Mad Hatter Vampire Prince: A Dark Paranormal Vampire Romance

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Mad Hatter Vampire Prince: A Dark Paranormal Vampire Romance Page 9

by Kia Carrington-Russell

  The mention of her father gave her a moment of pause. Her head jerked to the side as she looked somewhat ashamed. “He found out about this experimenting, didn’t he?” I said pushing back her wild hair that was tarnished in vampire blood. She didn’t flinch away from my touch. Her body eased slightly as the flow of adrenalin passed through. Her black eyes were gobbled up by her brown pupils. The mention of her father was a reality that could pull her back from her monstrous state.

  “I was searching for an answer,” she begun desperately explaining herself. “My mother’s work had purpose,” she pledged. Her line of thought was scattered. “I was her failure, but I can make better ones. Faster and stronger ones!” She sounded resolved and that fiery determination flashed through her eyes as she looked at me again. I wiped a smear of blood away from her cheek, totally intoxicated by the mass of crazy that had thrown herself onto me.

  “Better what, Sasha Darling?” I had never been so curious by someone else’s thought process other than my own. I wanted to hear her answer. I wanted to see where her curious and lethal mind led to. What was my Sasha craving more than anything else in this world? What was her mad hatter ambition? She paused momentarily as she held her breath. I doubted that she had ever expressed her deepest darkest secrets to anyone. Only perhaps the very people she experimented on. I wanted her to let me in. To submit to me and let me into her most volatile scheme. Her body tightened before she unhinged and admitted her crazy resolve.

  “Hunters,” she whispered. “Human weapons to kill the vampires and take us into the new world.” Her eyes were crazed and my cock throbbed at the over ambitious statement. I pulled her hair back and looked down at those wild eyes that were pinned on me. She pressed a gun to my chest. My cock hardened in response and a low whimper came out of her as she felt it. I pressed it against her, as if demanding more answers. She whimpered as she pressed the gun harder into my chest. I didn’t have to voice my question, there was an understanding between us that needed no words. “My father discovered what I was doing, and I had no choice…” She pressed down on me, her hips rolling in response.

  “You killed him,” I finished her sentence. I didn’t care who she killed and why. It turned me on when my pet was willing to get her hands bloody for what she most desired. Even if it were her own family. Everyone could be discarded. It was the guarantee in this unfortunate life. It excited me that we had both killed our fathers for reasons that suited our own agenda. Yet another reason why my little mouse was as brilliantly wicked as me.

  “Sasha Darling,” I growled and let her see my fangs for what they were. The very abomination she hated. I was the one thing she despised most. I pressed my cock harder against her leather pants to feel the outline of her sweet lips. She pressed the gun harder against my chest as I pressed further against her. “I think you’re batshit crazy but that enthralls me like you wouldn’t believe.” I spun her and slammed her back against the wall. The smells and horrors of the room simmered away in the distance. I was totally and inevitably enveloped in her scent and the wild craze to be deep inside of her.

  “You’ll kill me for this,” she whispered.

  “Oh, I won’t. My brother would,” I said leaning my head into the scent of her neck and against her jagged scar. I licked it, the taste of her salty flesh making me shudder in delight. She melted into the motion as she sunk further on top of me. The only thing that came between us was those unbearably thin pants. Oh, and the gun. “Your secret can be my secret,” I whispered. I grazed my sharp fangs up her neck. She submitted slightly by arching into the motion. I pinned her other hand beside her. The other side of her neck was a mixture of dry blood and the oozing trickle from where it reopened. The night of lush killings and adrenalin had us both wildly entangled in a desire that came after such appeasing fun. Her eyes were stark black on me as I brushed my nose against hers.

  “Let me drive you crazy, Sasha Darling” I said, nipping at her lip where a small droplet of blood appeared. I looked at it with earnest greed. I knew her secret. She had a choice to either submit or kill me now. By the smell of her arousal and lack of any logic streaming through her now, I knew that the steely Sasha that first presented herself to me was now a buttery mess. And very woman. She was crazy. She had to submit to me now. I wanted it. I wanted to taste her and to be no longer denied my right. My right, to be inside of her as I treated her like a delicacy “Let me lavish in your sweetness,” I purred, pressing myself against her again. Her hips rolled against me.

