The Last of the Renshai

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The Last of the Renshai Page 70

by Mickey Zucker Reichert

  Helvor (HELL-vor)—Halnor’s son.

  Jakot (Jah-KOE)—one of Santagithi’s lower officers.

  Jani (JAN-ee)—Bel’s oldest child. A girl.

  Kantar (KAN-tar)—ERYTHANIAN. Arduwyn’s best friend. Bel’s husband.

  Kinesthe (Kin-ESS-teh)—Mitrian’s son.

  Kruger (KROO-ger)—PUDARIAN. A dock foreman.

  Lirtensa (Leer-TEN-sa)—PUDARIAN. A dishonest guard.

  Listar (LISS-star)—Santagithi’s blacksmith’s son.

  Lonriya (Lon-REE-ya)—Mar Lon’s great-grandmother. Created the lonriset.

  Mar Lon (MAR-LONN)—Davrin’s son. A bard.

  Martinel (Mar-tin-ELL)—an ancestor of Mar Lon.

  Mitrian (MIH-tree-in)—Santagithi’s daughter.

  Monsamer (MON-sa-mer)—one of Santagithi’s guards.

  Morhane (MORE-hayn)—BÉARNIAN king of Béarn. Valar’s younger twin.

  Mukesh (Myu-KESH)—a merchant’s son in Santagithi’s Town.

  Nantel (Nan-TELL)—Santagithi’s archer captain.

  Nito (NEE-toe)—one of Santagithi’s guards.

  Quantar (QUAN-tar)—one of Santagithi’s guards.

  Quillinar (QUILL-ih-nar)—one of Santagithi’s guards.

  Rusha (RUSH-a)—Bel’s youngest child. A girl.

  Santagithi (San-TAG-ih-thigh)—the Westland’s best strategist. Leader of the Town of Santagithi.

  Sterrane (Stir-RAIN)—BÉARNIAN. A hermit in the Granite Hills.

  Valar (VAY-lar)—Morhane’s twin. Murdered for the throne.

  Zaran (ZAHR-in)—one of Santagithi’s guards.


  Abrith (A-brayth)—a young peasant.

  Harrsha (HAR-sha)—one of Siderians’ first lieutenants.

  Narisen (NAIR-eh-son)—Siderin’s other first lieutenant.

  Siderin (SID-er-in)—King of the Eastlands.

  Trinthka (TRANTH-ka)—a peasant.

  Tyrle (Tie-AR-lay)—an elderly peasant.


  Bein (BAYN)—Rache’s black stallion.

  Raven—a horse in Nordmir owned by the Northern king.

  Secodon (SEK-o-don)—Shadimar’s wolf.

  Stubs—Arduwyn’s donkey.

  Swiftwing—a falcon. The Cardinal Wizards’ messenger.

  Gods & Wizards


  Aegir (AY-jeer)—Northern god of the sea.

  Baldur (BALL-der)—Northern god of beauty and gentleness.

  Frey (FRAY)—Northern god of rain, sunshine, and fortune.

  Freya (FRAY-a)—Frey’s sister. Northern goddess of battle.

  Frigg (FRIGG)—Odin’s wife. Northern goddess of fate.

  Hati (HAH-tee)—the wolf who swallows the moon at the Ragnarok.

  Hel—Northern goddess of the cold underrealm for those who do not die in valorous combat.

  Heimdall (HIME-dahl)—Northern god of vigilance and father of mankind.

  Loki (LOH-kee)—Northern god of fire and guile.

  Magni (MAG-nee)—Thor’s and Sif’s son. Northern god of might.

  Mana-garmr (MAH-nah Garm)—Northern wolf destined to extinguish the sun with the blood of men at the Ragnarok.

  Modi (MOE-dee)—Thor’s and Sif’s son. Northern god of blood wrath.

  Odin (OH-din)—Northern leader of the pantheon. Father of the gods.

  Sif (SIFF)—Thor’s wife. Northern goddess of fertility and fidelity.

  Skol (SKOEWL)—Northern wolf who will swallow the sun at the Ragnarok.

  Syn (SIN)—Northern goddess of justice and innocence.

  Thor (THOR)—Northern god of storms, farmers, and law.

  Trilless (Trill-ESS)—Northern Wizard. Champion of goodness and the Northlands.

  Tyr (TEER)—Northern one-handed god of war and faith.


  Aphrikelle (Ah-fri-KELL)—Western goddess of spring.

  Cathan (KAY-than)—Western goddess of war, specifically hand to hand combat. Twin to Kadrak.

  Dakoi (Dah-KOY)—Western god of death.

  The Faceless god—Western god of winter.

  Firfan (FEER-fan)—Western god of archers and hunters.

  Itu (EE-too)—Western goddess of knowledge and truth.

