Close Liaisons

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Close Liaisons Page 16

by Anna Zaires

  She sat down on the edge of the jacuzzi and waited. It felt like an eternity had passed. Her reflection in the mirrored wall looked nothing like her normal self, from the provocative purple dress to the raccoon-like circles around her eyes from the smeared mascara. It was oddly fitting that she would die looking like this – not at all like the Mia Stalis from Florida that her family knew and loved. At the thought of their grief, a sharp pain sliced through her chest, and Mia nearly doubled over from the force of it. She couldn’t think about this now. If she did, she would break down and plead for her life, and it was strangely important to retain at least a semblance of pride –

  There was a knock on the door.

  Mia stifled a hysterical giggle. He was being polite before he killed her.

  “Mia? What are you doing? Open the door and come out.” He sounded annoyed.

  Mia didn’t respond, her eyes trained on the entrance.

  “Mia. Open the fucking door.”

  She waited.

  “Mia, if you make me open this door myself, you will regret it.”

  She believed him, but she refused to go meekly, like a lamb to the slaughter. At the very least, she wanted him to have to deal with some house repairs afterwards.

  The door flew off the hinges, crashing onto the floor. Even though she expected it, Mia still jumped from the suddenness of the violent action.

  Korum stood in the doorway, looking magnificent and angry. His high cheekbones were flushed with color, and his eyes were almost pure gold.

  “Are you seriously hiding from me in my own bathroom?” he asked, his tone dangerously quiet.

  Mia nodded, afraid that her voice would tremble if she spoke. Despite her best intentions, fat tears kept sliding down her cheeks.

  He came toward her then, and Mia shut her eyes, hoping that it will be over quickly. Instead, she felt his hands on her naked shoulders, lightly stroking her skin.

  Her eyes flew open, and she stared up at him.

  “Get in the shower,” he said. “You have his stink all over your body.”

  In the shower? He wanted her clean. Mia’s stomach churned with nausea at the realization that he intended to have sex with her – maybe for the last time – before he killed her.

  She shook her head in refusal.

  His expression darkened. Before Mia could further contemplate the wisdom of her actions, the little dress lay in shreds on the floor and he was carrying her – naked and squirming – to the shower stall. A surge of adrenaline kicked in, and she arched in mindless panic, furiously kicking and scratching anything she could reach. Suddenly, she was standing on her feet inside the stall, and he was looming over her with an incredulous look on his face.

  “Are you insane?” he asked her softly. “Did all that alcohol fuck with your brain?”

  Panting from exertion and fear, she stared up at him defiantly through the tears blurring her vision. “If you’re going to kill me, just get it over with! I don’t want to be fucked first!”

  His eyebrows rose, and he looked genuinely taken aback. “You think I’m going to kill you?” he asked slowly, as though not believing his ears.

  “You’re not?” It was Mia’s turn to be surprised. Her heart pounded as if she’d run a marathon, and she could barely think.

  He took a step back. He was still wearing his clothes, she noticed now. The expression on his face was strange. If she hadn’t known better, she would have thought she’d wounded him somehow.

  “Mia,” he said wearily, “just because I’m angry with you doesn’t mean that I’m going to hurt you in any way, much less kill you.”

  “You’re not?”

  She had difficulty processing this. Ever since she’d laid eyes on him at the club, she’d been so certain that she would not survive the discovery.

  “Of course not,” he said, still looking at her with that strange expression. “You betrayed my trust tonight, but you were drunk and stupid –”

  Mia blinked. Something didn’t add up.

  “– and I should have known better than to let you out like that on a Saturday night.”

  She stared at him in confusion, hardly daring to hope. “You’re upset that I went out clubbing?”

  “Upset is a very mild term for what I feel right now,” he said quietly. “You let that pretty worm put his hands all over you, and you kissed him right in front of my eyes. No, Mia, upset doesn’t even begin to approximate it.”

  He didn’t know.

