Homecoming Queen: A Second Chance Romance (Carlisle Cellars Book 2)

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Homecoming Queen: A Second Chance Romance (Carlisle Cellars Book 2) Page 19

by Fabiola Francisco

  I reach for it, tangling my fingers with his. I get lost in his eyes, forgetting where we are and who’s around us. His smirk is framed by his short beard, one that I know fuels the pleasure he provides, and the rough pad of his thumb strokes the top of my hand.

  “Let me show you the rest of the station.” Tate stands, breaking the spell and leading me out of the living room. He shows me the area where their equipment and protective wear are stored as well as where the trucks are parked. After, he leads me up the stairs to a long room.

  “This is where we have our beds. They’re all Murphy beds.” He points to the wall where I can see where each bed is pulled down from.

  “That’s cool.” I look around. “It’s much bigger than I imagined.”

  “It is. Like I said, we spend a lot of hours here.” He cages me against the wall, his hands going to either side of my body, and he leans his head down. When I think he’s going to kiss me, he turns his head and runs his nose against my cheek.

  “I wish I didn’t have to work. I’d take you home…” His teeth graze my earlobe, making a soft moan escape my lips. “Spend the rest of the day making love to you.” My body shivers at his words.

  His eyes land on mine again, the blue washed away by his dark pupils. “I love you,” he whispers.

  “I love you, too.” I bring my arms around his back and take his lips in mine. When we hear footsteps, we break away, smiling like fools.

  “Tomorrow, you’re mine,” Tate promises.

  “You bet your sexy self I am.”

  He chuckles at my response, hugging me.

  “How’s everything?” His question is loaded with meaning.

  My chest rises and falls with a heavy breath before I tell him everything I learned earlier. I share the news Sadie called about and what my lawyer said.

  “Wow, so they fired him, huh?”

  “Yup. I’m so glad, Tate. It seems as if things are finally happening. I’m so tired of this, and I know it could be a much longer battle, but I’m ready for it to end.”

  “Me too, babe.” He holds me close, kissing my temple. “Soon, it will be.” His soft breath tickles the shell of my ear.

  I rest my chin on his chest and look up to his eyes. “Words can’t express how I feel about having you in my life again. I’m grateful and so happy you were willing to give me a second chance.

  His demeanor changes. Instead of playful teasing, he’s serious. “Maddy, it goes both ways. You’re not the only one who wins with this. We both do. I love you.” His hand cradles my face. “I mean it when I say it. You bring color back into my life.”

  “I feel the same. I just want you to know that it’s more than having someone support me during this time. I’m not using you as a crutch.” I have no idea where this is coming from.

  “I know you’re not. This is about having the person God made for you in your life. This is about living with the one person who knows you better than anyone. It’s about love, acceptance, forgiveness, and creating a fulfilling life.”

  I melt into a puddle as I smile at him. He traces my dimples before descending his lips to mine.

  After the tour that turned into a serious conversation, we head back to the living room. Some of the guys are no longer there, while others are playing a video game on the television. I get to know all of them better as I sit there, immersed in their daily life.

  When the chief comes out of his office to talk to the guys, I say my goodbyes and head out. I know they’re working, and I don’t want to get in the middle of it. I’m looking down at my phone, getting ready to call my mom to ask if she needs anything from town before I head home.

  Hearing footsteps behind me, I turn around to see if it’s Paul. My heart stops as my eyes widen. Fear grips me, choking out any pleas for help that may save me from this situation. With my phone still in my hand and open to my keypad, I don’t look away from the man as I blindly dial 9-1-1, hoping I got the numbers right.

  Chapter 26


  “Put the phone away.” Wright’s angry voice gives me chills. I place the phone in my open bag and hike it up on my shoulder, praying that the person who answers hears my conversation and sends help. The odds might be slim, but I have to at least try.

  His dress pants and gray button-down shirt are wrinkled as if he’s been wearing them for days. His normally neatly combed hair is wild, and his dark eyes are void of emotion.

  I look at my surroundings, but we’re around the side of the building and nowhere near where people would drive or walk by.

