Beauty's War (Gods Reborn Book 1)

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Beauty's War (Gods Reborn Book 1) Page 3

by Anna Edwards

  “Are you staying far from here?”

  “We’re having a threesome?” Susan squeals in delight.

  “No, we’re not.” Vicky quickly jumps into the conversation, breaking her silence since we left the steps. “Mr. er, what’s your name?”

  “Mars.” I offer.

  “Mr. Mars.”

  “Just Mars,” I cut in.

  “Mars was just helping out. Thank you.” Vicky looks up at me with her big blue eyes. I’m drawn into them, again. I feel as though I’m floating. Fuck, I hope I’m not since I’m one of the few gods who can fly, and my father told me to make friends with the girl, not freak her out. I look down at my feet, breaking our connection, to ensure they’re firmly planted on the ground. They are. Phew!

  “Thank you, Mars,” Susan singsongs to match her friend’s gratitude.

  “I think it’s probably time for you two to return to your hotel for the night. I’ll walk you.”

  “Come in for a nightcap?” Susan offers with a lick of her lips. Vicky jabs her in the ribs.

  “Hey, just letting him know that even if you're going to be a prude, I’m not. He’s cute.”

  “I’ll walk you back to your hotel, and then I’ll go home,” I reply sternly.

  “Spoilsport,” Susan moans and starts to walk off.

  “I’m sorry about her,” Vicky apologizes.

  “It’s not a problem. She seems a handful but harmless.”

  “She really is. My best friend, and I’ve known her for what seems like forever.”

  “It’s good to have someone like that.” I have friends, actually no, I have consorts who I go to when I need my cock-sucked. I’ve never honestly had a person who wants me for me and not for what I can give them, or what services they can provide me.

  We fall into step behind Susan. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Vicky looking up at me. The connection between us is strong, and I can sense she feels it too. I’ve never felt such power coming from a goddess before. My father suspects she could be Venus and looking down at her beauty and gracefulness as we walk, I’m starting to believe him. For I know, at this moment, war is very far from my thoughts.

  Chapter Four


  My skin prickles at Mars’ closeness. With every fiber of my being, I’m aware of every inch of him as he moves beside me. The needy ache is back between my legs. It intensifies with his proximity.

  Everything in his appearance screams refined, confident, male.

  I still don’t know how he found us. In a city as big as Rome, was it really a coincidence we’ve bumped into him again? Fate?

  Susan grins when she catches my gaze. She’s enjoying his attention, that’s for sure, much more than those creeps she’d run into. I’ve told her to be careful. Not everyone is as friendly as she thinks they are.

  Seeing Mr. tall, dark, and handsome, again, has turned my brain to mush. Tongue darting out to wet my dry lips, I try to think of something to say. Nothing comes to mind. Some hot Italian guy has turned me into a moron. I still can’t believe he told everyone we’re having a threesome.

  Heat scalds my cheeks at the thought. I’ve never done anything like that in my life.

  “It was lucky you found us,” I babble.

  “Yes, it was very fortunate.”

  I’m barely aware of the odd tourist and Italian passing us by on their way back home. All my focus is on the man at my side. He can’t be single. No way in hell a woman wouldn’t have snapped him up already. Then again, maybe he’s gay.

  Wrinkling my nose, I dump that thought. No. The way he keeps watching me, he’s definitely not into guys.

  “Well, this is us,” Susan announces.

  Blinking out of my lusty daze, I realize we’re already outside our cheap hotel. I don’t remember walking that fast. Not cool. Crap, now I’ve missed my chance to say something clever or witty.

  “You shouldn’t wander around so late,” Mars advises, holding open the door and ushering us in.

  Standing in the shabby foyer, the clerk at the desk eyes our little party.

  “You sure you don’t want to come up?” Susan persists, running her fingers up to the bulge of his muscular bicep.

  Mars looks my way.

  His eyes. God, his eyes are hungry again. Just a spark of heat draws a tiny moan from my throat.

