Falcon: A Dark Romance (Blood for Blood Book 1)

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Falcon: A Dark Romance (Blood for Blood Book 1) Page 16

by Logan Fox

  If she hadn’t been with him, he’d have made sure the man could never have impure thoughts again.

  We’d have made sure. Torn out his leering eyes and split tongue. Made a mess of his insides, flayed his outsi—

  Finn stuck a peppermint in his mouth, eviscerating the voice as he split the sweet in two with his molars.

  Fuck it, who was he kidding? That man would never have stopped for the likes of him.

  He shifted, grimacing. He’d wished it was just him and cowboy. That degenerate’s death would have gone a long way to satisfying the beast’s hunger growing inside him.

  The one food never satisfied. Sex sated it, but it was a temporary measure. Nothing compared with spilled blood.

  That hunger had been growing exponentially since his last kill. Cora’s presence seemed to spur it on, especially that illicit kiss that still preyed on his mind when he wasn’t paying attention. Or maybe it was just the adrenalin his body kept pumping into him every time he thought someone would take her away from him.

  They ate in silence, Cora making soft sounds whenever she found a meatball. He set up the small pot he’d bought from the rental shop and collected water from the creek to fill it. A few minutes later, he took the pot off the fire to let the water cool. Cora watched with her default wide-eyed stare.

  Didn’t it get tiring, seeing everything for the first time?

  A breeze had picked up over dinner — it sniffed around them like an inquisitive puppy. He hunched into his jacket for a moment, and then caught a whiff of himself. He stank of sweat.

  Cora took a sip from her water bottle and set it down in the neutral space between them, where the remains of their food stores sat.

  In the distance, an animal called out. Cora glanced at him, opened her mouth, but then closed it without asking that inevitable question.

  Fuck he was tired. Maybe that’s why he laughed as hard as he did. He laughed until tears ran from his eyes and his chest complained about the way his muscles trembled. At first, Cora just watched him with an indignant twist to her lips. And then she joined him, rocking forward as her giggles took her hostage.

  But when a twig snapped somewhere nearby, they both cut off like they’d been practicing their timing.


  Finding Polaris

  Cora’s jaws clenched. Panic flashed through her, making the hairs on her arms and the back of her neck stand up. Her hand closed around something rough and warm, but she was too busy scanning what little she could see of the area outside the overhang they’d built a fire under to realize it was Finn’s hand.

  “Animal,” Finn said, his voice closer than she remembered.

  She forced a swallow, eyes straining for the first sight of something moving out there in the fathomless dark. “Sure?”


  Why did he treat full sentences like something that happened to other people?

  “Could they have followed us here?”

  Because it wouldn’t be just one man following her. There was probably a whole team of cartel falcons out to find her. Would their little cave on the top of Turkey Mountain or whatever this place was called still be a haven?




  Finn moved his hand, and she twitched, already drawing away from him. But he caught her. Squeezed her hand. A sense of calm oozed into her. She turned to him, scanning his fire-lit face. Flames danced in his eyes while shadows flickered over his body. His shirt was torn, dusty. His face had streaks of dirt on it.

  She probably didn’t look any better.

  Finn looked away and wiped at his face with a hand.

  “You should get some sleep.”

  She let out a low laugh. Like sleep was a damn switch she could just turn on and off. Conscious, unconscious. If only. She yanked her hand out of his and drew her lugs against her, hugging them to her chest. Finn got up and moved past her. When she heard splashing, she glanced over her shoulder. Finn was at one of the pools, shirtless and washing something in one of the pools.

  She lifted her arm and sniffed.

  God, she could use a shower. A change of underwear would have been even better. Glancing at Finn, she rose and crept around to the side of the cliff face, trying to keep out of his sight. A large boulder reared up in front of her, and she slipped behind it. What moonlight there was — which wasn’t much — picked out the pale rocks and the uneven surface of the pools dotting them. One looked particularly deep — it must have been two yards across and had two separate streams feeding it with a third flowing over its lower rim. It poured over the side of the cliff, angelic white.

  Curls of steam rose from the pool’s surface.

  Cora risked a peek over her shoulder. The boulder hid her from their campsite; all she could see was an orange glow flickering on the roof of the overhang. A few feet away, the pool gurgled invitingly.

  Screw it. She’d keep her underwear on like a bathing suit, and then they’d get a wash too. She climbed out of her clothes, set her pendant on top of the pile, and hurried over to the side of the pool. When she tested it with a toe, she shivered.

  The water was deliciously warm.

  Cora slid into the pool, letting out a deep sigh as she lay back against the smooth stones and let the water spill over her. It wasn’t as deep as she’d thought — her ass brushed the bottom of the pool while the water barely covered her shoulders — but it was deep enough and hot enough that what she’d expected to be a quick wash up turned into a lingering soak.

  She tipped her head back, resting it on the rim of the pool, and stared up at the myriad stars overhead. There were so many more here than in Phoenix; the Milky Way was a swathe of glittering dust, the moon a shining oval.

  Her eyes fluttered closed as tension bled from her muscles.

  She didn’t hear Finn coming until he was right behind her.

