Perfect For Me

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Perfect For Me Page 12

by Lexy Timms

  When he is halfway between the henchmen and the drug lord with Lara, he sees someone standing in the entrance to the warehouse. It is a lone man, drenched in shadows so all they can see is his silhouette. He steps inside with authority, leaving the darkness behind him.

  Grady’s horrified to see a police officer approaching them.

  No…no, no, no, he wants to scream. Not yet. Get out of here you idiot, you are gonna get us all killed!”

  “What’s the meaning of this?” Lara shouts, stepping away from Carlos.

  “This is the surprise I mentioned to you before, my dear.” Carlos smiles, putting his arm on Lara’s shoulder. “It’s a bit of insurance. This man actually works for me. He’ll make sure that you and I never get caught.”

  The police officer steps under the lightbulbs swinging from chains in the ceiling. His uniform is prim and pressed, colored a navy blue of a brother of the NYPD. Pinned to his chest is the golden shield of his rank, sparkling with fresh polish. Holding onto the butt of the gun at his hip, this policeman struts around with a smug smile, as if he were the real boss around here. The weasel-faced man struts up to Carlos and Lara, while Grady is horrified.

  The drug lord kindly gives the introductions, “This is Officer Rick Werner. Rick, this is our guest, the precious Lara.”

  “Pleasure to meet you, Lara.” Rick extends a hand. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head. I’m an easy guy to work with. Give me my cut and all will be right as rain.”

  Lara frowns at the sleazy cop, but shakes his hand nonetheless. Meanwhile, Grady is gritting his teeth. Of all the policemen in this city to be dirty, it had to be him. Of all the new places that joking idiot could get a new job, it had to be here.

  Fate is cruel.

  Grady tries to slink into the shadows before he’s caught. Unfortunately, Rick happens to see him moving. Their eyes meet. Grady shakes his head, but a smug smile comes across the dirty cops’ weasel lips.

  “I don’t fucking believe it!” he swears, reaching for the gun on his belt.

  “Wait a moment, what’re you doing?” Lara demands. She grabs Rick’s wrist before he can get to his weapon.

  “You fucking screwed yourself, bitch!” he sneers. “That guy is a cop!”

  “What?” Lara looks to Grady, her eyes big and unbelieving.

  “Grab the bastard!” Rick shouts.

  Grady tries to run away, but one of the men closest to him grabs him by the arms, pinning them behind his back.

  “No,” Juarez screams. He clutches his head as if in agony. “I make a deal with you and you mess my entire operation up with this shit? Lara, you’re a dead bitch! Boys, kill that cop and then do what you want with the slut, and then kill her.”

  Lara reacts instantly. “No, kill this idiot, the cop, and the traitor. Leave none of them alive!”

  Grady realizes the men with tattoos that had something related to a deck of cards are actually Lara’s men. She had only said they were Carlos’ to fool him.

  In the confusion, the henchmen draw their guns and start firing wildly around the warehouse. Gunshots echo in the empty warehouse, only to be drowned out by Lara screaming.

  Chapter 11

  Bullet casings scatter upon the ground, along with the dead. The gunfire has ceased, because no one is left to shoot. The henchmen have all but killed one another in the shootout. Only one is left alive, but the torrent of blood seeping from the wound to his neck will ensure he joins the others soon enough. Grady dives behind a skid piled high with drywall, fortunate enough to avoid the barrage of bullets, coming out of it without harm to him.

  Lara is on her knees, her face a ghastly shade and is only getting whiter. There’s blood running down her arm.

  Grady can’t tell if it’s a bullet, a graze or a through and through. He doesn’t have time to look closer because a threat looms nearby. A standing lone gunman turns his weapon at Lara’s head.

  “Sorry, bitch,” Rick sneers. “Can’t have any witnesses.”

  “Don’t do it!” Grady shouts as he gets to his feet.

  “Or what?” Rick keeps his eyes on Lara, the gun close to her head. “Are you going to stop me, super cop?”

  “You can get out of here, we won’t say a thing. It’s your last chance making it out with your life intact.”

  “Oh yeah, like I’m going to believe you,” Rick shouts, looking at Grady now. “You ratted me out over a fucking prank. Like hell you’ll ignore the fact that I’m involved in this shit. No, I’ll kill you right after I’m done killing this bitch.”

  He looks back down, but Lara is no longer on all fours. She’s rising to her feet, a knee coming up quickly, landing between Rick’s legs.

  The hit drops Rick like a sack full of bricks. He falls to the floor, holding himself while his gun scatters. As he squeals in pain, Lara picks up the weapon and claims it for her own. The weasel cop looks up as the tables are turned. She stands over him, a fury blazes in her eyes.

  He tries to plead for his life, but a bullet into his temple stops him short.

