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Silent Love

Page 11

by Casey Clipper

  Mrs. Connors climbed into the pool while her husband put away the hose. The late morning/early afternoon sun beat down on that side of the house. Today was supposed to be in the nineties, so they decided to take advantage of the pool before it became too warm to enjoy. Jill dove under the water and swam to her husband. When she surfaced, he picked her up and wrapped her toned legs around his waist. Beth watched her dad lean down and gently kiss her mom. The private moment between them screamed romance and adoration.

  Tears stung Beth’s eyes. Part of her knew she was being stubborn, a gift from her father, but the other part wanted to jump in her car, drive over to Sean’s, and beg for him to take her back. He would. Every day she received flowers, cards, or a chocolate gift that pleaded for her to talk to him, give him a chance. Close to two months into their short relationship, Beth had been happy for the first time in years, and Sean had been the one to give that to her. Her inability to hear didn’t matter to him. He learned and adjusted. He catered to her as if she was the most important person in his world, and she believed she was. Actually there was no doubt she was. Thinking back to that horrible dinner party, Sean had protected her by whisking her away from the onset of trouble. He’d chosen her over his beloved cousin. Even Ryan took guard over her, slipping into a big brother role. But how could they ever truly be happy together when the elephant in the family was their cousin, whose lifestyle destroyed her life? That wasn’t something she could easily get over, and every family gathering would be riddled with awkwardness because Beth didn’t have it in her to forgive the Murphy family. Not only that, there was the untapped issue that Sean would want children, soon, because of his age. After seeing him with his young cousins, there was no doubt he would. Beth was positive she couldn’t raise babies in a safe environment. She barely took care of herself. Plus their age difference had to play a part eventually. What did they have in common really, except for both working in the medical field? Ultimately he would have become frustrated with having to adapt to her lack of hearing. Their time would have ended sooner rather than later. Swiping the escaped tears from he cheeks, she determined the end of the relationship now was for the best.

  Flashing of the porch lights interrupted her wayward thoughts. Glancing back at her parents, they were too involved with each other to hear or bother with an intruder to their bubble. Beth crawled off the lounger and went inside. She was shocked to find Ryan standing on the doorstep.

  He smiled, relief crossing his handsome features. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” she said softly.

  “Can we talk?” he asked.

  Shaking her head, she said, “Ryan, I think it’s best if Sean and I end our relationship‒”

  “I think you’re wrong,” he said. “But before we get into that, how are you?”

  Surprised at his concern, though she shouldn’t have been, she answered, “Okay.”

  Grinning, his eyes grew affectionate. “Can I come in or are we gonna have this discussion on the front step of your parents’ home?”

  Stepping aside, she waved him in, then showed him to the living room. “Please have a seat. Can I get you something to drink?”

  “No, thank you,” he said. Sliding his big body on the sofa, he leaned forward, elbows on his knees.

  She sat on the opposite side of the couch and waited for him to say his peace.

  “Do you miss him as much as he misses you?” Ryan asked.

  Frowning, she asked, “What?”

  “He’s devastated right now, Beth,” he said. “Miserable. You must know he would be, right? I mean, Sean doesn’t tell women he loves them. There’s only been three women who’ve been given those three words‒our mom, Courtney, and you.”

  That couldn’t be correct. Sean had to have been in love before. Look at him, a Greek god that was sensitive, caring, and intelligent. “That can’t be true.”

  Ryan silently chastised her with an arched brow. “It is.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Ryan.” She shook her head. “How could we possibly work out? How could‒”

  “Who do you think Sean chose, Beth? He picked you. He tossed our cousin out of his life, he’s so furious with her. Do you have any comprehension what that means to us? You’re the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with, grow old with, build a life with. You. No one else. There was no hesitation on his part, he picked you. He’ll always pick you, even when you refuse his calls, his visits, his gifts,” Ryan said. “Have you been happy, because you look like you’ve been cryin'? Is it over Sean?” He scooted closer and took her hands into his. “Just hear him out. Give him a chance to fix this, Beth.”