  Her knees almost buckled in relief, and she grabbed the shower wall for support. As unbelievable as it seemed, his anger tonight was due to misplaced jealousy and had nothing to do with the Resistance movement.

  It was a mind-boggling realization, and Mia desperately wished that she could think past the fog that seemed to permeate her every thought. She shook her head in an attempt to clear it. “I’m sorry,” she said cautiously. “I didn’t think you’d care if I went out tonight. I just wanted to have fun with Jessie and . . . I didn’t think you’d care either way. I wasn’t going to do anything but dance, I swear . . .”

  He just continued looking at her, as though trying to decipher her thoughts.

  “All right, Mia,” he said slowly, “just take that shower now, okay? We’ll talk when you’re done.”

  And then he left, walking around the broken door lying on the floor.

  Chapter 13

  She was going to live. He said he wasn’t going to hurt her, despite his anger.

  Korum didn’t know about her real betrayal. She had gotten incredibly lucky.

  Her head spun, and every muscle in her body trembled in the adrenaline rush aftermath. As she stood there, she felt her stomach twist with sudden nausea. Scrambling for the toilet, Mia barely made it before the contents of her stomach came up, the toxic brew of alcohol and residual terror proving too much for her system to handle.

  Mortified, she kneeled naked in front of the toilet, shaking uncontrollably. Flushing the disgusting mess, she used her remaining strength to crawl back into the shower stall and turn on the water, shuddering in relief as the warm stream poured over her frozen body.

  The hot shower worked miracles. After a few minutes, Mia felt well enough to get up off the floor. She washed and shampooed every inch of her body, rinsing away all traces of the horrible night. When done, she toweled herself off, put on a big fluffy robe, and brushed her teeth twice to remove the unpleasant taste in her mouth. She was now ready to face Korum again, even though all she wanted to do was pass out and sleep for the next ten hours.

  He was waiting in the living room, again looking at something on his palm. At her tentative entrance, he looked up and motioned to have her come closer. Mia cautiously approached, still feeling wary.

  “Here, drink this.”

  He had picked up a glass filled with a pinkish liquid from the table next to him and was holding it out to her.

  “What is it?” asked Mia with visible nervousness.

  “Not poison, so you can relax.” At her continued reluctance, he added, “Just something to reduce the strain on your liver from all the crap you drank tonight.”

  Mia flushed with embarrassment. He had clearly heard her vomiting earlier. Without further arguments, she took the glass and tried the liquid. It tasted like slightly sweet water and was wonderfully refreshing. She gulped down the rest of the glass.

  “Good,” said Korum. “Now sit down and let’s talk about expectations in our relationship . . . specifically, my expectations for your behavior.”

  Mia swallowed nervously and sat down next to him. The liquid was already working its way through her system, and she felt the cobwebs clearing from her mind.

  He turned toward her and took one of her hands in his, lightly stroking her palm. His eyes were nearly back to their normal shade of amber, with only a few traces of the dangerous yellow flecks.

  “You’re mine, Mia,” he told her, his thumb caressing the inside of her wrist. “You’ve been mine from the moment I saw you in the
park that day. I don’t share what’s mine. Ever. If you so much as look at another male – human or Krinar – you will regret it. And whoever lays a hand on you will be signing his own death warrant. Do I make myself clear?”

  Mia nodded, unable to speak past the volatile mixture of emotions brewing in her chest.

  “Good. The pretty boy you were dancing with tonight is very lucky he walked away. If there’s ever a next time, I won’t be so merciful.”

  Her free hand curled into a fist on the couch.

  “You acted foolishly tonight. Two pretty girls going out dressed like that – any number of bad things could have happened to you. And drinking until you throw up – you might as well schedule a liver transplant for yourself in the near future. Your human body is already fragile, and I won’t allow you to abuse it like this.”

  Mia’s nails dug into her palm in frustrated anger. To be lectured like this, as though she were a stupid teenager, was beyond humiliating.

