Order of the Black Sun Box Set 11

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Order of the Black Sun Box Set 11 Page 13

by Preston William Child

  Two old enemies were standing in front of Purdue, and they both wanted him dead. It was just as Galen had warned when those two foes stood outside with him in Mongolia. They were coming for him, it was just a matter of when and where. This was when and right beside that plateau was apparently where.

  “You clever bastard,” Galen snickered. “Are those them? Did you actually...Genghis Khan? If I'm being honest, I didn't think you’d ever find those damn bones. Yet here you are. Of course, the great David Purdue never fails to get what he wants. Would you mind if I just stole a peak at them?”

  Galen limped forward and Purdue backed away with the bag full of bones in hand. That step back caused Galen to break out into hysterics. He obviously thought it was a move of fear, rather than just a simple step back from an enemy.

  “Fine, Davy, you don't have to show me.” Galen acted like he was performing for a loving crowd. “I just want to remind you that I warned you this was coming, didn't I? I said that we were going to settle our scores and here we are, to get everything in order.”

  “Oh, of course, Galen,” Purdue said with an eye roll. “You just happen to have waited until I was done traversing Asia and climbing up and down this behemoth of a plateau. You were just standing by while we dragged our asses all over trying to find this. You wait until I'm tired as a goddamn dog and now you decide to take a shot at me?”

  “What are you implying?” Galen asked.

  “Implying? No implication, you little shit. Just the truth. The truth is that you’re a coward and always have been. Hiding about until your opponent is running on fumes. Or worse! Stabbing an old man in his sleep. Sending mercenaries to take out people that you said you were going to come after yourself.”

  Galen raised a brow. “The hell you going on about? Mercenaries? Old men in their sleep?”

  “Really, Galen?” Purdue couldn't help but laugh. He didn't know why Galen was still playing coy and not just reveling in his own actions like he usually did, but it was annoying that he wasn't taking ownership of all his horrible deeds. “I'm going on about Shin Wo. Shin Wo. Ever heard of him?”

  Galen threw his arms up in a dramatic shrug. “I can't say I have, no.”

  “We talked about him last time we were face to face. He had his throat slit in his tent.”

  “Oh, that's right,” Galen said, clicking his tongue. “You did mention something about that before, didn't you? I still have no idea what you’re talking about. That doesn't have anything to do with me at all.”

  “Well, then Oniel did it!” Purdue roared.

  Oniel stared at Purdue for a long moment and then shook his head. Oniel couldn't voice a defense, but the way he signaled his denial was powerful. He would have no reason to really lie about it so why were they? Or maybe they weren't...

  Purdue kept pressing them. He needed to hear them admit to what they’d done.

  “Then you sent Wai Lin and her mercenaries after us at the Great Wall. Hate to tell you, but as you can see, you need to find better help.”

  Galen remained puzzled. “Wai Lin? Am I supposed to know that name, too? You're throwing a whole lot of names at me, Davy boy, and you're really not making a lick of sense with any of them. Tell me a name I do know, then maybe then we can talk about them? Otherwise, I'm kind of left out here in the dark, my friend.”

  “You don't need to lie, Galen,” Nina chimed in. “Why not just own up to what you've done.”

  “I’d love to own up to it, but I'm still not even sure what it is I’m supposed to have done here. None of this sounds familiar at all. Is this some kind of joke or what because I really don't get the punchline...kind of ruins the whole joke.”

  Purdue stepped forward, ready to rush Galen for acting so ignorant about his own crimes. Galen would probably be able to get a few good hits in before Oniel took him down. Maybe that would be worth it enough?

  “Slow it down, Davy,” Galen laughed uncomfortably. “I just came here to get some retribution on you. I didn't come here to be put on trial for things I’d nothing to do with personally. Believe me, if I did have anything to do with them, you’d have been the first to know.”

