Strike (Alien Breed Series 3.1 - English Edition)

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Strike (Alien Breed Series 3.1 - English Edition) Page 2

by Melody Adams

  I put the notebook aside and got up from my bed. I had often thought about getting out of this fucking job and I knew Ice had done the same. Now it looked like it was going to get serious real soon. If I took out whomever X had put in place to babysit Ice, then there would be no turning back for either of us. The only problem was that we didn't even have IDs. Our houses and everything we owned belonged to X. Officially, we didn't even exist. I had no idea who my parents were, except that we had been artificially conceived in a gene lab. Ice and I had only been living relatively independently for a few months. Previously we had lived under constant surveillance in another house. Until today I had no idea where Player, the third in the group, lived. He wasn't like Ice or me. In contrast to us he loved the killing and took much time to slowly torture his victims to death.

  After dressing hastily, I left the house. Ice didn't live far away, but I would first have to carefully find out where the babysitter was hiding. Maybe there were even two. I had to kill them without X finding out, so I hoped it was just one. I wouldn't like to risk the second one informing our boss before I could take him out. That wouldn't be good for Ice and his girl.

  It wasn't hard to spot the man, X had sent for Ice as a babysitter. The looser sat in his car with a porn magazine and didn't even notice me sneaking up on the car and opening the door. Before he could reach for his gun, I had already broken his neck.

  "Sorry man," I murmured as I let go of the dead body. "You should have focused on your job instead of looking at tits!"

  I closed the car door and looked over to the house where Ice lived. Silently, I scurried across the street towards the door. Everything was quiet, but I knew Ice had seen me when he had just looked out the window. Arriving at the door, I knocked quietly. The bolt was opened and Ice let me in quickly, before he closed the door again and pushed the bolt forward.

  "It was just one," I whispered and slapped Ice on his back. "What the fuck did you get yourself into now, bro?"

  "First come up, then I'll tell you everything," Ice replied and went ahead. I followed him.

  "Would you like a beer," Ice asked when we got to the top.

  "Yes," I replied.

  Ice went into the kitchen and took two bottles out of the fridge. He handed one to me and we sat down on the couch in the living room.

  "Go ahead," I said after I sat down.

  He started telling me the whole story from the beginning. I could hardly believe what I heard. Every now and then I took a gulp from my beer and finally put the empty bottle in front of me on the table.

  „... Player must have grabbed Miri as she walked around outside. If only I hadn't sent her away. But I was afraid that I could hurt her in my condition. I never thought that ..." He sighed. "Finally a boy came on Player's behalf and pushed a note under the door. Player wrote that he had Miriam and that further instructions would be waiting for me here in my apartment. I was still locked up, but Miri had forgotten her cell phone. I looked for the number of this friend of hers. Teddy. I called him and he came by to let me out. Then I found the video pad here with the message from Player. This damn son of a bitch has ..."

  Ice clenched his fists and I could see how my otherwise so cool and calm friend was ready to explode.

  "The bastard tortured her before my eyes until she passed out."

  I cursed quietly. Player really was a bastard. He loved to inflict pain. Ice was like me. He could kill without batting an eyelid, but we made it short and painless. We didn't like it, just did our job.

  "He wants me to meet someone tomorrow who will take me to X. Allegedly in exchange for Miri. But we both know that they will never let my girl go. Probably X will let me watch Player torture and rape her. I only have one chance! I have to get her out tonight. The file was a ghost file. I need a hacker who can tell me where the video was taken. You have connections. More than me, anyway. I had thought about asking this Teddy, but when I dialed his number, Player answered it. I think the poor boy is dead."

  I shook my head in disbelief. What a fucked-up story.

  "Fuck," I said, scratching my chin. I thought for a while.

  "I might know someone who could help us," I finally said. "Where's the video pad?"

  Ice got up and took the device to give it to me. I got up and looked at him. I took a disposable cell phone out of my pocket and put it in Ice's hand. He looked at the thing in amazement and nodded finally, understanding.

  "I set off right away. I'll let you know when I know something," I promised.