  “No,” he declines politely. “But tomorrow I could show you some sights you haven’t seen yet…. if you’d like? How long are you here for?”

  It takes me a second to realize I heard right.

  “You want to show us around?” I repeat dumbly.

  Mars’ expression becomes amused. “With a local, it’s the best way to see everything. I can take you to places not everyone knows. Let you see the real Rome.”

  “We’d love to.” Susan jumps in before I can speak. “Wouldn’t we, Vicky? We’re here for the rest of the week.”

  I nod dumbly. My mind’s in the gutter, again, imagining all the things I bet he could show me, which involve getting naked and sweaty. Giving myself a mental slap, I try to stop thinking with my vagina.

  “Are you a tour guide? We can pay you for your time,” I tell him, common sense finally kicking in.

  “No. I’m a lawyer. I have a few days off work, and it’d be more than an honor to show two beautiful women some of my city.”

  Susan fans herself with her hand, behind him. With a silent look, she indicates I better not fuck this up.

  “Why would you do that?” The words are out before I can think.

  Mars’ eyes light with mischief. “Because I’d like us to be...friends.”

  Why do I feel like he wants more than that?

  “That’s very generous of you, but we’ll only agree if we can buy you lunch in payment.”

  There’s no way I’ll let him do this for free. It’s not right.

  A charming sexy smile, which almost makes my panties combust, plays across Mars’ mouth. “I have a feeling you won’t agree until I accept your terms.”

  Finding the strap of my bag hanging from my shoulder, I curl my fingers around the leather cord. “It doesn’t seem right if we don’t give you something in return.”

  “We can always have that threesome,” Susan pipes up.

  I can’t help but roll my eyes. That woman has sex on the brain, right now, and I guess she’s not the only one.

  “Food,” I insist. “You show us around, and we’ll feed you.”

  Cocking his head, Mars surveys my stubborn expression. “You have a deal, Vicky.”

  I like the way he says my name. How it falls from his lips as if he’s savoring it.

  “Ok, good. We could meet at around ten tomorrow morning?”

  “I’ll be here.”

  Taking my free hand, he raises it to his lips. The brush of his mouth over my knuckles sends my pulse rate rocketing. He lingers for a second as if enjoying the touch of my skin.

  Susan looks a little put out when he doesn’t take hers but salutes her with a tilt of his head instead.

  “Buona notte, ladies.”

  As we walk the short distance to the lift, I can feel his eyes on us.

  “He’s so fucking hot,” Susan whispers as we wait for the metal doors to open. “You should’ve told him to come up.”

  I don’t respond.

  He’s still watching. I don’t need to turn to know he’s still there.

  As the lift doors whoosh open, I step inside.

  Brown eyes hold mine when I turn to face the opening. Mars hasn’t moved a muscle from where he left us. He’s serious about seeing us safely back, or maybe he thinks we’ll ignore him and go out again.

  Only the doors clicking shut breaks the connection.

  He’s so fucking intense. I’ve never met a man like him. Someone who commands my whole attention. It’s frightening, yet I can’t help feeling energized around him.

  Releasing a breath, I hadn’t realized I was holding, I lean back against the wall. “We aren’t inviting him up.
We’ve only just met him.”

  Susan pouts. “But I want him.”

  “You’ve wanted a piece of every male you’ve seen since we got here,” I scold lightly. “We aren’t bringing a complete stranger into our room.”

  “You can’t deny you’re attracted to him too.”

  Scrubbing my free hand over my face, I let out a tired sigh. “Yes, he’s attractive. Yes, I fancy him, but that doesn’t mean I’m just going to jump into bed with him.”

  I hope I sound convincing. Since we saw him earlier, I have a dozen loose sketches of his features in my notebook pages. He’s fast becoming my obsession.

  The lift opens, and we both trot out.

  “Well, at least we’ll get to know him better,” Susan points out as she fishes the key to our room from her pocket. “That’s a bonus.”

  Inwardly, I groan.

