Pack Daughter

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Pack Daughter Page 5

by Crissy Smith

  Her body milked his orgasm out of him as he buried himself deep and let go.

  They lay there for several long minutes, Mike’s heavy body pressing her into the mattress. It felt right. He brushed the hair off her forehead with a gentle hand and she opened her eyes.

  With a soft expression he stared down at her. Becca reached up and cupped his cheek.

  No words were needed. As connected as they were, she didn’t need any reassurances or promises.

  There was so much they needed to talk about.

  She’d been in love once before. At least that was what she had thought it was at the time. And she’d almost let the pressure from family and friends, the Pack, push her into a mating ceremony.

  Kurt had stopped the madness before it had got that far. Although it had broken her heart when he’d left her, she understood now why he’d had to go.

  If he hadn’t, she wouldn’t have had this chance with Mike—this big, scary, exciting chance.

  Mike dropped his forehead against hers and breathed deeply.

  Becca smiled. This was something she was glad she hadn’t missed.

  Mike peppered kisses across her nose and cheeks before groaning as he lifted himself up.

  “Shower?” he enquired.

  She waved in the direction of the bathroom.

  “Tired?” he sounded amused.

  “Comfy,” she corrected before turning on her stomach and hugging the pillow to her. “Hurry and come back to bed.”

  The bed shifted as he got up. She was almost asleep when Mike’s weight was back on top of her.

  She wiggled her ass under him and felt him start to respond. He cupped her hips.

  “None of that,” he said, bending to kiss the back of her neck. “Time for sleep.”

  “’Kay,” she mumbled, already sinking again.

  He laughed and moved off to her side. She picked up the sheet and let him slip underneath. When he pulled her close, she settled against him. He made a better pillow anyway.

  She laid her head on his chest and wrapped an arm around his waist, content and happy.

  * * * *

  The shrill sound of a cell phone woke Mike and he heard Becca’s quiet voice as she answered, but it was the caller that woke him completely. He could hear the frantic voice through the line. The lamp beside the bed switched on and Becca sat up.

  “Todd, slow down,” Becca snapped. “What are you talking about?”

  Mike could clearly make out Todd’s response. “Where are you? Your car’s not in front of the cottage! Where are you! Are you okay?”

  “Todd!” Becca said loudly. She glanced over at Mike with a frown. “I’m fine. We’re at my apartment.”

  “Oh God! Oh thank God! I was so scared!”

  “Todd, what is going on?” Becca asked.

  Mike ran a hand down her back. The call was obviously upsetting her.

  There was a pause then another voice on the line.

  “Becca? You’re at your apartment?” Kenny asked calmly.

  “Yes! Now what is happening?”

  “I’m sorry, honey, but your cottage was torched.”

  “My…my house?” she cried and jumped from the bed. The sheet fell away as she scrambled for her jeans.

  “Yes I’m sorry. Is Mike there with you?”

  “Ye-yes.” She looked over at him and he saw the tears gathering in her eyes. “My house?” she asked again.

  “Yes, sweetie. I need you to remain calm. Between Todd and your dad, we already have our hands full. Can I talk to Mike?”

  She held the phone out to him. Mike moved since she seemed frozen.

  He brushed her hair out of her eyes and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “It will be okay, baby,” he told her. He waited for her nod before he took the phone. “Kenny?”

  They spoke briefly. Mike promised to bring Becca back as soon as possible. She hadn’t moved. She still stood in the middle of the room, gripping her jeans.

  He disconnected the phone and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

  “My house?” Her voice shook and sounded far away.

  He kissed her again. “I’ll get these guys. I swear I will, honey.”

  She nodded.

  They dressed quickly and Mike took her hand and led her down the stairs. What a difference a few hours made. When they’d arrived at the small apartment they’d been blissful and horny.

  Now he was leading a heartbroken Becca down to her vehicle and he wanted to strangle someone.

