Wipeout: A Sweet Teen Romance (Ryder Bay Book 4)

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Wipeout: A Sweet Teen Romance (Ryder Bay Book 4) Page 19

by Jordan Ford

  “It just…” I glance at Savannah’s face, unwilling to tell her about the emails. I can’t imagine Lettie saying anything to her about it.

  She mustn’t have read my last message.

  But she wanted to meet.

  Why would she go out with some other guy?

  Something is really off here. I’ve got to speak to her.

  “Hey, um…” I scratch my forehead, trying to sound casual. “Do you mind if I have her number, so I can at least text her an apology?”

  Savannah shakes her head. “I don’t want you messing up her date. This is a really big deal for her. She needs the pick-me-up and you’ll just—”

  “I won’t.” I try to sell my lie by looking Savannah right in the eye. “I’m not jealous, okay? I just want to clear my conscience. If you like, I’ll wait until tomorrow to text her. Or I can just come back again in the morning, I guess.”

  She sighs, like I’m a big inconvenience.

  “It’s just an apology, Savannah. That’s all. One little text.”

  She pulls out her phone. “Okay. Fine. She deserves it.”

  Rattling off the number, I quickly punch it into my contacts, then force a smile and thank Savannah for being so cool.

  “Just…” She stops me before I can walk away. “She’s young, you know? She needs a guy who’s going to treat her right.”

  I narrow my eyes at Savannah. She’s not exactly being subtle about how she feels about me. Working my jaw to the side, I swallow back my snarky thoughts and manage to agree with her. “Yeah, she does. She deserves only good things.”

  Savannah wasn’t expecting me to say that. Her eyebrows lift, but she tries to hide her surprise behind a polite smile. “I’m glad we agree.” And with that, she steps back and closes the door.

  I stare at the solid barrier for a few moments before spinning on my heel and heading back to Denee’s car.

  Lettie’s on a date with Reed.


  That’s so weird.

  And annoying.

  I don’t get it!

  Dammit, I should have told her who I was in my email. Why’d I have to go all want to tell you to your face with her?

  Wrenching the door open, I plunk down behind the wheel and rub a hand over my short hair.

  “Shit!” I slap the wheel.

  Did I seriously miss my chance?

  I mean, I should be happy, right? I’m leaving town anyway. I won’t have to do the painful goodbye with her.

  But I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that she went out with Reed when she wanted to meet me.

  Something is so off with that.

  I start the engine and reverse out of the driveway. I don’t know if Savannah’s spying on me through the window, so I head down the street and drive for a few minutes until I find a quiet cul-de-sac.

  Parking in the bay near the end, I pull out my phone and send Lettie a text.

  I told Savannah I wouldn’t, but that was never my intention.

  I’ve got to find out why Lettie is on a date with Reed.


  Confusing Texts at Sea


  The boat rocks gently in the open ocean. Reed has cut the engine and we’re now just floating in silence, the sounds of nature creating a beautiful soundtrack to our romantic evening. The water slaps against the bottom of the boat and I look out to the horizon, smiling at the brilliant colors in the sky. I’ve always loved sunset. It’s so beautiful.

  His uncle owns a fancy catamaran, which Reed tells me he’s allowed to use whenever he wants. I was kind of nervous stepping onto it, but Reed looked so excited that I had to go along with it. We grabbed takeout on the way here, and he pulled drinks from the fridge in the galley. I sipped on some sparkling grape juice while he powered away from the dock.

  He drove kind of fast in my opinion, like he was in some kind of hurry, but he assured me it was normal. I clung to the side rail until we reached open water, where he slowed right down, then cut the engine. I’m not much of a water baby, and my family has never owned a boat.

  I’ve already asked twice if I should be wearing a life jacket, but Reed just laughed both times and told me I’ll be fine. “If you really can’t relax without one, they’re under there.”

  He pointed to one of the seats, and I assume there is storage under all of them. In spite of my trepidation, I didn’t want to be a complete dork and pull one on. It would ruin Savannah’s look for me. I’m wearing her light yellow summer dress. It has white flowers on it, which remind me of Mom, and I have to admit that I’m feeling prettier than I ever have.

  Reed seems to like it.

  He keeps smiling at me.

  I sip my drink and stare out across the water. It’s like we’re the only people on earth right now. Romantic music starts to play from the speakers, and Reed appears on deck again with a slow smile that makes me swallow.

  “You look really beautiful tonight, Lettie.” He shakes his head. “I still can’t believe it. We’ve been writing all this time. How did we not figure it out?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know.”

  The phone in my bag dings with a text. I glance down but choose to ignore it. I’m here with Reed. He needs my focus and attention right now. He deserves it.

  “You know, I’ve actually been planning on asking you out for a while, but the whole Snap Dragon thing kept holding me back.” He grins. “But then your email came today, and I was just blown away. I couldn’t believe it. So, I have to admit that I kind of convinced Louis and Drew to head to your place so that I could see you. When they started talking Legos and I heard Louis boasting about his collection, I just had to step in and suggest Drew go and see it.” His smile is coy and sweet. “I couldn’t go another minute without you knowing.”

