Emergency: Nurse in Need

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Emergency: Nurse in Need Page 13

by Laura Iding

"I don't know," she admitted slowly. "I didn't stop to think, Rico, I simply reacted. I couldn't stand by and let him shoot you." Slowly, Serena realized that her instinctive action was no different from what Grant had done the night he'd been shot. No different, for that matter, than what Eric had done the night he'd died. Eric had gone into the burning house to save a little girl's life. The decision to help someone at the expense of your own safety was not a conscious one, but rather a part of your nature.

  Obviously, the "hero" gene had worked its way into her DNA as well. She just hadn't ever put it to the test until the night she'd faced the Hombres.

  Surprised at the realization, Serena didn't know what to say. Embarrassing how she'd carried such anger at Grant for so long. Even if he wasn't a cop, he would put his life on the line for another. Especially a child. That was just part of who he was. His career had nothing to do with him being a hero. He could hand out parking tickets and still remain a hero at heart.

  Rico watched her anxiously, and Serena pushed her startling thoughts aside. "I'm glad I was able to help. You have another chance to think about how you want to live your life, Rico. Don't let it go to waste."

  "I have no words to thank you." His eyes were suspiciously bright. "Most of the Hombres were arrested. Others want nothing more to do with them. I think we're finally safe."

  "No thanks are necessary." Serena swallowed hard and reached for his hands to give them a brief squeeze. "You can thank me by taking care of Marta. How is she?"

  Rico shrugged his thin shoulders. "She's OK. She's in the hospital, too, but they're going to let her go today."

  Serena, grimaced. Marta had been kept in the hospital overnight? What about Rico?

  "I hope you stayed-home last night." Serena worried her lower lip between her teeth. Hopefully the social worker wouldn't need to know that Rico had been without parental supervision for the past twenty-four hours.

  "He did. I stayed at his place with him." Grant spoke up from the doorway.

  "Thank you, Grant."

  He shrugged negligently. "No problem. Rico, we need to get moving. We still need to get Marta home before the game."

  "Game?" Confused, Serena glanced between the two of them. Grant had just gotten there but he was planning to leave already? "What game?"

  "A T-ball game." Rico turned to Grant with a puzzled expression. "What's the boy's name? Ben?"

  Grant cleared his throat and nodded. "Yeah, Ben. I promised Ben I'd come watch his game tonight. Rico is coming with me. We thought we'd stop and see if there is a summer league Rico can still join."

  "Oh. That's great." Serena knew her flat tone betrayed her less than enthusiastic response. "Have fun. Tell Marta I'm glad she's on the mend."

  "I will." Rico leaned over to give her one last hug. "Thanks, Serena. Hope you come home soon."

  "Me, too." She stared at Grant who hadn't ventured more than a few steps into her room. The distance between them could have been miles instead of feet. Had she dreamed those whispered words? Had they been nothing more than wishful thinking? "Goodbye, Rico. Grant."

  They left and the door of her room closed loudly behind them. Serena fought a fresh wave of useless tears. She'd let Grant go eighteen months ago, without realizing how ridiculous her demands had been. And now that she'd finally realized the truth, it was eighteen months too late.

  Grant might still care about her—the night they'd spent together was proof they were very much physically compatible. But he didn't need her.

  Not in the same way she needed him.

  * * *

  After taking Marta and Rico home, Grant stayed long enough to make sure the two had everything they needed. His mind, though, was back in the hospital with Serena.

  She hadn't wanted to see him, that much was clear. What he didn't understand was why. The frozen expression in her eyes when Rico had mentioned Ben's T-ball game hadn't made sense. Certainly she couldn't think he still had something going with Loren? Not when he'd told her there was nothing but friendship between them? And especially not after they'd made love?

  But she'd also sent him away when he'd come to visit. The nurse had been apologetic but very clear on that.

  Marta seemed grateful that Grant was taking Rico out for a while. The poor girl still looked horrible with the dark bruises marring her pretty face. Grant itched to finish what Rico had started by going after the rest of the Hombres, intent on making them pay for what they'd done.