  “Ryan, there’s too much going against us,” she argued.

  He body went rigid. “Like what?”

  “I don’t want to hash it out.” She sighed heavily, and her head fell forward. “It would have ended eventually.”

  His large hand lifted her chin to look him in the eyes. Searching hers, he finally said, “Just listen to him. Meet with him one time, and if that’s still how you feel then I’ll accept it.”

  “You?” she asked.

  He snorted. “Surely you don’t think I’ll accept anything but a happy reunion.” He stood, kissed her hard on the top of her head, and left the house.

  That was it?

  Not two minutes later, her cell phone beeped with a text message from Sean. Meet me at the new office. 5 pm tonite.

  Great, now she had a date with a man she was trying to distance herself from. But that annoying tiny voice in her head was screaming out in joy that he was coming after her with gusto, even utilizing his brother. The man didn’t fight fair.


  This had to work. Sean couldn’t and wouldn’t accept anything but victory. Which meant, at the end of the evening, Beth would be back in his life. Permanently.

  Glancing at his watch, he nervously fiddled with the white linen tablecloth placed precisely over the empty desk. Two lit tapered candles created the centerpiece. Votive candles littered the packed office space, creating a soothing ambiance. Two plated, fine dining dinners with sterling silver covers sat perfectly between the polished silverware. When he went to his mom’s house earlier, she’d been more than happy to help him pull out everything he needed to wine and dine his girl.

  After fixing the table for the umpteenth time, he wandered over to the window to watch for her car to pull in. Leaning against the sill, he felt his heart thrumming through his chest. What would he do if she refused him? Could he handle it? Would he allow her to walk away so easily? Hell no.

  Shaking off his despondent thoughts, he focused on the here and now, winning back his girl. After Ryan got home earlier this afternoon and explained his discussion with Beth, they both concluded there was much more going on than the dinner incident. Apparently his Beth believed they weren’t meant to be together. Well he’d put a halt to those errant thoughts immediately. Whatever it took and whatever assurances she needed, he’d give her.

  A clearing of a throat interrupted him. Wheeling around, Beth stood at the threshold of the office, looking beautiful in black slacks and a sheer ivory short sleeve blouse.

  Confused, he glanced outside then back at her. “How did you get here without me seeing you pull in?”

  Smiling that adorable shy look, she shrugged. “Parked around back.”

  It only took a few long strides to get to her. “You look beautiful,” he said softly. He took a lock of her silky strands between his fingers, briefly toyed with it, then brushed her hair off her shoulder. That attractive, endearing blush she had no control over made an appearance. One of the many list of things he cherished about her.

  “I thought we were only talking,” she said softly.

  Sean shrugged. “I decided to woo you with my romantic talents.”

  The giggle that bubbled up from her disarmed him and went straight to his heart. If he never got a chance to hear that sound again, his life would have no meaning. “Romantic talents?”

  “I took a quic
k online course while you’ve been absent.” He held out his arm for her to take. She looped her arm through his and held tightly.

  “And online course?” she said doubtful.

  “Ryan gave me the website,” he said.

  Tossing her head back, she laughed. “Why am I not surprised?”

  “Really, I’m not either,” he said, smiling down at her.

  Escorting her over to the makeshift table, Sean pulled out a chair for her to sit. His eyes zeroed in on her gliding into the seat. Always a lady. Reaching into the wine bucket, he pulled out a bottle of champagne and held it to her, silently asking if she’d like a glass.

  “I have to drive,” she quietly said.

  “I’ll take you home if you’ve had too much,” he assured her.

  Too easily, she relented. “All right.”

  He made quick work of uncorking the bottle and pouring them both a glass. Pulling his chair to her right, he held up his glass. “To us.”

  “Sean,” she warned.

  “Elizabeth Connors, I won’t allow you to push me away any longer. Enough is enough. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He waved his arm dismissively. “Whatever other issues you think you have, we’ll deal with. In the meantime, we’re getting back on track.” He set his glass down. “Baby, I can’t stand this any longer. I can’t sleep, eat, or function.”

