Dearest Stepbrother: Twin Fighters

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Dearest Stepbrother: Twin Fighters Page 2

by Olivia Hawthorne

  I expected to see fear in the twins’ eyes because that’s what I was feeling when I looked at who they would fight, but all I saw when I looked back at them was arrogance.

  The crowd grew quiet as the twins faced their opponents, the announcer egging on both sides in order to build the momentum of the coming fight.

  Backing up, I looked up to the ring as Liam climbed out, leaving Connor inside with one of the opponents.

  The bell dinged and my jaw dropped as soon as the two men rushed towards each other. Connor landed a punch almost immediately, blood spraying out from the larger man’s mouth, his head twisting in my direction until Connor landed a second punch with such speed that I barely registered it until the larger man’s head spun in the opposite direction.

  The fight was over quickly, Connor completely covered in sweat, but uninjured because his opponent was never able to land a single punch. Once his win was called, Liam stepped into the ring to face his own opponent.

  The fight began and blood sprayed from Liam’s opponent’s face, landing on my arm. I stepped back to avoid being splashed and felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

  “Hey baby. You want me to protect you?” A drunken male voice sounded behind me and I tried to pull out of his arms. He refused to let me go, reaching around to grab my breast. A scream tore from my mouth, Liam’s eyes looking over at me from the ring, giving his opponent just enough time to land a punch.

  Everything happened so fast after that and I felt dizzy as I kept my eyes glued to the fight and attempted to break free from the man that held me.

  “Let me go!” Screaming at the top of my lungs, I didn’t care if I caused a scene, but my voice wasn’t strong enough to be heard over the crowd.

  Suddenly, the man was pulled off me and I heard a grunt and the crush of bone. I turned around to see that Connor had knocked the man out in one punch, just before focusing his angry eyes on me. Grabbing my arm, he pulled me through the crowd, ignoring the whistles and jeers of the people we passed. I attempted to break free from him, but realized it was no use. He was too strong, and within seconds, he was tossing me inside the back room that was set up to be a makeshift locker room for the fighters.

  Covered in his opponent’s blood and dripping with sweat, his chest heaved and his eyes narrowed when he looked at me and asked, “What in the hell are you doing here?”

  “Me? What am I doing here? What in the hell are you doing here?” I screamed. I was still way too flustered from the other guy that grabbed me and watching Liam get hit by his opponent in the ring.

  “I run this!” He screamed back. “I’m supposed to be here!”

  Walking up to him to meet him eye to eye, I said, “I came here with Mary and her boyfriend. Don’t you know that this is illegal?”

  “Yes,” his voice was suddenly calm…too calm. But I still wasn’t going to back down. “That’s why you’re not supposed to be here.”

  I gaped. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  He smiled, the expression as arrogant as ever. I wanted to hate him, but I couldn’t help feeling a small bit of attraction towards him. Standing this close to Connor, I realized I’d always been attracted to the twins. That was part of the reason I avoided them so much. I knew they were nothing but trouble.

  “You’ve always been the good little girl at home. Straight A student, Honors Society, helping out mommy and daddy around the house. A girl like you should not be at an event like this.” He took a step back, crossing his massive arms over his chest and I eyed the way his biceps flexed from the way he held his arms.

  Shaking myself of the desire to reach out and squeeze one of the rock hard muscles, I argued, “Well, maybe it’s time for me to grow out of being a good girl. Maybe it’s time for me to start dating finally and get a boyfriend for once in my life. I’m tired of being the good girl!”

  I’d said more than I intended and he smiled again. “So you’re not going to go running back to your mom to tell her about this?”

  “What? Why would I run to her? I’d think you’d be more worried about me telling your dad.”

  “Our father knows what we’re doing. In fact, he helped us set this up.”

  I was in shock. If their dad knew about this, and my mom didn’t, that meant Eric had been lying to her their entire relationship. How many other criminal acts was he involved in that she didn’t know about? The shock of his confession knocked me off balance and I wasn’t able to formulate a response to what he’d just said.

  The crowd cheered and he pointed to a chair. “Sit there. I have to go make sure Liam won. Do not leave this room. Do you understand me?”

  “But what about Mary? I can’t just leave her!”

  “Stay here!” The look he gave me told me that I had no other choice but to stay put. In truth, there wasn’t much he could do to me, but I was so used to following orders because of my mom that I didn’t think to do anything other than as he’d said.

  He watched me until I’d taken my seat and then he disappeared out of the room. I waited a few minutes listening to the chanting crowd, worried that it was taking Connor so long to return. When he finally came through the door, Liam walked by his side, blood gushing from a cut on his lip. Liam’s eyes narrowed as soon as he saw me.

  Walking straight up to where I was sitting, he pointed his finger in my face and said, “Stay in that chair until we get cleaned up. When we leave, you’re coming with us.”

  “What about Mary?” I called out as both twins headed towards a makeshift shower in the back of the large room.

  “We told her to take off,” Liam screamed back. “Stay fucking put!”

  I heard water running from the single showerhead that was rigged to the wall. How they obtained running water in an abandoned building, I didn’t know, but it wasn’t much before the water cut off and they strode back into the room, grabbing bags and pulling the straps up onto their shoulders. Their hair dripped, but the blood that had previously dotted and streaked their skin was gone.

