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Triquetra Page 28

by Marguerite Labbe

  “Kristair’s going to eat you alive for pulling this shit with me.”

  He laughed. I stared at him in amazement, trying to figure out what he found so funny. “I think you overestimate his feelings for you, my friend, but then, the young often idealize things and tend to think they are the center of the world, don’t you?”

  I squared my jaw and immediately regretted it as a fresh wave of pain hit me, though it was less sharp than before. The jackass facing me didn’t wait for an answer. “I have no doubt the Ancient One has found a use for you. At least enough for him to have imparted some abilities on you. Yet at the heart of the matter, he is as driven by necessity and practicality as we all are.”

  If he wanted to believe our bond wasn’t that deep, I wasn’t gonna argue. Maybe it would give us an edge later on. Instead, I tried to soothe Kristair, who was seething. “Whatever, asswipe. If I have so little value, then why go to all this trouble?”

  He smiled, the savage joy within it warming his eyes. “Partly to open the negotiating field, but mostly because I’m curious about what he gets from you. And you’re going to tell me.”

  I shook my head sharply and winced at the sharp stab. “I ain’t telling you jack shit, motherfucker. You can take it up with Kristair when you find him.”

  “Oh, I think you will. You believe you’re untouchable right now. Maybe we won’t kill you right away, but there are many ways we can hurt you that won’t cost you your life. Now your livelihood, that’s another matter altogether.” He paused, waiting to see if he had my undivided attention. “You won’t be catching any passes your senior year if your knees are shattered.”

  Oh fuck. My eyes widened as the man gestured and another vamp approached. He was built like a linebacker and carried a sledgehammer.

  “Wait, just wait a fucking second!” I struggled against the hands holding me as the man walked up to Mr. Head Creepy and handed him the hammer. I tore my eyes away from the heavy steel head. “Dammit, let’s talk about this. Come on, you don’t really think Kristair confides in me, do you?”

  “No,” the man said, wrapping his hand around the handle. “But I do not underestimate people in situations such as yours. It’s human nature to find out what you can, a matter of survival, and you’re keen on your continued existence, aren’t you, Jacob?”

  “Yeah, I’m rather fucking fond of my life the way it is.” My gaze darted up to his face. “Look, I don’t know what he wants from me. I thought it was a feeding thing, okay. He loves me, he told me so, and I love him.” If he thought I was a love-struck fool maybe he would buy my story.

  His eyes narrowed. “I think you’re lying to me, boy,” he said, his voice dangerously soft. “I think you do know something, but I also think you’re stupid enough to believe in your own propaganda.” He lowered the hammer and I breathed a sigh of relief under my breath. “You at least believe it enough to risk maiming in order to keep the Ancient One’s confidences.”

  I closed my eyes. “Oh god baby, hurry up. Please hurry the fuck up. These guys are crazy.”

  “We’re almost there, mo chroí.” There was a deadly tension in Kristair’s mental voice. “Just tell them I thought you would be able to stop my decay. String out what you know. It will distract and intrigue them.”

  A hard blow to my jaw had my eyes flying open again as the pain flared up. It had almost stopped hurting.

  “You will pay attention to me when I’m talking to you, child,” the man said in an even tone, as if we were discussing nothing more important than the weather.

  I pressed my lips tight against the comeback I was dying to give. “Trust me, you have my full attention,” I ground out, when I’d finally calmed down enough to speak without saying something I’d regret.

  His cool eyes studied me, as if trying to determine whether or not I was telling the truth. It started to worry me because I honestly didn’t know if he could read my mind or not. Kristair had said it wasn’t that easy to do. Still, though, he was just plain creepy.

  “Don’t fret. If someone tries to invade your mind, I’ll know it and will take care of them.”

  “Don’t tell me not to worry when yer comin’ outta yer skin yerself.”

  The vampire gestured again. “I get the impression you’d only be too happy to play martyr for the Ancient One. I applaud your loyalty. It is so hard for us to find a human to trust. However, I wonder whose loyalty commands you more.” He glanced at someone behind me. “Bring in the other one.” He gave me a chilling smile as my heart sank. “I do so like to be prepared for contingencies.”