  “I could kill you,” she said in a soft whimper. But her body was telling me all I needed to know. Her heart raced rapidly. I could feel the heat from her pussy radiate over my cock that pressed against her. I could smell her.

  “Well either fuck me or kill me Little Mouse, but don’t make me wait.” She pressed down on me, inciting a deep moan from me as I felt her on a better angle. She pointed the gun down and shot me in the foot. I didn’t have time to make a consequential noise because her lips were already on mine, crushing into me like a wicked fire. Her blood was on the tip of her tongue pushing into me, forcing the taste of her down my throat.

  She dropped the gun with speed and force trying to undo my loose pants. She’d pushed them down and my cock sprung free. She panted as she took a moment to look at its size. Her eyes glowered with hunger as she took my lips once again. I grabbed the side of her pants, ripping them off in one clean movement. I threw them onto the vampire that remained, using him as a coat hanger as I fisted Sasha’s hair back.

  The tip of my cock lapped in her sweet wetness. The smell of her wafted over me like a cannon of sweet perfume. I tore off the thin leather that would keep the rest of her body hidden from me. Beautiful. Her breasts were perfect and fit my palm. Scars scattered over her chest and between her breasts. They were the reminders of experiments her mother executed on her. She didn’t flinch nor shy. I was entirely aroused and awed by her glory.

  I cupped one of her breasts, pinching the nipple. She moaned and threw her head back slightly arching into my rhythm. The silver bullet that she had shot into my foot began to push out and heal. It was a clear message. I want to fuck you, but I would kill you if I had the strength. I thrusted into her hard, fast, and unexpecting. She cried in pain, wrapping her legs around me to hold on. I shuddered, reminding myself not to come inside of her in that one splitting moment. Never had I felt so at ease or sane. Never had I felt so content and with purpose in the world. This crazy wild scientist would be the end of me. I cocked a smile as she moaned and rolled her eyes back into her head, focusing on me.

  I took a shallow breath. Not that I needed to breath but that I was finally relieved. The tension that has been building in this game we had been playing would finally come undone. None of this made any fucking sense. And yet we were both mad in our own way where inevitably it did.

  Love wasn’t a notion either of us were capable of. But there was madness and we understood ownership. We were monopolizing one another. Whether she liked it or not, I would never let her leave my sight alive. She looked at me as if reading my mind and kissed me again, this time biting down on my lip with her very human teeth. The taste of my blood mixed with hers, pulsed another hardening urge through my cock. I looked down uncertain if it were possible for it to grow any more for this greedy vixen. Blood of our enemies and her still healing wounds was now smearing on her stomach. The entire room now smelled purely of Sasha.

  I stared at her inviting neck that pulsed, enticing me, begging to be taken. “Please,” I begged for the first lover that I had ever asked permission from. I began to fuck her out of her mind. I pumped for the second time and then a third. I bounced her on my dick hard and fast against the wall. Small fragments of rubble broke free from the cemented wall during every thrust. I pumped into her once again. And again. And again. Until she gave me permission.

  “Yes,” was her husky response as I tried to contain my savageness. With her permission, I bit into her neck, my fangs piercing and delighting in
her pulse. Her blood swelled into my mouth as I curled inside of her once again. She moaned in exhilarated bliss. My Darling Sasha was dripping in my mouth, my tongue rolling around the punctures that I had formed. Her taste was off, not like any other human that I had. She tasted of metal–of a creature that had been fiddled with and reprogramed. I took another bite into her, lavishing in the taste. Because this was my Sasha in all her glory.

  Crazier than I could have ever begged for in another. I pumped, envisioning that we were on that battle ground again–killing as we had together. I continued to fuck her as if we had never stopped in that place. I was envisioning fucking her against the burning building of the enemies we had just slaughtered together. She moaned as her lips pursed around me and a sweet wet wave swept through her.