  I bite my bottom lip. “It’s kind of insane, right? Of all the towns your mom could have sent you to.”

  “I know. So crazy.” He shakes his head and takes a sip of his beer.

  He offered me one, but I declined. I’ve never had alcohol before, and I’m not ready to start. Thankfully he had this sparkling grape juice on hand.

  I sip it in silence, noticing again that my phone just dinged.

  Reed glances at my bag, but I just smile and push it away with my foot, making it clear that he has my attention. For some reason I can’t explain, I have this gut feeling that checking my phone on our date would really offend him.

  Is that strange?

  I can’t quite figure this all out.

  Even though I’m with Bass, I can’t get Jace out of my head. The way Reed’s gazing at me tells me just how much he likes me. I wonder if we’ll end up kissing tonight. My mind suddenly floods with memories of Jace’s mouth on mine. The fire that raced through my body when he touched me.

  I can’t imagine that happening with Reed. Which is weird, because he’s Bass.

  I gulp back the last of my drink in an attempt to hide my nerves.

  “Need a refill?” Reed holds out his hand.

  “Oh. Um, yes. Please.” I hand him the glass.

  “I’ll get out some plates for our food as well, unless you want to eat cold burgers.”

  I giggle but don’t say anything, so he disappears down the stairs and into the little galley.

  I let out a breath, surprised by my relief.

  My phone dings yet again, and this time I can’t resist the urge to check it.

  Unzipping my purse, I pull it out and quickly read the screen, my forehead wrinkling as even more confusion dumps over me like a tidal wave.

  849-721-3655: Hey, it’s Jace. Are you okay? Where are you right now?

  849-721-3655: I just wanted to apologize for the other day. Sav gave me your number. I hope you don’t mind. I know you’re on a date right now, which feels really weird to me. Did you… get my email this afternoon?

  849-721-3655: I’m not trying to judge you or anything, I’m just really confused. I thought you wanted to meet me, but now you’re out with Reed. I
don’t get it.

  My heart hitches in my throat as I reread his last two messages.


  What email?

  I never gave him my address.

  My brain tries to fit the pieces together as I quickly text him back for clarification.


  Not Him


  Waiting for Lettie’s reply is a kind of torture I’ve never experienced before.

  I’m still sitting in Denee’s car, parked in a quiet cul-de-sac, my leg bobbing like crazy as I grip the phone in my hand and beg for it to buzz with a text.

  When it actually does, it startles me so much that I drop the thing and have to fish around on the floor looking for it.

  “Dammit,” I mutter, my face pressing against the steering wheel as I finally snatch it up and quickly read the screen.

  Lettie: Hey Jace. What email? What are you talking about? I’m with that guy. The… you know… I told you about him, and you told me to tell him I missed him. To not give up on him. Well, I found the courage to tell him I wanted to meet. And you won’t believe who it is.

  “Damn right I won’t! That’s me.” I frown, my thumbs working like crazy to get a message back to her as fast as I can.

  Jace: The guy? The email guy? Bass?

  Lettie: How do you know about that? I never told you that.

  Jace: Are you telling me you’re with him right now?

  She takes too long to reply, and my heart is pounding so hard I can practically feel my eardrums vibrating. A swift headache sets in as dread settles deep into my gut.

  My phone buzzes and I read the message on my screen.

  Lettie: Yes. We’re on a date. How do you even know about him?

  And then my blood runs cold. Icy water trickles through my veins as I rasp, “It’s not him.”


  Escape Plan


  Jace’s texts are really confusing. Unsettling. So when he calls, I answer before the phone even starts to ring.

  “Jace, what is going on? How do you know about Bass?”

  “Lettie, it’s not him.” His voice is urgent, scared. Which in turn sends a stark fear rippling through me.

  “What?” I whisper, looking toward the galley entrance before swiveling my body out to the water so I can have a more private conversation.

  “Reed is not Bass!” Jace practically yells into the phone. “It’s me! I’m your email buddy. I’m the guy who accidentally emailed you months ago looking for the ultimate rush. An escape. Do you remember? I’m the guy. Your always and forever. It’s not Reed.”

  The air rushes out of me in a soft gasp and I know it. In my gut. In my heart.

  Jace is telling the truth.

  Because it makes more sense.

  The chemistry between us. The fact that I can’t stop thinking about him.

  Deep down I always wanted Bass to be Jace.

  And he is.

  I mean, isn’t he?

  What stopped me from entertaining that idea in the first place?

  “Your parents.” I squeeze my eyes shut, suddenly remembering. “Savannah told me your parents sent you here, but Bass’s parents are divorced. His dad lives overseas.”

  “Yeah, that’s right. My parents are divorced. My dad lives in France, and my mom and her new husband are the ones who made me come to Ryder Bay.” He lets out a soft, awestruck kind of laugh. “It’s like it was meant to be, Snap. Me coming here.”

  I can’t help smiling.

  “We were meant to meet all along. So, why do you think Reed is me? I don’t get it. What did he say to you?”

  “I…” My current situation steals the smile from my face, and fear clutches me again, gripping my belly so hard it hurts.