  “Let’s go.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked, standing up from the seat and obediently following behind them.

  “Back to a hotel. We can’t exactly take you back home, now can we?”

  They walked on either side of me like armed guards leading a prisoner to his death. Exiting out a back door, I was ushered to a black and silver luxury SUV waiting in the parking lot. As soon as I climbed inside, Liam leaned over me to buckle me in. His silver-grey eyes met mine when he asked, “You know you’re in a world of trouble, right?” He winked and shut the door before I could respond.

  Liam climbed into the driver’s seat and Connor climbed into the front passenger’s seat. The tires of the vehicle squealed as Liam tore out of the parking lot and I sat quietly in back wondering why they felt the need to take me with them.

  I was confused and hurt, worried about Mary and plagued by the thousand questions that were echoing in my thoughts.

  Chapter Four

  Pulling into the hotel parking lot, I was shocked by the fact that a transponder in the car gave the twins instant access into the VIP parking garage. They parked on the third floor and pulled me out of the car to walk with them into the garage elevator. Connor reached out to enter a code and the elevator shot up, making it feel like my heart was sinking into my stomach.

  “Where are we going?”

  Connor looked at me and grinned. “To our home away from home. We stay here after a fight and return back to dad’s house in the morning.”

  That explained why they were always gone at night and came home looking like the walking dead. “So…what? Is this is your party pad? What’s the point of even pretending to live at the house?”

  Liam chuckled. “Because we attend school near the house – or at least your mom thinks we do.”

  Connor interrupted. “Yeah, sorry Emma, but we’re not the brainiacs of the house like you. We didn’t get a full ride to college.”

  I glared at him. “Sorry for
trying to do well in school. But maybe my reasoning isn’t what you think.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Connor asked.

  Locking my eyes with his, I answered, “Maybe I don’t want to be the good little girl anymore. Maybe I worked my ass off to get that scholarship so I had a reason to attend school an hour away from home instead of going to the community college in town. Maybe I’m sick and tired of being governed by my mother’s rules! Did you ever think of that?” I was yelling, but I couldn’t help it. I was so tired of living a lie.

  Connor grinned. “That’s more like it, Emma. Tell you what, give us a little bit of time and we’ll be sure to help you get rid of that good girl demeanor.”

  The elevator opened up directly to the penthouse and I stumbled in behind the twins, completely amazed at the beauty of the space.

  “I need to jump in the shower,” Liam said, quickly ducking down a hallway.

  “Asshole!” Connor yelled after him. “Don’t use up all the hot water this time!”

  Looking back at me, he angled his head towards the couch and said, “Sit down.”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but then realized the futility of it. I was in their place, brought here by their car, and the likelihood of me finding a way to get home if I started an argument with them was slim.

  I took a seat on the couch and watched him move through the kitchen. Grabbing two glasses from a cabinet, he placed them on the counter and filled them with ice. Opening up another cabinet, he grabbed a can of soda and a bottle of alcohol. He glanced up at me as he poured alcohol into both glasses. “So you really want to shed the good girl thing?”

  I watched him tip the bottle again before splashing the top of both glasses with a little bit of cola. Holding one up he said, “I can help you with that, but you have to understand that I won’t be a gentleman about it.”

  My breathing hitched in my chest, my heart pounding behind my ribs. “What do you mean?”

  The corner of his lip curled with humor. “I mean we take care of you – Liam and me both.”

  I couldn’t process what he was talking about. No matter how hard I thought about it, nothing was making sense.

  “You want to get me drunk?”

  “Among other things,” he said through a laugh.

  Liam stepped into the room, a towel wrapped around his hips and his hair still dripping from the shower. His lip was split and swollen, but other than that, he didn’t have a mark on him.

  “Did you guys win the fight?”

  “Of course we did. We always fucking win…when we’re not being distracted.” Winking at me, he walked up to the counter and grabbed one of the glasses from Connor.

  “Hey, that was mine,” Connor complained.

  Liam looked at his twin for a silent beat before asking, “Then why did you make two?”

  Connor nodded in my direction and Liam grinned. “Ooooh, that’s right.” Carrying the drink over, he reached down to hand it to me. “Drink up, Emma. It’ll help you shed the good girl thing.”

  Taking the glass from his hand, I grimaced when I smelled the alcohol. “What else are you two planning on doing?”

  The twins looked between each other before looking back at me. “We plan on seducing you. What else do you think we plan on doing?” Connor said.

  “What?” The question came up a bit louder than I’d intended. “But you’re my brothers.”

  “Stepbrothers,” they corrected in unison.

  Liam sat down next to me on the couch, softly pushing the glass closer towards my mouth. His eyes locked to mine when he said, “We’ve been dreaming about you since the wedding …waiting until you were at an age where we could do dirty things to you without fear of getting in trouble. I have to tell you that it’s been difficult to resist. Especially when you were marching around in that little bikini of yours.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and I glanced between the two men, feeling nervous, but anxious at the same time. The more time I spent with them, the more I realized that I’d been interested all along. “But our parents…”

  “Don’t have to know anything,” Connor interrupted. “Come on, Emma. You said you didn’t want to be the little good girl anymore. So take a walk on the wild side.”

