Hollywood Hearts: A Steamy Standalone Instalove Romance

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Hollywood Hearts: A Steamy Standalone Instalove Romance Page 4

by Flora Ferrari

  There must be someone else, or maybe she just really doesn’t go for older guys?

  Anyone else it wouldn’t matter. But with this girl, what she’s doing to me so far on every level, I kinda feel like I might be unlucky in love for a while yet.

  Maybe I’m wrong. Just because I think she’s the one, doesn’t mean she does too. Maybe love at first sight really is just in the movies.

  I try to push it to the back of my mind, settling on being this close to her at least, having a conversation and the whole day ahead of us.

  A day I already dread ending because I know I don’t want it to.

  I could listen to her all day, watch her look up as she tries to think of the next thing to say, watch her nervous little habits like chewing at her lip or squeezing her hands together.

  She’s just perfect and I want to tell her so, but I also don’t want to scare her off or ruin my chances.

  My phones on mute but I’ve felt it buzzing in my pocket a dozen times already. No prizes for guessing who it could be.

  The plan was to follow an itinerary for the day, with the crew following to film everything from Olivia’s reaction to the final farewell at the end of the day, arms full of autographs, and whatever other merchandise Denise wants to plug.

  But I beat her at her own game for once. I found something, someone I want all for myself and I don’t intend on letting the Hollywood publicity machine ruin my day with Olivia or any day after it.

  A different tone pulses and I think it might be Olivia’s phone but it’s the limo driver.

  I reach into the console and answer, not surprised to hear that Denise is calling him now, wondering where the hell he is with me and my lucky contest winner.

  “Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Mercury. But it’s your agent uh… manager, Ms. Holland is on the other line. Wanting you at the airport, there’s a plane waiting to take you to the studio.”

  I stifle a groan and make a face, looking to Olivia who has her own embarrassed expression on like she’s intruding just by being here.

  I tell the driver to just wait. “Keep driving and I’ll let you know where we’re at,” I tell him without committing to anything and hanging up.

  The phone is the only way he can talk to me, a privacy screen means he can’t see us and we can’t see him.

  He’s a driver, sure. But he’s obviously been hired by Denise to do whatever she tells him to.

  “Everything alright?” Olivia asks, and I guess it’s time to level with her on that front.

  “I’ve got a bit of a confession,” I tell her, hoping she won’t get mad.

  “We’re supposed to follow some itinerary for today and I’m probably in trouble for stealing you away, wanting to keep you all to myself,” I tell her honestly.

  She’s not mad though, and she blushes without knowing where to look but I’m looking right at her when I tell her.

  “What sort of itinerary?” she asks, sounding shyer now. “No more cameras and reporters I hope?” she asks and that’s what makes it harder for the both of us.

  I nod a little, groaning quietly again to myself. “I’ll see what I can do about the press,” I tell her, adding, “Now you really know what it feels like to be a movie star. It’s hard work just to get some privacy.”

  I half expect her to be annoyed or even disenchanted that Jack Mercury is turning out to be more like just a regular guy than a movie star, but Olivia seems to like what she’s hearing.

  Maybe it’s the idea of going to the studio that’s exciting? It doesn’t do much for me. But as long as I’m with her I don’t really mind where we end up.

  As long as we’re together, alone preferably.

  Telling myself I’d better get the call over and done with, I call Denise. Reminding myself to keep it professional in front of Olivia.

  Don’t mention the word ‘Mom’ for god’s sake. Not yet.

  Denise picks up on the first ring and I have to hold the phone away from my ear for a few seconds while she has her little tantrum.

  Olivia looks out the window, pretending not to hear every word, which is sweet of her.

  “Yes, there was a privacy statement and a waiver for insurance. Mostly studio protocols if you must know,” Denise huffs.

  She’s pissed that we took off unannounced, but she’s enraged that we left without signing anything per the terms and conditions of the competition, plus the fact there’s a jet waiting to ferry us to one of the studios at the companies expense.

  Something I figure she’s forgotten to tell or get approved by the studio as well.

  Maybe a few years ago Jack Mercury could have done what he wanted, but now? I guess we’ll find out when we get there.

  But these aren’t really my problems and I’m on the verge of reminding her who’s really the boss of Jack Mercury when she makes a surprise about face.

  “You wouldn’t just take off Jack. Not unless...” And I can almost hear her smiling from the other end of the phone.

  “What’s she like, Jack? Tell me.” She insists.

  I clear my throat and looking over at Olivia I tell the truth.

  “Maybe today’s best kept a little more private?” I hear myself tell her, thinking that ought to quiet her down but it only makes her want to know more.

  “We can go to the studio,” I sigh, making sure to ask what Olivia wants before committing to that. “But I don’t want a damned camera crew following us all day. Okay?”

  It’s the first time I can remember that Denise, my mother, agent, and manager has rolled over when I actually want something done a certain way.

  Covering the phone with my hand, I double-check it’s okay with Olivia. I don’t want her to feel like she has to do anything if she doesn’t want to.