  “How’d you know I was here?” I look at him while masking my fear as he steps closer. My heart is now pounding furiously, heat building intensely.

  “Not too difficult to narrow down to your hometown. I’ll admit, the bodyguard was a bit of a pest.”

  “Where’s Paul?” I make the mistake of swinging my head around as if he’d magically appear.

  “He’s taking a rest.” A sinister smile covers his face as his hand grips my arm.

  “How long have you been stalking me?” I ask the question loudly so that the phone can catch what I’m saying, hoping keywords draw attention. I don’t want the other person to think this is a prank call or some false alarm and hang up before they can send help.

  He squeezes my arm tighter, stinging my skin. I inhale but remain as strong as possible on the outside. Internally, I’m losing my ability to breathe. I’m terrified of what might happen, and if I scream so that the people in the fire station hear me, Wright might hurt me worse or take me away before they realize it and come outside.

  “The firehouse was a given since your boyfriend works here. It’s stupid to think I wouldn’t find you. I’ve had Drew keep an eye on you. Drop the fucking charges.” He snarls. His breath reeks of alcohol, and that knowledge makes my heart spin out of control. If he’s drunk, he’ll be less careful.

  That’s why the guy at the bookstore looked familiar. Drew is one of the employees at the label. Wright’s been watching me without me knowing since he had a minion doing his dirty work.

  “No,” I curl my lips angrily. His fingers bury into her skin. “Ow.” My reaction is instinctual. I can’t hide the pain this time.

  “This is nothing compared to what I’ll do to you if you don’t let this be. I own you. I should’ve fucked you when I had the chance and left you to die. Had I known you’d cause this much trouble, I wouldn’t have left any evidence. You got lucky we were interrupted, or I would’ve.” I shiver at the venom in his words, not allowing the tears to make a presence. Has he done that before, raped and killed? If so, he’s more dangerous than I originally thought.

  His free hand comes around and squeezes my ass.

  “Don’t fucking touch me!” I yell.

  His hand crashes against my face in a hard slap. “I touch whatever the hell I want. Now, stay quiet.” His voice rises.

  My face stings from the blow, but I don’t touch it. I don’t want him to know how bad it hurt. My breathing is shallow as I try to figure out how to get away from him. He’s stronger than me.

  “You’ll come out with a statement saying it was all a misunderstanding, and I never touched you. Is that clear? I’ll get my job back at the label. They won’t be able to fire me anymore.” He says the end to himself, madness swimming in his eyes. I’m terrified that the alcohol has turned a switch.

  I see movement out of the corner of my eye, but I’m too afraid to look so that I don’t draw attention. I hope it’s someone coming to save me. I hope that calling the police helped in some way.

  His hand moves to my top, squeezing my breasts painfully through the fabric. I try to pull away, but his hold is too strong, and I can’t fight him. That’s when my eyes connect with Tate’s angry body. He’s being held back by Rafael and one of the other guys, one of them covering his mouth. I notice three others quietly coming our way.

  Anger bubbling because he thinks he can come here and force me to make this all go away, take my safety and peace
away, I react.

  “You don’t own shit.” I lift my knee, making contact with his sorry excuse for balls. Wright releases my hand to instinctually cup himself, crying out.

  “Pussy,” I spit.

  “You bitch,” he seethes.

  Before he can reach for me, I run to Tate and hide behind him. It all happens so fast. His co-workers tackle Wright to the floor, holding him in a tight headlock, his face pressed into the asphalt. Sirens ring, and I finally breathe, knowing my tactic for calling the police worked.

  I cry into Tate’s chest as he hugs me, whispering comforting words.

  “I’m gonna ruin you,” Wright yells as much as he can with the weight of several firemen on his back.

  Tate releases me and walks up to him. I beg him to stay away, tearing the back of his shirt, but it’s useless. His heavy boot lands on Wright’s cheek with a crushing sound and makes sure the asphalt leaves an imprint.

  “Tate!” I don’t want him getting in trouble when the cops arrive.

