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Gladiator Page 1

by Theresa Breslin


  About the Book

  Title Page


  Chapter I

  Chapter II

  Chapter III

  Chapter IV

  Chapter V

  Chapter VI

  Chapter VII

  Chapter VIII

  Chapter IX

  Chapter X

  Chapter XI

  Chapter XII

  Chapter XIII

  Chapter XIV

  Chapter XV

  Chapter XVI

  Chapter XVII

  Chapter XVIII

  Chapter XIX

  Chapter XX

  Chapter XXI

  About the Book

  Cy has the ability to control his own dreams and knows his own, personal Dream Master. But sometimes Cy’s own imagination is so strong that he can run his own dream. Or so he thinks. For there’s plenty of mishap and adventure ahead when Cy and the Dream Master travel back to Pompeii – on the eve of the eruption of Vesuvius. Not only does the Dream Master have to face a lion in the gladiatorial ring, but Cy must rescue him – and drive a chariot to escape from the volanic lava and dust...

  The third in a fantastic fantasy series.



  Theresa Breslin

  Illustrated by David Wyatt

  This book is for David and Alice in

  far-off Maniototo


  ‘KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT volcanoes?’

  Cy stopped rummaging through his bookcase and turned to speak to the small worried-looking dwarf who was sitting cross-legged on his bed arranging the folds of a large silky cloak.

  ‘Dream Master,’ Cy said in a louder voice. ‘I need some fast facts about a famous volcano.’

  The little man didn’t raise his head. ‘Etna, Olympus Mons, Krakatoa, Mount St Helens. Which?’

  ‘All. Any,’ said Cy. He stepped aside smartly as a pile of books, cascaded onto his bedroom floor. ‘School starts soon and I’ve got to hand in an assignment about volcanoes to Mrs Chalmers.’

  The Dream Master glanced up. ‘The week before a major school project is due to be handed in is not the time to be researching the subject.’

  ‘What do you suggest then?’ asked Cy. ‘The week after?’

  Cy’s Dream Master looked at him severely. ‘You have had all six weeks of the summer break to prepare your work for the new term. You shouldn’t leave things until the last minute and then expect other people to do your homework for you.’

  ‘It’s not my fault. Our computer is on the blink and I couldn’t look on the Internet,’ said Cy. ‘Are you going to help or not?’

  ‘What do you want me to do?’ said the little man crossly. ‘Use my dreamcloak to take you on a volcano tour round the Pacific Ring of Fire? Volcanoes are extremely dangerous,’ he went on quickly as Cy opened his mouth to say ‘yes’. ‘You don’t want to be anywhere near one when it erupts.’

  ‘Well, what about, sort of . . . close by?’ asked Cy.

  ‘Volatile Vulcan!’ snapped the Dream Master. ‘When Krakatoa blew up, the explosion was heard nearly three thousand miles away. It caused a huge tsunami tidal wave which washed up in Australia. Where volcanoes are concerned, “close by” is not an option.’

  ‘Oh, all right,’ said Cy in a calming tone of voice, ‘an extinct one will do.’ And then, as the Dream Master didn’t reply, Cy pleaded, ‘Can’t you just hold up your dreamcloak and let me have a quick peek through it? If we both concentrate our minds on volcanoes we’re bound to see something.’

  The Dream Master hesitated.

  ‘I’ll be very careful only to think about non-active ones.’ Cy knew that his Dream Master often complained that Cy let his Imagination run away with him when he was in his Dreamworld. He grabbed a notebook and pencil from his desk, and quickly wrote down the four volcanoes the Dream Master had mentioned. ‘Look, I’ll take notes. It will be my own work . . . mostly.’

  ‘The problem is –’ the Dream Master pulled out one of the folds of his dreamcloak – ‘the problem is that a “quick peek” might not be an option either. Look at the state of this!’

  ‘What?’ Cy shoved his notebook in his pocket and sat down beside the little man. He looked at the part of the dreamcloak which the Dream Master had spread out on his bed. The pattern of Cy’s duvet cover shone clearly through the pale flowing ripples. ‘I don’t see anything.’

