Survivor Planet III

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Survivor Planet III Page 5

by Juliet Cardin

  “Okay?” he asked me again.


  The door opened up and we stepped out into a hallway. I’d say it was like any other mega-high rise you’d see on Earth, but it wasn’t.

  Everything was metal and glass. The light was dim, making it hard to see down the entire length of the hall. As we walked along, the area around us lit up and then dimmed again once we passed. I looked around but couldn’t figure out where the light was coming from since it seemed to be all around us. After passing several wide, tall doorways, we stopped. Using a thumbprint device again, Cade paused and then stepped inside once the door swished up. I followed obediently behind. Just like out in the hall, the lights came on as soon as we were inside. I wasn’t completely blown away—I’d seen this type of technology before.

  The apartment was pretty large, open concept, and visually stunning. One entire wall was made up of floor to ceiling windows. Some kind of blinds had been covering the windows, but upon on entry Cade had fiddled with some buttons at the front doorway and everything appeared to come to life. The color scheme was entirely black and white. It felt pristine, unlived in, and sterile. A complete opposite of the home he had near the games.

  “Don’t spend much time here, do you?” I guessed.

  “Not really. There’s two bedrooms, I’ll put your stuff in this one,” he began striding towards a doorway. I didn’t follow him this time; the allure of the view was too enticing. All around the high buildings I spied small spaceships lit up like little cars zooming around in the sky. I was staring out the window when he came back into sight minus the two bags he’d held in his hands; he still had the other one over his shoulder. I’d set down the bag I’d held. He reached down and picked it up and went into the other room, which was on the opposite side of the apartment.

  Soon he was standing by my side. I stared outside, he stared at me. I could feel his eyes boring into me. “What?” I finally asked, turning to look at him.

  He smiled, which made him look incredibly handsome, and somehow, more dangerous. “I can’t imagine how my world seems to you, since I don’t know what life is like on Earth.”

  I shrugged. “We’re obviously not as advanced as you guys. So yeah, I’m a little in awe.” The subject of Earth made me uneasy. “I have to ask you, why bring me here to prepare for a game? Wouldn’t it have been easier to do that at your other place? I mean, it seems pretty busy here.”

  He turned his gaze back out to the city. “When I say we must prepare, I admit, things would have been easier at the other house. But, really, all I need to do is teach you to fight. I can do that here.” When he saw I was about to interrupt he held up his hand. “We’re not supposed to prepare the girls ahead of time. The other men who won Earth girls had no intention of entering the games with them—at least as far as I know. I’m certain no one guessed my plans. After all, it is highly unusual…” His gaze momentarily dropped to my breasts and Thena’s warning sounded in my ears. I had a feeling not many girls given out as prizes in the arena would be able to pass the games conditions after a few hours.

  “Won’t you get into trouble?”

  “As long as you meet the qualifications then it will be allowed.”

  So he had to keep his hands off of me. Fair enough. That wasn’t what I’d meant though. “When the others find out you’re entering the tournament with me, it’s bound to cause some trouble?”

  He shrugged. “Too bad. There are no rules against obtaining your partner early. It’s been done before, though rarely.”

  He didn’t elaborate but I had the feeling that the lusty men of Calixtus waited to get their partner until the last moment in order to keep her virginal.

  “I also have obligations on Calixtus. I have to return to work. There are a few tasks I need to complete before the game.”

  “What do you do?”

  “I work in governance. Training actually.”

  That made perfect sense.

  “It’s late. You should get some sleep. I have to get an early start tomorrow, but I’ll show you how to work the kitchen so you can eat. If you have any trouble, all you need to do is say ‘help’ and Trax will aid you.”


  “A control system. It will guide you, protect you,” he said.

  “Protect me from what?”

  “Others—game collectors, slavers. Do not leave the dwelling and you will be safe.”

  “Okay.” I didn’t much like the sound of that.

  He guided me over to my sleeping quarters and stood at the door as I poked around in the room. Everything was black and white like the rest of the apartment. Folded down from the wall was a desk table with a chair tucked beneath it. There were little black knobs on a section on the wall I figured were drawers to put my stuff into. A wide bed covered by a white comforter sat in the middle of the room, headboard pushed up against the wall. The room was decent sized, so much better than the cramped, straw-filled cell I’d occupied.

  “I didn’t put your things away. Figured I’d leave that up to you. Thena chose the garments, estimating your size.”

  He seemed a little uncomfortable and I suspected he wasn’t used to having a woman in his home that wasn’t sharing his bed. “Thank you,” I said.

  He nodded. “If you need anything, I’m down the hall.” Then he gave me a direct look. “And remember what I said about staying put.”

  “I remember.”

  “Good. Goodnight then.”

  “Goodnight.” I wandered over and sat down on the bed.

  As far as I knew this had definitely been the weirdest day of my life.

  Chapter 11

  I awoke to someone’s hands all over my body. I’d donned a long nighty before crawling into bed, and now I felt it riding up my legs as they thrashed about. Someone was yelling ‘Stop it! Stop it!’

  Someone who sounded like me.

