Slide: Rugged Skulls MC

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Slide: Rugged Skulls MC Page 4

by Amy Davies

  “You throw that sexy smile out and those cheesy lines. I want to know if the women fall at your feet ready to obey your every command. I have no doubt in my mind that they do work for you, Slide, but I am a lot harder to get into bed, and I don’t fall for cheesy lines,” Farrah says, then licks her lips, giving me a smile that has my knees close to buckling.

  Fuck me, this woman will definitely bring me to my knees.

  “So, you think I have a sexy smile?” I bounce my eyebrows at her, and she chuckles, crooking her finger at me to move closer, which I do.

  “That was all you got from what I just said?” I nod. “Such a man, only hearing what he wants to hear.”

  “Hey now, yes, I am a man, but I hear plenty, especially when a sexy woman is talking to me. I hear, ‘Yes, Slide, take me. Fuck me harder’. I love making a woman pant and scream, loud enough for more than me to hear it, baby. One day, I will make sure that no one hears you scream while I’m fucking you, because I am the only one who will hear you come around my cock,” I explain, and I don’t miss it when she squeezes her thighs together.

  The smile she gives me is again one that makes my cock want to break free and flash everyone in the room, but I push down on him. Farrah sees me do it, and her smile gets even more salacious.

  “You have a wicked smile and very sexy lips that I would very much like to see wrapped around my—” I say, and her eyes widen a fraction before my sentence is cut short.

  “Finish that sentence, brother, and me and you will be taking a long ride, but only one of us will be coming back, ya feel me,” Kenny hisses from next to me.

  Turning my head to look at him but keeping my position opposite Farrah, I smile at him, then look back at her and wink before straightening up. I respect the hell out of Kenny, and we both know I would never disrespect Farrah, but I hear the warning nonetheless.

  “Got it.” I hold my hands up in mock surrender. “Can we talk?” I ask him, and he nods.

  “In the office.”

  I nod and he walks away. Looking back at Farrah, I can see her gaze trace over my body, taking in my jeans, t-shirt and cut. Her gaze connects with mine, and I wink at her as a faint blush covers her face at the thought of being caught.

  “I’ll catch you later, baby.” I wink and follow Kenny into the back office, where I find him sitting behind his gray desk.

  “Okay, what do you need?”

  I explain about Quincey’s nephew and the shit he’s gotten himself into. I can see Kenny’s face turn sour right before my eyes; he hates this shit. That’s why he started taking the kids in and trying to steer them down a new path.

  “Fucking hate this, brother. Fucking boys trying to be men, but then crying like little fucking boys and running to mommy when they take a bullet or a blade, wanting their parents to bail their asses out. Fucking kids these days, man. Fucked up,” Kenny grinds out, leaning back in his chair and linking his fingers behind his head.

  “I hear ya, brother, I do. I know Quince from my desert days. He’s a good man, and he wouldn’t ask if this kid didn’t mean something to him,” I explain.

  “I’ll take him. Teach the little shit some home truths, let him meet Gavin. That kid has had it tough. He survived being shot three times but saw his baby sister get shot and killed in a drive-by from a rival gang. He left after he got out of the hospital and moved down here from Brooklyn. Similar to your boy, I knew his uncle from the Army, so I took him on.”

  “Seems to be working. He seems happy out there.” I nod toward the door, where I know Gavin is out there with Farrah.

  “He is a good kid under all the tough shit he worked through. Loves being here. He even picked up surfing, and he has a girl now,” he tells me, and I can’t help but smile.

  “Young love, brother. Young fucking love.”

  “What do you know about love, Slide? All you know is pussy, pussy and more pussy. That is why you are going to stay the fuck away from my granddaughter, unless you want something stable. She’s an amazing girl and has her priorities straight and her life on track, no thanks to that son-of-a-bitch back in Sarasota.”

  That little titbit of information grabs my attention. I sit up straight and run my hands across my thighs. From my brief meetings with Farrah, I can tell the woman can handle herself.