  ‘Exactly,’ said the Dream Master. ‘You and your wild dreams are wearing me and my dreamcloak to a frazzle. If it’s not Vikings from Valhalla, it’s Extinct Egyptians. Every time I let you have a hand in your own dreams I end up doing Double Time to keep you out of Danger. Why can’t you be like most other twenty-first-century humans who go to sleep and let their Dream Master order their dreams? They are quite happy with having their dreams inside their head. That’s how it is supposed to happen, that’s how humans dream. Why do I have the Incredible III Luck to be Dream Master to a stroppy boy who always wants to do it in reverse?’ he added bitterly.

  Cy didn’t like to say that his dreams were much better when he managed to get inside his dream and dream up his own stories, rather than have his dream inside his head with the Dream Master doing the dreaming for him. So instead he said, ‘My dreams are interesting. You said so yourself. You told me that ever since you let me have a say in thinking up the story of my own dreams your life had become more exciting.’

  The Dream Master passed his hand across his face. ‘“Exciting” is not always pleasant. Do you know what the pejorative use of a word means? Never mind –’ he held up his hand as Cy shook his head – ‘you can look it up later. At my time of life one can have too much excitement. My dreamcloak is getting thin. I think your Imagination is wearing it out.’

  Cy looked at the dreamcloak spilling out over his bed. Parts of it were almost like clear glass. Usually it was dark and deep, with currents flowing through the folds and hollows. If a dream was about to start, the cloak would thrum like wind through telephone wires. But now it lay passive and still. ‘Isn’t there any way to repair it?’ he asked.

  ‘I’m not sure,’ said Cy’s Dream Master, chewing on his beard. ‘It’s the first time I’ve ever seen it look so shallow and pale. There is an unsteady, dangerous feel all around it, and . . .’ He hesitated.

  ‘And what?’

  ‘Well, look here.’ The Dream Master pointed to the hem of his dreamcloak. ‘Do you remember at the end of the Egyptian dream when a bit of my cloak got torn off?’

  ‘Yes,’ said Cy. ‘When we left the Valley of the Kings I was holding onto the dreamcloak so tightly that part of it came away in my hand. What about it?’

  ‘Well, the part of the cloak where the piece was torn off has faded away completely. It’s invisible, as if . . . as if . . . my dreamcloak is leaking.’

  ‘Leaking?’ said Cy. ‘Leaking what?’

  ‘Whatever energy it’s made of,’ the Dream Master said crossly.

  ‘What is it made of?’ asked Cy.

  ‘It’s too difficult to explain to you,’ said the Dream Master quickly. ‘You are too young and too . . . too . . . human to understand.’

  Cy groaned. Adults always did this if they couldn’t be bothered to explain something, or if they didn’t want to admit that they didn’t really know about it themselves. Nearly every adult, that is, except his grampa, who always said that ‘understanding relies on things being properly explained.’

  ‘My grampa,’ began Cy, ‘says that understanding relies on—’

  ‘Anyway, at the moment it doesn’t matter what energy it is made of,’ the Dream Master interrupted rudely. ‘What I’m concerned about is where my dreamcloak’s energy is going.’

  ‘Maybe we should hav
e tried to stitch that torn piece back on?’ suggested Cy.

  The Dream Master gave Cy a filthy look. ‘Puh-lease! Who do you think I am? Peter Pan?’

  Cy jumped off the bed and, kneeling down, he carefully pulled out the bottom drawer of his chest of drawers. In the space below were his precious things, hidden away from his nosy older sister Lauren. He pushed aside his fossil stone, Grampa’s war medal and the little matchbox with the sand from Arabia. There, nestling below them, was the scrap of dreamsilk torn from the Dream Master’s cloak. It was strange how sometimes it could move like quicksilver, yet just now it appeared to be slumbering. As if it were resting. And yet it gave the appearance of not being completely still. It looked, Cy thought, more as if it were waiting . . . So innocent but so powerful, holding every potential dream that he might have.

  Cy knew that he had to be very, very careful about what he was thinking of whenever he touched the dreamsilk. His Dream Master had warned him many times: ‘Remember, in a dream you can have all that the Imagination allows. Anything can happen – anything at all.’ Keeping his mind focused only on the dreamsilk, Cy gently lifted out the piece of dark material. It looked different somehow, but he didn’t know in what way. As he held it out to show the Dream Master the edges drifted down over his hand. ‘Can’t we reconnect it to the main part of the cloak? This torn piece looks in better condition, as if it has more energy. It might help re-energize the dreamcloak.’

