The Alpha's Virgin Witch

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The Alpha's Virgin Witch Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “He cares about me, and he brought us food.”

  “I saw.”

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you,” she said.

  “Nothing is going to happen to me.” Lucy did her best to reassure her friend, but it didn’t seem that she was getting through.

  “These witches, they’re bad news, right?”

  “Bianca, please stop worrying. I won’t let anything happen.” Lucy wrapped her arms around her friend. “I’m going to be okay.”

  She crossed her fingers behind her back. Her friend held her a little tighter.

  “I love you, Lucy,” she said.

  “I love you, too.”

  They finished eating their sandwiches, and then Lucy went back to enforcing the barrier. She worked tirelessly to help the pack. In the background she heard Bianca moving backward and forward. The pack was also doing their rounds. As it grew dark, Lucy tensed up when someone covered her eyes.

  “Hey, baby,” Caleb said.


  “It’s late, and it’s time for you to rest.”

  “I can’t. I’ve got to keep going until we’re all safe.”

  “We’re all going to be safe,” he said. “The pack is in position, and we’re going to handle this together. Someone is on lookout for any change.”

  He urged her up, and she sank into his arms, exhaustion suddenly overcoming her. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, babe.”

  Caleb made her squeal as he lifted her up in his arms. “Let’s go and get some sleep.”

  He carried her toward his parents’ house.

  “We’re going to need to find our own place,” she said.

  “I’m afraid my parents are home, and we’re going to have to share it with them.”

  Lucy groaned. “You’re not having your way with me tonight. I can’t sleep with you when your parents are home.”

  “You do know they fuck everywhere, right?”

  “Ew, Caleb, no. I don’t need to know that.”

  “We’re wolves, baby. We accept a lot of shit.”

  “Not this, and not with me.”

  They entered his home, and heat filled her cheeks as she saw his parents were heading upstairs.

  “Hey, son,” Matthew said. “Lucy.”

  “Hello,” she said, trying her hardest not to hide against Caleb’s chest.

  “We’re heading to bed,” Emma said. “We’ll be back to watching tomorrow.”

  “I’ll reinforce the protection,” Lucy said.

  “You’re doing enough. Don’t exhaust yourself,” Matthew said, giving her a warning.

  Caleb snorted. “She wasn’t going to rest. I’ve had to force her to come to bed.”

  “It’s not that bad.” She wanted to do everything she could to help the pack, not hinder it.

  “It is, Lucy. You need your strength to help us when they find a way through. We can’t spend the rest of our lives living with a force-field.” Emma moved toward her, and hugged her.

  Caleb had already lowered her to the ground. He tucked her against his side, and held her close.

  She watched his parents make their way upstairs.

  “If I’m not going to have sex, I may as well feed you.”

  He took her toward the kitchen, and she took a seat at the counter. “How can you even think about sex?”

  “I’ve got a dick, you’re my mate, and I can’t think of anything else.”

  She pointed toward the door. “You know there’s a coven of witches out there right now who wants to kill us?”

  “Exactly. I’ve got to fuck you now before they kill you.”

  Unable to help it, she laughed.

  “See, you’ve got to learn to smile, baby. Nothing is going to change the fact those bitches are coming for us. Don’t let them get to you. We’re stronger than that, and we’re not going to let them get to you.” He cupped her cheeks, pressing a kiss to her lips. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  She really wished she believed him.

  “You’re not going to be a heroine in this story, and when we have kids, we can tell them all the tales in the world. Today, tonight, tomorrow, it’s not going to be that time.”

  “You better feed me.”

  “You sure you don’t want to have sex?”

  Lucy opened her mouth to speak only to stop at the sound of sexual groans, male and female.

  “I told you,” Caleb said, smirking.

  They were loud, and Lucy’s cheeks heated even more.

  “We’re wolves, babe. This is what we do. You see why I don’t have a problem.” Caleb opened the fridge, and she watched as he set down slices of raw beef and vegetables.

