Those Boys Are Trouble: Valetti Crime Family Box Set

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Those Boys Are Trouble: Valetti Crime Family Box Set Page 52

by Winters, Willow

  Their life is normal; I wonder if they do that every Friday night. We used to go to the ice cream parlor a few blocks away when we were younger. Melissa talked about how she would keep up the tradition with her kids when she bought her house close to where we grew up.

  The light turns green and I slowly move along. I’ll never have that again. I don't see how I can ever have a normal life. How can life go on when you’ve suffered that type of tragedy? My mother’s doped up on antidepressants. I’m surprised she didn’t go back to coke. She’s barely a shell of a human being. My father took off when I was young, so I don’t even know him. So now I’m just … alone. Chasing what may be a ghost. But I won’t stop looking until I know for sure.

  I pull into my spot and put the car in park. The street light is shining down perfectly, and the entrance to my building is only a few feet away. I make a quick exit and enter the building and only breathe once I’ve made it upstairs. I can’t help that I feel this way. It’s late, it’s dark. Nothing good happens at this time of night.

  I climb the stairs and make my way to my place. I take a look out of the peephole and expect to see someone watching, but I don’t. There’s no one there. I wish this paranoia would leave me. It’s only been this bad for a few days, ever since I saw Thomas. The reminder brings me back to my sole purpose.

  I lock the front door and walk calmly to my bedroom. The necklace is on my dresser. I pick it up and open the little oval locket.

  I want to end this for her.

  I have a feeling in my gut that Thomas Valetti is the next step. I always follow my intuition, and it’s clearly pushing me to talk to him. I feel like I already know the truth, but I just need to hear him say it.

  If I can just get an in with Thomas, I know he’ll lead me to something.


  “I mean, what’s the worst they can do?” The Bratva may be pissed we took a shipment from them, but they should’ve known better than to assume Petrov could speak on our behalf. Apparently they did make that assumption though, and now they’re saying we owe them. I lean back a bit on the bar stool and look around. We’re in the bistro now, just chatting it up.

  “They could come here, but I doubt they will. Too much effort,” Kane says. Most of the guys are here, bullshitting and having a drink. I like Kane. He's new to the familia, but he knows his shit and he's good at what he does. Which right now is taking over my position.

  “It’s not the loss of one shipment, it’s their entire trade structure that they have to rebuild. A few million in revenue,” Vince says from across the bar. I cross my arms and take it in. They haven’t threatened us, but they made it clear they were pissed.

  “It’s not our fault they were doing all their shit through Petrov,” Joey says.

  “Maybe sending his body to them instead of the women wasn’t the way to go?” Anthony’s question has a few of the men chuckling.

  “I’m not sure it’s even worth replying. It’s not like we do business with these people.” I offer up my opinion. We keep our trades to Mexico, and that’s it. The new dealer there is low-key and reasonable. Nice and easy. None of this overseas shit.

  “We need to respond with something.” Vince takes another drink and adds, “I want this to be a clean break away from them, but I sure as shit am not buying them off.” They want 2 million for their hardship, which is bullshit, and I know Vince isn’t going to pay them. It's quiet for a few minutes.

  “Fuck ‘em,” he finally says, “let ‘em come to us. Tony’s got eyes on their contacts here. We’ll know they're coming before they strike.” He puts his glass down and pulls out his phone. I know he’s checking on his wife, Elle, and his little one. Angelo is a cutie and almost six months old now. Ever since he's made his arrival, Vince checks his phone on the hour every hour.

  Marcus comes up behind me and pats my shoulder as he says, “Your shadow’s out front.” He says it loud enough so that the rest of the guys can hear. Anthony chuckles into his drink, “Funny how you wanted to keep an eye on her, and now she's coming to you.” He smirks and throws back his drink.