  She’s not going to let this go. One way or another, she’ll have him upstairs with us. If that happens, will I be able to resist? This is turning out to be a holiday, I have a feeling, we won’t forget.

  Inside the room, I dump my bag on my single bed.

  The place is clean and affordable. It’s not the Ritz, but a good place to sleep and change while we explore.

  “You can use the bathroom first.” I tell her as I curl up on the mattress. Not waiting for her to reply, I tug my book and pencils from my backpack.

  Flipping the pages open, I don’t stop until I find the one I desire.


  Strong, powerful–I’ve captured his striking profile perfectly. Although I want something more solid. Not just a hurried drawing, but something I can take my time over. A portrait of the man who has unwittingly become my secret muse.

  I’m only half aware of the sound of the shower running muffled behind the closed bathroom door.

  Snatching up a pencil, I lose myself in my art. I bring more depth to his features, playing with light and dark. It makes me wish I’d brought my paints. Back home, in my studio, I know I’ll have more time to bring it to life. A portrait to keep.

  It’s not like the recollection of him will fade. His appearance, voice, and smile have seared themselves to my memory like a brand.

  “Are you going to get that?”

  Susan’s voice drags me from my thoughts. “Huh?” It’s only then the sound of knocking registers.

  A large, fluffy towel wrapped firmly round her body, she hurries to the door.

  Hushed voices follow.

  I can hear the excitement in her tone. Has Mars returned?

  Nervousness clenches my stomach. Oh my god.

  Jumping quickly to my feet, I take a few steps toward her only to stop as she turns.

  “Vicky, look what’s arrived!” Her squeal of happiness is mirrored in the way she bounces toward me.

  Behind her, a man wheels in a cart. On top is a bucket containing a bottle of champagne nestled in ice, and next to it are two long flute glasses.

  “There must be some kind of mistake.” I tell the waiter. “We didn’t order this.”

  “With the compliments of the manager.” His smile makes my skin crawl as his beady eyes flick over me.

  “Ooh, that's so nice.” Grabbing her purse, Susan tugs out a Euro note and pushes it into the guy’s hand. “Thank you.”

  He accepts the tip with a nod, leaving us without a backward glance.

  Unease snakes through me. I’m not sure why. The waiter leaves me feeling unsettled.

  “Champagne!” Susan wastes no time popping the cork, with a giggle.

  “Susan, I’m not sure about this,” I tell her as she fills the glasses with the golden liquid. “Why would they even send us this up?”

  “Maybe, Mars arranged it as a surprise, or they do it for all their guests.” She slips one of the drinks into my hand. “Let’s just enjoy it.”

  I stare dubiously down at the alcohol. Would Mars really treat us like this? We’ve only just met the guy.

  “Please,” she pleads, eyes imploring. “Can we just have this moment? I know you’re going to say drinking it all is going to give us the mother of all hangovers, but a couple of glasses won’t hurt.”

  She’s right. I’m being ridiculous. We’re here to have fun, and I shouldn’t be so uptight. God knows we both need to let our hair down. A week goes fast, and we’ll soon be home again with only photos, souvenirs, and memories.


  Susan grins. “Cheers.”

  Clinking our glasses together, we both take a long sip.

  It’s delicious and decadent. The bubbles tickle my nose as it slides down my throat.

  “You should show Mars that sketch,” Susan tells me as she tops off our drinks. “He’ll love it.”

  Glancing down at the open page still lying on my bed, I shake my head. “No way. He’ll think I’m a stalker.”

  Just the thought of showing him sends heat through my body. Tipping up the glass, I down the contents in one go.

  “Vicky, you need to learn to relax. He’s into you.”

  “No, he’s just being nice.”

  Susan snorts in disbelief before finishing off her champagne.

  Discarding my own back on the cart, I return to my notebook and pencils. Would he really like it?

  Biting my lip, I stare at it with critical eyes. It’s not my best work, but it’s good. I’m no Michelangelo, but people have always loved what I create. Some clients have told me they find a sense of peace in my paintings–a connection with something calming.

  Dizziness hits me so hard I sway.