  ‘It might also ignite a chain reaction of unknown power.’ The Dream Master stretched out his hand to pick it up. And then he stopped, his fingers a millimetre away from touching the dreamsilk. He peered closely at the scrap of material in Cy’s hand.

  ‘Suffering Stromboli,’ he whispered.

  ‘What is it?’ asked Cy, suddenly conscious that the scrap of silk had turned warm in his hand.

  ‘I see Trouble,’ said the Dream Master.

  ‘Twenty Types of Trouble – Double Mixed?’ asked Cy.

  ‘Much worse,’ said the Dream Master. ‘This is Triple Trouble.’ He gave Cy a look of absolute terror. ‘Triple Trouble Times Ten.’

  ‘Triple Trouble Times Ten . . .’ Cy repeated slowly.

  When faced with a problem Cy’s brain always slowed down. Inside his head he heard gears clunking, grinding together like an old car with a clapped-out engine. He wished his friend Vicky was here. She was great at mental arithmetic.

  ‘Triple Trouble . . .’ he muttered under his breath. ‘Triple . . . That’s three threes . . . and three times three times three is—’

  ‘A lot,’ snapped the Dream Master. ‘Don’t you see how that piece of dreamsilk has changed? How it has grown?’

  Of course! Cy now saw what was different about his piece of dreamcloak since the last time he had seen it. The torn section had once fitted into the palm of his hand. Now it was overlapping the edges, trailing over his fingers. And as he gazed at it he felt it start to vibrate gently. Hurriedly he laid it on the bed.

  ‘Look!’ wailed the Dream Master, holding up the frayed hem of his dreamcloak. ‘My dreamcloak is tattered at the end. Your piece is growing stronger.’

  ‘Omigosh!’ gasped Cy.

  The Dream Master was right. Under Cy’s gaze the small piece of dreamsilk glowed red. And it was moving. In contrast to the Dream Master’s own cloak, which lay inert on Cy’s bed. Cy glanced up. The day was warm, his bedroom window was open, but there was no wind. Yet the silk shimmered with life. Cy reached out his hand.

  ‘Don’t touch it!’ shrieked the Dream Master, grabbing at Cy’s arm to snatch him back.

  Too late.

  As Cy’s fingers connected, there was a blinding crack, a roar of hot rushing air, and Cy and his Dream Master were sucked inside the whirlpool of TimeSpace.


  CY FELL INTO Time and Space. A racing swirl of tumbled thoughts and emotions engulfed him. Concentrations of silent dark streaming energy raced past him as he accelerated through dimensions of Hope, Joy, Grief . . . and Fear. Cy trembled as Fear reached out to him. He gasped as an icy shiver of terror tried to pin itself to his mind. He twisted away and began to fall further and faster.

  ‘This is all wrong!’ cried the Dream Master.

  Cy felt fear again. The Dream Master was right. Things weren’t happening as they should. It was all wrong, but Cy did not know why. In previous dreams, Time and Space would move in a more ordered way. This was a scary jumbled chaos.

  From far away Cy heard the Dream Master yell, ‘Concentrate! Cy, concentrate!’

  Everything was going too fast. Cy gripped his piece of dreamsilk. What had he been thinking back there in his bedroom? He would have to focus quickly or . . .

  A gap of light appeared in the darkness. There was a loud bang; Cy and the Dream Master collided, and then nose-dived through a gap in TimeSpace, landing in a heap together.

  ‘Where are we?’ asked Cy, struggling to his feet.

  ‘That is such a cliché,’ said the Dream Master.

  Cy ignored him. The little man was always more crabby than usual when things happened unexpectedly. Cy looked around him. He was standing among boulders and stones. ‘I think we’re on a hill of some kind,’ said Cy. Mist and fog-like vapour were preventing him from seeing very far. ‘It could be a mountain slope.’

  ‘You think?’ The Dream Master was having difficulty standing up on the rocky terrain. ‘You think? You are supposed to know.’ He pointed to the piece of dreamsilk still clutched in Cy’s hand. ‘It is your dream. Therefore you know.’ He peered through the fog. ‘Does this mountain have a name?’

  ‘I’m not very good at remembering names,’ said Cy.

  The Dream Master turned a piercing gaze on Cy. ‘It shouldn’t be a case of you remembering,’ he said. ‘You should know the name of the mountain we are standing on. We can’t arrive anywhere in a dream without the dream’s Dream Master dreaming it up first.’

