that Chiara was holding.

  Suddenly, as their eyes adjusted to the darkness, Chiara pointed toward a spot in the room in excitement and exclaimed, “There, Livy! That’s where the plan will likely be written, I’m sure of it!” She rushed over to the stack of tablets, hidden behind a large urn, and pulled them out carefully. This was it. She knew it in her heart. This had to be the evidence that would help her get rid of her uncle.

  They walked over to the stack of tablets and Livy picked the first one up while Chiara held up the candle so he could read. He quickly went through the text and discarded it, moving on to the next one. He was obviously now in his element, reading fast and assimilating the information within. Chiara left the finding of the exact tablet to Livy and kept ears trained for any slight noise that might indicate unwanted activity in their vicinity.


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