  Purdue had seen Galen lie. He’s seen Galen put on an act to try and manipulate others. He’s watched him fib and tell tall tales about his exploits. One thing that was universally accepted about that Irishman was that he was a terrible, terrible liar—and that's what made it clear that Purdue wasn't lying.

  “So you didn't kill Shin Wo...? Or send those hit men after us...?”

  “Of course not,” Galen said. “Why would I do that? Those things sound nothing like anything I would do. Really, Davy? You don't know me well at all.”

  Purdue thought back to those events, especially to their interrogation of Wai Lin. That mercenary hadn't been able to tell them much about her client. All she could really say was that he was a man who wanted to hurt Purdue. But she couldn't even confirm if the man who hired her was Irish or not...maybe he never was. There might have been someone else pulling the strings instead of it just being Galen. Purdue had thought that those actions didn't seem quite like Galen's usual M.O.

  “None of it was you...”

  “Not a single bit of it, but I’d love to hug whoever did to that you,” Galen laughed venomously. “Look at you, they've done a lot more than just put you on edge with those stunts, haven't though? Damn, I wish I’d have thought of something like that at one point. I could have had so much more fun than we've had. Even now, my retribution isn't going to feel quite as sweet now.”


  Purdue's mind was racing again. With how exhausted he was from the lack of sleep in recent nights and from the climb up and down from the tomb, he could barely stand and now this revelation was completely rocking his head. There was no way that Galen was innocent of all of it, yet, here he was and Purdue really believed him. By Galen showing up the morning of Shin Wo's death, minutes after Purdue discovered his body, was that then? A coincidence? And who was Wai Lin's client if it wasn’t Galen?

  “You aren't working with August, either?”

  “Can you drop that already?” August asked irritably. “I told you, I can't stand this prick.”

  Galen pointed his cane at August. “I don't know either of those names you asked me about...but him...him I know. Yeah, you, I know you! Yes, I'd recognize a great big titan like you anywhere, especially formerly with the Order of the Black Sun. You were always stomping around. Gus, eh?”

  “August.” The big man scowled when he corrected him, looking ready to tear Galen in half.

  “August!” Galen laughed. “Yes, that's it. So you've decided to keep serving the new regime, is that it?”

  “I like a steady paycheck. A solid job. Why lose all of that just to throw a temper tantrum for not getting what you wanted?”

  Purdue watched the interaction closely and listened to every word that passed between the two men. He still wasn't completely convinced that August and Julian weren't in some clandestine alliance. This could all just be an act to try and throw off suspicion.

  Galen continued to speak to August with his trademark taunts. “As I recall, you were something of a bruiser, eh? One of those tough, red-knuckled bastards weren't you? You're the one who threw a lad right through a wall at the compound once, weren't you?”

  “I was,” August admitted. “He deserved it.”

  “You love getting into a good scrap. I've always been more a fan of observing a fight. A spectator. Fun to watch and you get hurt far less from the sidelines. But let me tell you, my friend here loves to fight, too. You know him too right? From back in the order?”

  August glanced to Oniel. “The mute. I remember him.”

  “Exactly,” Galen snickered. “He's not much of a talker, but he makes up for that with his love of throwing around some violence. He's a fighter like you. Isn't that right, Davy? Oniel loves a fight!”

  “He loves murdering innocent people, yes,” Purdue confirmed, having seen the depths of
Oniel's depravity on a misguided treasure hunt some time back. “A real good fighter. Killing people in their sleep.”

  “So what do you say, Davy? Want to place some bets? You brought your fighter. I brought mine. The winner gets the Khan's bones. Seems only fitting. Inflicting some violence to honor one of the most violent men to ever walk the Earth?”

  Purdue practically hugged the bag in his arms. “That isn’t going to happen. Why the hell would we go along with some gamble like that?”

  Galen reached around and pulled a pistol from his belt. “Easy answer...you don't actually have a choice. Now stop having such poor form. There's nothing better than a good bet. Let's settle our feud once and for all. One on one. You against me.”

  “If that was the case, you and I would be throwing punches...not them.”