  “But I’ve never…” My voice trailed off, embarrassment coloring my cheeks.

  Connor’s expression turned serious. “We know. Trust me, we know. And we’ll take care of you. We won’t do anything to hurt you, Emma. I promise.”

  His voice was so sincere. I grew quiet and considered their offer, looking between them, realizing how stupid I would be to resist. They were both so gorgeous, so enticing…I didn’t want to say no. It was my first instinct to deny them, but then I remembered that I was no longer bound by the same rules I’d lived with under my mother’s roof. This was my chance to make my own decision, to finally shed the weight of having to be perfect to please my mom.

  Tilting the glass to my lips, I took a big sip and coughed as I swallowed it down. I couldn’t stop coughing and Liam laughed as he patted his hand on my back. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” I choked out. “That’s just really strong.”

  “Well, take it easy, baby girl. We have all night.” Leaning forward, he brushed his lips across mine and whispered, “So, what do you say, Emma?”

  Looking between them again, I smiled. “I say…yes.”

  Chapter Five

  It only took half the glass for the alcohol to take me down. Liam and Connor called it ‘loosened up’, I called it completely fall down drunk.

  I was on the couch leaning my back against Connor’s chest and my legs up and over Liam’s lap. For the last two hours, the three of us were talking about everything from home to school to their career as underground fighters, but somehow the conversation kept coming back to sex.

  “So, since this will be your first time, Emma, we’re not both going to sleep with you tonight,” Liam said. “You have to choose which one of us you want to be your first.”

  I laughed at the insanity of the entire conversation. Not only was I losing my virginity to two men at the same time, I was doing it with my stepbrothers. For the last two years, we’d barely spoken to each other, but over the past few hours they admitted how infatuated they’d been with me.

  “I can’t make that decision. I’m new at this, remember?” Through laughter, I answered him, warmth running through my body at the way he ran his hand along my legs and nervous butterflies bouncing around in my belly. “Will it hurt?” I asked.

  Conner leaned down, pressing his lips against my ear, “A little, but not for long.” Shivers ran over my skin and I leaned my head back as he trailed soft kisses over my cheek.

  Reaching up farther on my thigh, Liam pushed just the tips of his fingers beneath my short skirt. I trembled, completely caught off guard by the reaction of my body.

  “Tell you what, Liam. You take this first and I’ll take the other when that time comes.”

  Arching a brow, I turned to look up at him. “What do you mean the other?”

  Slipping his hands down along the sides of my body, he pushed them between his lap and my ass, his palms cupping the cheeks. I jumped in response, understanding about what he meant settling on my shoulders with nervous weight. “There?”

  “Not any time soon. If this works out between us…someday, but only if you want to.”

  Returning my attention to Liam, I noticed the intensity of his stare. Molten heat swirled behind the silver grey, his expression so serious that I gasped.

  “Then let’s start this,” he said. Pushing his entire body up mine, he held himself up over me and brought his lips down to mine. Technically, it was my first kiss, so I didn’t open to him immediately. His lips moved possessively over mine, the tip of his tongue sweeping along the crease of my mouth.

  I finally opened my lips and his taste filled my mouth; salty, yet sweet because of the alcohol. I melted back against Connor, his hands running slowly up and do
wn my arms as Liam kissed me.

  It was becoming so hot between them, but I wasn’t sure if it was their body heat or mine. My thighs clenched together until Liam’s knee pressed between my legs, opening them so that his thigh rubbed over my panties. The tight skirt stretched and bunched up over my hips.

  Liam pulled away and my lips felt swollen, they throbbed and I reached up to touch them, my eyes opened wide as I stared at Liam’s beautiful face. High cheekbones cut beneath his eyes, brown stubble casting shadows over the dip in his cheeks.

  “Let’s go,” he said.

  Pushing off of the couch, he reached down to grab my hand. He pulled me up so fast, I felt dizzy, but he wrapped an arm around me and chuckled when I stumbled over my own feet.

  Connor came up behind me, steadying me with his hands on my hips. They led me to the bedroom and I gasped when I saw the large bed in the center of the room. It looked like it could comfortably sleep five or six adults.

  Liam laid me down on the mattress, his hands on either side of me holding his body up. The muscles in his chest, arms and shoulders flexed, his earthy scent washing over my senses.

  Sitting down by my head, Connor ran his hands through my hair, waiting for Liam to push away from me so that he could bend down and take my lips with his. His kiss was softer than Liam’s, but somehow it was more demanding. A spark of heat shot through me, my body clenching when Liam’s hands began to move up my thighs.

  I couldn’t believe what I was doing. It felt too good to stop. At that moment, I felt free. I didn’t care what anybody would think or say if they knew. It probably was wrong, but it felt so fucking right.

  Hooking his fingers into the sides of my panties, Liam slowly dragged them down my body. As he removed those, Connor released our kiss to grab my shirt and pull it over me. I lifted my arms so he could remove the material and watched as he tossed it on the floor beside the bed.


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