  Her amazing blue eyes glassed over as she desperately tried to hold back those tears. “Sean…I…I…” She broke down, set her glass aside, and buried her head into her hands.

  He reached over and pulled her into his lap, cradling her against him, holding her head to his chest. “Shhhh, it’s all right. It’ll be all right,” he said even though she couldn’t hear him. She’d know from his vibrations that he was soothing her.

  Running a gentle hand through her thick tresses, he kissed the top of her head and buried his nose in her hair, absorbing her vanilla scent. He’d hold her for days if that’s what it took.

  After what felt like not nearly enough time, Beth sat up straight and wiped her tears from her cheeks. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. You can lean on me anytime, sweetheart. That’s what I’m here for,” he said. There was a nasty little voice in the back of his mind that wished she could hear his tone, to know how truly sincere he was. He needed to beat the shit out of that little man.

  “You don’t understand,” she said.

  “Then make me understand where you’re coming from,” he shot back.

  Fiddling with his buttons on his shirt, she refused to make eye contact. “I don’t know how to handle your family knowing they’re responsible for what happened to me. I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to.”

  Lifting her chin so her eyes met his, he said firmly, “In her defense, Beth, my cousin lost a lot that day. A man who’d become obsessed with her took her entire world, but that doesn’t excuse what happened at dinner. You don’t have to forgive Courtney for slapping you if you don’t want to. I understand. And right now, she’s not a part of my life.”

  “But you love her.”

  “I love you more.”

  Searching his eyes, he knew she could see his resolve on the subject. She wouldn’t be able to argue for his cousin. “What about our age difference?”

  He recoiled. “What about it?”

  “Doesn’t it bother you?”

  “What, that I have a younger woman on my arm. Are you nuts? I’m the envy of every guy my age,” he said astounded, then narrowed his eyes. “Or did you mean I have a problem being older than you? Or do you have a problem with my age?”

  “I don’t…it’s just, you’ll want children, and I can’t have any,” she said. Her voice shook with shame.

  “Beth,” he whispered. “Why can’t you have children?” What hadn’t she told him? Did she get hurt in the accident?

  “How could I possibly raise a baby, Sean? I can’t hear. I can’t own a pet let alone be left in charge with an infant’s life,” she squeaked, her bottom lip trembling.

  Staring at her in utter bafflement, he didn’t know what to say. Clearly, her self-doubt ran deeper than he considered. "Honey," he said sympathetically. "You figured out how to live on your own, right?"

  Biting her bottom lip, she nodded.

  "I'm sure it was daunting at first, but I bet you picked up on a routine quickly," he assumed.

  She nodded again.

  "You don't see what I see. A determined, intelligent, loving woman. I'm positive any child you bring into this world, you'll love fiercely and find your own way that makes certain you're the best mother, with or without your hearing," he said confidently, because he was positive of those remarks. His Beth didn't see how strong and powerful she was, but it was there in spades.

  Turning from him, she gazed out the window, lost in her own thoughts. Sean didn't push her. This was probably one of those times he needed to give her a minute to process all that he said. Come to terms with it. Accept it.

  After a few silent minutes, he grasped her chin to face him. Wrapping his hand into the back of her hair, he pulled her to him and seduced her mouth with gentle teases. That sugar and vanilla flavor of hers that was ingrained into him, assaulted his senses. Too long, he'd gone without her lips against his. Her feather-light touch while she cupped his cheek made him lose his breath. It was Beth who deepened the kiss, opening for him and swiping her tongue into his mouth. Such a monumental moment for her, taking the lead. And he refused to interfere.

  When she pulled back, they were both breathless.

  "I can't live without you," he whispered.

  Instant droplets spilled from those ocean blues. "I'm asking you to give up so much."

