Slide: Rugged Skulls MC

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Slide: Rugged Skulls MC Page 6

by Amy Davies

  The bell tinkles above the door and I see three young girls walk in, laughing and joking. Tommy’s face lights up and he touches his hair, which gives me the idea to throw him in at the deep end.

  “How about you serve the girls and I watch to make sure you’re doing okay?” He gives me a deer in the headlights look, but I give him a reassuring smile and turn him around to face them.

  “How—” he croaks, then clears his throat. “How can I help you lovely ladies today?”

  They giggle and whisper to each other. One of them blushes when Tommy winks at her. Oh, the boy has game. Love it.

  “Can we get two watermelon juices and one banana nut smoothie, please?” one girl answers.

  “Coming right up. Are you staying in or take-away?” Tommy asks, and I smile at the fact he remembered.

  “Stay in,” Miss Blush says, rather fast, making her friends giggle.

  “Got it. I’m Tommy, by the way.”

  Again, good boy; introducing himself, making conversation. He will do well here or at any place if he keeps this up.

  “I’m Glenna, and these are my friends, Missy and Summer.”

  Summer is Miss Blush, and I can see Tommy zoning in on her. I step back and pretend to look busy while watching him make their drinks. He does a great job, not once messing up—not that I think they would be bothered if he did, what with a good-looking boy serving them drinks.

  The girls take their drinks, walk over to the window, and take a seat. They start pulling books out of their bags. They seem to be here to work, which is great for business. I see Summer looking over a few times, checking out Tommy, who seems to be doing the exact same.

  “Mommy!” Posey screams when her and Kenny arrive a short time later. It’s his day off, but he always likes to pop in and look over the books and check on any orders that may need doing.

  “Hey, Posey pie. Did you have fun at Grampa Kenny’s?” I ask her, as I pick her up and twirl her around.

  “I did. We eat shmoores and nanas with lots and lots of chocolate,” she excitedly explains.

  Kenny comes up to us and leans in to kiss the top of my head, before pulling back to look at me.

  “How was the date?” I shake my head, and he knows. His lips thin and his nostrils flare.

  “I fucking warned him,” Kenny hisses.

  “Bad word, GK,” Posey tells him, attempting to put her hands on her hips while in my arms.

  We both giggle at her. She doesn’t know it, but she just saved her grandad from going off like a rocket and kicking some biker butt. Posey wiggles in my arms so I place her on her feet. She walks over to Tommy behind the counter.

  “Who are you?” she asks him, because my daughter is very nosy and inquisitive.

  He kneels so he’s at her height and smiles at her. “I’m Tommy. What’s your name?”

  “I’m Posey. Are you new here to GK’s coffee shop?”

  “Hi there, Miss Posey. GK?” Tommy asks her, looking confused. I smile at their interaction. It’s crazy to think this young boy got mixed up in a gang. He’s too sweet to be a criminal.

  “GK. Grampa Kenny, silly,” she replies, rolling her eyes, like everyone should know this.

  I chuckle, and Kenny pulls my attention away by touching my arm. I pull my gaze away from Posey and Tommy, not missing the way Summer swoons over the way he’s being with my girl. I look at Kenny, and I can see the question in his eyes.

  “He didn’t turn up, okay,” I explain.

  “He didn’t call or text?” Shaking my head, I look back to Posey and see that Tommy has her sitting on the worktop behind the front counter. I hear Kenny huff and walk toward the back office. I look over my shoulder and can’t help but smile when I hear him mutter things about killing Slide slowly, or cutting his balls off then killing him slowly.

  “Posey, come here and let Tommy work.” He helps her down and she runs toward me.

  “Thanks, Tommy,” I tell him.

  “No worries. She’s a cutie,” he replies.

  I take her hand and lead her to the back office. I push open Kenny’s office door and see he’s on the phone, so I usher Posey into her corner, where her own little red and yellow desk sits.

  “Be quiet for GK, okay. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Otay, Mommy.” By the time I’ve stepped away, she’s forgotten me and is coloring in a blue panda.