  “What are you making?” she asked.

  “Beef stir-fry. It’s the only thing I know how to cook.”

  “Okay, cool.”

  She watched as he sliced the beef thinly, adding some spices and seasonings to the beef, and giving it a stir. Next he started cutting all the onions, peppers, and carrots. She loved watching him in the kitchen.

  “You think we’re going to have kids?” she asked.

  “Of course. At least five of them, I think.”

  “Five kids?”

  “Maybe more. I’ve always wanted a big family.”

  “How come your mother never had more kids?” Lucy asked. “She’s a wonderful mother.”

  “She is. I don’t know. Dad focused on training me to take the Alpha role. Between us, I don’t think he wanted to share my mom with more kids. He’s an Alpha, and that took time away from her. With kids, he was pulled away from her, and he hated it.”

  “Your father loves you,” Lucy said.

  “I know, but he loves my mother more. She’s his mate.”

  Lucy smiled, and decided to tease him. “So, what you’re saying is that because you want lots of kids, you don’t want to spend any time with me?”

  “Not at all. Don’t you want a big family?” he asked.

  “Yes, I do.” Providing we make it out alive.

  “We will make it out alive.”

  “You can hear me?”

  “Duh, Lucy, be careful how you think?”

  Laughing, Lucy rested her chin on her hand, watching as he got a stir fry pan, and started heating it up. He brought another pan of water to the boil, adding in some noodles.

  “I never knew you could cook.”

  “It’s good that I can keep you surprised.”

  Over the next fifteen minutes, Lucy fell even more in love with him as he made them both some food. Caleb always ate loads as he was a wolf, but the scents were making her hungry.

  “Bianca asked me not to do anything stupid today.”

  “Listen to her. She loves you, Lucy.”

  “I love her, too.”

  The sounds of his parents having sex sent them into the garden.

  The night was dark, and the stars in the sky looked even more beautiful.

  “I meant what I said, don’t be a heroine.”

  “You don’t need to keep telling me.”

  “I see the debate you’re having with yourself. Don’t.” They sat on the ground, facing each other, and started eating their food. The ginger and garlic along with the beef tasted so good. It didn’t take her all that long to finish the bowl of stir fry. It was damn tasty, and she rested her head on Caleb’s shoulder, staring up at the sky.

  “Do you think Clarissa and Andrew are watching us?” she asked.

  “Yes. They’ll do everything they can to keep you safe.”

  “It’s hard to think of them as Mom and Dad. Adele and Kyle, they’re my parents. They raised me.”

  He cupped her cheek. “You don’t need to worry. They understand.”

  “I think of it as I’ve got four parents, two dads and two moms.” She kissed his lips. “I love you, Caleb.”

  “I love you, too.”


  Caleb didn’t like this feeling of impending doom. He couldn’t lose Lucy.
Taking the bowl from her hands, he placed it on top of his own, and settled down on the grass. Lucy curled up against him, and he held her tightly.

  You’re going to lose her.

  He ran his hands up and down her back.

  His wolf paced in his mind, constantly observing, waiting for any danger that was about to come for them.

  Witches were after his woman. Warlocks were after his woman.

  “I’m not going to be able to keep the shield up forever,” she said.

  “I know.”

  He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. There was nothing else in the world he wanted than to run away, and to protect her. They didn’t have anywhere else to run, or to hide. This was where they were the safest, and that alone scared him.

  Gripping her waist, he slid his fingers underneath her shirt, touching her skin.


  “We’re not inside the house, and I don’t know the next time that I’m going to be able to be with you.” He took her mouth again, cupping her pussy. “Please, let me take away your fear for tonight.”

  The scent of her arousal was strong. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her. Lucy tugged his shirt up over his head, and he worked on getting her naked. He didn’t want anything between them when he finally took her and made her his once again.