  "You're asking me for nothing, Beth," he said firmly. "Marry me." Reaching past her, he plucked a black velvet box off the table and opened it reveal a stunning three-carat diamond solitaire ring set in platinum. "We'll work it out together. We'll figure it all out together. We'll do it all husband and wife."

  She openly sobbed. "Sean."

  "Say yes, Beth," he pleaded. "Say yes."

  "Yes," she breathed. "Yes."

  The air left his lungs. She accepted his proposal. He heard it. Quickly, before she changed her mind, he slid the ring onto her tiny, delicate finger. A perfect fit. Sean brought her mouth down to his, devouring her.

  She said yes. Beth was his.

  Lying naked on the newly carpeted office floor, Sean felt the rug burn already stinging his back. Beth lay on top of him, her breathing even and relaxed. Their dinner certainly turned cold by now. They hadn't gotten around to eating, instead they made love. Twice. The first time hard, fast, and desperate. The second, slow and seductive.

  Running his fingers lightly up and down her naked spin, Sean basked in the warmth of her body against his. There was a subject he needed to broach before their night continued, but he was slightly hesitant over her possible reaction.

  Taking her head into his hands, he lifted her so she would look at him. "I need to talk to you."


  "It's about our living arrangement," he said. "Now that we're engaged."

  She nodded. "I'm going to have to sell my house. It's too small for us. You're so large, we'd get stuck in the staircase together."

  He laughed outright and agreed. "True, but I actually meant moving in with me."

  Tilting her head, she asked, "With you? Is Ryan moving out?"

  "No." He shook his head. "We always agreed to live together, even when we got married. I know it's strange, but you know how extremely close we are. I couldn't imagine going through my daily life without him in it. I’m hoping you feel the same about moving in with my brother. I know he loves you and would love to add you to our home."

  Beth sat up, straddling his pelvis. His body stirred...again. She was the only woman able to illicit a sexual reaction more than twice in a couple hours. His body knew where it wanted to be attached.

  "The house is large enough," she
mused, running a finger down the center of his chest. "I love Ryan, too. He's like the brother I never had."

  That sent his heart soaring. She accepted his arrogant, crazy, numskull of a brother.

  "My only stipulation is we need an en-suite bathroom," she bartered.

  "Done." Okay, not so much bartering, but whatever she wanted she could have.

  She laughed. "That was too easy."

  "Not so much, I have one more," he warned.

  She rolled her eyes. "Aren't you the demanding one tonight?"

  "I want to marry right away," he said.

  That delightful smile left and was replaced by a grimace. "My dad and mom will have a conniption. My mom will want a proper wedding."

  "We can have one, just...quickly," he said.

  "My dad will expect us to be engaged for awhile," she whispered.

  He shook his head. "We'll be engaged for however long it takes you and your mother to throw together a wedding."

  "How big do you want it?" she choked out.

  Shrugging, he ran his hands up her bare thighs until he hit her center. Light pressure on her tiny nub, he made small circles that caused a gasp to escape her full lips. "It can be the size you want. Doesn't matter, as long as we're legally married."

  He sank a finger into her core and moaned at how ready she was for him. Her hips started to move, rocking against his digit for friction. How he loved to take her this way.

  "All right," she agreed, her eyes closed and her head flew back.

  Grinning devilishly, victory was his.


  Beth kissed Sean goodnight, not wanting to leave him, but she had insisted on going home for the evening to process all that happened. She knew she never stood a chance against that man and was doomed if she couldn't learn to say no to him.

  Stepping into her home, she hit the security code on the alarm then reset it after she closed the door. Tossing her purse and keys on the small table to the left of the door, she went straight to her phone and turned on her computer. The system set up to her house made it possible for her to have a phone conversation. A line was dialed through her computer, so when the person on the other line spoke, their words were transcribed onto the screen. From what her parents said, there was only a slight delay between what they said to her response. Her dad had bought her the original system, but she'd been saving for an upgrade before she got fired. Turned out it was a good thing she didn't install the new system. They were going to have to install a complete phone, security, fire, and doorbell alert system in his home.


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