  I walk back to the shop front to help Tommy, when the front door opens and in walks four boys looking like they’re wearing clothes that are way too big for them: jeans hanging off their butts, t-shirts that look five sizes too big, and baseballs caps with the peak off to the side.

  My gaze swings to Tommy as I speed my steps up to go to him. His eyes are wide, and I can see fear, but also a worry for the people sitting down. His gaze skims over the customers, stopping at Summer, before moving over to the boys who just entered.

  “Oh, this is nice, bro. Skim us some tasties, yeah,” the guy who looks to be the leader of the four boys says.

  “Not happening, Dav. You guys need to leave before Kenny comes out here.” I step behind the counter, and Tommy’s head snaps in my direction, now the fear clearly showing.

  “Oh mama, you is fine.” He drags out the last word.

  “Thank you—I think. Now, what can I get you?” I ask, carefully stepping between them and Tommy. That doesn’t go over too well, and the leader gets angry.

  “I don’t think so, bitch. We want Tommy, so step aside. He comes with us and no one gets hurt,” one snaps at me, but he doesn’t scare me. He’s a snotty-nosed brat who thinks he’s a hard man because he’s in a gang.

  “Not going to happen. So, you can order or get out,” I state firmly.

  My heart is racing, and my palms are sweating, but I show no fear. He doesn’t scare me, but the situation does. Anything can happen in a flash, and with Posey in the back office and customers at risk, I know the situation needs to be defused.

  “Listen here—”

  He doesn’t finish his sentence because Kenny comes barreling out of the back room with his phone to his ear. I swing my gaze back to them and see fear in four sets of eyes, but they don’t back down until Kenny is almost upon them.

  “You have about three minutes before police arrive,” he tells them. He then looks over all four of them and starts talking again. “Yes, sir. They look to be around sixteen years of age, maybe a little older. One is wearing a gray, long t-shirt with…”

  Kenny continues to describe what they’re wearing, but the boys have already bolted. I let out a heavy breath before darting to the back office to check on Posey. Pushing through the door, I see her vigorously coloring in a rainbow; none the wiser as to what just went down out front.

  I breathe out a sigh of relief and walk over to her, squatting down next to her and running my hand over her blond curls. She looks up at me and gives me a bright, toothy smile that makes my heart melt.

  Posey is my life, the best thing that ever happened to me. When I found out I was pregnant, my life became full of meaning, and I did my best to have a healthy pregnancy and body after birth. I breastfed for five months, until she sprouted her first tooth and decided to use my nipple as a teething toy.

  “Take her home. Tommy is going home too.” Kenny’s voice scares the crap out of me. I let out a yelp, making Posey laugh at me. I tap her nose and turn my heels to face Kenny, who’s looking pissed. His shoulders are up, and his chest is heaving.

  “Yeah. Is Tommy and everyone out there okay?” I ask, while standing with Posey in my arms. She wraps her hands around my neck, holding tightly and kissing my cheek.

  “They’re all good. Tommy is shaken and wouldn’t stop apologizing. He’s a good kid and fell onto the wrong path. The crew he was in got into some bad things that will only get worse. It went from petty theft to jacking cars and robbing small stores. The customers are fine—one of the young girls seems to want to give Tommy some extra attention. He’s basking in that at the moment.” He gives a little chuc
kle before stepping up to us and wrapping us up in a big bear hug.

  Kenny is one of the most important people in my life. I know some people find it strange that I call him Kenny and not granddad or gramps, but he was in the Army when we were born and thought he was too young to be a grandfather, so he wanted Leaf and myself to call him ‘Kenny’ instead, so we did.

  With a kiss to each of us, Kenny steps back and guides us out to the front, where Tommy’s still talking to the three girls. When he sees us, he rushes over, and I can see the regret in his eyes. My heart hurts for this young man.

  “Oh God, Farrah, I am so sorry. I already told Kenny that I won’t come back. I can’t bring my shi—stuff to you guys.” Tears fill his eyes, and I can’t stop mine from filling up either.