  His scent surrounded her, and he looked at the mating mark on her neck. He’d done that. He’d made her his woman, and no one was going to take that from him. Not the coven of witches, not Patricia, no one.

  Once they were naked, Caleb laid her on the ground, and settled between her thighs. He placed his cock between the lips of her sex. She was soaking wet, and as he moved against her, the scent of her pussy increased. His mouth watered for a taste of her.

  “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

  “Believe it, baby.”

  He kissed her lips, trailing down to her breasts. Caleb loved her large tits. Sucking the first hard nub, he sucked hard before moving onto the next, sucking her nipples. He devoted a great deal of his attention to her large tits before moving down her body to her pussy.

  She was wet, puffy, and looked absolutely beautiful.

  Opening the lips of her pussy, he flicked his tongue across her clit, tasting her. She cried out his name, arching up, and sinking her fingers into his hair.

  Lucy rubbed her cunt against his face, and he licked it.

  “That’s it, baby, fuck my face.”

  He moved down, plunging his tongue inside her cunt over and over again.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said, begging for him to do more.

  Caleb made love to her pussy, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm, but he wouldn’t let her come. He kept her at the peak, leaving her begging.

  Drawing back, he wiped her excess cream from his face, and flipped her onto her knees. “This time, I’m going to be inside you when you come. I want to feel that tight cunt squeezing my dick.”

  She let out a little squeal as he found her entrance, and slammed every single inch of himself inside her. She screamed his name, and her pussy clutched him tightly, milking him for his cum.

  “I’m going to fill this pussy, and you’re going to think of me every time you move. I’m not going to hold back anymore, baby. I’m going to fuck you so you don’t have any question of who is inside you.” Caleb was done holding back. They were in danger, and he didn’t have time to be nice. He was going to fuck her, and fuck her so damn good.

  He pulled out of her pussy, only to slam back inside, going deeper than before. She screamed his name, and he reached around her, and started to tease her clit.

  “You belong to me, Lucy.” He looked down at his cock as he left her pussy, and slid back inside. Caleb kept up his strokes, slapping inside her with each thrust.

  Caleb kept her at the peak of arousal, but he wouldn’t let her over the edge. He wasn’t ready for it to be over, not yet.

  With one hand on her pussy, he teased her clit, and with his other, he wrapped his fingers around her neck, drawing her up. Caleb wasn’t hurting her. He kissed the mating mark, sinking his teeth against it once again. “This tells the whole world who you belong to. When you think of playing the heroine, I want you to think of this, think of me.”

  “I love you, Caleb.”

  “I fucking adore you. I’ve wasted years, Lucy. Too much time has been spent merely watching you when you should have been inside my bed, taking my dick, and becoming mine.” That was his biggest regret, not taking Lucy when he should have. He’d always been interested in her, intrigued, and aroused by her, but he’d never done anything about it. That had been his fault, not hers.

  Biting her neck and sucking on her earlobe, he teased her clit, finally ready for her to come, and to scream his name as she did.

  “Come for me, Lucy. Let me hear how much you love my touch.”

  She screamed his name, and he held her, pounding his cock inside her as he found his own release.

  They came down, collapsing on the grass. Caleb didn’t let her go.

  “Wow,” she said. “You’ve been holding out on me.”

  “I’m not going to be holding out on you again. Never, ever again.” He kissed her neck, flicking his tongue over the mating mark.

  Her pussy fluttered around his cock, and he groaned. “If you keep doing that, I’m going to fuck you again.”

  She laughed. “I’d like ten kids. Are you afraid yet?”

  “No.” He placed his hand against her stomach. “I’m all for getting started early.”

  Chapter Ten

  For two days the witches took turns attacking the fence, and each morning, Lucy returned from her night of pleasure to reinforce the protection shield. By the third day, the warlocks were there, attacking the fence. Just like Matthew said, they didn’t work together, but Lucy felt the shield wavering with each new attack.