  Ben was thrilled that he showed up at the game and chattered non-stop after he'd hit a double. Loren had kept her distance, as if knowing Grant was really only there for Ben.

  Grant felt bad for Loren but he wasn't in charge of her happiness. She needed to figure that out on her own. Rico was able to join a team of twelve-year-olds, and when Grant dropped him off at home he talked more than usual, asking endless questions about baseball rules.

  Glancing at his watch, Grant realized that there was still an hour before the end of hospital visiting time. With a sigh he turned his rusted Chevy toward home. Maybe Serena needed time to come to grips with her close call. She'd certainly seemed startled when Rico had asked why she'd jumped in front of him. Hell, Grant himself had lost years off his life when she'd pulled that stunt.

  He didn't sleep well that night, his thoughts tumbling around in his head. Had Serena changed her mind about him? Would she give him a chance to make things right? The next morning, he couldn't stand the questions another minute and decided he would confront Serena once and for all.

  At Trinity, he belatedly remembered the captain. Asking for Ted Reichert's room,, he discovered his boss had been transferred out of the cardiac ICU the previous day.

  "Captain." Grant grinned at the scowl etched in his boss's features. "I see you're doing better."

  "Hmph." The captain didn't seem too happy to see him either. What was with everyone? Why was he suddenly persona non grata around here? "Sullivan. You're lucky I'm stuck in this hospital or I'd be putting a discipline in your file."

  "Yeah, yeah." Grant shrugged off the threat. "Seriously, Captain, how are you? Did the doctors fix your heart?"

  "Not really. They opened one artery but it turns out I have several that have become blocked again. They're talking about open-heart surgery. I'm already scheduled for tomorrow."

  Grant drew a deep breath. "Wow, Captain, I'm sorry. I had no idea you needed surgery."

  "Me neither." Glum, the captain glared at him. "I bet you're happy, though."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I'm officially retiring. And you're next in line for promotion."

  Grant wasn't sure if the captain was serious or not. "Look, Captain, there's no need to make any rash decisions. Why don't you wait until after your surgery to decide whether or not to retire? Heck, let the department pay your medical leave."

  "Ha!'' The captain barked out a laugh. "Good one, Sullivan. I probably will do just that, but I've already made my decision. Hell, this is my second surgery. The docs have told me to turn my life around or face dying in the next five years. Make no mistake, I'm going to retire." He eyed Grant with a raised brow. "And I'm telling you, Sullivan, the job is yours if you want it."

  Speechless, Grant didn't know what to say. Even more, he wondered what Serena would say. Would a leadership role make her happier than having him on the front line? "I'll think about it, Captain. I promise you, I'll seriously consider the promotion."

  Grant headed down to the third-floor surgical unit, the same floor where he'd been a patient not that long ago. Serena's door was open, and when he glanced in he was surprised to find her dressed in a fresh pair of scrubs, no doubt donated by the hospital. He couldn't imagine her blood-stained ones were salvageable.

  "Serena." He tucked his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. "Are you getting ready to leave?"

  "Oh, Grant." She swung around to face him then winced and placed a hand on her side. "I wasn't expecting you."

  "Need a ride?"

  "Well, actually, that w
ould be great. I was going to call a cab."

  He tamped down a flare of irritation. "You could have called me, you know."

  She dropped her gaze. "Yes," she admitted softly. "I know."

  What in the hell was going on with her? They needed to talk, but not here. First he'd get her home.

  "It was nice of you to come," Serena added.

  "Nice?" Grant took a few steps toward her, his fingers itching to pull her into his arms and let actions speak for him. He wasn't always good with words. "Is that why you think I'm here, Serena, because I'm nice?"

  Serena shrugged helplessly. "I don't know, Grant. Everything is so confusing right now."

  He wasn't confused, he knew exactly what he wanted. Serena. In his life. Permanently. But he chose not to point that fact out. Instead, he Waved a hand at her small bag of personal items on the bed. "Is that everything? Do you have any paperwork you need to sign?"