  Grady jumps, shocked by her actions. He sees the shot in her arm is only a graze. A couple of stitches and she’ll be fine. He starts toward her. “Lara.”

  She looks at him, tears running down her cheeks. As he steps over the dead drug lord, Juarez, she turns the gun on him.

  It stops Grady dead in his tracks.

  “Lara,” he says, “what’re you doing?”

  “This is your fault,” she says through gritted teeth. “You did this.”

  Grady backs away slightly. “Lara, I understand you’re upset. But, I can get you out of this.” He shakes his head. “This life is going to kill you.”

  “This life, this life, this life,” she mocks, waving the gun in his direction. “You keep saying that this life is horrible, that there’s something better. But you know what, Grady? I like this life.”

  “Lara, you’re not thinking clearly,” he tries to plead with her. “Put down the gun, and come with me.”

  “Are you really one of New York’s finest?” Her head tilts to the side, uncertainty in her eyes.


  “Baby, don’t lie to me.”

  “I’m not.” Grady lets out a breath as Lara lowers the gun. “Fuck, girl. You scared the shit out of me.”

  Lara raises the gun again and squeezes the trigger. The warehouse makes the sound of the gunshot echo.

  Grady is falling, a sharp pain running from his shoulder down his right arm. Another bang tears into his side. He hits the ground, blood seeping from the two bullet holes. He can barely focus, let alone stay conscious.

  “Sorry, Grady,” Lara says as she walks over to him. “This is the only way to find out if you really are a cop.”

  He sees her walk away just before everything goes black.


  Book Two Coming Dec/January

  Free Excerpt of THE BOSS

  by Lexy Timms

  The BoSS

  Book 1

  Managing the Bosses Series


  Lexy Timms

  Copyright 2015 by Lexy Timms

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright 2015 by Lexy Timm

  Managing the Bosses Series

  The Boss

  Book 1



  The Boss Too

  Book 2

  Coming September 2015



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  From Best Selling Author, Lexy Timms, comes a billionaire romance that'll make you swoon and fall in love all over again.

  Jamie Connors has given up on men. Despite being smart, pretty, and just slightly overweight, she's a magnet for the kind of guys that don't stay around.

  Her sister's wedding is at the foreground of the family's attention. Jamie would be find with it if her sister wasn't pressuring her to lose weight so she'll fit in the maid of honor dress, her mother would get off her case and her ex-boyfriend wasn't about to become her brother-in-law.

  Determined to step out on her own, she accepts a PA position from billionaire Alex Reid. The job includes an apartment on his property and gets her out of living in her parent's basement.

  Jamie has to balance her life and somehow figure out how to manage her billionaire boss, without falling in love with him.

  ** The Boss is book 1 in the Managing the Bosses series. All your questions won't be answered in the first book. It may end on a cliff hanger.

  For mature audiences only. There are adult situations, but this is a love story, NOT erotica.

  Chapter 1

  One more hour and then you can leave. Just one more stupid hour.

  Jamie resisted the urge to look at her phone for the fifth time in twenty minutes. She didn’t know what she was expecting to see on it. It wasn’t like time would move any faster. She turned her attention back to her sister’s engagement party, which she supposedly should be enjoying – in theory. However, it felt next to impossible with her fucking ex sitting right across from her with his arm around her sister.

  Stephen caught Jamie staring and flashed a fake grin at her. Jamie looked away, down at the ice water she had opted for instead of the beer she really wanted. She might as well try to make an effort to show the family she wanted to lose weight.

  “Have you chosen the venue yet, Christine?” Jamie’s mother asked. Her bony elbow jabbed Jamie in the side as she reached for her water glass.

  Jamie made an effort to straighten from her slouched position, only to slide her shoulders forward a moment later.

  “Not yet.” Christine smiled at her fiancé. “We were thinking about that cute little church a few blocks away from Stephen’s apartment.”

  My apartment! At least it had been until Stephen refused to move out. With her savings dwindling, it had just ended up being easier letting him have it and tell the landlord to start charging him rent instead of her. She had not argued when the landlord also insisted Jamie keep her name on the lease when he added Stephen’s. She kept quiet even when it meant she had to move into her parent’s basement. Temporarily at least… I hope.

  “Oh, that church’s so cute! You should definitely check it out. It is Methodist, right?” Her mother’s tone grated Jamie’s nerves. She knew her mother didn’t mean anything about the cuteness of the church, she only wanted confirmation of her question. That was exactly how her mother always worked.

  “Of course,” Stephen said. “We wouldn’t consider any church that wasn’t Methodist.”

  Her father grunted and checked his watch. He was the only one in the family who seemed to remember the fact that Stephen hadn’t bothered oozing charm when he had met them as Jamie’s boyfriend. Or, more likely, he simply didn’t think anyone was worthy of his precious little angel, Christine. Jamie couldn’t tell. She was never able to get her father’s attention long enough to ask him.