  Large hands grabbed hold of my upper arms and a strong leg swung over mine, pining them to the bed. I was sitting upright but leaning back, battling for my life. I felt my head snap back as the hands gave me a quick shake.

  “Get your fucking hands off me!” Why would I say that? And why did it feel as though there were more than two people in the room?

  “Lara, you need to calm down. I don’t want to hurt you.” That was Cade’s voice. “You’re having a nightmare.”

  Was I?

  “I’m in danger! I need your help,” I cried, not sure who I expected to help me, and even why I was afraid.

  “Lara, it’s me, Cade. You’re safe. You’re having a nightmare,” he repeated.

  Something was ripping me in half. Flashes of a room I didn’t recognize swayed before me, and I lay on cold metal, not the soft bed I went to sleep on. Was it a dream? If so, then why wouldn’t it let go of me?

  “Let me go!” Though Cade held me tight I wasn’t talking to him. No. Someone else seemed to have hold of me and was trying to pull me away. “Ayres! Help me.” Though I could not recall just who he was, that was his name—the faceless presence I’d felt looming by my side. I had only to call him and he would come. This I somehow knew without a doubt.


  I focused on Cade and faintly saw his gaze flash around the room. A searing heat came over me then and my entire body lit up with rage. My arms and legs were suddenly no longer mine to control. My fists clenched, and lightning fast I broke Cade’s hold on me long enough to throw myself backward and raise my feet. With strength I couldn’t comprehend, I kicked out, hitting Cade in the chest, knocking him to the ground. In a flash he was on his feet again, but so was I. Bare inches separated us. Both of us stood straight, legs apart, fists raised.

  “What are you doing?” Cade demanded. “Do you mean to challenge me, girl?” His voice was incredulous and tinged with concern.

  But I was no longer in control of my body. Even my mind seemed to pulse with purpose. Destroy! From deep inside me I could feel a tremble of fear and anxiousness. What was I doing? Cade
was no threat to me. He was kind, and despite his great size and strength, ever gentle.

  And yet, I could not take back the reins.

  I felt my body spin round. My leg rose up mid-flight and then connected high with the side of Cade’s head. Just as his head snapped back I jumped up again and kicked him in the belly. As he bent forward I raised my fists and swung again and again, connecting with his head and face.

  As I beat at him and saw blood flow fast and red, I suddenly felt my legs swept out from under me. I hit the ground hard, and before I could get up my head snapped sideways under a stunning blow from his open palm. I lay on my side against the cold floor, shocked while I felt an even more out of control battle brewing deep within me.

  So many voices.

  The one I focused on seemed to be screaming the loudest.

  ‘Stop!’ it cried over and over, until finally I felt the rage subside. Bit by bit the feeling in my hands and feet returned to me. Between deep breaths I wiggled my aching toes and flexed my stiff, sore fingers. Gradually, I raised my hands and grabbed hold of my head. Pulling up my legs I wrapped my arms around them and curled up into a little ball trying to make myself invisible. Bare feet, and legs thick and strong stepped into my line of sight. My body tensed preparing for more blows sure to come. At least I now had control. Whatever force had possessed me, it seemed to have let me go.

  I groaned.

  Pain emanated from my limbs not used to such exertion or violence. And at once I felt terrible fear wash over me. I had done something very bad, and I would be punished for it. That deep angry part of me welled up, but focusing all my determination, I forced it back down again. Whatever it was that it protected me from, I assured it the man before me was not my enemy.

  Cade dropped down onto one knee and reached out to me. I cringed and tried to pull away, but his hand only came to rest gently atop my head. “Are you all right now?” he asked.

  I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

  His hands were on me again. This time his grip was light as he helped me up and back onto the bed. He straightened the comforter and pulled it up around my waist. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”

  How could I explain without sounding like a lunatic?

  “It was a nightmare, like you said.” I dare not say too much. His gentleness confused me. Why wasn’t he yelling at me?

  He shook his head obviously trying to comprehend my actions. “You were so angry. It was as though you stared at me, but saw someone else.” He pondered me for a moment or two. “I think I know what’s happening.”

  “You do?” Please don’t say I’m crazy.

  He actually smiled. “You’ve obviously tried to block out your abduction, but when you dream it surfaces. I’ve seen it before. Warriors, after battling the enemy. They think they have everything under control, and then bam!” He smacked his fist against his palm making me jump. “Everything rushes back when they least expect it.”

  I nodded. “That must be it. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to attack you. I don’t know why I would react like that. I’m not a violent person.”

  “You’d be amazed what you’re capable of when threatened.”

  He must have been speaking of his past experience. But he did seem pleased, not pissed. Maybe my moves impressed him? Although, they weren’t actually mine. The gaze he turned on me was assessing and I knew he was contemplating what this might mean for the game.

  “You said some things that were strange,” he said.

  “I did?” Great.

  “I heard you yelling. I thought you were being attacked. When I ran in here you were thrashing about out of control.”

  “I felt like I was being ripped from myself. It’s hard to explain.”

  “You called out a name. Do you remember?”

  I nodded. “Ayres. Though I don’t know why.”