  I spent a couple days just watching her after I looked her up. I had Tony do a little digging, too. I can’t shake this broad. She looks on edge every time she’s alone, yet she’s completely confident and at ease any other time. Something’s off about her, and I wanna know what it is. She knows her shit though. She's a tough bitch, not quite the quiet, demure type I pegged her for. And she fucking hates Harrison. The first time I saw her mimicking him behind his back and rolling her eyes, I laughed so fucking hard I thought they were going to hear me. I like that about her, but there's something else there, too. Something that had me chasing her ass.

  I’d be a fucking liar if I said something about fucking a cop doesn’t have me interested. Most of the time I was watching her that's all I could think about Bending her ass over and taming that wild side of her. The taboo aspect has me getting hard thinking about using her own cuffs to chain her to my bed. I think I just need to fuck this broad out of my system.

  Vince rolls his eyes and says, “You need to tell her to back the fuck off, Tommy. We have restraining orders for a fucking reason.”

  “We don’t have them on her.” I can hear how defensive I am, and it throws Vince off. I’m quick to add, “I’m being watched and on lockdown; better her than that prick.”

  I like her watching me. I like knowing she’s close. And besides, I’m inactive until I’m completely in the clear, so there’s nothing to worry about there. If nothing else, it's giving me something else to take my mind off this shit.

  “Well, get her out of here,” Anthony says as he looks me up and down. “And try to keep your dick in your pants.” The guys laugh as I stand up.

  “I hear you.” I’m ready to get out of here anyway.

  Vince follows me to the door.

  “I don’t like this talk about fucking a cop,” he says.

  “I’m not, so it’s all good.” He watches me as I look past him at the door. I don't tell him I want to, but I'm too fucking obvious.

  “You’re a shit liar, Tommy.”

  “I’m not lying.” I don’t even believe me as I say it. But it's the truth. I haven't touched her. Yet.

  “You’re not telling the truth, either.”

  I open my mouth to respond, but I don’t. He knows I wanna fuck her. Everybody fucking knows it.

  “You’re looking for trouble, Tommy,” Vince says in a lowered voice. “And that’s what you’re going to get.”

  “I’m not gonna do anything stupid, boss.” He's gotta know I wouldn't say shit to her. I'd never breathe a word of anything.

  “Women make us do stupid shit. And she’s a cop.” He stares into my eyes, willing me to listen to him. “Don’t fucking believe a word she tells you.” His hand grips my shoulder as I nod.

  I know this shit looks bad. I don’t know why I’m drawn to this broad. She could fuck me over in a heartbeat. I’m not going to give her shit. But the thought of playing with her is giving me a high I haven’t felt before. I know she wants in, and I’m dying to find out how much I can push her.

  Vince shakes his head as he warns me, “Do not fuck this up to get your dick wet.”

  “I won’t say shit, Vince. You know I won’t risk the familia.”

  He huffs a laugh and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’m not worried about that shit, I’m worried about you fucking a cop, Tommy. Tell me you aren’t trying to get into her pants and I’ll feel better.”

  I hesitate to answer. I’m not gonna lie. I wanna fuck this broad, she’s hot as shit and the idea of those lips wrapped around my cock has my dick hardening every fucking time it comes to mind. Even right fucking now.

  “Jesus, Tommy,” he says with exasperation. Fuck. I don’t wanna piss off the Don.

  “I won’t,” I say with regret in the pit of my stomach.

  “You’re fucking lying to me,” he says, although he doesn’t sound that pissed about it.

“I’ve never lied to you before.” I look him in the eyes, “if you’re telling me to stay away from her, I’ll end this shit right now and threaten a restraining order.”

  “Good. End this shit,” he says with relief and finality in his voice. Well that fucking sucks. I take a frustrated breath and leave the guys to go tell her she needs to stay away.

  I feel a wave of disappointment as I leave the bistro. But then I see her walking toward me with quick steps. She’s in civilian clothes. Jeans that hug her curves and a teal tank top that rides up a little as she walks. The color brings out her eyes.

  I can play a little more. Just a little before I have to give her up.

  Fuck, no. I told Vince I wouldn’t, and I know I shouldn’t.

  I hate that I want her and that I can’t go after her. But I have to listen to Vince.


