Wolfen Domination

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Wolfen Domination Page 3

by Celeste Anwar

  * * * *

  Without even opening his eyes, Jesse knew from the pain he woke to that he had been manacled to the pulley again, chained as he had been so long that he had lost all track of time.

  It was a pain of a different kind that consumed him, though, that stirred his beast to life.

  Rage sent him into a frenzy of desperate lunges against his chains, so much fury that he felt for many moments that he could break them, silver or not. He subsided after a while, not because his wrists were raw and bleeding, not because the pain scouring his insides was any less, but because he no longer had the energy to struggle.

  She was just like the others. He’d allowed himself to be conned by the empathy he had believed he had seen in her eyes, by her gentleness. He had allowed his desire for her to weaken his mind and leave him wide open to seduction.

  He’d been right about her being drugged. He’d just been wrong about the reason for it.

  It infuriated him that he had been willing to do anything to protect her from them, endure the touch of that female, give them the seed they had been trying so hard to steal from him, when all the while she was working with them, as much a part of his torment as the cold hearted bitch he hated so badly.

  They would do well to keep her away from him. If they sent her again he would wrap his chains around her throat and choke the life out her, he promised himself.

  In spite of the promise, when the door opened some time later, he felt his body quicken with desire and gladness, hopeful as ever that it was her--Erin. A guard stepped through the opening. Settling a tray on the spot they’d marked on the floor that was close enough he could reach it when the chains slackened, but not close enough for him to launch an attack otherwise, the guard retreated.

  As soon as the door closed and the lock clicked, he heard the whir above him and the chains went slack. He made no attempt to reach the food. Sometimes he was allowed to. At others he was only taunted with it and the chains would jerk taut as he reached for the tray.

  He knew that was the cold hearted bitch. She seemed to take delight in tormenting him endlessly, maliciously.

  He hadn’t known why he was taken at first. They hadn’t tried to explain, hadn’t made any attempt to reason with him. They had treated him like an animal from the beginning, a dangerous animal, with no reasoning skills. It had become abundantly clear very quickly, however, that it was his seed they were after, and it hadn’t taken much of a leap to figure out that whatever they had in mind to do with it, it wasn’t something he was going to like.

  They could not have reasoned with him. The fact that they’d captured him alone was enough to preclude any interest he might have had in cooperating with them. The military aspect of the place had only sealed his opposition.

  Regardless, he had endured more than mere detached, clinical study. That would have been uncomfortable enough, probably painful, but his treatment had gone well beyond that--and there had been no doubt in his mind that the woman he knew only as the cold bitch was behind it. There was malice in her eyes whenever he saw her. She was aroused when she was around him, and more aroused when she had mind fucked him, or inflicted pain. The more he resisted her attempts to milk him of his seed, the more he endured in repercussions.

  After a time, it seeped into his mind that he needed the food to maintain his strength. He’d been on a forced fast so long that he’d passed beyond hunger into nausea at the thought of eating, and he was reluctant to give the cold bitch the satisfaction of snatching it out of his reach, but he needed it. If there was any chance at all that he could escape, he needed to keep his strength up.

  Hesitantly, he moved as close to the tray as he could, tense, expecting the chains to jerk taut at any moment. When they didn’t, he managed to catch the edge of the tray with his toes and drag it closer. He bent finally to retrieve it, only to discover that the chains were just taut enough that he could barely brush the edges of the tray with his fingertips.

  She amused herself for a while by letting out the slack and jerking the chains tight again when he tried to grab the tray. He glanced up at the camera eye stonily the third time, suppressing his fury with an effort. Abruptly, the chains when completely slack.

  He waited, certain that if he tried to reach his food again he would be jerked upward to dangle above the floor where he could only stare at the food beyond his reach. When several minutes had passed and the chains didn’t so much as creak, he made a dive for the food and wolfed it down quickly before she could jerk the chains and make him drop it.

  * * * *

  “Doctor Wagner!” Freda exclaimed as if pleasantly surprised by his sudden appearance, hitting the release on the pulley abruptly as the man poked his head into the observation room door. “What brings you down?”

  To her relief, he didn’t seem to have noticed what she’d been doing. Plainly, he was too excited by his thoughts to notice much of anything. “I just wanted to have a look at the subject to see how he’s doing.”

  Freda gestured toward the observation window. “As you can see, he seems to have decided to eat. I was growing concerned about his refusal,” she lied smoothly.

  Wagner clasped his hands behind his back, rocking on his heels as he watched the creature below. He shook his head. “It amazes me that they seem so human at times. And yet, observe the way he gulps his food.”

  “Trust me, he’s more beast than man, whatever his appearance.”

  “That’s not altogether a bad thing, though, is it? Do you think we’ll be able to collect another specimen tomorrow?”

  A flicker of dismay went through her as she remembered she’d let her temper get away from her and taunted him about Erin. Belatedly, she realized it might not work to send the cunt in again. If the rage she’d seen in his eyes was any indication, he was more likely to kill the bitch than fuck her senseless. She forced a confident smile. “I’m sure we won’t have any trouble at all from here on out.”