  * * *

  Finn lay his wet t-shirt and jeans on a flat rock to dry. Everything was still warm, despite how cool the night was turning but soon it would be freezing out here. The wind gusted against him. A glance down at himself confirmed he was sticky with sweat. The bruises on his chest were changing from purple to an ugly yellow. He’d always healed fast; his platoon hadn’t called him Wolverine for nothing.

  He scratched at an itch on his stomach and glanced around at the cave. Cora’d disappeared a few minutes ago. No doubt to go wash her clothes too. But he had to sleep, and so did she. He rounded the stones she’d walked around, scanning the pools until he found her. She lay submerged up to her neck in a nearby pool, back to him, head tipped up to the sky. Her eyes were closed.

  So warm and wet. Like her mouth, last night. We could have had her. Could have taken—

  He should have turned back. Should have gone back to the fireside until she was done and decent again. But he moved forward instead, drawn by the coils of steam rising from the pool at the insistence of his shivering body. He came up behind her, bare feet padding near silently on the rocks. She tipped her head back, watching him upside down. There was a moment of frozen time, and then she sat up and moved to the side.

  “There’s enough space,” she said, swirling her arm over the surface of the pool.

  There was. But it wouldn’t be decent. Not with her wearing what looked like just her underwear. Not after what had happened last.

  “You need to sleep,” he said.

  “I also need a bath.” Her voice was light, but it shook as if he’d given her a fright coming up behind her so quietly. He probably had; they were both tenser than they should be. But they’d be safe here. For tonight, at least.

  It would be a waste of time to wait for her to finish before he washed.

  Cora hurriedly straightened again, bringing her knees up to hug them. Steam rose from her shoulders and back. The ridges of her spine stood up in a row of soft nubs. Her skin had a faint orange cast to it from the distant fire, mixed with silver moonlight. He climbed in beside her, and the hot wa
ter drew a sigh from him as he slid down until his chin touched the water. At least his whiplash had receded, turning his head had been a chore the past few days.

  Cora let out a sigh and rested her head back again, staring up at the stars.

  A deep silence descended between them.

  Finn’s head fell back, and his eyes flashed open. Had he just nodded off? He widened his eyes, scanning their surroundings. Cora could have been asleep with her eyes closed and her plump mouth set in a faint smile.

  From nowhere, a swirl of scorching hot water brushed against his stomach. He jerked, sending violent ripples through the water. Cora sat up, hugging herself, blinking at him like she’d been dozing off herself.



  She laughed. “That’s the point.”

  “Really hot.” He shifted a little to the left, away from Cora, but the heat intensified. He moved back to his original position, but the water had gone from glorious to painful.

  “It’s perfect here.”

  He stood. Water poured from him, dragging at his skin.

  “Okay, I’ll get out,” Cora said reluctantly. “You can stay for a while.”

  “I’m fine.”

  But the night air was arctic against his wet skin. He shivered, and hurriedly sat down again. And then immediately began shuffling toward where Cora sat. She was right — the closer he got to her, the more tepid the water became. When he was less than five feet from her, she got to her feet.

  “Damn, it’s cold,” she muttered, wrapping her arms around herself. It didn’t matter that she was wearing underwear; the fabric had become translucent in the water. Finn looked away, trying to push the image of that dark triangle of pubic hair from his mind.

  He couldn’t.

  “Screw that,” Cora muttered and sat down in a rush.

  Finn sat up. “Not getting out?”

  “No!” She shivered violently. “It’s freezing.”

  He tensed, staring at the water. He should already be out of here. It would be warm beside the fire, too. He washed his face, his arms, his pits. The water became ice cold on his skin. He had his hands on the rim of the pool, about to stand, when Cora spoke.

  “Where’s that star you were talking about the other night?”

  The other night — as if they’d been together for weeks already. Strangely, that’s what it felt like. He’d already grown used to her presence, to her voice, to the smile in her eyes when they weren’t awash with sadness and panic. Finn paused. He had to get out. But he wanted desperately to stay. And it wasn’t just the heat of the pool. It was the way the moonlight shimmered from Cora’s wet skin. Her shining eyes as she searched the night sky. So he sank slowly back into the water and tipped his head back, hunting for Polaris. It would be easy to spot, quick to point out, and then he could leave.

  She wants you to stay…so stay. Just for a little while.

  * * *

  She didn’t care what the hell any of the stars were called. Stars were pretty to look at, but she was far from fascinated with them. She was more fascinated with the way her body felt right now. Her skin writhed, sending wave after wave of delicious thrills through her. It could have been the warm water, contrasting with the chill night air. More likely, it was the way Finn had looked at her when she’d stood up to leave. His glance had been like a physical touch. And since his eyes had been down there…

  Then again, she’d looked at him when he’d stood up. He was all muscle and sinew, his trunks molded to thighs as hard and unforgiving as the rocks around their pool.

  She shifted, grinding hard into the stone under her.

  It was just the water. Her muscles were finally relaxing after a day’s hike — which had nothing on horse riding or swimming, it turned out — and she was misreading that relaxation as arousal.

  “There,” Finn said. “That star.”