  The drive back to the Pack property took no time at all. Becca had remained quiet, staring out of the passenger window. There were more cars around than Mike could remember seeing since he’d arrived.

  Becca sighed and turned to him. Instead of tears, he saw anger. “This is it. This ends. No one else is going to lose what they love.”

  Mike nodded. “Yes.”

  She surprised him by leaning over and grabbing his face. She kissed him hard. “And make them pay for ruining the most wonderful night.”

  Mike smiled. “You got it.”

  She reached for the door handle, took a deep breath, and climbed out of the SUV. Mike hurried to follow. Instead of going to the main house, she walked around the large structure and followed the path to her house. Mike stayed by her side on the short walk.

  Ahead of them, he could see the Alpha, several guards, Todd, Kenny and Eric.

  Todd broke away from the group and jogged towards them. He threw himself at Becca.

  “I’m so sorry! I was just so scared.”

  Becca laughed and patted his back. Mike felt better when she released Todd and shifted closer to him. Mike squeezed her shoulder.

  “It’s okay, Todd,” she told her friend.

  Todd nodded. “Come on. Let’s get this over with.”

  They followed behind him. When Becca reached her dad, he opened his arms, and she buried her face into his chest.

  It wasn’t until he sniffed her and glanced over at him with a look close to shock that Mike remembered that she hadn’t showered yet.

  But whatever Alpha Nelson was thinking, he didn’t show it. He just rocked his daughter and told her how they would build bigger and better.

  She pushed away finally. “Okay, let me see it.”

  Alpha Nelson placed an arm around her shoulder and slowly the group walked closer to the cottage. It was still standing, unlike the community centre. But the fire was evident. The beautiful front porch was gone and the left side of the house still had water dripping from the exposed beams.

  Becca gasped.

  Mike wanted to comfort her but her dad was already there. “At least you weren’t here.”

  Mike avoided looking at anyone else as he moved closer and tried to pick up any differences between the first four fires and this one.

  He motioned to Kenny and stepped back away from the group. Kenny and Todd followed.

  “I want to shift,” Mike told them.

  Kenny nodded. “Okay, I’ll tell Alpha Nelson and see if he can take Becca and everyone else into the main house. Todd, go with him.”

  Todd looked between Becca and him. Mike had a feeling he wasn’t happy at letting Becca out of his sight so soon.

  “The best way to help her is to find who is responsible,” Mike told him.

  Todd sighed but nodded and waved him over. “Okay.”

  They moved away from the others and both scented around to make sure they were alone. Todd turned his back and Mike quickly shed his clothing then started his shift.

  Once in his other form, he shook then butted his head against Todd’s side.

  Todd reached down and patted his head. “Okay, Fido, let’s go.”

  Mike growled at the dog name but Todd just laughed. By the time they’d made their way back to the cottage, only Kenny and Becca remained.

  Mike trotted over to Becca. She dropped down and grabbed his head. “Thank you.”

  He licked her face, making her laugh. She let him go and he looked over a
t Kenny.

  Kenny shrugged. “Like you could have gotten rid of her either.”

  Mike just huffed at him.

  Becca patted his head, then smacked Kenny’s arm before waving towards her ruined house. “Well, have at it.”

  Mike blocked everything out but the house and the scents surrounding it. Burning wood was the strongest but he did his best to ignore that. He could now smell the gas that had been used on it. He separated the scents of the others. Some he knew and a few he didn’t.

  He climbed and hopped over the mess and the part that had fallen. He sniffed and scented, taking his time, wanting to do right by Becca.

  When he finally gathered all the information he could, he made his way back over to the other three.

  Becca followed him when he trotted back to his clothes. She didn’t turn around but watched him shift and dress.

  As soon as he pulled his shirt over his head, he felt her arms around his waist.

  He hugged her close. Her body was cold and he briskly ran his hands over her arms. “Let’s get you inside.”

  “That’s going to have to wait,” Kenny said, coming into view.

  Mike glanced at him.

  “There’s someone who wants to talk to you two.”