  I craned my neck, looking toward a commotion coming from behind a door. When the door opened again, I heard Steve shout a furious string of curses. I felt as though I had been kicked in the gut again, and when I looked back at the bastard standing in front of me, a knowing, gloating smile graced his lips.

  “Leave him the fuck alone,” I snarled, throwing myself at him, forgetting in my rage I was supposed to act more ill than I was.

  His strong arms grabbed me, pinning mine to my sides, as I broke free from the others. He was much stronger than they were and held me with ease, despite my furious struggles. Steve was watching me as they dragged him forward, both relief and fear on his face. He was still cursing and fighting against the vamps that had him. He seemed unhurt, though at this rate that wasn’t going to last for either of them.

  They stopped in front of me and forced Steve to his knees. Multiple hands held his arms out to the side, and still more hands anchored his shoulders down. Steve’s chest heaved as he fought, though his struggles slowed as he tired.

  “Fuck, Steve… I’m sorry.” I didn’t know what else to say. It was my fault he’d been dragged into this whole mess.

  Steve didn’t reply. His mouth was a hard line and I knew there was going to be hell to pay if both of us emerged out of this in one piece. The Head Creepy bit my neck without warning, his fangs tearing deep into the muscles. I shouted and then sagged, as he started to feed. My mind spun, skittering into shadows. How much more of this could I take?

  “Jacob, listen to me. Concentrate on my voice.”

  I tried to reach out to him, but it was as if he kept slipping through my grasp. Another presence invaded my mind and I whimpered, retreating as I tried to stay out of its grasp.

  “Jacob, stop fighting me.” Kristair’s presence overwhelmed me and brought me back into the present.

  I blinked, feeling something hard and cold pressing against my cheek. There was a confusion of noise all around me. I was laid out on the ground and as I braced my hands to push myself up hands grabbed me, yanking me up and turning me to face my tormentor. I stared at him dully, still lost in a confused fog, as my body tried to rally. Exhaustion dragged me down. If I could sleep, for just a little bit.

  The Head Creepy vamp’s fangs were still extended and he was snarling in another language. At least, I think it was another language. I closed my eyes and a warm trickle of blood slid down my throat. It was bad. I opened my eyes again to stare at the growing scarlet stain on my shirt. There was something very wrong.

  Steve’s scream jerked me into awareness. Vamps were swarming over my friend, feeding off of him as well. “Wait,” I gasped. Oh god, even speaking took too much energy. “I’ll tell you what you wanna know. Just leave him the fuck alone.”

  The leader looked at me and raised his hand. Steve fell forward as he was released and tears stung my eyes. I hated this feeling of helplessness. Even knowing Kristair was close didn’t help right now.

  “You can start by telling me why you’re so important that the Ancient One laid a mind-trap in your head.” Mr. Head Creepy snarled.

  Whatever Kristair had done to him, it looked as if it had hurt. The vamp was bleeding out of his ears and nose; his eyes were wild.

  I hung my head as if ashamed. “It has something to do with what’s been happening to him.” I prayed Kristair was right and their knowing this stuff wouldn’t hurt him. I wasn’t willing to risk Steve’s
life though, not when they were so close.

  I lifted my head again, meeting the leader’s eyes, my eyes stinging with tears. “He thinks somehow I can stop the process.”

  There was a sudden ringing in my ears and my head snapped to the side as Mr. Head Creepy struck me. “You’re lying, child. A human, help with that change, when hundreds of other Ancients have already fallen?” He shook his head and turned toward Steve. “Kill him.”

  “NO!” I screamed, the tears falling free. “Oh god Kristair, Kristair, please don’t let this happen.”

  “I’m telling you the truth, god dammit. You can ask Kristair when you find him. I swear, I’m telling ya the truth.” I glanced down at Steve, then back at Mr. Head Creepy, willing him to believe me. He had to fucking believe me.