  I glance over my shoulder, but Reed still hasn’t come back.

  I can’t believe he lied to me.

  How did he even know all this stuff?

  He must have accessed my emails. He knew to call me Snap Dragon. He used the same words as Jace’s last email—my little snap dragon.

  Which means… I gasp again and whisper into the phone, “He read our emails. When I got home this afternoon, he was already inside the house. He said he was dropping off his cousin to play, but he must have gone into my room and read my emails while I wasn’t there.”

  “That asshole,” Jace grits out. “I’m gonna freaking maim him for lying to you. Where are you right now?”

  “I’m…” Tears clog my throat as I look out at the vast water around me. Shit, this is bad. How am I gonna get back? “I’m on his boat. I… his uncle’s boat. In the middle of the ocean. I don’t know—”

  The phone is ripped out of my hand, and I turn in time to see Reed not just hanging it up but actually turning it off before slipping it into his pocket.

  “Hey.” I try to protest, but my words are snagged by his sweet smile.

  But it’s not sweet. It’s fake now. Fake and sinister.

  A mixture of rage and terror swirls inside of me. I don’t know what to do.

  “I don’t really want anything interrupting our date.” He takes a seat beside me.

  Like right beside me.

  His leg is touching mine, his chest pressing against my bare shoulder as he slides his arm across the back of the seat and very unsubtly sniffs the air beside me. “Mmmm, you smell good. Just like her.”

  I squirm and try to wriggle away from him, but he just inches closer. Goose bumps ripple down my arms when he starts playing with the ends of my hair.

  His touch is gentle, but it’s no longer sweet.

  Now that I know the truth, the creep factor is killing any nice feelings I had toward the guy.

  Fear keeps me frozen beside him though, and I hate myself for it.

  I need to fight, run, get away!

  If I let fear rule like I always do, I’m seriously screwed.

  But how do I play this? I’m stuck in the middle of the ocean. Isolated and alone. If Reed finds out what I know, how will he react? He’s obviously a lying psycho. And what does he mean when he says I smell like her?

  Shit, I must remind him of an ex-girlfriend or something.

  The one he said I look like!

  And the creep factor just intensified by like a thousand.

  But he seemed so nice and normal. I never would have guessed this about him. He’s so smooth on the outside, and suddenly I can’t predict what he’s going to do to me.

  “Um…” I lick my lips and try to move away, but any farther and I’ll be toppling off the seat. “Can I have my phone back, please?” My voice trembles and I try to hide it with a smile.

  “Like I said, I don’t want anything interrupting our date. I’ve been waiting for this since the first time I saw you.” He sighs, his eyes glinting in a way I’ve never seen before. “Don’t you want that too? You did say yes when I asked you out. You’re not expecting me to share your attention with whoever the hell you were just talking to. Don’t you think that’s kind of rude?”

  I swallow and try to stand, but he grabs my wrist and gently pulls me back down.

  “I bought you dinner,” he whispers. “We like each other. You like me, so you need to relax and just enjoy the date.”


  How the hell am I supposed to do that?

  I close my eyes, willing my scrambled brain to think of an out.

  I have to get off this boat.

  Away from Reed.

  But I need to be smart about it. Somehow, I have to convince him to take me back to shore, and then I’m going to jump off this thing and run like hell.


  Mr. Information with the Terrible News


  When the phone suddenly went dead, I thought I was going to choke on my own terror. Lettie did not just hang up on me. I heard that gasp. Reed snatched the phone out of her hand.

  I try calling back, but it goes straight to voice mail.

  That asshole has turned it off or something. Maybe thrown it ov
er the side of the boat?

  “Shit!” I scream, pounding the wheel as desperation rockets through me.

  I have to get to her, to get her away from that creep, but I have no idea where she is.

  Unlocking my screen, I’m about to start a Google search on docks in the area when my door is wrenched open.

  “What the hell, Jace!”

  I whip around to see Marshall glaring down at me.

  He looks pissed.

  Actually, he looks beyond pissed.

  “You stole my wife’s car while she was in the shower. Do you have any idea how long I’ve been looking for you? This is a new low, and I don’t think I can tolerate much more from you, kid. I’ve been trying. I’ve been trying pretty damn hard, but when you hurt my Denee, we’ve got issues!”

  Aw, crap. This is the last thing I need.

  How the hell did he even find me?

  His nostrils are flaring, and I glance at his foot, expecting it to be scuffing the pavement like a bull ready to charge and rip me in half with his horns.

  “I-I know. I know,” I stutter before he can say anything else. I don’t have time to mess around right now. Lettie is all that matters, and I have to make Marshall understand. “I’m sorry, okay, but I can explain everything.”

  Marshall hauls me out of the car, his grip on my arm strong and unrelenting.

  “I don’t think I want your explanation,” he seethes.

  “No, please, listen!” I shout, needing to break through his anger. “Lettie’s in trouble. I’ve got to find her.”

  “What are you talking about?” Marshall snaps.

  “Lettie. Scarlett Green. She’s in trouble. She’s with this guy who lied to her, and I have to find her!”


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