  He looked thoughtful. “I once knew an Ayres. It was a long time ago.” He shook his head as if to overthrow the memory. Then, staring into my eyes, he took my hands into his, the warmth and strength of him washing over me. There were tiny beads of sweat on his neck and his chest, which I now noticed was bare. Long gray boxer-like shorts covered his bottom half almost to his knees. They were tight, however, and from where he sat I could see the bulge of his sex. I became intensely aware of the close proximity of our bodies. The way his chest, bare of hair, and rippling with muscles, rose and fell with each breath he took. A tingling in my lower regions made me tense for a moment until I figured out it came not from my lower legs, but from higher up between them. My breasts tingled as well and my nipples hardened into tight little buds.

  Was that desire I was feeling?

  How unusual.

  I’d never felt such a thing before, of that I was certain.

  I licked at my suddenly dry lips as Cade’s thumbs caressed the palms of my hands. He looked at my mouth and watched my tongue, seemingly mesmerized by it. I felt my own breath deepen and became aware of a sudden dampness between my thighs. Our eyes met and locked. Time seemed to freeze.

  Achingly slow, as though battling a force stronger than himself, Cade bent and pressed his lips against mine. His kiss was soft and gentle, but soon became more forceful. I gasped, unwittingly allowing his seeking tongue entry into my mouth.

  My first kiss.

  My hands broke from his hold and came up around the back of his head. His kiss deepened, his tongue plunged further into my mouth to seek out and battle with mine. I felt his hand creep up my side and come over my breast. He pinched my nipple between his thumb and finger making me arch my back. His other hand came up to the side of my face and slid into my hair. He gripped my head with his hand holding me in place while his tongue plunged in and out of my mouth. I felt my thighs open. And a primal urge rushed though me, wanting the action of his tongue enacted between my legs. The core of me tightened and ached for fulfillment.

  I knew about sex. Knew what it entailed. What I hadn’t known or expected was my body’s intense reaction to a simple kiss. This was a dangerous game we played. Thena had warned me about the lusty males of Calixtus. And right now Cade was caught up in this play.

  I had to stop.

  If I allowed him to continue this would be our ruin.

  Reluctantly, I put my hands against his chest, which was almost right on top of mine. With effort, I turned my head away. “Stop,” I said. “Please stop.”

  The grip on my breast tightened while Cade raised his head, closed his eyes, and took several steadying breaths.

  “Hell,” he said. “I don’t want to stop. But you’re right.”

  The words were left unsaid that I must remain a virgin. It was the entire reason for me being here with him. Without it I’d have no value.

  He sighed and got to his feet. As he strode toward the door he paused for a moment on the threshold. “Remember what I said about training you to fight?”


  “Forget it.” The door clicked as he shut it tight behind him.

  Chapter 12

  It must have been hours later when something awoke me—that tearing sensation I’d felt earlier. I put my hands to my mouth to keep from crying out. Though I longed to beg for help, I refrained, knowing that the deep, angry force in me would surge forward with abandon. The last thing I wanted or needed was for Cade to rush in here and for us to do battle again. Images flooded my mind’s eye. Crazy things, otherworldly things, popping into my line of sight only to distort and retreat. Voices sounded in my head calling another name that wasn’t mine. Sitting up in bed I grasped my head and pulled my knees up to my chest.

  Please stop…please stop…

  Invisible hands were on my shoulders shaking me gently. “Amanda, wake up now. Come on sweetheart.”

  “Not Amanda,” I cried softly. “Leave me alone.”

  Shadows loomed all around me. The lines of reality blurred and were replaced by visions of a place I’d never been, and faces I didn’t know. I swung my arms out in front of me tr
ying to push them away.

  “It’s Ayres. You remember, baby. Come on now, let go.”


  The name I’d called when I was afraid. But the voice didn’t sound in control. It sounded impatient, almost frantic.

  Something’s wrong.

  The grip on me became stronger. So strong I feared it would rip me from this world. Was it true what Cade had said, that I was reliving my abduction? It made sense—to a point. If it were true then why would I call to Ayres for protection—the very man who seemed bent on tearing me away? Had he been my abductor perhaps? And could I be experiencing some twisted sense of loyalty, like Stockholm syndrome? Expecting the person responsible for my fate to be the one to save me? The only one who could save me? And yet, I could not deny the deep bond I felt with this man. Though his means of defending me were strange, and intrusive, he had at least come for me.

  The pain I felt was more mental than physical. Like I was about to fall over a cliff and the hand linking me to the edge was slipping. Fear of the unknown was the worst part. What would become of me if I allowed myself to drift into the void?

  “I don’t want to go,” I cried. “Please, leave me alone.”

  The door to my room suddenly burst open. “Lara?”

  Cade! I’d disturbed him again. And now he would see what was happening to me. I couldn’t stop it. Even now as I saw him coming toward me—slowly as if in a dream—the hands on me were Ayres’. Pulling, ever pulling.

  “Come now, Amanda!” he begged.

  “Not Amanda,” I asserted through gritted teeth.

  “Lara! What’s wrong? What is happening?” That was Cade, his voice sounding from the distance.

  “Ayres, taking me away.” The whispered reply was all I could leave him with. In the next moment I felt my body go completely limp. Blackness surrounded me.


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