  “Private jet and studio tour?” I ask her, hoping she’ll say yes. Adding, “There’s food on the plane,” remembering I skipped breakfast and maybe Olivia did too with the whole fainting thing.

  I know what I’d rather be asking, but baby steps, Jack. Baby steps.

  She nods eagerly and even grips my arm with excitement.

  Having her touch me again, gripping me so hard makes me groan with satisfaction as another part of me springs to life under her touch as well.

  “That settles it,” I tell Denise. “I’ll call you once we reach the studio if there are any problems.”

  “Oh no need Jack, just make sure you and uh… Olivia have a nice time. We can worry about the publicity later. Maybe just a few selfies with you and the lucky lady could tide us over?” she says, making me wonder who kidnapped my mother and put the new, easy-going, and completely understanding Denise in her place.

  I have a hunch though, and maybe that was her intention all along? Set me up with someone totally random and just hope for the best because I’ve never found anyone on my own.

  Maybe that’s her plan, but it doesn’t matter now.

  I’ve got plans of my own, and the more I look down at Olivia, feeling her still gripping me with excitement, the more I’m thinking that maybe today won’t be so bad after all. Even if we do have to do some Hollywood stuff in the meantime.

  Chapter Seven


  I never gave much thought to what the day with Jack Mercury competition would actually mean.

  I never thought I’d win either, never won anything in my whole life.

  But being in a limo with him, now hearing we’re going on our own private jet to a movie studio?

  It’s enough to make me forget about everything else and squeal like a crazed fan for the rest of the ride to the airport.

  Jack seems relieved, happy that I’m happy more than anything. He doesn’t even mind that I’m grabbing hold of him, edging my way closer in my seat until we’re actually touching.

  Truth is, I’d be just as happy and equally excited if he was driving us to a burger joint in a pick-up truck.

  Just being with him, feeling his strong body so close, and hearing him laugh in a friendly way at all the dumb t
hings I can hear myself saying. I know he’d be just as kind and the perfect gentleman no matter where we were headed.

  Once it’s clear there won’t be a camera following us around either, I feel more relaxed. Feeling like Jack is making things go a certain way for my benefit and maybe his own as well.

  I have to ask him though, sensing something between him and his manager/agent.

  “Denise, your agent?” I start to ask, registering his change of expression, which I have to say makes my heart sink just a little bit.

  It wouldn’t be the first time a Hollywood actor has a relationship with his agent and I know from my own digging that Jack Mercury has always maintained he’s single.

  But there it is, the look.

  “She’s a little pushy at the best of times,” he says, looking away.

  My hand slips away from his arm and I feel a little bit stupid all of a sudden.

  Did I really think that Jack Mercury would look at me, think of me like that for even one second?

  He’s probably just being kind. Like when famous people visit poor and sick people in hospital.

  He’s an actor for god’s sake. It’s his job to make people believe things that aren’t real.

  And I feel like, for the first time today that maybe I’ve let my imagination get the better of me.

  “So, how long have you two been together? I mean, how long has she been your agent?” I ask, figuring I might as well get a story out of this after all.

  If all else fails, I’ll have a story to blow the pants off any film festival review.

  But that’s just the reporter in me talking.

  The real Olivia. The girl who’s had a lifelong crush on Jack Mercury? She’s reminding herself not to get her hopes up too high.

  But Jack looks confused, then concerned, and finally disappointed.

  “Uh. Denise really is just my agent. My manager too but nothing else, you do see that?” he says firmly. Holding my gaze until he’s sure I understand.

  Feels like I’ve poked the bear a little but maybe I am just imagining too many things today. Good and bad.

  He did say there was food on this plane, right?

  No wonder I fainted earlier, plus I’m the worst company when I don’t eat.

  Jack lets the driver know the airport is our next stop, but we’re practically there. Like he knew all along or he was taking us there the whole time, who knows?

  “I’ve never been on a plane before.” I hear myself tell Jack, sounding like I’m five, not twenty. Wishing I’d never brought up his agent, wishing I could hit rewind and get the past few minutes back.

  “Sorry for what I just said, too,” I add. “It’s really none of my business.” Needing him to know. Wishing I could take it back.

  “I’m not a fan of flying much either, and just for the record, I’m still the most eligible bachelor in Hollywood. Just in case you’re gonna write a story about all this,” he says with a forced smile.

  A little of the public Jack showing instead of the real man I thought I was getting to know.

  Idiot. I had to open my big mouth, didn’t I?

  We ride in silence until the limo takes us right up to the gleaming pearl white jet, parked out in the middle of a runway that makes everything else feel so small all of a sudden.

  “Hey?” Jack says. “Don’t go quiet on me now. I need someone to distract me for the next hour or two, I wasn’t kidding when I said I don’t like flying.”

  The face he makes proves his point and makes me laugh, but it also worries me.

  If flying is so bad, I don’t know if I’ll be much use to Jack or anyone.

  “It’s so big though,” I say out loud as the limo door opens and he helps me step out.

  The sound of the jet whining at idle is loud enough for Jack to have to almost shout so I can hear him.

  The wind from the tarmac blowing my hair into an instant tangled mess.