  "I'll come with you," Ice replied.

  I shook my head.

  "No! The person who might be able to help us is pretty shy. The guy doesn't like to let strangers near him. I don't even know if I can get to see him. Our chances that he will help us are definitely better if I go alone!"

  Ice gritted his teeth. That was obviously not what he had expected. I could understand him. He didn't want to sit idly by and wait what happened. With his teeth clenched, he nodded his consent anyway. He knew that he could trust me and that I would do what I could to help him.

  "We'll get your little one out of there," I assured him. "And we'll take out X once and for all!"

  "And Player," Ice added grimly. "The bastard is mine!"

  "You got it, man. I understand that. I'll call you when I have something new!"

  "Thank you!"

  "No time to lose", I said and turned away. Ice accompanied me down and let me out.

  I hoped I could talk to this AlexOne. All I knew was that his contacts were always hanging out at a nearby club. I had to turn to them and somehow make it clear to them that it was urgent. I ran down the street and turned into a narrower alley where the club was. It was one of those insider clubs. No sign indicated the existence of the place, but I had been there a few times. That’s how I had met Iwan, one of AlexOne's contacts. I hoped that he would be there today.

  It was full when I entered the club. Clouds of smoke hung in the air. There was no smoking ban here, as the place officially didn’t exist. Due to my body size I didn't have to bother much about getting through the crowd of people. Most made respectfully room for me immediately. I reached the back end of the room where there was a passage leading to a small room where the pool tables were. I saw Iwan immediately. He stood with his cue in his hand in front of one of the pool tables and looked at the ball for his next move. Then he leaned forward, adjusted the cue and sunk three balls in one go. His opponent blew a whistle and another man slapped Iwan on his broad back.

  "Not too bad for an ugly motherfucker like you," I shouted and Iwan froze before he turned around. His dark face lit up when he recognized me.

  "Strike, fucking son of a bitch," he shouted and grinned broadly. "Did you come to compete against me? I must warn you. I'll take off your last shirt!"

  I laughed.

  "No! I didn't come here to prove to you that I play better than you. Can we talk?"

  "Yes of course! I'll be done here in a minute," said Iwan and wanted to turn back to his game.

  "It is ... really very urgent. It's about life and death and every minute counts!"

  Iwan stared at me, and then he put the cue on the edge of the billiard table and nodded to me. I followed him into a back room where we sat down at a round table. Iwan took two glasses from a tray and poured vodka for us. He pushed a filled glass in my direction and looked at me expectantly. I gratefully accepted the drink and chugged the vodka down. Then I took the video pad out of the inside pocket of my jacket and put it on the table.

  "This AlexOne ..." I began. "... can he restore a ghost file and say where the video was taken?"

  Iwan drank his vodka, and then he looked at me.

  "I think so."

  "As I said, it's a question of life and death. Can you lead me to AlexOne? Now? Immediately?"

  Iwan rubbed his slightly crooked nose, and then he nodded.

  "Okay, let's go! It's not far from here!"

  As Ivan had said, it was not far to the house where I was supp
osed to meet the hacker. The Russian led me to the basement of the house. A long corridor led us to a rusty metal door where two men with guns stood guard. They wore dark clothes and looked grim. One was stocky and bald; the other was tall but slim and had long, greasy hair.

  "Wait here," said Iwan. "I'll go inside and tell Alex first."

  Iwan disappeared behind the door and I crossed my arms in front of my chest. The two guards didn't let me out of their sight. A short time later Iwan came back.

  "Okay," he just said and nodded to the two guards. "They have to search you. Sorry, that's non-negotiable."

  "No problem," I replied and stepped up to the two guards.

  I waited impatiently as one of the two guys was searching me for weapons. I could’ve taken both men out without batting an eyelid, guns or not, but I didn't tell them that. I had to talk to AlexOne as soon as possible if I wanted to help save Ice's girl.

  "Okay," said the stocky baldhead and nodded to the longhaired one. "Let him pass!"