  Chapter Six

  Kenny wouldn’t say anything more, just led Mike and Becca into the dense woods that they had run in the night before.

  Mike held Becca’s hand while they stepped over a fallen log. He didn’t like heading into the unknown but Becca hadn’t argued. He kept an eye on Kenny and Todd in front of them. The two men didn’t walk close at all. There was more distance between them than Mike had ever seen.

  That gave him even more reason to be uncomfortable.

  Becca squeezed his hand. Mike tried to smile for her. No matter what, he would protect her. Even if he didn’t know where the threat might come from.

  They were close to the creek before Mike finally got the scent of other shifters. Not all wolf. Becca stiffened and he pulled her closer. She shook her head.

  “Kenny!” she whispered quietly.

  Kenny looked over his shoulder. “Sorry.”

  Mike didn’t know what was going on but more and more he found he didn’t like it.

  “He just wants to talk to you and meet Mike.”

  Mike looked down at Becca. Her jaw was clenched. “What’s going on?”

  Becca snorted. “Everything’s okay. I’m just going to kill Kenny later.”

  They reached the water where two men waited. One stepped away and walked towards them. Becca paused and, still holding his hand, let the other two meet with the stranger. The stranger stopped at Kenny and pulled him into his arms.

  Mike expected Todd to react. But he didn’t. Once the man had released Kenny with several slaps on his back, he shook Todd’s hand.

  Kenny glanced in their direction. Mike didn’t know what look he sent Becca but it didn’t help calm him any.

  The man stepped towards them. Mike could see the resemblance between him and Kenny. He was bigger than Kenny but had the same brown hair and crystal blue eyes. His hair was shaved and he screamed military.

  Mike would guess it was Kenny’s older brother.

  The stranger smiled at them and his gaze lingered on their joined hands.

  “Hey, Becca,” he greeted warmly.

  She nodded. “Kurt.”

  The stranger looked at him. “Kurt Moore. I’ve heard a lot of good things about you Mike,” he said, holding out his hand.

  He had to drop Becca’s hand to take it. He didn’t like that but he didn’t want to be rude either.

  “Thank you. I’m sorry but I can’t repeat the compliment yet.”

  Kurt nodded. “I spoke to Price Zachary and his mate Casey yesterday. Casey assured me you would be able to help take down whoever was after the Pack.”

  He really shouldn’t have been surprised. It seemed the feline Prince knew everything and everyone. Casey, who had been his unit’s leader, was just as bad.

  “Well, I have yet to fail and there is no way this will be the first time,” Mike assured him. He didn’t know why but he had the strongest urge to pull Becca into his arms. To claim her before the stranger. He barely resisted. “Kenny said you wanted to speak with us?” he questioned.

  Kurt nodded and spoke to Becca. “I’m sorry about your cottage. I know how much you loved that place.”

  “Thank you,” Becca responded softly.

  “We were following a lead. Clint”—he motioned back to his man—“caught a scent that didn’t belong after the last fire. We found several human males staying in a cabin about fifteen miles out of town.”

  “Are they involved?” Mike asked quickly.

  Kurt shook his head. “We don’t know, but we believe so. We overheard several conversations about getting rid of the ‘unnatural creatures’ but they were still at the cabin at the time of the fire here.”

  “They could be working with someone else,” Mike offered.

  “Someone in the Pack,” Kurt finished.

  “Do you know who?” Becca enquired.

  “I have it narrowed down to three people. I left two men watching the humans. They’ll call us if they move. But I wanted to see the fire myself. I asked Kenny to let me tell you.” He said the last part to Becca.

  Mike didn’t like this at all. But he was pretty sure he had it figured out.

  Becca shrugged. “It’s fine with me.”

  “Who’s on the short list from the Pack?” Mike probed.

  “Shawn Cross, Fred Withermore and Owen Nobles.”

  “Owen Nobles? The officer working the case?” Mike asked. He was already checking out the other two men who Kenny had also thought of.