  “No, Tommy, you’re not at fault here. They are. You did the right thing coming away from them. You are a good boy, Tommy.” Before he can say anything else, Posey leans toward him and he takes her from my arms. She wraps her arms around his neck, hugging him tight to her. Tommy closes his eyes and revels in the kindness of my five-year-old daughter.

  My heart swells for this little girl.

  “We will miss you if you stay gone, Toms. Please come back.” Posey gives him a pout that even the toughest man wouldn’t refuse. Tommy sighs and playfully pinches her cheek.

  “Okay, Princess Posey, just for you I will come back.” Tommy looks at Kenny and me. We nod, and he smiles before handing Posey back to me.

  “Go home and come back Monday afternoon ready to crunch some numbers, boy,” Kenny tells him, as we’re closed on Sundays.

  “Will do. Thanks, guys.” With that, Tommy leaves with the girls and I smile.

  “Now, my favorite girls.” Kenny nudges us toward the door.

  “Okay, old man. I know when I’m not wanted.”

  “Cheeky. Love you both.”

  We leave and I get us to my car in no time. I strap Posey into her car seat before deciding to head to the market for some groceries before heading home. I take a different route. And that is a big mistake.

  I stop at a red light, and Posey crows, “Change lights, please,” from the back seat, making me smile.

  I look out of my window and see a large moving truck. By the looks of things, someone is starting a new journey in their life. But it’s the people that are by the truck that gives my heart a squeeze.

  Slide is helping the woman move boxes into the truck, before she turns and wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. Disappointment hits me square in the chest at seeing him with another woman after not bothering to turn up for our date last night without a word.

  So, he does live up to his man-whore ways. Kenny did warn me, but I thought I would give him the benefit of the doubt. Fool me once, as they say. I tear my gaze away and see the light turn green, so I pull away and head to the market, thinking about the way he was during our quick drink the other day.

  Oh well, it’s better to find out now before we get any further into anything and I end up hurt. This is for the best.

  Just Posey and I with a pint of vegan peanut butter and cookie ice cream for me and a pint of banana ice cream for Posey. Maybe a pink gin for me.



  Sighing, I lock my phone and tuck it into my pocket before picking up the large box and walking out to the truck. Nadia, one of the Rugged Regs, needed help moving out of her friend’s house. She’s moving into the Tower. Shit went down between the two and Nadia had to get out.

  Nadia is a cool chick, not one for drama. Her job is high stress so she comes to the club and likes to play with the single boys of the club, but even they are dwindling, so she helps Risky around the place, cleaning and shit. That’s why Magnum said she could stay at the Tower until she finds a place to stay.

  “Thanks, Slide. You’ve been a great help today.” She smiles at me, and I return it.

  “No probs,” I reply, and walk back into her old apartment. Her roommate is sitting on the sofa, glaring at us, and I just laugh at her before picking up another box and walking outside, passing Nadia as I go, who then puffs out her chest at me. But I don’t take notice.

  My phone beeps in my pocket, and I all but drop the box trying to fish out the stupid device. I place the box on the truck and unlock my phone, but disappointment hits me when I see it’s Jodie, Opal’s old lady, asking to me pick something up on my way back to the Tower. I reply, telling her I will, and put the phone away.

  “That’s the last, Slide. Thanks again for helping. Maybe we could go for a drink, away from the club,” Nadia offers.

  I smile at her, but before I can answer, she lunges for me; her hands going to my neck while she pulls me in for a kiss. I’m shocked at first as her lips press to mine, but then I push her away, and images of Farrah flash in my head. I suddenly want to kick myself for fucking up with her.

  “What the fuck, Nadia?” I say, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

  Before she can answer, a feeling of dread fills my gut, and I look toward the main road, but I don’t see any cars that I recognize. Yet the feeling is there.

  “I thought we had a good day, and I thought maybe we could continue it with some drinks, and then something more,” Nadia says, but I keep my gaze on the road.

  I know she doesn’t know about Farrah, so I can’t bitch her out for that, but fuck, I feel like shit for being kissed by her when all I want is Farrah. Ignoring what she said, I move to pull the back shutter down on the truck and wave my hand toward the passenger door.