  “Thomas.” I call out his name as he blatantly turns away from me and starts heading down the street. I know he saw me. He fucking smiled before blowing me off.

  I have to jog to catch up to him, but before I can put my hand on his shoulder to stop him, he turns around.

  “What the hell are you thinking, Tonya?” he asks with more concern in his voice than anything else. “You could get yourself into serious shit hanging around out here waiting for me.”

  My brow furrows with confusion. “How do you know my name?”

  He smirks at me and turns his back on me once again. I don’t fucking like it. I don’t like being ignored.

  I reach out to grasp his arm. I shouldn’t. I know I shouldn’t, but something is telling me he’ll allow it. Probably the same something that has my core soaked with arousal.

  He turns sharply and grabs my wrist. “That’s not a good idea.” He doesn’t let go as the words drip from his mouth with a threat. He walks toward me and I find myself taking a step back. My back hits the brick wall of a building and it makes my heart thud in my chest.

  “I just wanna talk.” I say the words through the hint of fear I’m feeling. His eyes hold a look of hunger, but also a dark look that has me questioning my instincts. Maybe I was wrong about him.

  “Well, I don’t.” He releases my wrist and walks away again. My heart sinks in my chest, and I hate myself for feeling like I’ve failed. I can’t rely on Thomas alone. I know that, but somehow there’s more to this ache in my chest than just losing a lead. His rejection hurts.

  I watch his back as he walks away, and the hurt turns to anger. He's not going to blow me off like that. I'm not giving up that easily. I walk faster to catch up to him. I’m shorter than him, and he’s walking fast, but I quicken my steps until I’m right behind him. I need to know. I just need him to answer one question.

  I grab his arm just enough to get his attention and pull away before he can touch me again. He opens his mouth to tell me off again, but I blurt out the question I’ve been dying to ask him since I first saw him at the station. “Abram Petrov, is he dead?”

  The anger on his face morphs into curiosity as he tilts his head, looking me up and down.

  “It’s a simple question.” I swallow thickly as a lump grows in my throat. I already know when he says yes, I’m going to want more answers. I’m going to want proof. I clench my fists and make sure I keep my voice down as I say, “I need to know if he’s dead.”

  “Is that what this is for you? Revenge on Petrov? Is that why you’re so damn stubborn?” he asks, like I’m being a petulant child and he finds it comical.

  “He’s why my sister’s dead, asshole. You can at least tell me if he’s dead.”

  Remorse flashes in his eyes as he answers, “I wish I could, but I even if I knew one way or the other, I can’t say shit to you. You’re a cop, remember?”

  “You can tell me.” My eyes plead with him. For the first time since I graduated, I wish I wasn’t a cop. It never occurred to me that being a cop would close doors I'd need to go through to get to him. At the time, it was the most obvious way to move forward. I never thought twice about it until I got here.

  He presses his lips into a straight line and looks at me for a moment, considering. I don’t budge. I won’t. I need to know.

  “You think I’m stupid?” he asks, and I can see that he’s gearing up for a showdown, but that’s not what I want.

  “You’re not stupid, I don’t think that at all. I’m not wired or anything. You can just nod. I swear.” My words fly out in desperation.

  “I’d have to strip you down to make sure you weren’t. Is that what you want, little miss good girl?” A wave of arousal soaks my pussy as he leans into me. My mind starts fantasizing about things it shouldn’t.

  “I’m not a good girl. And if that’s what it would take.” I say the words before I can regret them. It’s so fucking wrong. Would I really do that? Would I lower myself to stripping for him? I don’t know if I’d go through with it. His eyes heat with lust, and I start to think it’s a real possibility.

  “No, you’re not a good little girl at all, are you?” His smile widens as he takes a step back. “You’re such a bad girl.” He’s mocking me. Fucking prick. I bite my tongue and watch as he turns away. My ego takes a huge fucking hit.

  I turn my back on him and take a left into an alley between a convenience store and a barber shop. I know my car is parked somewhere on the next street over, parallel to this one. I don’t pay attention to the men at the corner when I turn, but I sure as fuck hear them walking behind me.