  Kadrak (KAD-drak)—Western god of war. Twin to Cathan.

  Ruaidhri (Roo-AY-dree)—Western leader of the pantheon.

  Shadimar (SHAD-ih-mar)—Eastern Wizard. Champion of neutrality and the Westlands.

  Suman (SOO-mon)—Western god of farmers and peasants.

  Tokar (TOE-kar)—Western Wizard. Champion of neutrality and the Westlands.

  Weese (WEESSS)—Western god of winds.

  Yvesen (IV-e-sen)—Western of god of steel and women.

  Zera’im (ZAIR-a-eem)—Western god of honor.


  Carcophan (KAR-ka-fan)—Southern Wizard. Champion of evil and the Eastlands.

  God—the only name for the bird/man god of the Leukenyans. Created by Siderin.

  Sheriva (Sha-REE-vah)—omnipotent, only god of the Eastlands.

  Foreign words

  aristiri (ah-riss-TEER-ee)—TRADING. a breed of singing hawks.

  bein (bayn)—NORTHERN. “legs”.

  chroams (krohms)—WESTERN. specific coinage of copper, silver, or gold.

  corpa (KOR-pa)—WESTERN. “brotherhood, town” lit. “body”.

  demon (DEE-mun)—ANCIENT TONGUE. a creature of magic.

  Einherjar (INE-herr-yar)—NORTHERN. “the dead warriors in Valhalla”.

  Forsvarir (Fours-var-EER)—RENSHAI. a specific disarming maneuver.

  galn (gahln)—NORTHERN. “ferociously crazy”.

  garn (garn)—NORTHERN. “yarn”.

  Gerlinr (Gerr-LEEN)—RENSHAI. a specific aesthetic and difficult sword maneuver.

  Harval (Harr-VALL)—ANCIENT TONGUE. “the gray blade”.

  kenya (KEN-ya)—WESTERN. “bird”.

  kjaelnavnir (kyahl-NAHV-neer)—RENSHAI. temporary name for a child until a hero’s name becomes available.

  kinesthe (Kin-ESS-teh)—NORTHERN. “strength”.

  leuk (Luke)—WESTERN. “white”.

  lonriset (LON-ri-set)—WESTERN. a ten-stringed musical instrument.

  magni (MAG-nee)—NORTHERN. “might”.

  modi (MOE-dee)—NORTHERN. “wrath”.

  Morshock (MORE-shock)—ANCIENT TONGUE. “sword of darkness”.

  mynten (MIN-tin)—NORTHERN. a specific type of coin.

  Ristoril (RIS-tor-ril)—ANCIENT TONGUE. “sword of tranquility”.

  svergelse (swerr-GELL-seh)—RENSHAI. “sword figures practiced alone; katas.”

  torke (TOR-keh)—RENSHAI. “teacher, sword instructor”.

  uvakt (oo-VAKT)—RENSHAI. “the unguarded” A term for children whose kjaelnavnir becomes a permanent name.

  Valhalla (VAWL-holl-a)—NORTHERN. “Hall of the Slain” The walled “heaven” for brave warriors slain in battle.

  valr (VAWL)—NORTHERN. “slayer”.

  Valkyrie (VAWL-kerr-ee)—NORTHERN. “Chooser of the Slain”.

  wisule (WISS-ool)—Trading. a foul-smelling, disease-carrying breed of rodents which has many offspring because the adults will abandon them when threatened.



  The area north of the Weathered Mountains and west of the Great Frenum Range. The Northmen live in eighteen tribes, each with its own town surrounded by forest and farmland. The boundaries change, and the map is correct for the year 11,240.

  Asci (ASS-kee)—home to the Ascai. Patron god: Aegir.

  Blathe (BLAYTH-eh)—home to the Blathe. Patron god: Aegir.

  Drymir (DRY-meer)—home to the Drymirians. Patron: Frey.

  Devil’s Island—an island in the Amirannak. A home to the Renshai after their exile.

  Dvaulir (Dwah-LEER)—home to the Dvaulirians. Patron: Thor

  Erd (URD)—home to the Erdai. Patron goddess: Freya.

  Farbutiri (Far-byu-TEER-ee)—home to the Farbui. Patron: Aegir.

bsp; Gilshnir (GEELSH-neer)—home to the Gilshni. Patron: Tyr.

  Gjar (GYAR)—home to the Gjar. Patron: Heimdall.

  Kor N’rual (KOR en-ROOL)—sacred crypts near Nordmir.

  Nordmir (NORD-meer)—the Northland’s high kingdom. Home to the Nordmirians. Patron: Odin.

  Othkin (OTH-keen)—home to the Othi. Patron: Aegir & Frigg.

  Renshi (Ren-SHEE)—original home of the Renshai, now a part of Thortire. Patron: Sif & Modi.