  * * * *

  Jesse knew what was coming the moment the injection surged through his blood and a red haze of lust washed over him instead of unconsciousness. He’d suspected as much when he and his cage had been thoroughly hosed down, but then the stench of rotting food had grown so pervasive that he wasn’t certain but what they had simply decided they couldn’t take the smell anymore. They had no compunction about forcing him to live like an animal, no consideration for his revulsion of the filth, nor any apparent concern for the health hazards of the conditions. The toilet in the corner seemed almost as much a taunt as the infrequent feedings. He was only allowed access to it once a day. The rest of the time he either dealt with the discomfort or relieved himself on the floor if he couldn’t bear it any longer--not that that was anything he had to worry about very often. He was lucky if he got fed once a day, and he only got water when he was fed. He lived on the edge of dehydration.

  He had to wonder how they thought he could produce their fucking specimens even if he’d wanted to without a decent intake of fluids. He could barely piss.

  Despite every effort to focus on anything other than the drug creeping through him, he felt it winding tighter and tighter through him, felt his self-control slipping.

  He shook his head, as if he could shake the effect of the drug off by doing so, gritted his teeth as he felt his balls tighten and his cock become semi-erect. He was lowered until his feet touched the cold, still wet floor.

  The wheel above him stopped.

  They knew he was just waiting for the opportunity to kill whoever walked through the door.

  He leaned back against the wall, allowing his head to loll against his shoulder, struggling to allow the appearance of being firmly under the influence of the drug without actually allowing it to control him.

  The door opened. He knew even before he opened his eyes that it was Erin they’d shoved into the room. Her scent hit him even before he realized he’d detected it and his body spiraled out of his control.

  She was drugged.

e was also naked.

  He forgot all about trying to feign the level of the drug’s control. His gaze moved over her hungrily, devouring every inch of exposed flesh as if he could touch and taste her even from across the room.

  The scent of her arousal drew his gaze to the thatch of hair at the apex of her thighs. His cock responded by engorging so rapidly with blood that darkness swirled around him.

  It took every ounce of will power that he could summon to tear his gaze from her cunt.

  His eyes locked on her face as he struggled to call forth his beast, to resurrect the fury he had felt toward her since the cold bitch had taunted him with her deception.

  Even with his own mind reeling from the injection, though, his body screaming with the need to yield to his urges, he could tell by the way she was moving that she was scarcely aware of where she was and, briefly, it flickered through his mind to wonder how willingly she worked with them if they had to drug her to send her in to collect the specimen.

  But then the cold bitch had said she could barely stomach coupling with him because she thought of him as an animal.

  She looked up at him at that moment. Her eyes, already dark with desire, grew darker still, glazed. She moved toward him unsteadily.

  He stiffened as she nuzzled her face against his chest, trying to brace himself, trying to hold on to the anger he’d managed to summon.

  She began stroking him with her hands, rubbing her body against him. “Jesse,” she crooned breathily, curling her fingers around his cock and making his belly clench spasmodically. “I need this. I hurt. Please, Jesse.”

  He ground his teeth, squeezing his eyes tightly as pleasure akin to pain went through him. Mindless, driven purely by instinct, he reached for her. The chains thwarted him, jerking his mind back to his goal.

  He didn’t want to fuck her. He wanted to throttle her.

  He was almost relieved when she ceased to stroke his cock, sliding her hands upward along his body. The relief was short lived. She slipped her arms around him, plastering her body against his. A groan escaped him in spite of all he could do as she curled around him, pressing her hips rhythmically against him so that he could feel the moist heat of her cleft teasing his cock.

  He held his breath. He struggled with his beast.

  He lost control as she grasped his cock and pushed it between her thighs. Uttering a guttural growl, he began moving in counter to her thrusts, trying to push his cock inside of her when he could get no leverage to do so. The effort cost him, drove him beyond the ability to reason. The certainty hit him that, like the food and water he was taunted with and not allowed to taste, the cold bitch had deviced a new torment for him, to tease him with Erin, her smell, her touch, with the possibility of assuaging his need for her and dangle it just out of reach.

  He strained against the manacles again, this time with no goal in mind other than penetration. He scarcely noticed the abrupt release of the chains beyond the fact that his efforts to grab her were rewarded. He dug his fingers into her buttocks, bending his knees and driving upward as he pulled her thighs apart. His cock slipped along her cleft, just barely penetrating the opening of her body. It was enough, though, to send him over the edge. Seizing her, he turned as he lifted upward for leverage, braced her against the wall drove into her in a series of desperate lunges. A shudder went through him as he felt her moist heat closing around him.

  He sought her mouth, nipping her neck with the edge of his teeth as she twisted her face away.

  She groaned with a mixture of pleasure and pain as he plowed ruthlessly past her resisting muscles, heaving against her in hard thrusts until he was buried inside of her to the root of his member.

  He couldn’t think beyond his own burning need. Scouring her tender flesh with his lips, his teeth, and his tongue, he began pumping into her with barely leashed savagery, his movements as frenzied as his need was desperate. She cried out, jerking as her body convulsed in pleasure.