  The longhaired man stepped aside and I opened the door he had been guarding. The room I stepped into was sparsely lit. I closed the door behind me and squeezed myself between randomly arranged cupboards and tables. At the back of the room I saw a computer screen glow. Someone was sitting in an armchair in front of it, but I couldn't see him because of the high back. Apparently this AlexOne dude wasn't very big. I walked long steps towards the desk where the guy was sitting. I heard the soft clicking of the keys as AlexOne typed something. Had he heard me? Should I announce myself? I didn't want to scare him to death. Wouldn't be much help if the guy died of a heart attack.

  "Hello? I came because I ..." I didn't get any further, because AlexOne had turned around, and I stared into a pair of breathtaking eyes, the color of a tropical lagoon.

  "I know why you came," said a soft voice. Then she giggled and the turquoise eyes sparkled amusedly. "You didn't expect to find a woman, did you?"

  I realized I had to look pretty stupid the way I stared at her with my mouth open, and closed it so suddenly that my teeth clashed hard. I swallowed and blinked to see if I was dreaming. But the exotic beauty still sat in front of me and looked at me with interest. Her strawberry-blond hair stood spiky from her head. She had a heart-shaped face and almond-shaped eyes. She seemed to carry a little Asian blood. Although she was sitting, I could see that she was small and dainty. She wore an old man's shirt and faded jeans, but I could make out the tempting shapes of her breasts under the plaid fabric of the shirt and my dick immediately awakened to new life. A soft growl rose in my chest before I could prevent it.

  "Did you just ... growl?" She asked. Her voice sounded more curious than frightened.

  "I ... I wanted to talk to AlexOne. There seems to be a misunderstanding here."

  "I am AlexOne," she said confidently. "Do you think a woman can't get you the information you're looking for?"

  "Excuse me! I didn't want to ..."

  "So, let's stop talking about it. Where's the V-pad?"

  My libido went totally crazy looking at the beautiful hacker and pictures of a naked Alex spread out on her desk while I was feasting on her sweet pussy appeared in front of my mind's eye. I got hot, and could only with difficulty suppress a new growl.

  "The V-Pad?" She inquired again.

  "Oh, of course," I replied hastily, trying to banish the erotic images from my head.

  Jesus, dude, focus!

  I handed her the part and our fingers touched. It was like a lightning bolt directly to my genitals. I clenched my fists and cursed internally. This all went very differently than expected.

  Alex put the video pad in front of her on the desk and connected it via cable with her MacBook. She had turned away from me again and I stepped next to her chair to watch her work. I had to get a grip on myself. I wasn't here for my pleasure, but to find out where Ice's girl was held. And it was also in my own interest that X was finally eliminated.

  Pull yourself together! Get a grip, damn it, I scolded myself.

  "Do me a favor and sit down somewhere," Alex said without taking her eyes from the screen. "You make me all nervous!"

  "Sorry," I mumbled and pulled up a chair to sit next to the little woman.

  I tried hard not to stare at her, but to keep my eyes on her fingers instead. Suddenly images of these fingers embracing my hard cock appeared before my inner eye and I cursed quietly.

  "Is something wrong?"

  "No! I'm just worried about my buddy's girlfriend," I lied. It was really embarrassing that I thought about having sex, when Ice's girlfriend was in danger. And not only her, but Ice as well.

  "The whole thing will take about half an hour," Alex said and looked directly at me. "If you want, give your friend an update while I'm working. Go into the next room, so you don't disturb me!" She pointed to a door on her right.

  "Good idea," I replied a little rougher than planned.

  Heavens! This woman robbed me not only of my mind, but also of my voice. She turned back to her work. I got up and went into the next room. I laboriously fumbled my disposable cell phone out of my pocket to call Ice.

  "Yes," my friend reported immediately. His tension was clearly audible.

  "We're working on it," I informed him. "I've got the best hacker in New York on the case. She thinks she might need an hour."

  "She?" I could clearly hear the confusion in Ice's voice and grinned.