  “If you want to go out dancing, I will take you. And no more nights out with your roommate – the two of you clearly cannot be trusted.”

  Mia just stared at him with a mutinous look on her face.

  “And now,” he said softly, “we should discuss your little misconception earlier . . . the fact that you actually believed that I would kill you for kissing a boy in a club.”

  “You nearly killed Peter,” said Mia, frantically searching for an explanation for her earlier panic. “Why are you so surprised that I was scared?”

  “Peter deserved exactly what he got for touching what’s mine.” He leaned toward her. “You, on the other hand, have nothing to fear from me. When have I ever hurt you – aside from the loss of your virginity?”

  It was true. He had never caused her physical pain – at least not of the unpleasant kind. He was always very careful not to hurt her with his much greater strength. Of course, he didn’t know she was helping the Resistance.

  “Mia, I know we literally come from different worlds, but some things are universal across both species. I sleep with you every night, I kiss and caress your body, I take great pleasure in having sex with you – and you think that I could just snuff out your life like that, with no regrets?”

  He still might, if he discovered her true betrayal.

  Taking her silence for the affirmative, he shook his head in disappointment. “Mia, I’m really not the monster you’ve made me out to be in your mind. I would not hurt you – ever, under any circumstances. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, suppressing a slight yawn. She felt completely drained, exhaustion creeping up on her during their conversation. Even after the restorative potion he’d fed her, she was more than ready to go to sleep. Tomorrow she would gladly analyze all the ins and outs of his words, but for tonight – she was completely done.

  “All right,” he said, “I can see that you’re tired. Let’s go to bed. You’ll feel much better after some rest.”

  Mia nodded gratefully, and he picked her up, carrying her to the bedroom.

  Entering the room, he placed her gently on the bed.

  Too tired to move, Mia just lay there, watching as he stripped off his clothes. His body was truly beautiful – all muscle, covered with that smooth golden skin. All of his movements were inhumanly graceful and carefully controlled. For the first time, Mia realized that he probably exerted a lot of effort to reign in the enormous strength she’d witnessed today.

  He came toward her, his penis already stiff, and opened her robe. “You’re so lovely,” he murmured, studying her body with obvious appreciation. Despite her exhaustion, she felt her inner muscles clenching in anticipation.

  Climbing over her, he bent down and kissed the sensitive part of her neck. Mia held her breath, waiting for the familiar rush of bite-induced ecstasy, but he just continued nibbling his way down the rest of her body, with only his lips and tongue touching her. She moaned softly, wanting more, but he was ruthlessly slow, branding every inch of her skin with his mouth.

  He reached her feet, and Mia giggled, feeling his lips closing over one of her toes. And then his warm hands touched her foot, massaging with a light yet firm pressure, and Mia arched in unexpected pleasure as his thumb found a spot that sent sensations directly to her nether regions. All of a sudden, she didn’t feel like giggling anymore as tension started building in her loins. He gave her other foot the same treatment, and she cried out, feeling as if he was touching her clitoris instead.

  He flipped her over then and removed the robe completely. Grabbing a pillow, he placed it under her hips, elevating her butt. For some reason, Mia felt very vulnerable, lying there face down, with her back exposed to the predator she was sleeping with.

  Leaning over her, Korum lifted the dark mass of curly hair off her shoulders, revealing the tender spot of her nape. Bending down, he kissed it lightly, his mouth feeling hot on her sensitive skin. She shivered from the sensation, and he moved lower, kissing his way down each vertebra of her spine until he reached her tailbone. His hands touched her butt, lightly squeezing the pale globes, and she felt his mouth leisurely making its way down to her vaginal opening, teasing the crevice between her cheeks on the way with his tongue. She jumped, startled by the unfamiliar sensation, and he laughed softly at her reaction. “Don’t worry,” he whispered, “we’ll leave that for another time.”

  And then playtime was over.

