Bold & Beautiful

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Bold & Beautiful Page 3

by Christin Lovell

  “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” She asked, eyeing both of us. She had no clue, and I guessed that’s what turned me off the most. She didn’t notice the looks on our faces, didn’t care about the way we were nearly glaring at her. We were nothing more than targets, than a quest to be conquered; we were her trophies.

  “What’s your name?” I narrowed my eyes slightly, focusing on her blue eyes. They fell flat in comparison to my mate’s.

  “Amber.” A smug look clouded her features. “What’s your name, handsome?” She pressed her hip into my desk, overwhelming me with her scent.

  But there, in the putrid mix of Amber’s odor, was my mate’s. I immediately focused on the door, waiting for her to come into view. Amber stepped into my line of sight.

  “Um, hello? I’m talking to you.” She gave a nervous giggle.

  I couldn’t stop my knee jerk reaction. I swung my arm out and slid her out of the way.

  She stumbled back a few steps. “Hey! Hands off, creep!” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her scowl and slowly head back to her clique.

  And then, there she was. Her hair hung down, soaked and sticking to her skin. Her curves were framed in a pair of dark wash skinny jeans. She wore a long black, short-sleeved shirt that reached the top of her thighs; it didn’t hug her skin, but wasn’t baggy either. I saw the same gold ballet flats covering her feet as she made her way towards the same classroom I sat in.

  My wolf leapt for joy, wagging his tail, unable to contain his excitement as she came closer.

  I watched as her eyes surveyed the room. They stopped briefly when she caught sight of Brody and me. My heart thundered in my chest, willing her to sit near us.

  Amber gave my mate a dirty look. “You might want to moo.” Her laughed grated on me. “Oops. I mean, you might want to move.”

  My limbs began to shake at the obvious cut at my mate. My pulse echoed in my head as my heart beat hard against my chest; blood sloshed through my veins preparing for the adrenaline rush of transforming. I fisted my hands, gritting my teeth, trying to control my wolf from breaking free and shredding Amber.

  “Close your eyes,” Brody ordered. I immediately knew that my eyes must have been glowing, my wolf peeking through my surface. “Breathe through it. I’ll handle dipshit.” I heard him stand.

  My wolf was growling ferociously, clawing my insides raw to rescue my mate, still oblivious to her importance in my world.

  Chapter 10


  The first bell hadn’t even rung yet the jokes had already begun. Amber wasn’t a new player in the bullying game. She’d set her sights on my pudgy self in kindergarten and hadn’t let up since. I was mostly able to ignore her, but seeing him had thrown me off. I hadn’t expected him to be here. I felt my cheeks heat as I was ridiculed in front of him. For some reason, it bothered me.

  To his credit, he didn’t participate. He closed his eyes and fisted his hands atop the desk, like he was trying to control some sort of reaction. But, then, his oversized friend was standing and heading right towards me.

  I knew my eyes widened. Worse, I couldn’t seem to make my feet move; it was like they were cemented to the floor as he made his way down the row of desks, getting closer and closer. The moment he was within a foot of me, he winked at me and took a step around me.

  He crouched down over Amber’s desk, looking her square in the eye. I must admit, it was a little amusing to watch her lean away from him, her eyes wide with fear.

  “Justin, help.” She called for her ex-boyfriend, the one she’d publicly dumped at the end of last year.

  Coincidentally, he was just as stricken as she was. He sat two rows over, against the wall. He threw his hands up in the air, washing himself of the responsibility to protect her.

  “Didn’t your mother teach you that if you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything at all?”

  “Back off.” She pushed on his chest even as she leaned further over the back of her chair. He didn’t move though. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Right now, it’s you. Why don’t you re-moo-ve your hands from my shirt?” I swore I heard him growl. Amber snatched her hands away from his clothes. “Be nice to the girl, or I’ll make your life hell.” He promptly stood and stalked back to his desk as if nothing had happened.