  I continued to pump harder, conscious that I could break her but just when I thought I was about to, her nails raked down my back and she begged for more. I gave her what she wanted and continued to relish in her taste.

  The humans behind us continued to shudder in fear. Their sobs only added to this wicked affair. Nothing else mattered now that I had her. Nothing ever would. I collected her in my arms and splayed her on the gurney, continuing to pump into her. She held onto the side of the bars, the wheels creaking back and forth as I fucked her. I leaned over her to lick at the wound I had inflicted on her. I kissed down her jagged scar gently adoring her imperfection.

  I bit into her left breast enjoying the softer and plumper skin that was entirely woman. Another wave came crashing over my cock as she moaned out a cry. Her breathing began to change as she panted and begged for more. She was exhausted. The blood loss and battle had entirely depleted her. I grabbed her and held her close to my chest. With speed that would always outrun her, I jumped through the hole I had crafted in the ceiling and placed her into the single bed in her bedroom.

  “What are you doing?” She asked in a haze of disappointment. I wavered a cocky grin. Oh, how I could make her beg for more but I was too impatient. I wouldn’t stop lavishing in her now, no matter how exhausted she was. I held down her arms as I pressed my face between her thighs.

  “It’s been a long day, Sasha Darling. You need to rest,” I inhaled the smell of her essence that was now a mixture of us combined. “So let me do what I can to help put you at ease.” And then I kissed her lips gently and began to lick at the very core of her heat. Of which she would have sweet dreams tonight.

  Two Mad hatters in a pod

  I sat on the floor against the ceiling-tall mirror watching Sasha as she slept. I was still smiling. I had pleased her to the point of exhaustion. She was sprawled on her bed naked and vulnerable for only my eyes to see. Her wounds had begun to stitch and heal together.

  The artificial sun programmed inside of the dome began to rise and shine through the broken edges of the window. She mumbled and stirred as she woke. I continued to watch her as she buried herself further beneath the blanket. Her eyes shot open. She jumped upright, alarmed by my presence in her room. She was backed against her bedframe. When she saw me, her body sagged in ease and exhaustion. Her pounding heart began to ease as her steely self regained composure. It must’ve been a long time since my little mouse woke up to that of company.

  “I thought you would’ve left by now,” she said looking around the room that was half destroyed. The sheets and feathers from her pillow had been torn apart, from both of our doing. Scratch marks raked down the wall, mostly from her. The bedframe had busted apart and creaked as she shuffled. She looked around as if trying to recall the night before.

  “I have no reason to leave. What I want right now is in this room. I don’t plan on going anywhere,” I said huskily. It was both a threat and intensity of endearment.

  She rubbed the back of her head and looked at me with those steely brown eyes that never offered emotion. “You’re the very thing I despise the most.”

  “And you are nothing more than food to me and yet here I am… fucking my loaf of bread,” I said in reply. She continued to stare, and I smiled hoping it would infect her. “Come on, that was funny. Who cares what we are, Sasha Darling. You have a wicked mind and so do I. We both have a body-”

  “And yours is dead. A dead body,” she interrupted me.

  “And yours is a mutated and modified shell. You’re not exactly organic yourself, Darling,” I chided back not at all prickly by her seething words. They aroused me even further. Watching the hatred and passion roll off her in waves was aesthetic to me. “And besides, my dead body certainly seemed to fill a void that you’ve never known to exist before.”

  She looked away and gritted her teeth. She sat on her knees with her hands clasped before her. “Why me? Why did you of all people, a crazy vampire prince, take interest in me?”

  “Because I do what I want and follow what takes my fancy,” I said effectively. “I don’t know how to express in normal human lingo or express myself with profound words. But I know when I want something to be mine. And I take it. That darkness that is in you, arouses me beyond belief. I’ve had many vampire lovers, none of which has held my interest. Most of them, no more than a day. Together I can envision us burning down cities and fucking on their tallest buildings. I’ve never considered having a partner in crime such as that. Dare I say, for your woman ears, that you might be special to me.”