  A thump registers.

  I see Susan on the floor. Hair tumbling around her face on the carpet, eyes closed.

  “S... Susan?” Her name stutters through my numbing lips.

  Pushing up, my legs give out as the strength drains out of them, and they fold beneath me. Pain jars up my side as I’m greeted by the floor. Everything starts to spin.

  What’s happening? I don’t understand.

  Darkness looms, and a shadow falls over me. The last thing I see before blackness claims me is an unpleasant smile.

  Chapter Five


  The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and I know, immediately, something isn’t right. Looking around, I sense the evil even though I can’t see it amongst the crowd of people returning home after their evening out. Orcus is here. The bearded giant of a nemesis is the last person that I want near Vicky and her friend. In an instant, I transport myself up into their room. It’s empty.

  “Shit.” I pull out my mobile and dial my father. “The girl has gone missing. Orcus is around.”

  “I’ll send reinforcements,” he replies, and I hear chairs scraping in the background. My backup is on its way.

  “I’ll start looking.”

  “Stay safe.”

  I don’t reply but hang up my phone and put it back in my pocket. I shut my eyes and allow the heightened senses, which all gods have, to work. The sound of a body being dragged down the hallway on the floor below has me running from the room and down the stairs, two at a time.

  “Orcus,” I shout when I see the darkly clothed figure. He looks up at me, and a twisted smirk crosses his face. He is holding Susan. Beside him, carrying an unconscious Vicky, is the accused man from my court case a few days ago.

  “Too late, Mars,” Orcus growls. He’s always been more ogre than man. His job is to punish the broken oaths people make, and he takes it very seriously, disciplining them by eating the flesh warm from their bodies. Shame, he only chooses to enact his judgment on those who don’t deserve it. I step forward and plant myself firmly, ready to attack. My hand shoots out and my spear appears.

  “No, I’m fashionably on time.” I point my magical weapon at them. “Leave now.”

  “Don’t worry, I plan on it.”

  “Without the girls,” I add and send a lightning bolt to the feet of the twisted human man who’s holding the woman I need to protect.

  “Oh.” Orcus shrugs. I’m sure
he has drool dripping over his chin. He’s a disgusting creature, and one I’d be more than happy to put down. “But I was hoping to take the girls with me. We wanted to have some fun.” The obvious sarcasm in his tone isn’t lost on me.

  “Not going to happen.” I humor him. “These girls aren't the sort who would enjoy the type of fun you have in mind. You know my father has additional people on the way, so just leave.”

  “Your father’s a right pain. Always interfering where he isn’t wanted. Nobody put him in charge, you know.”

  “I think the fact he’s the King of Gods means he’s in charge. Now, do as I say or feel the wrath of war.”

  Orcus throws his head back and laughs. The man standing next to him looks up at the booming sound.

  “I’m not sure you should laugh about war.” He gulps at his partner.

  “Why?” Orcus replies. “War went soft ages ago. You think the torment in the world nowadays is anything like the wars we used to have. The ones he started with his anger. I remember men being ripped apart, bodies lying all over the land, and loved ones crying endlessly because of the suffering and starvation they felt. Mars has gone weak. You’ve become too much like the man behind the desk you portray. A ruthless lawyer. Your only power is in court, now. We hold the power out here.”

  I breathe deeply to try and remain calm, but the harsher side of the god I am has been pricked. He wants blood in retribution for the slur on his name. I hear shouts of a battle in my head–a war being fought in the lands of deserts and religious strife. It intensifies, my emotions battling with my need to tamper them down. Bombs explode, gunshots ring out, and cries of victory and defeat resonate around the walls of the rundown hotel. Red mist descends over my vision. I charge at Orcus, but he vanishes into thin air, taking Susan with him.

  “Orcus.” The vile creature that tortures women shouts after him.

  “Let her go,” I snarl and snap. He pushes Vicky toward me, and she lands with a thump on the floor. I step over her so that my feet are on either side of her. She’s protected between my legs–nobody can harm her without going through me first.


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