  There was another commotion at the end of the warehouse. I turned stunned eyes onto Tony as he pushed his way through the crowd. What the fuck? My mind reeled. Had they gotten him before? Was that why he was late? But why wasn’t he restrained like me and Steve? He was angry and scared, but it didn’t stop him from walking until he stopped in front of the leader. At any other time I would’ve been amazed by his sheer amount of balls.

  “Sir.” Tony lowered his head in an odd gesture of respect. “You promised they wouldn’t be hurt.” He shot a glance at me, guilt heavy in his eyes. “You said if I told you where to find the vampire, you’d leave them alone.”

  “You fucking bastard,” I whispered. If I’d had the strength, I would’ve strangled him. Even Steve looked stunned and furious.

  Tony gave me a miserable look. “I’m sorry, Jake. I thought….” He stopped and shrugged. “It doesn’t matter what I thought. It’s done now.”

  “Yes, I did agree to that,” Mr. Head Creepy said, then grabbed Tony by his throat and lifted him up into the air, his fingers digging into his neck. “But you failed to deliver. We didn’t get the Ancient One, only his brat instead.” He tossed Tony, who fell hard to the floor. “Tabitha, take your youngling in line.”

  Tony snarled in pain and I stared in horror at the fangs clearly showing from between his lips. I had the mad thought it was Halloween again and we were all just drunk off our asses and hallucinating. I shared a stunned glance with Steve before Mr. Head Creepy caught my attention. “Yes, Jacob, your friend belongs with us now. He shares our fate.”

  Chapter 35

  THE PARTICIPANTS’ eyes were all focused on the tableaux in one corner of the room when I stepped silently through the door, so my arrival went unnoticed. Steve was shouting and Tony was attempting to explain, but I paid little attention to their argument. My search was for Jacob, and though I couldn’t see him in the throng, I could feel him. His despair and guilt emanated like a beacon, as he struggled with Tony’s betrayal. I wanted nothing more than to take him away someplace where he could rage it all away.

  Finally, one of the Syndicate members deigned to notice me. She jumped backward with a shout, which then drew the attention of the others. I met their stares with a slight smile. My companions were going to find this whole affair laughably simple, if this was how the Syndicate chose to post its guard.

  “There is no point in arguing, Steve. I have no doubt they deceived Tony as well. For good or for ill, he is one of them now,” I said, taking a step farther into the room. The Syndicate members parted enough that I could finally get a glimpse of the three friends. My jaw tightened as I caught sight of Jacob. My lover was slumped, half-supported by several of the Syndicate, blood staining his clothes in dozens of places. I was aware of Steve and Tony not too far off, both of them restrained as well, though I didn’t spare them a glance.

  “Are you okay, mo chroí?” I asked, my mental tone infinitely gentle.

  Jacob gave me a crooked smile. “I’d be right as rain in a bit, love, if these motherfuckers would let me catch my breath.”

  As if to emphasize his point, one of the Syndicate members grabbed Jacob’s hair and yanked his head back, sinking her fangs into his throat. I snarled, territorial instinct at once captured by the threat against what was mine, but even as I moved to snatch Jacob away, others surrounded him, fangs bared, ready to tear into him. I paused, counting their numbers and the seconds it would take me to get to them.

  “Well, Ancient One? Dare you risk it?” An older man stepped to the front, strands of silver showing in his raven-dark hair. “I’m not quite sure what you’ve done to allow him to heal so fast, but could even you get to him before his heart stops?” He gestured to the crowd of vampires around Jacob. “With so many willing to feed?”

  I stopped, seething, and fixed the man in front of me with a flat look. Abruptly, in the back of my mind, I heard the whisperers again. A thread of panic whipped through me as the room started to shift. “NO!” I shoved the presence back.

  Jacob groaned, struggling against the many hands holding him. The woman feeding released him and he shuddered, his head lolling to the side. “Kristair?” His mental voice was so weak. It scared me.

  “I’m here.”

  “God, I hope you have a kickass plan to get us out of this mess.”

  “I have a couple of things up my sleeve, mo chroí.” I returned my attention to the bastard in front of me. “And who might you be?”

  “Roland Montrose,” he replied smoothly.

  “Ah, I see the head of the snake has emerged from its hiding place.”