  I saw him say something to his friend. He opened his eyes and stared directly at me. And I thought I couldn’t be more humiliated. Somehow, needing someone else to stand up for me drove a nail in my coffin.

  Feeling the stinging betrayal of tears had me moving as quickly as possible to a desk in the far corner of the room, well away from the drama of bullies and protectors. I dropped my bag on top of the desk and sat down. I immediately crossed my arms over the book bag and hid my face in them.

  What was wrong with me? I never cried. And, of all the times, I had to do it in front of him.

  I struggled to combat the tears that silently streamed down my face before they landed on my book bag. Luckily, my hair was drenched since I didn’t have a towel to dry off with after my shower. Water dripped off my wet strands onto my backpack, disguising the tears. Too bad they’d see my red-rimmed eyes the moment I lifted my head.

  Mr. Rodur came in, immediately clearing his throat and earning our attention as the final bell rang. I took a deep breath, wiping my cheeks as inconspicuously as possible before I lifted my face towards the front of the classroom, focusing away from my problems and onto potential scientific solutions.

  Chapter 11


  I scrubbed my chin, unable to focus on anyone or anything but her. I heard her quiet, quick intakes of breath. She was trying to fight her emotion, but wasn’t successful. I couldn’t help but feel responsible. If I hadn’t let my beta step in for her, maybe it would have passed.

  My wolf snarled.

  Dang it. We both knew that wasn’t true. If Brody hadn’t have stepped in, I would have been in front of Amber in a split second. It was primitive for me to defend my mate in every way of the word. The problem? I wouldn’t have only delivered words to the stuck up brat. I wouldn’t have been able to control my wolf. We would fight to the ends of the Earth to protect our mate; whether that was against a man, woman or beast didn’t matter. They were one in the same to us in that moment: a threat to our world, for my mate was my world.

  The past week I’d been obsessed with her. I couldn’t think about anything but her. I could recall her beauty so easily. It was too a point where my nose was playing tricks on me, imagining her scent when she was nowhere near.

  It’d been torture avoiding the change, keeping my wolf locked up, all week. We usually ran at least once a day, let our animal free for a bit. It helped us control him the rest of the time. So not only were my senses going haywire, but I had an angry wolf intent on claiming her regardless of our age, a physical need to be near her, a mental obsession with her, and an emotional weakness for her. Since the day I’d run into her, my entire world turned on its axis and completely revolved around her. I wondered where she was, what she was doing and what she was thinking constantly.

  My pulse hastened as she lifted her head. I immediately wanted to comfort her, to gently kiss her puffy eyes and caress her back, reassuring her that everything would be okay.

  I could see the pain on her face, the anger in her eyes. She didn’t want to feel this way. I cocked my head a bit, trying to get a better look at her. Her lips were mashed together, like she was bitter. It was apparent that she hated feeling vulnerable. She had pride, despite her size. She was 5’2” of ample curves and ample strength I realized.

  How long had this been going on for her to build up to this point though? Typically it took time for people to build walls of protection around themselves. They weren’t born with them. So how long had she been suffering?

  “It may be the first day of class, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to waste it with introductions and other nonsense. This is a small town. If you don’t know eve
ryone in here, you will very soon. I’m going to be passing out your textbooks. Don’t lose them, don’t destroy them or you’ll be charged for them and don’t mark them up. I expect them back in the same condition at the end of the school year,” the teacher said.

  I pulled my gaze from her to pay attention. I could tell this was a strict teacher; not exactly the class to be slacking off in. As difficult as it was, I had to pull my wolf back, rein every over stimulated part of me in and focus on school, at least for first period.

  Chapter 12


  I couldn’t get out of first period fast enough. Science was not my best subject. I was more of an English and Social Studies kind of person. So, going to Calculus next wasn’t exactly my cup of tea. At least Mrs. Hampton was more relaxed. I’d had her for Algebra 1 in ninth grade.

  We had ten minutes between each period to get to our next class. With such a small campus though, you didn’t even need half that time. The extra time did cut down on the unnecessary bathroom breaks in the middle of class though.