  Shamir (Sha-MEER)—home of the Shamirians. Patron: Freya.

  Skrytil (SKRY-teel)—home of the Skrytila. Patron: Thor.

  Svelbni (SWELL-nee)—home of the Svelbnai. Patron: Baldur.

  Talmir (TAHL-meer)—home of the Talmirians. Patron: Frey.

  Thortire (Thor-TEER-eh)—home of the Thortirians. Patron: Thor.

  Varli (VAR-lee)—home of the Varlians. Patron: Frey & Freya.

  Vikerin (Vee-KAIR-in)—home of the Vikerians. Patron: Thor.


  The Westlands are bounded by the Great Frenum Mountains to the east, the Weathered Mountains to the north, and the sea to the west and south. In general, the cities become larger and more civilized as the land sweeps westward. The central area is packed with tiny farm towns dwarfed by lush farm fields that, over time, have nearly coalesced. The easternmost portions of the Westlands are forested, with sparse towns and rare barbarian tribes. To the south lies an uninhabited tidal plain.

  Ahktar (AHK-tar)—one of the largest central farm towns.

  Auer (OUR)—a small town in the eastern section.

  Béarn (Bay-ARN)—the high kingdom. A mountain city.

  Bellenet Fields (Bell-e-NAY)—a tourney field in Erythane.

  Bruen (Broo-EN)—a medium-sized city near Pudar.

  Corpa Bickat (KORE-pa Bi-KAY)—a large city.

  Corpa Leukenya (KORE-pa Loo-KEN-ya)—home of the cult of the white bird, created by Siderin.

  Corpa Schaull (KORE-pa Shawl)—a medium-sized city; one of the “Twin Cities” (see Frist).

  Erythane (AIR-eh-thane)—a large city closely allied with Béarn. Famous for its knights.

  The Fields of Wrath—legendary home to the Western Renshai.

  Frist (FRIST)—a medium-sized city; one of the “Twin Cities” (see Corpa Schaull).

  Granite Hills—a small, low range of mountains.

  Great Frenum Mountains (FREN-um)—towering, impassable mountains that divide the Eastlands from the Westlands and Northlands.

  Greentree—a tiny farm town.

  Iaplege (EE-a-pleej)—a secret gathering place of cripples, criminals, and outcasts.

  Loven (Low-VENN)—a medium-sized city.

  Myrcidë (Meer-si-DAY)—a town of legendary wizards, now in ruins.

  Porvada (Poor-VAH-da)—a medium-sized city.

  Pudar (Poo-DAR)—the largest city of the West; the great trade center.

  The Road of Kings—the legendary route by which the Eastern Wizard is believed to have rescued the high king’s heir after a bloody coup.

  Town of Santagithi—a medium-sized town, relatively young.

  Shidran (SHIH-drin)—a farm town.

  Sholton-Or (SHOLE-tin OR)—a Western farm town.

  Strinia (STRINN-ee-a)—a small, barbarian settlement.

  Western Plains—a barren salt flat.

  Wolf Point—a rock formation in the forest surrounding Erythane.

  Wynix (Why-NIX)—a farm town.


  The area east of the Great Frenum Mountains. It is a vast, overpopulated wasteland filled with crowded cities and eroded fields. Little forest remains.

  LaZar the Decadent (LA-zar)—a poor, dirty city.

  Rock of Peace—a stone near the road from Rozmath to Stalmize where the bard, Mar Lon, preached peace.

  Rozmath (ROZZ-mith)—a medium-sized city.

  Stalmize (STAHL-meez)—the Eastern high kingdom.

  Bodies of Water

  Amirannak Sea (A-MEER-an-nak)—the Northernmost ocean.

  Brunn River (BRUN)—a muddy river in the Northlands.

  Conus River (KONE-uss)—a shared river of the Eastlands and Westlands.

  Icy River—a cold, Northern river.

  Jewel River—one of the rivers that flows to Trader’s Lake.

  Perionyx River (Peh-ree-ON-ix)—a Western river.

  Southern Sea—the southernmost ocean.

  Trader’s Lake—a harbor for trading boats in Pudar.

  Trader’s River—the main route for over water trade.


  Cardinal Wizards—a system of balance created by Odin in the beginning of time consisting of four, near immortal opposing guardians of evil, neutrality, and goodness who are tightly constrained by Odin’s laws.

  The Pica Stone (PIE-ka)—a clairsentient sapphire. One of the rare items with magical power.

  The Seven Tasks of Wizardry—a series of tasks designed by the gods to test the power and worth of the Cardinal Wizards’ chosen successors.

  Swords of Power—three magical swords crafted by the Cardinal Wizards and kept on the plain of magic except in the hands of a Wizard’s champion. It is prophesied that the world will end if all three are brought into the world at once.




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