  She snapped her eyes away from him. She’d been staring at his broad shoulders while he searched the night sky. “Oh.”

  God, his mouth had been so demanding last night. His tongue forcing drawing hers into his mouth like a snake charmer. His lips so unexpectedly warm and soft.

  “See it?” He looked across at her, too quickly for her to turn her eyes up.

  “Saw it,” she lied.

  He frowned. “Sure?”

  “Yeah. It’s…” She looked up and waved a finger in the vague direction of the Milky Way. “…there.”

  “No. There.” He pointed.

  Her eyes followed his thick arm. He shifted a little closer to her, their feet touching for a split second before he pulled away. “See that bright star?”

  “Which one?”

  Finn’s gaze returned to her, a touch of frustration in his eyes. “There—” he waved a hand, beckoning her over.

  She stiffened. The air thickened around them, pressing into her. Why the hell was she hesitating? She wanted to be next to him. It made absolutely no sense, but she wanted his warmth to buffet her as much as the warm water from the pool.

  Her heart fluttered in time with a suddenly erratic pulse.

  He must have realized what he’d asked. He lifted a hand between them, looking apologetic, frustrated, confused. Moving further away. When she wanted him closer.

  Her body moved without conscious thought. Water swirled hot around her waist as she surged toward him. His hands came up reflexively.

  If he pushed her away…

  The thought was acid. Her stomach twisted, and she hesitated less than an inch away with their thighs touching.

  But he didn’t push her away. He pulled her closer.


  Electric Storm

  Finn saw Cora’s intention a split second before she launched herself at him. A feral hunger gleamed in those honey brown eyes. It made his beast growl. Made him want to bite into her. To devour her piece by piece until he’d consumed all of her.

  He’d never felt lust like this. It came on like an electric storm. Furious, wild, unstoppable. He caught her shoulders and fought with himself, trying to push her back but instead drawing her closer.

  It was the moonlight on her face. The hot swirls in the water. Memory of the way her mouth tasted. It had seduced him. She had seduced him.

  His fingers slid down her shoulders to the top of her arms. Her flesh was silken under his hands. Warm and wet and firm. Quivering like a frightened animal.

  Their thighs met, warm flesh pressing against warm flesh.

  A gust of wind chased over the pool, agitating the steam coiling lazily from its surface. It shifted strands of Cora’s dark hair over her face. It made her eyes seem darker, her brows thicker.

  Their breath mingled. The air became scented with the same, powdery strawberry smell that had filled the air when she’d opened one of those protein bars.

  She’s gonna taste so fucking sweet, so fucking innocent.

  His muscles shook as he fought with himself; body hankering to draw her close, but his mind rebelling against the thought. It was so fucking wrong the bitterness of it threatened to drown him.

  He could have her.

  Can’t stop us. Out here, no one to see. She can fight, but she won’t win. We’re too strong.

  The litany of thoughts came out of nowhere, flicking against his mind like a whip. He should have shoved them from his mind like he always did, but he was too caught up. They became a chanting, enamoring chorus that drove him forward like a crowd pushing as his back.

  He yanked her close. Ground his mouth against hers. Tasted her with angry lips and a vicious tongue.

  She moaned against him, hands sliding around his neck. Then she was on top of him, her weight insignificant, but the touch of her hips against his belly as lewd as the brush of her pubic bone against his dick.

  Scorching hot water buffeted against him. Cora gasped into his mouth, pushing away, flailing.

  Reality crashed over him like a leaden sheet. He scrambled from the water, dragging her after him, more instinct than c
onscious thought. His skin stung and pulsed where that finger of boiling water had caressed him. Cora had a bright red mark down the front of her belly, almost to her—

  He snapped his eyes away and strode from the side of the rock pool, bare wet feet slapping against the rocks.

  Cora made a noise of protest — but she didn’t call him back.

  If she had…

  If she had, then she would have regretted it. Because he would have torn her apart like a grizzly bear.

  * * *

  Her body was a mess. There were so many sensations surging through her, she wanted to curl into a ball and howl until they stopped. That lick of boiling water had left a scathing track over her thigh that pulsed and flickered with fire. But the cold air hugged her hard, forcing wave after wave of shivers from her. Her teeth were chattering by the time she managed to drag her wet underwear off. She yanked on her jeans and shirt and ran to the fire.

  Finn didn’t look up. He was hunched over the fire like the epitome of a caveman, circa pre-Neanderthal. She hugged her knees to her chest, sitting as close to the flames as she dared.

  Her lips thrummed like they’d been in the path of that sinister coil of boiling water too.

  God, he’d tasted unbelievably good. Those lips had been smooth and dry. Voracious. She’d wanted him to smother her, to crush her against him until she couldn’t breathe. Until she fought him to release her, and he wouldn’t. Because she knew he wouldn’t.

  Her eyes shot up. She studied his face, her insides squirming. His grip had been so strong. So determined. Flattening her against him until there hadn’t been room for her lungs to expand. And she’d loved it. She wanted more. She wanted him. Needed his hands on her again.

  She squeezed her thighs together, trying to will away the tendrils worming between her legs. It didn’t work.

  She stood in a rush. “I’m going to sleep.”


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