  He bends down, gripping Wright’s neck. His thumb presses into his throat, and I flinch. Wright wriggles, his face turning red.

  “I should cut your dick off. You’re not a man. You don’t deserve to have one.” He releases him, and Wright gasps for air. He’s powerless against these men. “You ever get out of the hell hole you’re about to get thrown into and come near her again, I will kill you with my bare hands.” His icy voice even scares me.

  Tate comes back my way, holding me and hiding my face from the man who has tormented my thoughts and nightmares for far too long.

  “It’s over now, Maddy. It’s all over.” He kisses the top of my head, my eyelids, my cheeks, and finally, my lips. “You’re safe.”

  When the cops arrive, they arrest Wright with plenty of evidence to throw him in jail. My body is marked from his grips and the slap. Not to mention the torturous feel of his hands touching me again. The call recorded our conversation, giving any judge the necessary proof to lock him up.

  After hours of questions, getting witness comments from the guys, and making sure Paul is okay, I finally go home in an exhausted heap. Turns out, Wright hit Paul in the back of the head and knocked him out. I hate that he was injured because of me.

  The chief gave Tate permission to drive me home, and I’m so grateful. Right now, I don’t want to leave his side. Coming down from the adrenaline, I close my eyes while Tate’s fingers brush my thigh.

  “This was scarier than the first time,” I admit quietly. His fingers tighten around my leg. “He was drunk. His inhibitions were lower, his actions less careful. He didn’t care how far he went.” I rub my arm where he left a bruise.

  I feel dirty where he touched me. Even though it was over my clothes, I want to take a shower and rub it all away. I’m so angry that the law didn’t act quickly enough to avoid this. Had I been anywhere else, he might’ve gotten away with it.

  “He’s facing serious charges, including attempted murder,” Tate says emotionless. I don’t let the lack of passion in his voice fool me. He’s trying his best to control his anger. I’ve never seen him lose his cool the way he did earlier when he stomped on Wright’s face. When the cops lifted him from the ground cuffed, I could see where the asphalt cut his skin, blood trickling down.

  “I hope they beat him up in prison,” I confess. Maybe I shouldn’t think that, but I do.

  “He’s a pussy. He probably preys on women because he’s weak. I’m sure his experience in prison isn’t going to be a good one.”

  I turn my head and look at Tate’s profile. His jaw is tight, and his usually full lips are pressed into a straight line.

  “I’m so glad y’all were there.” I shiver at the idea of having been completely alone.

  “The sheriff called us as soon as they figured out what was going on. I’m happy you reacted the way you did and called the police before putting your phone away.”

  “I don’t know how that came to mind, but I’m happy, too.” Despite thinking of how you’ll react in certain situations, you never really know until you’re in it. You can’t plan for high-risk experiences. Luckily, my body acted without my mind really questioning it until later.

  When we arrive at my parents’ house, my mom and dad rush outside and hug me. My mom cries into my shoulder as my father shakes Tate’s hand and thanks him.

  Miles is on the porch, face hard, waiting for me. As soon as I see him, I clutch onto him and cry.

  “Dimples…” he sighs. Nothing can break our bond. “I swear if he hurt you…”

  “It’s over. He’s in custody, and from what the officers told me, he won’t be seeing freedom anytime soon.” I give my brother a weak smile.

  When Tate steps up the porch, Miles walks around me and gives him a quick hug with a slap on the back. “Thank you for protecting her.”

  “I didn’t do enough,” he shakes his head.

  My eyebrows pull down as I look at him. He rubs his jaw and avoids my eyes.

  “Come in for some coffee,” my mom ushers us inside.

  “More like wine,” I mumble.

  Tate chuckles dryly and nods. “Yeah, I think I need a drink.”

  I hold him back by the door as my family walks inside.

  “Hey…” I wait for him to look at me. “You did more than enough. If it weren’t for you and the rest of the guys, I don’t know what would’ve happened.” I choke back a cry.

  His arms are instantly around me, running his hands up and down my back as he kisses my hair. “I wish I would’ve walked you out, made sure you got to Paul okay.”