  “Oh grow up, Davy,” Galen laughed. “Rich men like us don't usually get our hands dirty with the fighting. We have others do that for us. It's just how the world works.”

  “I've got this,” August confirmed beside Purdue. He turned to see August and the man towered over him, looking ready and willing for the fight. Purdue still wasn't even sure if he could trust August, or if this was just another part of an act; nothing more than some sick joke that Galen was playing on him. Purdue looked back at the others who all looked worried but unsure of how to proceed. August put his big hand on his shoulder and repeated his words. “I've got this. Trust me.”

  The pair of men approached one another and the difference between the two opponents physically was startling. August was a massive, tank of a man with broad shoulders and muscular arms. Oniel, by contrast, was tall and lanky, barely a stick of a man but Purdue knew not to underestimate him. He and his late twin brother, Alton, had both been that way but had still become the most dangerous killers in Jamaica. He knew that August was tough, but he’d really have to fight well to beat someone like Oniel.

  “You weren't around the order long,” August expressed to Oniel tauntingly. “But I've got to say, you left an impression, man. You creeped me out each and every time I saw you in the halls. Just staring. Always staring. Scary stuff. Was always hoping I'd get the chance to get you to stop creeping people out.”

  Oniel naturally didn't respond, but his usual hollow stare had a glimmer of excitement in it. He was apparently looking forward to shutting up August. Or maybe Oniel was just anxious to get August out of the way, so he could go after his real target, Purdue?

  While watching, a small part of Purdue was still nervous that this was all an act and August was just making it look convincing. But then the other part of him really wanted to cheer August on and root for him to kick the hell out of Oniel. He’d prefer for this whole sick gladiatorial battle to not even happen but Galen's firearm was making the decision. If they didn't go along with it, then they could all be gunned down pretty easily. It was a typical Galen Fitzgerald move to just force his way into getting his way. He was like a small little boy throwing a tantrum, but instead of tossing toys, he would be heaving bullets at a very high velocity.

  August tried to use his overwhelming size to take an early advantage in the fight, but Oniel was nimble and agility was incredible. He sidestepped August like a matador facing a bull and caused August to stumble straight past him and crash down to the rocks. In those seconds that August was down, Oniel stared at Purdue like he was thinking about taking those fleeting moments to end him swiftly before August recovered. Purdue tried to brace himself, but he knew he couldn't beat Oniel. August wouldn't even be able to protect himself for very long at all. He’d barely managed to beat Oniel's twin brother and that was mostly thanks to the element of surprise and a sword readily in his hand. Not to mention, Oniel was always the more dangerous of the two murderous brothers.

  Thanks to August though, Purdue didn't have to try and hold off the mute assailant. August returned back to his feet quickly and went at Oniel full throttle again. This time, the two grappled and despite August's superior strength, Oniel was taking opportunities to go after weak points, going for his throat and his eyes. It was a dirty way to fight, but there weren't exactly rules when it came to fights out in the wilderness, where the ring was nothing more than a series of rocks.

  Purdue hoped that August would be able to just barrel his way and end this fight early, maybe push Oniel off a cliff like August had shoved that man off of the Great Wall of China? Unfortunately, this wasn't going to be nearly as easy as Purdue wished..

  Galen watched the fight with wide, excited eyes and with his mouth hanging open. He reminded Purdue of a little boy sitting on the floor enjoying his favorite show like it was the only thing in the entire universe that mattered or even existed. Galen seemed to especially love the fact that it seemed like his fighter had the upper hand. Oniel was brawling like a wild animal. His movements were unpredictable but weren't erratic. They were precise blows. There was some kind of method to all of the madness, that was for sure.

  August tried his best to defend himself from the onslaught, but he wasn't faring very well. His size was helpful when it came to enduring the attacks, but he could only do that for so long. At some point, Oniel was going to manage to break through and probably cause some real damage.

  Purdue wanted to focus on the fight, but all he could think about was the strange circumstances surrounding all of this chaos. Something was amiss about this entire venture, and surprisingly Galen wasn't the cause of whatever strange feeling Purdue was having.

