Viking Warrior Rising

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Viking Warrior Rising Page 24

by Asa Maria Bradley

  He closed his eyes, breathing in her soothing scent, feeling her presence through his skin. “I know.” He caressed her cheek. “I should have explained it better.”

  She opened her eyes, gazing deeply into his. “I see colors again.” She smiled. “I liked my rose-colored vision, but I’d miss your ice-blue eyes,” she whispered. He started to ask her what she meant, but stopped when she shook her head. “It’s a long story.”

  He couldn’t wait any longer. He had to taste her. Palming the back of her neck, he pulled her toward him. When her lips met his, he sighed contentedly. Another kind of restlessness spread through his body.

  She pushed back against his chest. “We have to get out of here.”

  He held on tight.

  “I need to check on Pekka.” She squirmed to loosen his hold.


  “Irja’s brother. The guy you just backhanded into the wall.”

  He remembered the man who’d been blocking his path to Naya. “Irja’s brother?” He turned to the body lying on the floor. The man was a mirror image of their medical officer. “Fuck.” He let his själsfrände go.

  Naya rushed over to the man, kneeling by his side. “I think he might be coming around.” She looped his arm around her neck. “Help me get him up.” She stood, her height so slight the man lifted only three-quarters of the way off the floor.

  Pekka’s eyelids fluttered, but he didn’t wake. Leif took the arm Naya held and hoisted the unconscious body over his shoulder. Reaching for his själsfrände, he turned toward the door. “Let’s go. The others are keeping the soldiers busy.”

  She jogged to keep up with his longer stride down the hallway. “How did you find me?”

  “Ulf figured out how to track you through the emails you sent to Irja.”

  “Shit, that was sloppy.” She stopped mid-stride.

  He tugged on her hand to keep going. “If it makes you feel better, we were headed to Colorado before Ulf corrected our course at the last minute.”

  The last couple of days’ mad dash across the country to find her had made him dizzy. At times he didn’t think he’d survive. The berserker had wanted to tear limbs from bodies, pushing him into a rampage when they changed direction and headed to North Dakota.

  Irja’d had to sedate him.

  “I’m sorry,” Naya mumbled.

  They reached the front door of the building. “Let’s talk later.” He slid Pekka’s body to the ground. “Get ready to fight.”

  Tossing her hair out of her face with a flick of her head, she eagerly smiled back at him. “Hell yeah.”

  He shook his head and flung the double doors open to pandemonium.

  Thuds and grunts echoed across the courtyard where his warriors battled the camp soldiers. Heavy boots crunched the gravel as feet fought for traction. Battle cries rose in air dense with the smell of blood. Every one of his warriors had insisted on coming with him.

  He’d tried to keep Sten at home, but the young Norseman argued that since Irja was going, he’d have medical care during the trip. In the end, he’d allowed Sten to be one of the drivers, but with strict orders of staying in the van when the fighting started.

  Of course, Sten hadn’t listened and was in the middle of the melee, kicking ass with the best of them.

  Irja stood back-to-back with the young Viking, her long dark hair a whirlwind around her head as she swept and hook-kicked her opponents.

  Leif heard her laughter from where he stood on the stairs. Thank the gods they’d positioned Ulf and Torvald as sharpshooters on the roof. They fired every time a soldier tried to exit the building through any of the doors.

  His mate jumped down the steps, leaping into the air, executing a perfect ax kick.

  The soldier holding on to Astrid’s hair hit the ground with a heavy double thud as his head bounced on the ground.

  “Stop pulling hair!” Naya shouted. “We’re not in elementary school anymore.”

  The Valkyrie grinned and jabbed the man’s windpipe. “Good to see you again, Your Highness.” She bowed, adding a little hand flourish to the gesture.

  Naya grinned and bowed back before twisting around to punch another solider. He too fell to the ground.

  A soldier rushed Leif with a knife held high. A quick elbow thrust to the man’s sternum stopped the attack effectively. Leif used the Glock to shoot two more guards storming toward him, before he jogged over to Naya. “The vans we came in are about fifty yards from here.” He pointed. “Fight your way toward them.”