  I shouldn’t have gotten so damn emotional. What the hell was I thinking? I listen to the crunch of the gravel beneath their shoes as I pass a large dumpster. I’m certain there are three. Maybe four. I’m halfway through the alley when I hear their steps pick up.

  My hand drops to my gun. I’m ready for this shit. I didn’t graduate at the top of my class for nothing. This is the first time I’ve been faced with a real-life situation like this, though. The realization makes my confidence slip as I take three large strides and turn on my heels. My gun flies out in front of me as I face three men. Two are in black hoodies, and the other one is wearing a bright green t-shirt and black jeans. I take it all in. Their heights, their weights, every bit of information I can. It's second nature at this point from all of my training.

  I can feel my face heating and my body needing to tremble with fear, but I ignore it. Adrenaline flows through my blood, and the only thing I can hear is the sound of my heart beating chaotically in my chest. I swear I can feel it trying to climb up my throat.

  They smile at me, like they think it’s cute that I’ve got a gun. Like they expected me to turn around with it aimed at them. It sends a bolt of fear through me. I don’t like that they knew this was coming. It means they don’t care and they decided it was worth the risk. Shit, maybe that’s why they followed me down here. Maybe it’s obvious I’m a cop because of the way I talked to Thomas. I bet they were watching. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

  I rock hesitantly on my heels, not liking the situation. I’m outnumbered, and they’re looking for a fight.

  One takes a step toward me and moves his hand toward his waistband. My heart slams to a stop and a cold sweat takes over every inch of my body.

  “Hands up!” He continues to approach me, and I yell out again to make sure he hears me clearly. At the same time, I lift up my shirt with my left hand so he can see my badge. “Hands up!” I’m surprised I’m so composed, but I have been trained for this. I’ve prepared myself for this situation. “I am a police officer and I will fire. Put your hands where I can see them.”

  My left hand steadies on the butt of the gun and I watch as they show no signs of letting up. They don’t give a fuck that I’m a cop, or that I’ve got a gun. As I prepare to shoot this prick in his hand as he reaches for his gun, I see a movement in the back of the alley.

  I can’t get distracted, not now. I focus, and I shoot that fucker as he grips his gun.


  I almost flinch as her gun goes off. I’ve been around God kno
ws how many guns going off, so I never flinch. It never bothers me. But I didn’t see it coming. I guess it’s just something about a cute little thing like her, I don’t know what, but I underestimated her. The lowlife clutches at his hand, blood flowing freely from the wound, and he actually drops to the ground. Like a little bitch. She turns to face the other thug, but he’s quick enough to close the distance between them and grab her arm.

  I don’t fucking like it. My blood heats, and I stride quickly to get there before shit gets out of hand. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I grab the third guy by the nape of his neck and slam his head into the wall. I hear a loud thud and a partial scream as I take a swing and hit him square on the nose. I know it’s broken. His eyes roll back in his head, and his body goes limp. I wait a second, watching to make sure his chest rises and that he’s still breathing.

  It does. The fucker’s just knocked out, not dead. Blood leaks out of his nostrils and pools above his lip before dripping down his face and onto the pavement. He’s gonna have a busted up nose and two black eyes, but he’ll fucking live.

  My heart beats loud in my ears as her gun goes off, hitting nothing but the brick wall and then falling to the ground with a loud bang. My surroundings go quiet and everything seems to happen in slow-motion as I take in the scene.

  She's struggling with the second asshole. The first is crawling toward his gun that dropped a few feet in front of him. What a fucking pussy. The bullet passed right through his hand. I yank him backward and lift him up so I can stare that fucker in the eyes. They widen with recognition, and then fear.

  He should know who I am. Everyone here knows who we are. And they know not to piss us off, either.

  “Get the fuck out of here.” I toss him backward like he's nothing and watch as he scrambles off. He's still clutching his hand like it’s gonna fall off if he lets go. He tries to go to his friend, but that’s not going to fly. I want them all separated. I want them to feel alone and scared, so they think twice about ganging up on someone else on my turf.


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