  He settled over her, his legs pushing between her own, opening her wider. Mia gasped as she felt the heavy force of his cock pushing into her vagina. Despite her wetness, he felt impossibly big in this position, and she whimpered slightly, her muscles quivering, trying to adjust to the intrusion. Sensing her difficulty, he paused for a second and reached under her hips, applying steady pressure to her clitoris even as he moved his pelvis in a series of small, shallow thrusts, working his penis deeper into her. With his much larger body over her like that, she felt completely dominated, unable to move an inch, and she groaned in frustration, hovering on the verge of relief yet not climaxing. He moved deeper still, touching her cervix, and she froze as every nerve ending stood on edge, waiting for something – pleasure, pain, she didn’t care which as long as she could reach the elusive peak.

  He withdrew halfway then and slowly worked himself back in. The tension was becoming unbearable, and Mia resorted to begging, pleading him to do something, to make her come. “Not yet,” he told her, moving in that maddeningly slow rhythm that kept her at an agonizing intensity level. Whenever he sensed her orgasm approaching, he would slow down further, and then thrust faster when the sensation receded a bit. It was literally torture, and Mia realized that this was to be her punishment for tonight.

  “Korum, please,” she begged, but he was intractable. The slow drag and thrust of his cock was driving her insane. In any other position, she would have been able to do something, to move her hips in a way that speeded up the climax. But lying there like that, with his heavy body pressing her down, she could only scream in frustration.

  “You’re mine, do you understand it now?” he said hoarsely, still keeping up that mercilessly slow pace. “Only I can give you this – what your body craves. No one else . . . Do you understand that?”

  “YES! Please, just let me –”

  “Let you what?” he panted, the torture exerting a toll on him as well.

  “Just let me come! Please!”

  And he did. His thrusts gradually picked up speed, winding her up even tighter, and her screams got even louder . . . and then she went over the cliff, her entire body pulsing and spasming in a release so powerful that every muscle in her body trembled in its aftermath. Her orgasm sent him over the edge as well, and he came deep inside her with a hoarse groan, his seed spurting in warm bursts inside her belly.

  Mia lay there afterwards, feeling his weight pressing her down. She couldn’t breathe easily, but she didn’t care. She felt utterly boneless, unable to move in any case. And then Korum rolled away, freeing her. She shivered slightly
at the feel of cool air on her naked sweaty back. He picked her up and took her into the shower again, for a quick rinse this time. And then they finally slept, with him cradling her possessively even in his sleep.

  Chapter 14

  Mia woke up the next morning feeling surprisingly well. Dry mouth, a pounding headache, and the generally shitty overall state that came with the morning after clubbing – none of these were present today, likely due to Korum’s magic potion.

  As usual, she was alone in the bedroom. She had learned that Ks needed significantly less sleep than humans – some as little as a couple of hours a night – so Korum was a very early riser. It was just as well. She wasn’t sure she was eager to face him this morning.

  For some reason, she had never expected him to be jealous. With his looks and skills in bed, she couldn’t imagine that any female would prefer another man over him. Her light flirtation with Peter last night had been just that – harmless fun that would’ve never led anywhere.

  Most of the time, she had trouble deciphering his emotions. He usually seemed so calm and controlled, with that slightly mocking expression on his beautiful face. She knew she frequently amused him, and he often liked to tease her just to see her temper flare up. She imagined she was something like a kitten to him, a little creature that he liked to pet and play with on occasion. His reaction last night did not jive with that casual attitude, however. The extreme possessiveness he’d displayed didn’t make sense in light of what their relationship really was. He definitely liked having sex with her, but she could not imagine that she meant anything more to him than that.

  Then again – although she might have misinterpreted his expression last night – it seemed like he’d been genuinely hurt that she’d thought him capable of killing her. Could it be? Did he actually care for her as a person – as something more than his human toy? At this thought, an odd ache started in her chest. It couldn’t be, of course, but if he really did care for her . . .


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