  She nodded. “What about Pekka?”

  Leif turned toward the stairs. The tall, dark man had recovered enough to stand on his own. “I’ll grab him.” He strode toward the house.

  Pekka backed away, hands lifted palms out. “I’m on your side.”

  Leif flushed. “I know. Sorry about the slap. The berserker didn’t take kindly to you touching Naya.”

  “Slap?” Irja’s brother quirked a dark eyebrow, the gesture so much like his sister’s. “My ears are still ringing from hitting that wall.”

  Leif grimaced, holding out his hand for the other man to shake. “You want to chat or fight?”

  White teeth glimmered in Pekka’s dark face. “I’ve been wanting to kick these fuckers’ asses for a while.” He grabbed Leif’s hand.

  Harald rushed up, gun in hand. “Are you girls finished gossiping?” He peered over Leif’s shoulder, aimed, and shot. A weak grunt and dull thud signaled another solider down. “The rest of us would like to get out of here now that we have the queen secured.” Blinking rapidly, he stared at Pekka. “What the fu—”

  “Irja’s brother,” Leif explained and turned around, looking for Naya. His berserker kept calm, so she must not be in danger. He finally spotted her several yards from where he’d left her.

  Facing two armed men, she disarmed one of them with a semicircle kick. The weapon flew across the gravel, landing a distance away. While the soldiers’ eyes followed the arch of the projectile, she grabbed the other’s gun and quickly shot both of them.

  His berserker hummed low with approval.

  Naya gazed down at the bodies and shook her head. “Who trained you?” she shouted. “You are a disgrace.”

  She must have detected his warrior spirit’s pride, because she faced him and fired off a brilliant smile.

  Only a few enemy soldiers still stood to fight. Leif marched across the graveled lot to reach his själsfrände.

  Harald shouted over the ruckus. “We’ve secured the queen. Head for the vehicles, Norsemen.”

  “Wait!” Naya bellowed. “I have to get my cooler.”

  Leif ushered her toward the vans. “I’ll buy you a new cooler.”

  She resisted as he tried to make her move. “The antidote for Scott is in that cooler.”

  The brother. The one she sacrificed everything for, even her own happiness. Their happiness.

  He tugged on her arm again, but she held firm.

  “I need it as well, or I will die.”

  Leif swore under his breath. He turned to Harald. “Think you can keep things under control for a little longer?”

  Sten took a punch and barreled into Harald. “Sorry,” the young warrior threw over his shoulder as he lunged for his opponent.

  A front kick later and the soldier fell to the ground.

  Right behind Sten, Irja ducked a jab and used a cross-counterpunch to dump another body next to the one Sten had taken care of. She wiped sweaty bangs out of her face with the back of her hand. “Greetings, my queen.” Her eyes widened when she discovered who stood beside Naya. “Pekka,” she whispered, eyes brimming with tears.

  “Hello, Sisko.” The male mirror image of Irja hesitantly took a step forward.

  Irja pushed Harald out of the way and threw herself at her brother, wrapping her arms around him in a bear hug.

  Leif tore his eyes from the happy reunion and inspected the battleground. Per and Astrid kept the remaining soldiers busy across the courtyard but would need some
help to completely neutralize the threat.

  Naya tilted her head. She was about to run into the building without him. At least she’d paused long enough for him to catch up.

  “We’re going back in.” Leif directed the comment to his stallare. “Take care of the last of the opponents and don’t let anyone else leave the building.”

  Harald nodded and turned to Irja, Pekka, and Sten. “You’re with me. Let’s finish these fuckers.” He ran toward Astrid and Per.

  Surprised that his second-in-command allowed him to enter a hostile building without backup, Leif studied his warriors. When his berserker had run amok, the Norse men and women in the fortress had been on edge. He mentally reached for the connection to his warrior spirit. Warmth and excitement flowed from the berserker, but nothing like the overwhelming heat and panic he’d felt over the last days.

  He closed his eyes. The berserker remained alert, but was calm and content.