  “So you really didn't do any of it?” Purdue called over to Galen, ignoring the fight.

  Galen seemed annoyed to have to take his attention away from the brawl and shook his head. “None of it, Davy. It was brilliant work, though. Cracked your head and turned you paranoid better than I ever could have. They really deserve a round of applause.”

  “Then something is going on here, Galen. Someone is messing with us.”

  “Messing with you, you mean?”

  “No, with us!” Purdue said. “You included.”

  Galen's eyes kept darting from the fight and then back to Purdue with some annoyance like Purdue was the worst distraction that Purdue had ever had to address. As he started to think about it though, the Irishman started watching the brawl less and less.

  “How do you figure that, eh?”

  “You really think they didn't know that I’d blame you for all of it? Hell, they practically framed you.”

  “And how could this mysterious person know so much about any of it?” Galen asked with little concern. Purdue reached into his jacket pocket and Galen aimed his pistol at him threateningly. “Oi! What the hell you think you’re doing, Purdue? Drop that shit now!”

  Purdue slowly and cautiously pulled out the thin stack of pictures that Wai Lin had been given by her client; the snapshots of Purdue from all different points in time.

  “Is this some goddamn distraction tactic, Davy? I said drop that shit now!”

  “I am!” Purdue yelled back, tossing the pictures at Galen's feet and then putting his hands up in surrender. “Look! Look at those pictures, Galen.”

  Galen carefully glanced down at the photographs by his feet, but still kept his gun trained on Purdue. Galen examined them as best as he could while also making sure his enemies were in his sights and shook his head.

  “So someone likes taking pictures of you...what's the big deal?”

  “The big deal, Galen, is that I thought that you’d taken those pictures.”

  “Why the hell would I get myself a photo album of you?”

  “Some of those pictures are from after my house burned, when you and Julian took all my things and took all my money, remember? When you thought I was dead.”

  Galen flashed a broad grin. “Aw, yes. Some of the best months of my life. What sweet memories. I wish we could go back to that time.”

  “My point is...is that you didn't know I was alive during that. You thought I died in that house fire just like Julian Corvus did, just like Nina did, just like everyone did. You had no
idea that I managed to get out of there in time.”

  “Course I didn't,” Galen alleged. “If I had, I would’ve hunted your cockroach ass down.”

  Purdue's head was still spinning with all of this information. Galen really was innocent of all of the bad shit that had happened on this venture. He was here now to cause trouble sure, but like usual, he wasn't really much of a threat. There really was someone else out there, someone much worse that hadn't shown himself, at least not yet.

  August and Oniel were still trading hard blows in their fight. They were both battered and bloody. Oniel, in particular, looked like he was barely standing, and was staring at August with those hateful orbs in his eyes sockets. He wasn't like Galen. Oniel didn't give a damn about sportsmanship or any sort of fair fight. The main memory Purdue always recalled when he considered Oniel and his late twin brother was the knives they kept in their sleeves when they decided to do their killing. Next, and sure enough, Oniel suddenly reached into his shirt and unveiled a blade.

  “Hey!” Yusuke yelled, pointing at Oniel. “That wasn't part of the deal!”

  Galen didn't seem to care. He was still only half paying attention. The rest of his attention belonged to the pictures at his feet as he considered Purdue's words.

  Oniel lunged at August and August managed to grab hold of his wrist, stopping the blade from getting closer. Oniel pushed forward and tried to stab the knife into August's body. It was a struggle where if August slipped up for even a second, those five inches of metal were going to be inside of his face.

  Purdue was about to intervene when something moved by him in the other direction. Nina sprinted at Galen out of nowhere, before Galen could even fully process what was happening. She ripped the gun out of the Irishman's hand and pistol whipped him onto the ground. It wasn't the first time Purdue had seen her with a firearm, but he was always impressed with just how capable she was in a fight if it became serious.


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