  “Yeah, looks like we got a properly sized one today, shouldn’t be so bad,” he assures me, taking my hand and guiding me up the narrow steps to the open cabin door.

  It’s as though time shifts once we step onboard.

  Despite what I know I must look like, I feel like a princess, with Jack’s hand still over mine as he leads me into the jet which looks like a five star hotel suite.

  I’m guessing not all airplanes are like this one, and even Jack seems impressed to the point of mentioning that it’s a good pick considering how special the day is.

  It’s enough to make me forget about how awkward things have been so far and in no time I’m sitting opposite Jack in a huge leather chair.

  “You don’t mind traveling backward?” I have to ask him, with his back to the front of the plane, but he’s happy sitting opposite me.

  The next seats over would mean he’d be too far away for my liking.

  He just shrugs and pretends it’s not a big deal, but something tells me he wants to stay close.

  Maybe to make me feel better about flying, or maybe just so we can actually hear each other. I mean, this thing isn’t a commercial airliner but it’s freakin’ huge inside for something with half a dozen seats.

  “And we’re not waiting on anyone else?” I ask, looking around and feeling star-struck for the second or maybe it’s the third time today.

  “Just us,” Jack smiles, offering to help me with my seatbelt when a light overhead glows to life.

  He leans forward and I tense up. Having Jack Mercury’s hands so close to my belly makes me more than a little self-conscious, but I have no idea how the buckle might work so I let him do it.

  Not surprised when he has to let a little more of the belt out, he leans in some more to get it right.

  “Almost there,” he whispers. And then “How’s that feel?” once he’s satisfied I’m all strapped in.

  I open my mouth to say something, but the whole plane lurches forward suddenly, sending Jack tumbling towards me with his hands out.

  I moan, taking a sharp breath in too when his hands both rest on my chest, which I feel stiffen instantly.

  Our eyes meet for a second and although I know it’s an innocent accident, I don’t want him to move his hands either.

  His face is close to mine now, and there’s a long pause before he asks me in a husky voice if I’m okay, removing his hands slowly and sitting back in his own seat.

  I can only shiver another breath, feeling my hands tremble as I grip the edge of my seat, unable to break eye contact with him until I can see it’s not just my chest that’s gone all stiff.

  Not just my heart that’s thumping in my chest.

  He lets out a low sound, buckling himself in and making sure I can see exactly what he has to hitch the belt over before its snapped in place.

  The same thick line up the center of his pants I saw in the office earlier.

  I tried telling myself it was just the light. But there’s no denying it now and I don’t think Jack wants to play at hiding it anymore either.

  I feel the jet starting to move forward again, faster this time, and tell myself it’s only making its way to the runway to take off.

  Jack doesn’t say a word but makes sure his eyes never leave mine either.

  He watches me watch him, and try as I might I can’t help but look down at his growing pant bulge, which I notice is getting longer and thicker the more he notices me staring.

  The jet gets faster and faster and finally, I can feel the ground disappearing below us.

  My ears pop and so does something else inside me.

  It feels like the higher we climb, the harder I’m falling for Jack Mercury, the man not the movie star.

  Chapter Eight


  I’m not lying when I tell her I don’t like flying.

  What I don’t tell Olivia is that I’m usually paralyzed with fear at the thought of it.

  But today, with her I feel like I could do anything. It isn’t too long before I don’t have to tell her anything either. It’s clear
to both of us just how I really feel once gravity lends a hand (or two).

  It’s an innocent little mishap, but I can see at a glance that she’s not unhappy about my hands on her firm chest.

  I don’t know if it’s the change in cabin pressure or if I just need her to know how I feel, but I don’t try and hide my arousal from her anymore.

  A part of me, a big part wants her to see it. Needs her to know the effect she’s having on me as well as show her that I’m more than just an actor.

  More than just some prize for the day.

  She’s my prize now, mine.

  There, I said it.

  I’ve never wanted anything so bad in all my life and before this day is out, I’m gonna make sure Olivia understands just how much I want her.

  Once we reach cruising altitude, the light above us dims slowly meaning we can move around the cabin if we want.

  Watching Olivia the whole time it took for us to take off, she didn’t flinch once and for the first time ever I think I actually like flying now.

  In fact, going by the look in her eyes as they shift from mine to my aching hard on, I wonder if she even knows we’re up in the air at all.

  “Look,” I tell her, craning my neck a little to see out the window. “The view. It’s beautiful,” I remark.

  “It sure is,” she purrs, and looking over to her again I can see her eyes haven’t moved from me or my stiff lap.

  With a little sigh, she eventually moves over and pressing her hands against the glass, sees the world from above the clouds for the first time ever.

  At my own request, there’s never any visible cabin crew on these kinds of flights, but there’s always plenty of food and drink to be had if you know where to look.

  My groaning belly reminds me to make sure Olivia has something decent to eat as well as myself.

  I don’t want her fainting like that again.

  “You hungry? They should have some food around here someplace,” I tell her, moving over to the side of the cabin that has all kinds of storage tucked away disguised as heavy laminated woodwork.


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