  Kurt nodded. “What better cover? Plus he was at the main house tonight and he knows you’re looking into the fires. Add in your…relationship with Becca and I think that’s why he went after her. To send a message.”

  Mike was watching Becca. He saw her eyes narrow in annoyance.

  “That’s not anyone’s business,” Becca snapped. The emphasis on anyone was not lost on Mike or Kurt for that matter.

  Kurt held up his hands. “Becca…”

  She waved her hand in the air. “Whatever, go on.”

  “We’ll continue to watch the humans if you’ll keep an eye on the other three. We don’t want to get too close. Alpha Nelson and Kurt knew we were here but no one else does. I think it’s best we keep it that way.”

  “My dad knew?” Becca asked.

  Kurt stepped towards her. “It’s complicated.”

  She backed up and turned on her heel. “It always is. If you’ll excuse me, it’s cold out here and I’m going back to the main house.”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” Mike promised. “I’ll let Kenny know what I find and if I need to get with you.”

  Kurt sighed. “Thanks and…” He trailed off and looked after Becca. “Just watch her. There’s no telling what she’ll do,” Kurt requested.

  Mike bristled. Becca was his to worry about. He had a pretty good idea she and Kurt had been involved at one time but now Mike was in the picture. He wasn’t going to just step aside. Not unless Becca told him to.

  “I’ve got her. Don’t worry about that.”

  Kurt turned away. “Yeah.”

  Mike didn’t say anything else, just jogged after Becca. He caught up with her long, angry strides but didn’t comment. Didn’t ask the questions he was dying to get answers to.

  Becca stomped into the house through the patio doorway. Alpha Nelson and his Beta, Eric, were standing inside the living room.

  Alpha Nelson hurried to his daughter. “It was best you didn’t know.”

  Becca shook her head. “That wasn’t a decision you should have made for me. And I can’t believe you did.”


  She stepped away. “I’ll be upstairs.”

  Mike wasn’t sure whether to follow or not. Alpha Nelson made the decision for him by placing his h
and on Mike’s shoulder.

  “She’ll be okay once she calms down. She sees this as a kind of betrayal. From me and Kenny. Her anger is just covering her shock. I know the way my daughter thinks.”

  Mike didn’t comment, just nodded. He could see Becca’s point of view, but he was unsure where it left them.

  “Give her time to get over the shock and she’ll prove how remarkable she really is,” he added.

  “I can already tell,” Mike confessed.

  Alpha Nelson locked gazes with him and smiled. “Yes, I believe you can.”

  With that said, the Alpha patted his back and Mike was dismissed. He wasn’t sure where Becca had gone or if she even wanted to be found. Maybe she just needed time like her father had said.

  He climbed the stairs to his room. He had some calls he could make. And maybe he needed to make the one to Nikki. She might be able to give him some history on Becca and Kurt Moore.

  He opened the bedroom door and stopped short. Becca stood at the window, staring out at the darkness.

  He was relieved she had gone to his room. That said something about her feelings, didn’t it?

  “You okay?” he asked, closing the door.

  She sighed. “It was just so unexpected, you know. The fire, seeing Kurt…”

  He didn’t like the softness in her tone when she’d said his name.

  She turned and he realised he was growling. She lifted an eyebrow. “I guess I should explain.”

  Mike shrugged. “Only if you want.” That lie barely came off his tongue.

  Becca laughed. “Really? So you’re not wondering what happened between him and me? You’ll just wait until I feel like telling you?”

  She was challenging him, and while he respected that in the woman, his wolf scratched in dominance. To prove and fight for his female. Mike gave in to the wolf side.

  “No. I don’t want to know what happened. I don’t want to hear if you were in love with him, or if it was just sex, or why it didn’t work out. I want you to tell me he doesn’t matter.”

  She pressed her lips together and Mike regretted his outburst. It wasn’t his place to demand anything.

  “Well, you get to hear it all,” she told him. “You get to know whether you want to or not because I won’t let this push us apart.”


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