  At the wedding, she talked and danced like she had been around the club for years. Yeah, we’re a safe club, but she didn’t know us from Adam. Everyone was respectful of her and other guests, and we got the same back. I need to get Kenny in on a little bit of information of my own.

  “Soooooo about Farrah.” I grin when I see his back straightening. He knows what kind of man I am, but fuck me, she gets a response out of me like no other woman has.

  “What about her?” he asks, now sitting forward, leaning his elbows on the desk.

  “I kinda called ‘dibs’ on Farrah at the wedding,” I say, giving him my best smile, but it doesn’t work.

  “What do you mean you called ‘dibs’ on her?” His face gives nothing away, but I can see the vein in his temple pulse with anger.

  My palms start to sweat, and that, my friends, never fucking happens. My respect for Kenny is making me feel this way, but it’s also the fact that I actually want to get to know Farrah as a person. Plus, I want to see how she rides and sucks my cock. I mean, I am a man, after all; a very handsome and red-blooded man.

  “I did it so the boys knew she was off limits,” I try to explain. My reason is far from the truth, and I know he sees that.

  “No, what you mean is that you wanted first dibs on her in the sack. My granddaughter is not a woman for a quick fuck, Slide. I won’t tell you again,” he hisses.

  Kenny stands and steps around the desk, keeping his fierce gaze locked on mine. I stand also, coming eye to eye with him as I tell him a truth that I never thought I would say.

  “I want to get to know her. Fuck knows if we will go beyond that, but I am going to try, Kenny. I respect the fuck out of you, brother, you know I do. So, I would like some of that respect back and to be given half a fucking chance to spend time with her. Just to put this out there, it’s her decision what happens, not mine and not yours. She’s a grown woman and a fine one at that, and she looks strong enough to make up her own mind.”

  With that, I turn and walk out of his office and head straight to Farrah, who is by the front counter with a customer. But that doesn’t stop me.



  “Looks like we could be getting a new kid.” Gavin’s voice breaks me from watching Slide’s ass as he follows Kenny into the back office, and I jump, making him laugh.

  I poke his chest and smile at him. “Don’t do that. Jesus Christ you scared me,” I say, with my hand over my heart.

  “I wouldn’t have scared you if you weren’t watching that dude’s ass,” he retorts. I huff and turn when I hear the bell above the door jingle.

  I nudge Gavin with my hip, moving him to the side so I can serve the two young girls that just walked in. One has the all-American look going on; beautiful, long blond hair and pale blue eyes. The other girl is equally beautiful with dark hair with red tips. It looks amazing.

  They look like they attend the local college, because the blond has a backpack over one shoulder and is carrying a large ring-binder, while the dark-haired girl is carrying a very large purse that has papers hanging out of it.

  “How can I help you, ladies?” I ask them.

  “Oh, can I have a cinnamon latte, please, and an apple turnover pastry?” the dark-haired girl asks.

  “Of course, and for yourself?” I ask the blond. She gives me a sweet smile. She seems shy.

  “Can I have a pink lemonade, please, with one of those?” She points to the s’more cupcakes. I smile and nod.

  “I got this,” Gavin says from behind me. I nod and watch as he gets to making the girls their drinks.

  “How’s college life, ladies?” I ask them.

  They both smile but it’s the dark-haired
girl who speaks first.

  “We’re loving it. I’m rooming with a friend of ours, so it’s party time all the time.” She gives me a wicked smile, and I can’t help but return it. To be this young again, not knowing what’s around the corner.

  “Clary, you need to do some work from time to time if you’re going to stay on course,” the blond speaks up. Her voice is soft and sweet and fits her outer beauty.

  “Oh, come on, Della. You need to let loose now and again. You’re doing great with your classes; your placement is en point. Live a little,” Clary tells her, and they smile at each other. Clearly their friendship runs deep. I just hope for their sakes it stays that way, unlike mine and Gretchen’s.

  “What are you both studying?” I ask, then move to get their pastries ready for them to take away.

  “I’m studying English Lit and Early Childhood Education. I want to be a kindergarten teacher,” Clary explains, and Della speaks, just as the hair on the back of my neck stands on end.