  The sound drove him beyond even the tenuous hold that remained to him. He groaned hoarsely as his orgasm caught him and he felt his body pumping his seed into her.

  Weakness washed over him as he spent himself on her, his arms and legs beginning to tremble with fatigue.

  Through the darkness of expended ecstasy, a thread of reason emerged. He dragged in a shaky breath, allowing her to slide down the wall until her feet touched the floor. Even as he reached for her beautiful white throat, however, the chains tightened, pulling his arms over his head.

  He let out a roar of fury, surging against the manacles.

  Her eyes opened, widened slightly as she slid weakly to the floor.

  Awareness flickered in the depths of her eyes, and terror--and revulsion.

  “Next time, I’ll kill her,” he growled furiously as he watched them enter the room and drag her away.

  He meant it. He dwelt on little else while he waited for them to bring her to torment him again, ruthlessly quashing the memories of all the times he had waited and watched for her return as the only highlight in the hell they had deviced for him.

  They doubled the injection the next time they brought her to him. By the time they had shoved her through his cage door, he was writhing on the floor, his body and mind on fire. The moment she came within his reach, he dragged her down, pinning her to the cold stones with his body and thrusting inside of her until he found release.

  After they had brought her to him again, he ceased to think of much beyond taking her. He craved her more than food or water, with or without the drug. He hated her almost as much as he wanted her and he made no attempt to hide it from her.

  * * * *

  Disbelief dominated Erin, filtering out much of the emotions that she was certain she would have felt if her life had not become a nightmare she couldn’t entirely grasp. When the drug had finally worn off, she’d found herself in her own bed in her own quarters. Despite the aftereffects of having been drugged, however, right up until the moment she tried to move, Erin had convinced herself that she’d had some sort of ‘bad trip’.

  The protest of her muscles, particularly those along her inner thighs, made it impossible to even hold on to the dubious comfort of worrying that the drug they’d given her had damaged her mind.

  She hadn’t dreamed it. She hadn’t hallucinated because that bitch had pumped an untested drug into her. The moment she slipped her hand down between her legs to cup her bruised nether lips, she knew beyond any doubt that they really had thrown her in with the beast. She actually had fondled him and begged him to fuck her and he had been all too willing to do so.

  She had become their newest pet project.

  She didn’t know what they had given her beyond the fact that the bitch had called it Formula 9. Undoubtedly, it was something that had been developed here, something most likely developed for the creatures, not humans.

  She had barely been conscious of anything at all beyond a frantic need to be penetrated. She had needed it so desperately that she suspected she would have been willing to try to rape him if he hadn’t seized the initiative and assuaged the need.

  She hadn’t been pushed to that, though. Almost as soon as she’d begun to rub herself on him, he had yielded to his animal needs.

  She shuddered at the memory, feeling warmth and shame flood her all over again as she recalled the pleasure she’d felt when he had pummeled her. She’d ‘done it’ with a creature that wasn’t even human and gloried in it, begged for it.

  He was an animal. However human he appeared because of the silver that controlled him, that was all he really was and the savage fierceness of his possession was proof of it.

  It was more demoralizing to have to accept that she’d actually enjoyed coupling with the beast than if she’d merely been savaged by it. By the time they came to take her back to him, she had convinced herself that she would die before she’d let that thing near her again. The moment she saw the two guards with Freda she knew the forlorn hope she’d held out that they wouldn’t dare
try such a thing again had been a pipe dream. When the guards grabbed her, she began screaming, biting, and kicking.

  Beyond a demonstration of her reluctance, the exercise was useless. The guards held her down impassively while Freda injected her.

  The drug went through her and set her blood on fire. She was breathless with arousal, every touch burning her up with need. By the time they hauled her to her feet and led her down to the beast’s cage, she was almost ready to tear free and race to him.

  Fear washed over her briefly when she saw the look in his eyes, but the urges were far too strong to resist. If she had known positively that he would rip her to shreds, she didn’t think she could have refrained from going to him and demanding that he ease the ache inside of her.

  Chapter Three

  During the times when she was completely lucid, Erin was certain nothing could be worse than what she’d already experienced. She discovered that she hadn’t reckoned on Freda’s penchant for tormenting anybody and anything within her power.

  She had lost track of time since she had been confined in her quarters, lost track of the number of times they had taken her to pleasure the beast, but she knew weeks had passed, perhaps as much as a month, maybe even more. The day arrived when the guards came and she was injected not with the drug that drove her wild with need, but a mild sedative instead.

  It made very little difference in her ability to fight them off.

  It made a world difference, however, when she was shoved into the beast’s cage. She was far more aware of her surroundings, far more conscious of the threat she faced, and she did not have the drug driving her libido out of control.

  Such was not the case with him. She could see they’d given him a powerful dose to overcome his resistance. The moment his gaze settled on her his eyes darkened and his features hardened with barely leashed desire.

  But she saw there was wildness in his eyes, too, something she had not noticed before in her own state--and hate and rage.

  It was small wonder considering what they’d done to him.


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