  Bianca was beside her as she kept adding barrier after barrier to the shield.

  “They’re coming, aren’t they?” Bianca asked.

  “I don’t know how much longer I can hold this,” Lucy said.

  She was supposed to be the strongest witch and warlock around, but right now, she was weak. Looking back toward the clock tower, she shook her head at Caleb. He’d be able to see. Caleb had asked her that when she felt too weak to keep the shield, she was to warn him. Both groups, witches and warlocks, were attacking, and instead of just one on one, all of them were attacking together. There were thirty enemies all at once attacking the force-field, and it was zapping her energy.

  The bell rang, sending out the alert that they were going to be attacked.

  “Go,” Lucy said, looking at Bianca.

  “I can’t. I’m not leaving you.”

  “I’m going to keep this held as long as I can. You won’t survive against an attack. There’s a basement that I’ve enchanted, Bianca. Go there, and stay.”

  “No. I’m not going to run.”

  “I love you, Bianca, I do. You’re like a sister to me, but you can’t win this. You’ve got no chance of winning. Go, and please survive this.”

  Tears streamed from Bianca’s eyes, and she hated the fact that she’d caused that.

  Guy rushed toward them, grabbing his woman. “I’ll take her.”

  “Keep her safe.”

  Bianca was forced away from her, and Lucy closed her eyes, pushing her energy into the shield for as long as we can.

  “Matthew, how long do you need?” She sent the message to the Alpha.

  “Five more minutes, and then we’ll be ready.”

  “I’ll be ready to attack.”

  “Lucy, you’re weak. Don’t do anything stupid.”

  “I won’t.”

  She opened her eyes, seeing everything through darkness.

  “Lucy, honey, be careful,” Clarissa said.

  “I can’t let them hurt my mate.”

  “You’re strong, darling,” Andrew said.

  “I thought you couldn’t come back to
warn me,” Lucy said.

  “We don’t listen to rules.” Both Clarissa and Andrew said that.

  “I’m not strong enough.”

  “No one would be strong enough against thirty witches and warlocks. You’ve done better than I could have imagined. You’re strong.” Andrew said. “It’s time to let go.”

  Closing her eyes, she sent out the last barrier toward the force-field, and let her hands down. She opened her eyes and stood.

  “Baby, we’ve got to go,” Caleb said, wrapping his arms around her waist.

  “I’m not going to go. I’m going to stand and fight.”

  “The pack is going behind them to attack. We’ve not got a chance if we’re in front of them.” Caleb wrapped his arms around her.

  “They’re going to die if I’m not there.”

  “No. This is what my father wants me to do. We’re going to follow his rules, and I’m not going to hear you fight me.” Caleb carried her toward the clock tower. “We have to go and watch.”

  Lucy stopped fighting and followed him up to the clock tower. “Where’s Guy?”

  “He’s joined the attack. Don’t worry, he locked Bianca where you told him to.”

  Looking through the telescope, she watched the witches and warlocks attacking the shield. In the distance, she saw the wolves, in their animal forms, slowly making their way toward the witches.

  Lucy screamed as they penetrated her shield. Collapsing to her knees, she grabbed her head, unable to stop the pain.

  “Shut it off, Lucy. Every witch is connected to her magic. You’ve just got to learn to switch it off. Turn it off. They’re inside, and you don’t need to think about it.”

  They had torn a hole in her shield, and they were working their way through each of the barriers she’d placed.

  “I can’t stop it.”

  “Close it off.”

  She took deep breaths, and thought about the love she had for Caleb, how it felt being in his arms. The pain lessened as she thought of other things that made her happy. Getting to her feet, she looked through the telescope, and saw the pack advancing toward the witches and warlocks.

  “They’re not going to win.”

  “We’re going to fight. The witches and warlocks that are here, they’re the ones that want your magic. My father reached out. These only work with dark magic, not pure and good.” Caleb rubbed her waist, and she moved away so that he could look.


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