  “I’m studying Business Management. I already have rental properties, but I want to add to my portfolio. Plus, I’ve just moved into flipping houses. This course will help with all the business side of things,” she explains, and I go to respond, but Clary’s voice stops me.

  “Holy Mary Mother of God.” I look up at them and see that they’re both looking in the direction of the back. Following their gazes, I see Slide walking toward me with purpose, and I feel like I’m said purpose.

  My skin prickles at the sexy smirk he sends my way as he eats up the space between us. I clench my thighs in the vain hope of easing the throb in my lace panties.

  With his gaze fixed on mine, Slide stops at the counter’s edge and rests his hip against it. His smile brightens up his face, if that’s possible. This man oozes brightness and confidence, which is refreshing but also has my nerves on edge.

  I’ve seen men like him before, the type who know how hot they are, and they use that to get away with so much. But I also get a good vibe from Slide. We don’t really know what we’re going to get when we take a step forward unless we take it. So, this is me taking it with him, if he wants to step up also.

  He folds his arms across his chest and stares at me while I take him in. It’s like the whole coffee shop has faded into nothing. He’s built, judging by the way his t-shirt pulls at his biceps under his black leather club cut. His dirty blond hair is shaved at the sides with a bit of length on top that he has styled in a slight faux hawk. And don’t get me started on the sexy designer stubble that he has going on. I can only image what that will feel like against my skin.

  I’m sure I moan a little because his smile grows even more, showing a line of perfect white teeth.

  “Have a drink with me, Farrah.” I shiver at his voice, but also the way he speaks to me, not fully asking a question but making a demand. Looking at the clock over his shoulder, I see that I still have three hours left in work.

  “I’m working, Slide. Sorry,” I tell him, my disappointment evident as my eyebrows draw together. I give him a smile, and he straightens before leaning on the counter, bringing his face closer to mine. His mouth opens, but before he can say anything, Kenny’s voice booms from the back of the shop.

  “Go, Farrah. Have some down time before Chris drops off the pumpkin,” he tells me, his eyes swiping over to Slide, then back to me. In other words, it’s his non-vocal way of saying, ‘You need to tell Slide about Posey.’

  “Are you sure?” I ask, moving toward Slide.

  I stop next to him and his scent invades my senses like a shot of espresso. I also don’t miss the slight shift he makes toward me, like he’s as drawn to me as much as I am to him. This pleases me for the very girly notion that this Hollywood-looking man wants to spend time with me.

  I am not naive enough to think that Slide wouldn’t have done whatever it took to get into panties around the country. Spending time with him will help me decide that next step. As my parents always said, it’s the first vibe that sticks with you, and the vibe I get from Slide is that he likes the women, but he also looks like he respects the women in his life and bed.

  That’s good enough for me at the moment.

  “Go,” is all he says, and I step to him and kiss his cheek.

  I rush into the staff lounge and pick up my bag, quickly slinging it over my body before coming back out to Slide, who is talking to Kenny. I see that Della and Clary are still drooling over him. I wink at them, and Clary gives me a thumbs up, while Della blushes.

  “Alright. Let’s get that drink,” Slide says, as he puts his hand on the small of my back, guiding me out the door. I wave to Kenny, Gavin, and the girls.

  The heat of the day hits me, and I suck in a harsh breath as it catches in my throat.

  “You okay, sunshine?” Slide asks, and I laugh.

  “Yeah, I keep forgetting how hot it can get here, especially when you’ve been in an air conditioned coffee shop all day,” I say, as I reach up and tighten the hair tie around my bun, glad that I kept my hair off my neck in todays, heat.

  My gaze connects with Slide’s as he watches me. His eyes trace down my face and over my neck and collarbone. I feel exposed standing here in public. His eyes darken, and he licks his lips before bringing his focus back to my eyes as we walk down the street.

  “Fuck me, you’re beautiful.” I cock an eyebrow at him, and he grins. “That was not a ‘fuck me’ line, that was an ‘I’m about to go for a drink with this sexy as fuck woman and I have to keep my cock in my pants’ line,” he tells me, and I can’t stop the laughter that bursts from my mouth, but it stops when Slide slams his mouth onto mine, stopping our steps.