  He reached further beyond his warrior spirit and forgot to breathe when he connected with each of his Vikings and Valkyries. They glowed like beacons in a huge interconnected web. Although each bright light glimmered as a shapeless ball of energy, he could tell his warriors apart.

  Sten’s light shone dimmer than the others, but still strong. Leif startled when he realized that his själsfrände pulsed with a deep red glow. Her light felt different, but somehow she was connected to the other warriors through him. Did she have an inner warrior?

  Naya tugged on his sleeve. “Let’s go.” She rushed up the steps to the door. “We’ll get more of the drug where I first found it. I have no idea where they stashed my cooler.”

  Leif blinked and the spiderweb of shining flames disappeared. He rushed after his själsfrände.

  “Lab number seven!” she shouted. “It’s where I found Pekka.”

  He followed Naya and drew his gun, releasing the safety. Two soldiers rounded a corner, surprise on their faces. He shot them both between their eyes without stopping. “The sound will probably attract more armed guards. Hurry,” he encouraged his mate.

  Not that she needed any. Naya’s stride ate the floor in a pace he’d be stretched to maintain for longer distances. “Here,” she said, stopping outside a closed door. “Stand guard while I get the formula?”

  Leif opened the door to do a security sweep. Empty. He waved Naya inside and positioned himself with his back to the door.

  Shouts and loud footsteps announced another patrol. Leif shot the four guards barreling down the hallway. The magazine held seventeen rounds. He still had plenty of ammunition should more guests care to join the party.

  Naya returned with a clear bag filled with small glass vials. “This is all they have. Let’s go.” He turned to make for the building’s entrance, but she grabbed his arm. “There’s a closer exit.”

  Leif followed her to a back door where she poked her head out. Normally his berserker would have protested and insisted on taking the lead. Leif felt it paying attention, but it seemed to trust Naya’s reconnaissance.

  Head still outside the door, she gestured with her hand behind her back. “Give me the gun.”

  The berserker twitched, ready to hand over the weapon to their magnificent mate, but Leif resisted. “Step aside and let me—”

  She turned, hot impatience reflected in her beautiful eyes.

  He handed over his gun.

  She quickly fired four rounds.

  Soundlessly, she slipped outside. He copied her movements, closing the door with a soft click. “I want it on the record that I rescued you from captivity,” he said as she returned his gun. “Anyone watching would think backup unnecessary.”

  A smile lit up her face. “If anyone asks, I’ll make sure to mention your heroics.”

  He grabbed her head and claimed her mouth in a deep kiss. “Good. Let’s get back to the crew.” He set off for the courtyard, his lips stretching into a satisfied grin when it took her a few beats to get moving.

  They rounded the corner to find the two vans filled with Norse warriors and ready to go. Bodies of camp soldiers littered the courtyard.

  Ulf and Torvald stood sentinel on roofs of opposite buildings, rifles ready to take down anybody else entering open ground. “King and queen incoming!” Torvald shouted.

  The engines of the vans revved as Leif and Naya sprinted toward one of them. He arrived first and pulled his mate into his lap as he closed the sliding door behind her.

  Torvald and Ulf jumped down and ran backward to the other vehicle, keeping the buildings in their gun sights. They got in the van and the two vehicles careened down the road.

  Naya squirmed on his lap, but he held her still, needing her body against his until he knew for sure all danger was over. “Just let me hold you for a little while.”

  She tensed, but then finally relaxed in his arms. “I’m okay with making it a long while.”

  He touched his forehead to hers and tucked his arms around his själsfrände, pulling her closer and breathing the essence of her deep into himself.

  His berserker approved. Ours, it whispered. Ours always.

  * * *

  Naya fingered the bandage on her arm as she looked around Leif’s bedroom—their bedroom now. The Viking king had asked her if she’d consider sharing his room. Since she planned on spending her nights in his bed, she’d agreed.

  During the two days they’d been home, Ulf and Per had helped her move the desk from the guest bedroom she’d slept in previously into an office in the mansion and added the two sky-blue chairs. Handlers might still be hunting her, so Astrid and Irja had fetched the rest of her belongings from her apartment.