  Cy was beginning to feel uncomfortably warm and it wasn’t just because the Dream Master was asking him questions that he couldn’t answer. ‘Well,’ he said, pushing his sleeves up, ‘it’s a warm mountain. I know that at least.’

  ‘Warm,’ said the Dream Master, whose own face was turning red, ‘is an understatement. It’s blistering hot, and yet –’ he gazed up at the sky – ‘there’s no sun, so where is the heat coming from?’

  Cy glanced at his feet. ‘There seems to be steam coming out of the ground.’

  The Dream Master looked down. A few metres from where they stood a trickle of orange fluid was oozing towards them. ‘Lava!’ he shrieked. ‘Red hot lava! You promised me that you would only want to see extinct volcanoes!’

  ‘Actually,’ said Cy, ‘I haven’t thought of any volcanoes.’

  ‘Well, what have you been thinking of?’ demanded the Dream Master. ‘You were holding your piece of dreamcloak when this happened. There must have been something in your mind that brought us here.’

  Cy thought for a moment, then shook his head. ‘Er, nothing.’

  ‘That’s impossible,’ snorted the Dream Master. ‘You can’t just think of nothing!’ He rolled his eyes in his head. ‘Why is it,’ he fumed, ‘that when trying to organize a dream, I always get the Idiotic Imbecilic Ignoramus whose Imagination is—’

  ‘Hold on a minute,’ said Cy. ‘You’re the one who has been teaching me mind-control so that I can guide my dreams more carefully. How to take pauses, how to be slow to rise to anger, how to quieten anxiety.’ In fact, Cy thought, it was very like the advice that his grampa gave him to ward off the panic attacks which swamped him if too many things happened too quickly. ‘Try taking your own advice.’ Cy stood in front of the Dream Master and spoke to him firmly. ‘Calm down.’

  ‘I am doing my best,’ said the Dream Master. ‘It is not easy.’ He took a deep breath. ‘You are a particularly . . . challenging . . . pupil.’

  ‘Perhaps,’ Cy persisted, ‘but example is the best teacher. You should show me how to behave. I don’t ever notice you being very pat

  ‘When you are an expert, as I am,’ said the Dream Master, ‘you don’t need so much patience.’

  ‘If you are such an expert,’ said Cy, ‘then you get us out of here.’

  The Dream Master swung his arm round behind him to scoop up the great folds of his own dreamcloak . . . and grasped empty air.

  ‘What is it?’ Cy asked. His voice faltered as he saw the look of stunned disbelief on his Dream Master’s face.

  ‘I don’t have it.’ The Dream Master began to bite his beard in fury. ‘You Blithering Bumbling Bungling Boy!’ he roared. ‘My dreamcloak! My precious dreamcloak! It’s still lying on your bed!’

  ‘Omigosh,’ said Cy.

  The Dream Master stamped his foot in fury and then grabbed his toes and began hopping around on one foot. ‘Ouch! Ouch! I’ve burned myself!’

  ‘Try not to get stressed,’ said Cy, with more confidence than he actually felt. ‘I’m sure we can move on from this place—’

  There was an almighty crash. Cy and the Dream Master were scooped up in an explosion of energy. TimeSpace expanded and contracted like a gigantic rubber band. They catapulted forwards and stopped abruptly, teetering on the edge of a giant crater.

  ‘This looks better.’ Cy pulled out his notebook and began to scribble. ‘It’s definitely extinct, and it’s a lot cooler.’

  ‘Cooler!’ repeated the Dream Master irritably. ‘It’s freezing! Hurry up and take your notes and let’s get out of here.’ He peered into the vast empty hole. ‘Where is “here” exactly?’

  Cy didn’t answer.

  ‘You still don’t know! Look, Cy,’ the Dream Master said seriously, ‘it’s unsafe to travel through TimeSpace in this way. You do understand that it is a bit like a story? We must have some order to where we are going.’

  ‘Order,’ repeated Cy. He glanced at his notebook. And then he saw the names of the volcanoes that the Dream Master had told him earlier. ‘I get it now!’

  The Dream Master understood almost at the same moment Cy did. ‘We are visiting the volcanoes in the order you wrote them down! The first, with the lava flow, was Etna in Sicily. It is still active. Now we are at Olympus Mons on Mars. That’s why it is so cold!’


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