  Just then Dr. Burns walked into the room. "Your X-rays look great, Serena, so you're free to go. I'll give you prescriptions for antibiotics and pain medicine, and don't forget, I want to see you back in the clinic in a few days."

  Serena nodded and Grant knew that she was more familiar with the routine than most. When Serena was ready to leave, he met her out front, wishing he'd brought his newer car rather than this beat-up old Chevy.

  He helped her in, reaching over to pull the seat belt carefully over her abdominal incision. As Grant pulled away from the curb, she turned toward him.

  "I can't believe you still own this car. How many miles are you up to? Two hundred thousand?"

  He shot her a narrowed look. "Yes, if you must know, I just broke that milestone. But I do have another car. If I had known that you needed a ride, I would have brought that one instead."

  "I don't need special treatment, Grant." Serena leaned back in her seat.

  "Yes, you do." And Grant vowed to find a way to explain that to her once they reached her apartment.

  At her place, he helped her with a supporting arm under her elbow as she mounted the stairs. In her apartment, she shuffled to the sofa and sank down gratefully.

  "Thanks for bringing me home, Grant." She smiled at him, but it was a sad smile. His gut tightened anxiously.

  "Serena, we need to talk." He dropped her bag on the floor, then sank into a chair beside her.

  She nodded. "We do need to talk. I have to be honest with you, Grant. I realized something about heroes the other night."

  "You know what I think a hero is?" Grant interrupted. "A hero is someone who faces illness and death every day, but who goes on enjoying life anyway. A hero is someone who suffers a devastating personal loss but who manages to give her gift of love, despite her grief. You're a hero, Serena, and not just because of how you saved Rico's life. Because of what you do every day."

  "I..." She stared at him in surprise. "I think that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

  "I love you, Serena. I also discovered something the other night. I finally understand the fear you've lived with since Eric died. I'm willing to give up my job for something less dangerous."

  "Grant, I—"

  He held up a hand. "Wait, let me finish. The night you were shot, the captain suffered a heart attack. I went to see him before I came to your room. He told me he's going to retire. He also thinks I'm in line to take his position. I'd be managing people and cases instead of arresting crooks." Grant almost smiled at Serena's shocked expression and he held her gaze with his. "I'll take the position if you'll give us another chance, Serena."

  "Grant, you don't have to take the job, unless you want to."

  "I don't?" He fought a flash of panic. Did that mean she would give him another chance or not?

  Serena reached across the space between them to place a hand on his arm. "Grant, I want you to be happy. I love you. I was so stupid to ever let you go. No matter what you choose to do, I promise I'll support you."

  A slow grin spread across his features. Grant stood and pulled Serena into his arms for a gentle embrace. "Are you sure, Serena? I love you too much to risk losing you again."

  Serena nodded. "I'm sure. You're a hero, Grant, no matter what you choose to do. I know that now."

  "Thank God, sweetheart. Because I love you so much that it scares me to death." Grant's words were muffled against her hair. "I love you." The words were easier to say the second time. "I want you to know, if they offer it to me, I plan on accepting the promotion. Not just for you, but for both of us and the family I hope we have one day." Grant captured her hand in his and slipped a familiar ring on the third finger of her left hand. Her original emerald engagement ring. He'd kept it these past eighteen months.

  Tears filled Serena's eyes as she threw herself back into his embrace.

  "Will you marry me?'' Grant could barely get the question out. She was squeezing him so tight, he figured she had to be hurting her incision. "Will you marry me and be the mother of my children?"

  "Yes," Serena whispered into his ear as she lifted her face to smile tearfully at Grant. Her hero. Her husband-to-be. "A thousand times, yes."

  Grant buried his face in her hair, holding her with heartfelt relief. His heroine. Soon to be his wife.

  He kissed her and held her gently, sure in the knowledge that together their love was strong enough to survive anything the future had in store for them.




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