  She scoffed. “I experiment on vampires to find a way to kill your kind. Aren’t you concerned I will turn on you?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Your madness isn’t limited to just vampires. You have humans down there as well against their will. You just don’t play well with others and are justifying your acts as a bold statement for the greater good.” The sun began to slowly creep in, cascading in a line to come between us.

  She gritted out in frustration. “I only experiment on humans to find better ways to make Hunters. People will thank me in the future. My kind, will thank me when I find the answers.”

  I exhaled for dramatic response. Oh, how sickly maddening she was. How I had heard such crazed speeches before and the outcome had always been the same. “People like you never find the answers that you’re after. Your mind is simply so twisted that you don’t know how to be anything other than a monster. One day your experimenting went too far beyond redemption. So why stop at the vampires… why stop at the humans? Your colorful mind will never stop crafting abomination after abomination because you will always find a way to justify it. You think because it is ‘science’ that it is just.” She went to interrupt me but I continued, speaking over her. “But my lovely monster, I adore that and encourage it. We might be mad in our own way and be the monster I may, I am the only one in this world that will be aroused by your destructive nature. We’re both monsters. Just admit it.”

  She looked at me for a moment longer. She stood up and walked over to me with those predatory eyes that missed nothing. Her body flexed as she walked over. She was so perfectly muscled and dangerous. Sasha was a woman of decision and action. My little mouse was an opportunist and quickly calculated the most beneficial outcome to her cause. She was as calculated as my brother but as ruthless as my own nature. She leaned towards me and inhaled my scent. A very primal and animalistic response, even for her. “How long have you been hiding that wild beast inside of you?” I asked, curious at what age her parents might’ve seen the consequence of her mother’s experiments.

  “For a very long time,” she said huskily. She leaned in and bit the bottom of my lip, pulling at it. I went to pull her on top of me, but she hissed at me. This was her time and her action to initiate. This was her own dance and pace as she came to agree to the terms of our twisted games that we would enjoy. My cock was already throbbing hard as her breasts dangled before me, luscious and ready for the taking. But I would play her game. I would let her think that she was in control and that she could obtain me of all vampires, as a submissive. This was on her terms.

  Puppet. Puppeteer. She and I were the same. We always had to be in control. But if I want
ed my hard cock to release inside of her now, I had to play along with this little dance for the time being. Let the feral animal come to me until she would obediently be petted. It was only a matter of time; and time that I was willing to create for her.

  “When my father saw what my mother had done,” she said half crazed. “He hated her. Couldn’t understand what she had done to me and the children. But she only wanted to make us stronger.”

  She grabbed my wrists and pinned them above me with force. I liked where this was going. “And did she make you stronger?” I asked rhetorically.

  “Yes,” she said as she nibbled at my ear and licked up the side of my face in maddening ownership. The warmth of her chest smothered me with her scent while I looked down at the jagged scar that would beautifully mark her body forever more.

  “Where did you get that scar?” I growled in response to her own primal creature. She looked at me from the side as if deciding to keep her secrets or to share them with me. Would she permit me into her world entirely?

  “Another child. When we were in the same room, not all of them mixed well with the experiments and venom.” Venom? “One attacked me and ripped into my throat. So, I killed her. This scar is what remains. She was the first human I’d ever killed, and I wasn’t even sad. In fact, it bewildered me. How was I stronger than her? What was the difference in our might? How could I become stronger, and if not, craft the strongest human ever made?” I understood where her craziness had begun and how it shaped my little mouse into the predator that she was. She nibbled at my lip again, rubbing her breasts against me.

  “Did you say venom, Sasha Darling?” I muffled. Was vampire venom the formula that started this maddening notion? Were they using the very essence that they spited? She edged to the side as she nipped at my neck hard enough to draw blood. For someone who hated the very existence of vampires, her very predatory nature was exactly like a newborn.


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