  Whatever reservations the warriors had had about the connection between her and Loki’s wolverines, the fighting at the lab seemed to have squelched any remaining hostility. Killing the chief scientist apparently proved her loyalty—that and rescuing Irja’s brother. Torvald had grumbled a little, but was quickly silenced by the others. Ulf had pointed out that Naya’s biology may give them clues to how the creatures had been created.

  The bandage came loose. She patted it down again. She’d heal without it, but the injection site itched, and covering it kept her from scratching. Irja had tested Batch 439 first in test tubes and then on Naya through several small doses. The amount of nanoparticles in her blood had significantly decreased, even the ones that had merged with blood cells after the själsfrände bond activated. As soon as Naya was in the clear, Irja would send samples of the drug to Dr. Rosen in Colorado to test out on Scott. The two medical professionals had already exchanged test results and hypotheses via email and phone.

  The door opened, interrupting her reverie. Leif walked toward her. His powerful stride sent all kinds of good tingles through her body. She grinned at him so he would smile back and show off the dimples she couldn’t get enough of. He didn’t disappoint.

  When he reached her side, he slid a hand around her waist and pulled her close. “I like you ready for bed,” he said, lifting the hem of her short silk nightie.

  “Can’t a girl wear something pretty without you getting ideas of bedding her?” Naya reached up, putting her hand behind his neck to pull him down for a kiss. She’d never get enough of touching him. Of trusting him.

  He explored her mouth thoroughly and placed his other hand on her hip to draw her body against his. His hardness nudged her stomach and he slipped his hands to her buttocks to lift her. “I’m always thinking of bedding you,” he said before moving his hot lips lower, sucking on her clavicle.

  His hard shaft pushed at her entry and she gasped into his mouth. Even through her panties and his denim jeans, she could feel him throbbing. A satisfied groan rumbled through his chest, vibrating her nipples.

  Like good little soldiers, they perked to attention immediately. She rubbed the hard nubs against him, savoring the sensation of silk sliding over her hot skin.

  He released her mouth to trail kisses down her cheek and then nibble on the sensitive spot behind her ear.

ya shivered with need, moaning as she tried to move closer. She swung her legs around his waist and crossed her ankles behind his back. “I like the way your mind works,” she panted before losing herself in the sensation of his hardness rubbing against her core.

  Leif took the few steps across the room to the bed in record time and flung her down on the covers. He leaned back to tear his clothes off. “My mind hardly works at all when you are near.”

  She chuckled and leaned back on her elbows, enjoying the view of naked flesh being revealed. She rose up on her knees and traced the ridges on his chest and abdomen. As her fingers trailed down toward his proud shaft, he captured her wrists.

  “Be careful.” He smiled down at her. “I’m loaded and might go off any minute.”

  She laughed. “You’ve been watching too many old Western movies with Harald.”

  With a light push on her shoulder, Leif pushed her back on the bed and followed her down. He hovered over her body, bracing his weight on one arm, while he pulled down the strap of her gown to reveal a breast. His lips captured her nipple. He sucked and then gently bit the tip of the peak when it puckered under his attention. “Just stating the facts, ma’am,” he said, his lips hot against her skin.

  She squirmed under him, impatiently grasping the hem of her gown to pull it over her head.

  Chuckling, Leif eased back to help her and then made quick work of her damp panties as well. He leaned back down and touched her forehead with his. “I love your strength, your independence.” He smiled. “I love your stubbornness. Basically, I love you more than life itself,” he whispered.

  Naya froze. The words ricocheted in her mind as her own feelings threatened to blow a hole through her chest. She gasped for breath.

  Leif pulled back to gaze into her eyes. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. To her horror, a tear slid down her temple. Through their bond, she already knew how he felt, but hearing it out loud was different. Trusting him enough to believe his words was overwhelming. “I love you too.”

  The Viking’s satisfied grin showed off his dimples to their full advantage. He captured her hands in his and pulled them behind his neck before devouring her mouth. She opened wide to let his tongue tangle with hers. With his knee, he nudged her legs apart. He positioned himself between her legs and grabbed the backs of her knees.


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