  “Get in. The prospects are waiting to unload your things. I’m fucking pissed that Prez had them do other shit than this.” I climb into the truck and start it up, waiting for Nadia to climb in.

  The ride to the Tower is silent, and I’m thankful for that. When I pull through the gates, I see the two prospects waiting for us. Luckily for Joel, he’s still in the hospital with a concussion, but knowing Edge, the fucker will be out before the doctors discharge him.

  Pulling the truck to a stop, I climb out and meet the boys at the front, not bothering to see if Nadia got out okay. I’m sure she did.

  “Get this shit out of the back and into the room that Prez assigned for her, then get the truck back here and cleaned.”

  “You got it, Slide,” Abe answers.

  “On it,” Ferris replies, and I walk away.

  “Thank you, Slide,” Nadia shouts after me. I wave my hand over my head in acknowledgment and keep up my steps into the main room.

  I head to the kitchen to get myself a coffee because I need a pick me up. It’s not even three in the afternoon and I’m fucked after being at the hospital most of the night.

  “Coffee, Slide?” Risky asks from her seat in the kitchen booth. Magnum is next to her.

  “He can get it himself, baby,” Magnum pipes up. I give her a smile and head to the large coffee machine she had installed because Risky before coffee is like the Hulk being told he can’t smash things.

  “I got it, thanks though.”

  I place my mug under the spouty thing and wait for the coffee to flow. Kissing noises come from behind me, and I look over my shoulder and see Magnum and Risky kissing, but this isn’t an overly sex-crazed kiss. No, this one is packed with love and intimacy between the two, and my gut tightens with thoughts of Farrah.

  Shit, I really messed up, but I have no way of making it up to her. I may know my way around a woman’s body and be able to make her come six ways to Sunday, but fuck me, when it comes to what they’re thinking, I am at a total loss. And do not get me started on when they cry; I’m putty in their hands. I fucking hate seeing women cry.

  “How did the move go?” Magnum asks, breaking through my thoughts. Picking up my mug, I turn to face them and see that Miss Suki has joined us. I walk over to the booth and sit opposite them.

  “Good. All her stuff is here. The prospects are helping move everything into her room. She can’t stay here long, Prez,” I tell him, and take a sip of my coffee. It burns my tongu
e, and I yelp.

  “Ow! Oh, fuck. Shit. Cold milk. COLD MILK,” I yell, and jump up and race to the ice box to pull out the milk. Removing the cap and dropping it to the floor, I guzzle down the ice-cold milk.

  I can feel the liquid running over my tongue and down my throat, but it’s also gushing all over my mouth and chin, leaking down my front and soaking my t-shirt.

  “You’re cleaning that shit up when you decide to stop hogging all the milk,” Magnums says, but I can hear the humor in his tone.


  I swallow down the last bit and sigh as the burn fades. Sucking some much needed air into my lungs after not breathing while downing the milk, I look over to Magnum and Risky, who are still laughing, but so are fucking Slade and Rookie, who is filming me.

  “Fucking Irish prick.”

  Their laughs fill the kitchen area and I flip them off, making them laugh louder.

  “How the hell did you forget to add milk to your coffee? You never take it black,” Slade asks, pulling Ida against him as she walks into the room.

  “Slide honey, I suggest you suck on an ice cube. That might help,” Ida tells me with a smile.

  “Thanks, babe,” I say, and reach over to the worktop and pick up a dishtowel to dry myself off.

  “Oh, you enjoy a good sucking, don’t ya, Slide, especially when they cream all over you,” Rookie says, and the room bursts into a fit of laughter again.

  This time I can’t help but laugh with them as I pop an ice cube into my mouth. I let it sit on my tongue and melt. The cold liquid feels just as nice as the milk did. I moan and lean against the large industrial ice box, closing my eyes.

  “Did you just moan?” Slade asks, and I nod, keeping my eyes closed.

  Just to add humor to the moment, I move my hands to my crotch and squeeze, making the boys laugh. Risky is the first to speak, and I know something witty is going to leave her mouth.

  “You are hard up for sex if a little old ice cube is getting you off there, Slidey.” She winks at me.


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