  I headed right for the classroom. I wanted to slip in first, not be the center of attention when I walked into the room, and hopefully not be the butt of anyone’s jokes again.

  “Hi, Aura,” Mrs. Hampton greeted me at the door.

  “Hi, Mrs. Hampton.” I gave the middle-aged woman a smile. She wore overly tight clothes for being a schoolteacher, but the bright colors and snug outfits somehow fit her outgoing personality. Her overly teased, bleached blonde hair only added to her unique style.

  “I hope you’re ready for today.” She gave me a warm smile.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready, but I’m here.”

  “At least you get to choose your seat. If I were you, I’d probably hide in the back if you’re not prepared to answer questions at the front.” She winked before moving on to greet another student behind me.

  I took her advice and headed for the desk in the farthest corner of the room beside the window. I sat down and faced the massive white board on the wall at the front of the room beside the door.

  My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.

  Why, oh why, did fate have to be so cruel? It wasn’t bad enough that I’d made a total fool of myself in first period, going all melodramatic with tears. No. Fate had to pair us, and his friend, in another course together to give me more opportunities to humiliate myself, or be humiliated.

  I averted my gaze, focusing on the green grass outside the window. The football stadium was in the distance. For such a small town, we had a good-sized stadium complete with several upgrades. But, then again, the football games were about the only thing to look forward to at times. I never went, but businesses closed early and nearly everyone in town made it a point to attend them.

  “Hi.” His voice carried over me, instantly warming me.

  I found myself facing him, my body responding immediately to him. He smiled brilliantly. I got lost in his dimples, in his strong jawline and brown eyes that went on forever.

  “I’m Jonas.” He stuck out his hand.

  I glanced at his friend, who’d sat down two desks to the right of mine, leaving one empty one between us on the back row.

  Jonas chuckled. “He just looks mean.”

  “Yeah. I don’t bite… Unless you want me to.” The big guy winked.

  I didn’t miss my cue to read between the lines.

  I focused on Jonas’ hand, which hadn’t moved an inch. My gaze roamed up his well-muscled arm to the snug black t-shirt he wore. “Um, hi.” I shook his hand. His heat engulfed me. It was like tiny tingles of electricity, of awareness, sprouted up from arm, beginning, originating, with his touch.

  He seemed to stiffen as I hesitantly curved my hand to properly shake his. Abruptly his body trembled lightly. He quickly drew back his hand.

  I looked at the desk, studying the grooves and nicks in the wood. I couldn’t figure him out. At times, it seemed like he was possibly interested in me, but at others, like just now, I worried that he was just being nice. That I was merely a puzzle he was trying to politely solve before he moved on. Too many, I was a mystery. The curious poked, but I never budged. Then I became an object to gawk at, but not to get too close to. I was waiting to become just that to Jonas. But darn if it didn’t make my heart crack a bit at the thought.

  I heard him sit down beside me. I tried not to groan aloud. The last thing I wanted was to be stuck beside him all semester, especially when first period kept replaying in my mind.

  “How long have you lived here?” Jonas asked. His voice was smooth, slightly husky with a hint of baritone. My girly parts couldn’t help but get excited when he spoke.

  I debated giving him a hard time, but thought it best to just answer him so he didn’t draw this out. “All my life.”

  “Do you like it here?”

  I lifted my gaze towards him. He sat sideways in his chair, resting his arms on the back of the chair and the desktop and leaning towards me. He seemed so earnest, yet I’d learned not to buy into it. I shrugged my shoulders, turning back towards the window and away from him.

  “Are you always this talkative?”

  My head jerked to him automatically at his backhanded comment. He wore a smirk on his face; his eyes danced with amusement and… fear? What did he have to be afraid of?

  For some reason, I blurted out the truth. “Not many people want to talk to me.”

  He met my gaze. My eyes were playing tricks on me as his appeared to glow. “Well I want to talk to you.” All humor had left him as he stared at me.

  My gaze traveled the room before meeting his again. “Okay.”