  I shake my head. “Maybe Wright wouldn’t have appeared then, and he’d still be loose.”

  “Maybe,” he nods unconvincingly.

  I stare into his eyes with a small smile and hold his face. Tate closes his eyes and leans into my touch. “You’ve done everything to keep me safe and feeling loved. I don’t want this gettin’ you down.”

  He nods slowly before brushing his lips against mine.

  “Come on.” I hold his hand and lead him into the house. After we explain what happened again, I excuse myself to take a shower. I need to wash this day away, scrub away the feel of angry hands on me. I want to replace them only with the memory of Tate’s hands and kisses, of his love coating my body.

  Once in the shower, I break down and sit on the floor as the water pelts down on me. Salty tears mix with the fresh water from the showerhead as I give in to the feelings I’ve been holding in this entire time. Not just today, but for the months since I was first assaulted. Knowing it’s over, I can finally move on with the new direction of my life. Whatever that might be.

  Chapter 27


  Madison’s family talks as we stand around the kitchen, but I’m not listening. My mind is back at the fire station, witnessing the woman I love being hurt by a son of a bitch. The worst part was that I couldn’t rush to her right away. Guilt consumes me for not taking better care of her, for letting my guard down.

  I feel Madison moving behind me, and it still amazes me how in-tune I am with her that I don’t need to see her in order to feel her presence.

  “Are you feeling better?” June asks.

  Madison nods and accepts the glass of wine her mom offers. She may be nodding, but I see her red, swollen eyes. Moving an arm around her waist, I pull her to my side and keep her there. I don’t want to be far from her, not today.

  Silence falls over us as we each sip our drinks, and our eyes wander between each other.

  “Where’s Brett?” Madison finally breaks the quiet.

  “He couldn’t make it, but he said he’d see you tomorrow. He had to handle something with the girls,” Mrs. Carlisle explains.

  “Are they okay?” Madison tenses with worry.

  “Yeah, don’t worry about them,” her mom pacifies her with a fake smile intended to ease Madison’s mind. Maddy looks to Miles, but he shrugs. He’s a better actor than their mom. My assumption is that they don’t want to add more str
ess on her today, which I agree with.

  Ms. Sullivan places a platter on the island with some vegetables, ham, cheese, crackers, and hummus. “I have snacks. Eat something.” Her eyes are on Madison, who shakes her head with a frown.

  “Come on.” I tap her hip. “You need to eat.” I grab her a slice of cheese and feed it to her. Her eyes soften as she takes the slice and chews before grabbing another one for herself. We eat and talk, checking in on Madison’s emotions to the point where she’s rolling her eyes at all of us.

  “Excuse me,” Mr. Carlisle says when his phone rings.

  “Tate, you and your parents will be coming for Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, right?” Mrs. Carlisle asks with a smile.

  “Yeah,” I assure her. Since most of my family lives outside of Willow Creek or will be traveling for the holiday, it’s just my parents and me. Miraculously, I have the holiday off, so we were invited to come have dinner here.


  “I’m glad you’ll be here,” Madison whispers, kissing my cheek. I wink at her with a smile, slowly releasing the tension from my shoulders and back. My jaw unlocks, and I massage it with my free hand. I’d love nothing more than to take Madison to my place, have a shower, and sleep with her in my arms.

  When Mr. Carlisle returns to the kitchen with a smile, we all stare at him with raised eyebrows.

  “What’s going on?” Miles asks.

  “That was Carlos,” he mentions their lawyer. “Wright will be sentenced in Tennessee since that’s the state where he lives. He’ll be going to prison, but they’re still going through with the case regarding the singer he raped, which will guarantee a longer sentence. They’re also moving forward with the second case tied to the old claim the EEOC found about the employee who filed harassment. RWB Records as a whole is under investigation.”

  “Thank God,” Madison breathes out, her body slumping against mine. Despite having hard evidence, the question of what would truly happen lingered in the air.

  Everyone speaks at the same time, saying how well-deserved it is. I’m glad Madison has a family that supports her no matter what. And I’m fucking lucky I have her in my life.


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