  "Yes. Turns out AlexOne's a woman." I laughed quietly. "And what a woman, Bro. Man, you have no idea," I added quietly so Alex wouldn't hear me. "I'm so hard, man, like I haven't been in a long time. I wouldn't have thought how damn sexy it could be when a woman hits the keys! Fuck! How I would like to bend her over the fucking desk and slam my cock ..."

  "There is no time for that!" Ice interrupted sharply.

  "Yes I know! Not going to do it. Fuck you, Ice. I'm not an idiot!"

  "I didn’t mean that either!"

  "I'll call you back as soon as Alex finds something."


  "See you then!"

  I put the phone back in my pocket and looked around the room. When I’d entered, I hadn't paid much attention to where I had landed, but now I realized that it had to be Alex's private realm. There was a sitting area with a small table, TV, stereo and a small kitchenette. Another door came off the room and I struggled with my curiosity. The tiny woman really fascinated me and I wanted to find out more about her. Pushing my guilty conscience back, I walked towards the door and opened it. It led into a bedroom. There was a massive four-poster bed and several cupboards and chests of drawers. Another door probably led into the bathroom, but I didn't want to invade Alex's privacy any further. My gaze slid over the bed one last time before turning away.

  "What are you doing in here?" Alex's voice sounded behind me and I startled. I turned around, feeling guilty.

  "Sorry, I ... I made a mistake on the way back out ... the door," I tried to talk myself out of the situation.

  Alex pulled up an eyebrow, however, replied nothing to my brazen lie. For a while we stared at each other and my heart began to beat faster.


  I should be annoyed that the guy was snooping around in my bedroom, but when I looked into his unusual eyes, something happened to me. They were unusual eyes, like from a cat. The irises were a vivid dark green that reminded me of a dark forest, with swirls of red in it. They were mysterious eyes you could get lost in. My heart was racing and my breathing was heavy and irregular. He was the most attractive man I had ever met. I knew he was no ordinary man, though. He was one of those Alien Breeds. I wondered what he was doing here. Why wasn't he with the others of his kind? The Alien Breeds had been settled on the earth-like planet Eden years ago.

  "Look ..." his voice ripped me out of my thoughts. "... I am sorry when I ... I would not have ... To tell the truth ..." He broke off and put a hand under my chin. The touch sent a comforting shiver through my body.

  "Yes?" I tried to break the spell under which I seemed t
o stand. "What did you want to say?"

  "The truth is that you are the most fascinating woman I have ever met and ... I just wanted ... I was curious. I had no right to do so. I'm sorry!"

  My heart raced and his closeness did dangerous things to me.

  "I found what you were looking for," I replied and took a hasty step back.

  A part of me regretted the loss of closeness, the touch by his hand. But I had to gain distance. I had already let this unusual man get much too close to me. Dangerously close! All my alarm bells were ringing.

  For a moment I thought the Alien Breed would reach for me again, but then he seemed to understand what I had just said and nodded, obviously relieved.

  "Good! Show me!"

  I went ahead, utterly aware of Strike's presence behind me. He made me nervous. It had been a long time since a man had gotten under my skin like that. And I had no particularly good memories of the last time. I still wore the scars that my mistake had cost me. I would wear them for the rest of my life. I shivered at the memory and tried to push the unwelcome images back into exile. I could feel how an anxiety attack wanted to take possession of me. I hadn't had one for a long time.

  "Everything all right?" Strike's worried voice sounded next to me. "I smell fear. I would never do anything to ..."

  "It’s not because of you," I said a little shaky. I had closed my eyes and clenched my fists.

  Strong arms suddenly surrounded me and I gave in to the impulse to bury my face on the broad chest of the Alien Breed. The trembling of my body was unstoppable. Neither were the images that hit me. I whimpered.

  "Sshhhhhh," Strike whispered in my ear. "It's all right! I'm here and I won't let anything happen to you!"

  He held me tightly to himself until the trembling subsided. The pictures disappeared as suddenly as they had come.

  "I'm okay," I said and Strike loosened his hug.

  I felt embarrassed now that the fear had subsided. What did he have to think of me now?

  "Do you have them often? Panic attacks?" He asked.


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