  I nearly jumped as the bell rang. That made him smile. And seeing him smile again weakened the barriers I’d built to protect myself.

  Chapter 13


  I kept stealing glances at her all period. Time seemed to drag by. I was waiting on pins and needles for the bell to ring. Being beside her wasn’t enough for me or my wolf. I wanted to talk to her, to hear her voice, to see her reactions when I spoke.

  Finally the bell rang. To my disappointment though, she immediately headed for the door. I shoved my books in my bag haphazardly as I followed her. When I lost her in the busy hall, I relied on my scent to lead me. Rather than head for the cafeteria though, she went outside. I looked around before slipping out the door.

  There was a tiny breeze in the air that wafted her aroma right to me. I looked up and saw her right as she rounded the corner of the school, away from the parking lot and towards the open field beside the football stadium. I marched around the corner, stopping abruptly at the sight of her sitting beneath a tree with a book in hand. Her back was pressed to the trunk of the old oak tree, the leaves rustling above her and providing a refuge from the hot sun.

  Chapter 14


  I tried to ignore my growling stomach. In my haste this morning, I didn’t take my medicine, didn’t eat breakfast and had forgotten to grab lunch. I had a dollar and fifty cents in my pocket, which made me exactly thirty cents short for lunch. I couldn’t even go in there. It would only make it worse. It would only perpetuate my disdain for my mother.

  I stared at the book in front of me. The words blurred together as I wondered how much money Roger would leave me for food. I wanted to just leave school now, go home and see what I was working with, but in a small town, everyone talked. I couldn’t leave and then get caught at the grocery store looking healthy later.

  “It’s nice out here.”

  I jumped at his voice. I looked back and saw him standing over me. How long had he been there? I hoped he didn’t hear my stomach. Dang it. What was he doing out here? He should be inside eating with the other kids.

  Slowly, I looked away from him, gazing out at nothing in particular.

  “Mind if I join you?”

  Rather than answer, I moved my book bag to the opposite side of me. He dropped down in the space, stretching out his legs.

  I didn’t know whe
ther to worry or be flattered by his persistence.

  Chapter 15


  She was a mystery. She was nice, but not overtly friendly. She took the time to dress herself fashionably in adorable ensembles meaning she cared about herself, yet she wasn’t confident enough to stand up for herself. And now, her stomach was growling, yet she wasn’t going to eat. That one I couldn’t let go.

  “Please don’t tell me you’re on a steady diet of air only.” I immediately kicked myself mentally. A diet of air? What the hell was I thinking?

  Her cheeks reddened slightly. She lowered her face, her eyes focusing on the ground beside her. “Far from it.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn’t until that moment that I realized that I liked her just the way she was. I couldn’t picture her an inch smaller. She was beautiful exactly as she was: thick thighs, wide hips that led to a smaller waist and a decent chest. Her face was radiant, surrounded by a frame of wavy blonde hair that made her blue eyes stand out.

  I wanted to make her smile. I wanted to see her eyes glittering with delight. Glittering with delight? Oh God. Finding my mate had diminished me to a groveling, mushy mess of a future alpha. I never struggled for words. I never struggled to own a conversation, never struggled for the attention of anyone, yet here I was fighting for her to focus on me rather than the grass; fighting for her to give me a chance, rather than her fighting for my attention like most girls.

  She didn’t make anything easy. Rather than be angry or upset, I found myself being proud. It meant she made people work for their spot in her life. But once you earned your place, she would probably be loyal to a fault, much like a werewolf.

  “This was the only thing that looked somewhat appetizing in there.” Brody tossed me a sandwich as he sat down beside me. As if he read my mind, he immediately held one out to my mate.

  She stared at the sandwich and then at him. She worried her bottom lip, as if this was a complicated math problem she needed to solve. She didn’t move a muscle towards it.

  I grabbed the sandwich and set it in her lap. “Eat,” I ordered.

  I opened my own and took a hearty bite. Brody didn’t hesitate either, eating nearly half the hoagie roll with ham and cheese inside in one bite.


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