  He inches forward so our bodies are touching from lips to toes. I can vaguely hear people talking and moving past us, a few comments about ‘getting a room’, but the kiss takes over my senses and everything suddenly fades away as his tongue licks my lips. I gasp at the contact, and he takes full advantage. He slides his tongue into my mouth and smooths it over mine.

  My body goes into high alert. It tingles from head to foot as my nipples peak behind the material of my demi-bra. My hands travel up and around his neck, the feel of Slide’s short hair tickling my fingertips. One of Slide’s hands is cupping my head, his fingers in my hair, and his other wraps around my waist, pulling me tight into his body.

  We kiss for several minutes, and it’s him who breaks it, resting his head against mine, the both of us sucking in air to calm our racing hearts.

  “The line about my cock in my pants will be a distant memory unless we start walking right now and go somewhere to have a drink.” He takes my hand in his and we start walking down the sidewalk.

  I chuckle when I see Slide reach down and adjust the hard cock he’s smuggling in his jeans. He looks at me and winks.

  “I take it you like what you do to me, Miss Farrah,” he says, bringing my hand up to his mouth and kissing my knuckles.

  “Maybe. It makes a woman’s ego glow knowing that she can make a hot man like yourself want her,” I explain.

  “Oh baby, I will make more than your ego glow. I will have your pussy glowing for days after I’ve spent time worshiping it.” Slide’s voice drops deeper, and my body shivers inside and out.

  He leans in and kisses me quickly before he stops us and pushes the door open to a bar on the beach front. We find a seat, and it doesn’t take long for a barely-dressed waitress to come over and give Slide attention, ignoring me completely.

  “What can I get you?” she asks him, leaning a hand on the table, trying to block me out.

  “I’ll have a Smashing Basil, please. Babe?” I say, looking at Slide. He grins at me, keeping his focus on me as he answers her.

  “I’ll have a Blue Moon, thanks.”

  “Anything else?” She tries to sound sexy, but she sounds like a child.

  “We’re good,” I state, keeping my voice firm and leaving no room for argument. “Now, me and my boyfriend need to compare our STD treatment, so we’d like some priva
cy,” I say, giving her a wide smile.

  She wrinkles her nose and hurries away. I look at Slide, and he holds his laughter for all of two seconds before he throws his head back and lets it free, so loud that people look over at us.

  He breathes in deep and wipes his eyes. “Holy fucking shit, that was epic. Marry me,” he jokes, and I laugh at him.

  “I think I’m too much woman for you to handle, Slide.” I wink at him and he leans forward on the table, all signs of joking gone from his face.

  “Baby, I can handle anything and everything you want to throw at me. If it includes you naked and in my bed or yours, then I’m game,” he states, before he leans back in his seat.

  We sit for a few moments in a sex-crazed stare off, and holy hell if the look in his eyes doesn’t make my panties damp. His blue eyes darken and his nose flares; he shifts like he’s trying to get comfortable from the waist down.

  The waitress brings us our drinks, not saying anything as she does. I take a sip of mine, Slide watching as I bring the straw to my lips. The beer in his hand has stopped midway as he enjoys watching me have a drink.

  “What?” I ask him. He shakes his head and downs half of the bottle before licking his lips, and it’s my turn to get uncomfortable from the waist down.

  “You have the most fuckable mouth I have ever seen,” he tells me, like it’s the most natural thing in the world to tell a woman.

  “Thanks, I guess,” I reply, unsure of what to say, to be honest.

  “Tell me about you, Farrah Daniels,” he enquires, and this makes my heart rate increase. This is when men decide they don’t want to date a single mom, but I can’t do the casual sex thing.

  Before Chris and twice after him, I fell hard and fast. Before him it was okay, as I didn’t have Posey to think of, but the two after were great in the beginning, but then things with Posey got in the way and they wanted me to push her needs to the side, and that will never happen. One even wanted me to put her in a boarding school.


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