  Just then their food arrived and Jamie’s mouth watered from the smell. She couldn’t take her eyes off the oversized burgers and chicken tenders with French fries served at the pub. The waiter balanced huge plates of delicious junk food on the tray. He smiled at everyone as he set the burger and fried chicken down in front of Christine and Stephen, the chicken alfredo and crab cakes in front of her parents and then flashed her an almost sympathetic smile before putting a small, bland looking salad in front of Jamie, who vaguely realized it was only a side portion size.

  “I took the liberty of ordering for you since you were late in coming,” Christine said over her heaping plate of fried food. “I know how much you want to lose weight, Jamie. After all, the maid of honor dress is very form fitting.” She glanced over at Stephen. “There’s no way I’m going to even make a dent into this pile.”

  Jamie bit back her anger and forced a small smile at her little sister. “Thank you. It’s perfect.” For a rabbit. She reached for the croutons as Christine nodded and took a bite out of a large fry.

  “Darling, are you sure you want the croutons?” Her mother reached over and slid them out of her grasp. “Your sister went to the trouble of ordering a very healthy meal for you and you’re about to undo all the benefits.”

  “I don’t think croutons will keep me at a size twelve.” Jamie tried to keep her face unreadable. The Chinese food I’m ordering when I’m out of here might, though. She poured the entire packet of croutons onto the salad, ignoring the glance Stephen and Christine exchanged. That’s right. Plan your backup maid of honor all you want. I’m eating the fucking croutons! She wasn’t large, she knew it, but her family made her feel like she was massive compared to her size two sister. Her dear sister had probably said no dressing or hardly any. She took a bite and really wished the salad came automatically with dressing on the side. And maybe garlic bread. Cheesy garlic bread.

  “What about your honeymoon?” her mother asked Christine. “Have you picked a location?”

  “Not yet.” Christine beamed as she turned to gaze at the man beside her. “Stephen said he wanted to surprise me. All I ask is that it’s somewhere warm.” She dabbed a tiny ketchup spot from his lip. “Jamie said she would come with me bathing suit shopping, didn’t you, Jamie?”

  Jamie nodded, unable to respond while chewing the near tasteless iceberg lettuce.

  “I do wish you took smaller bites.” Her mother shook her head. “You’ll feel full a lot faster if you do. Maybe then you wouldn’t need all those croutons you used.”

  Get off my bloody case, Ma! I’m not sixteen years old anymore. “Of course, Mom.” Jamie smiled and took a sip of water. Damn, why didn’t I order a beer? Or a six-pack?

  “Anyway, I was hoping for somewhere in the Mediterranean or the Caribbean.” Christine sighed dramatically. “Just a quiet, intimate little resort in paradise.” She turned to Stephen and kissed him on the cheek. “Won’t that be fun, honey?”

  “It’d be heaven.” He rubbed his nose against hers.

  Jamie felt like throwing up the lousy salad in her stomach. She stood. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.” She didn’t wait for her mother’s disapproving glance or some off-the-wall comment from one of them. She turned and walked toward the bathroom, her eyes cast on the floor just in front of her. She glanced up to make sure she went into the correct gendered washroom. As soon as she shut the stall door, she sighed. “Forty-five minutes, girl,” she muttered. “Then you can leave.” But the entrance is so close! All she had to do was slip out and never see any of them ever again… until after the damn wedding.

  If only she didn’t live in her parents’ basement. If only she had enough saved up to skip town. If only… Then she truly could disappear.

  She forced herself to calm down, knowing she wouldn’t go anywhere. She had the smarts, the common sense, the hard work ethic and even a friendly
demeanor when her family wasn’t around. She just lacked the belief she could do it.

  Enough! She went to the bathroom mirror to touch up her makeup. It was bad enough Stephen had left her for her younger, hotter sister, she didn’t need to look like the rejected one. It hadn’t been meant to be. She and Stephen would never have lasted. She knew that, but it didn’t lessen the hurt and humiliation.

  To procrastinate more, she practiced her smile in the mirror, trying to make it look more sincere and confident. “That’s right, Stephen, son of Ass Hole,” she told her reflection and giggled. “I don’t need you. You can just kiss my derriere, you shallow son of a bitch.”

  She froze when she heard Stephen’s voice clearly through the door. The bathroom wasn’t even close to being soundproof.

  “Alex! How the hell are you doing?”

  Oh, shit!

  “It’s good to see you, Stephen.” There was the slapping sound that always followed when guys hugged. “How’s the life of the newly engaged?”

  “Nearly fantastic! How’s the life of the eternal bachelor?”

  “Even better.”

  “I’m sure it is.” Stephen laughed, which only caused Jamie to roll her eyes inside the bathroom. “You’re looking a little gray around the edges. Has work gotten to you yet?”


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