  Roland smiled. “This is one head you won’t be able to chop off. Even if you were to succeed, we’d only regenerate a new one.” He gestured and a couple of vampires wheeled out a long steel box, somewhat similar to a coffin. “Here is what we’re going to do. I’ve studied you and your rather unique abilities.”

  I studied it critically. Clever. I had wondered what they were going to do to neutralize my abilities. I’m sure they were aware that I would be an untrustworthy prisoner. “You really expect me to get in that?”

  “Oh, I think you will,” Roland replied, looking over at Jacob. “As you can see it’s made of steel so you can’t pass through it. It is pressure locked, so you won’t be able to find a crack to wiggle through either.”

  I nodded, my mind turning. I’d never melded through steel before. How long would it take me to figure out the trick? In the past it would’ve taken months, but maybe, just maybe it would require only a thought. Electric chills raced through me and my gut tightened. No, better not risk it.

  “I see you have all your avenues covered, though it’s not necessary at this point.” My gaze caressed Jacob. “You have something I want and I have something you want.” I smiled at my lover. “It seems as if we’re taking an extended trip to Rome, mo chroí.”

  Jacob blinked, and the corner of his mouth lifted. “I forgot my passport,” he said, with a faint twinkle in his eyes. “But I guess with these assholes we won’t need ’em.”

  Roland started in surprise. All my instincts screamed at me to go to Jacob, yet my feet were tied to the floor. I couldn’t do anything yet. My heart ached every time I looked at him. Dark shadows bruised his eyes. He was ashen from too many feedings, the skin on his neck slowly knitting from a fresh wound.

  They were all going to pay for the injuries they had dealt him, not just the physical ones but the emotional scars, as well. I examined Steve and Tony too before returning my attention to the Syndicate’s leader. “You weren’t intending on not bringing Jacob along, were you? I figured you would want to ensure my continued good behavior once we reached our destination.”

  “True,” Roland said, recovering his aplomb. “Though I hadn’t expected you to agree to bringing him along.” Suspicion flickered over his sanguine features. “Just what is he to you, Ancient One? Was he actually telling the truth when he said you were using him to aid you in your final hours?”

  I cast him a contemptuous look. “I doubt you could understand what he means to me, Roland. You lack the imagination.”

  Roland shrugged. “We should have plenty of time to discover all of your secrets before you pass on.” He pa
used, studying my face. “How are you holding up, by the way?”

  “Stop fighting, Kristair.”

  The whisper floated through my mind joined by a chorus of others. Jacob’s eyes widened. He must’ve understood my silent warning under their sibilant suggestions because he remained silent.

  I managed a smile. “My symptoms have been arrested for the time being.”

  “How interesting.” Roland eyed Jacob with renewed interest. “You’ll have to tell me how you managed that.”

  “As you said, Roland, we should have plenty of time,” I replied, letting my gaze turn cold. “At least, I should.”

  Roland raised one elegant brow. “You think to take us all on, Ancient One? You’ve done a fairly good job in the past, but there are more of us now and I thought we’d already established I have a certain amount of leverage now.”

  “Actually, Montrose, you’ve neglected to take up your case with me.” Ghedi Ussier emerged from the shadows and Roland’s head jerked toward the new voice. His lips thinned as he saw Ussier standing where no one had been earlier. Ussier smiled, a gesture that failed to touch his gray eyes one whit. “Nothing happens in my city without my say-so. You’ve managed to fuck yourself rather nicely.”

  Roland’s features twisted into a snarl. “You have to be able to back up your claim.” He gestured around at the force he’d gathered, a good number of them coming to stand behind him in silent support. I gauged the distance between myself and Jacob, and the lackeys who still held him under guard.

  Ussier’s grin widened. “I was hoping you’d say something along those lines, but I hate making snap judgments, so let me confer with my cohorts first. Ms. Dupree?”

  Roland’s head snapped around as Alette jumped gracefully down through one of the skylights. Her eyes glittered with fanatical malice, and locked on Roland’s face. “Destroy them all,” she answered softly. “I do not tolerate threats to my colleagues.”


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