Natural Born Killers (Sick Boys Book 3)

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Natural Born Killers (Sick Boys Book 3) Page 19

by Lucy Smoke

  He's right, but for some reason—despite the fact that getting his name

  etched into my skin is about as intimate as you can get—this feels heavier.

  Not just physically, but emotionally. Mentally. Spiritually. This ring is like a

  promise, one that I'm not sure if I can keep.

  Dean's head dips down and he snuggles against my back, his face turning

  into my throat as he breathes out. "Please," he says.

  Fuck. Dean's not the kind of guy who asks for shit. When he says the

  word ‘please’ in that tone, it makes me want to give him anything and

  everything because I know all I have to do is ask and he’ll do that for me.

  “Can I think about it?” I counter.

  “Yeah, so long as you keep the ring,” he says.

  I grimace. Not exactly what I was hoping to hear. “Do I have to wear it?”

  His mouth opens and in answer, I feel the harsh sting of his teeth in my

  flesh. I hiss as he clenches down, leaving a mark. “What do you think?” he

  finally says when he pulls away. I look down and frown at the double half-

  circled red lines that mark the outline of his bite.

  "Dean, I'm not ready," I admit.

  His arms tighten around me. "Do you think that'll scare me?" he asks.

  "You not being ready?"

  No, I don't. I shake my head.

  "I'm committed, baby," he says. "As committed as a man can be. I'm just

  as tied to you as I am to life and death. So, sure, you can think about it—you

  don't even have to wear the damn ring, but you do have to keep it. You do

  have to recognize that all of the roads you will take from here on will only

  lead you back to one place." He pauses as if to let it sink in and then he parts

  his lips and breathes out one last word. "Me."

  The world turns as he flips me over and presses my back into the

  mattress, coming down hard over me. His body rolls like a fucking dancer’s

  might as he moves down, his chest touching mine, his hips grinding down.

  Dean's arms come up and cage my head and I'm left with no other view but

  that of his expression. Hard. Excited. Intense. Impossible to ignore.

  "Whatever comes next," he breathes. "There is only one answer to my

  question and you know that."

  I do, but it fucking scares me. It terrifies the living shit out of me. Loving

  someone—wanting them— needing them is like giving over a part of myself

  that I'm not ready to surrender. I don’t dare because once it's given, it can't be

  taken back. How am I to know if he's the right person? How am I to know if

  I'm the right one for him?

  The result of my thoughts hits me a split second later—as if my brain is


  I need him, I realize. I need Dean Carter. I need him like I’ve never

  needed anything in my fucking life. More than adrenaline. More than

  survival. More than my breath itself. I would be willing to walk off the face

  of the Earth—throw myself into a volcano—for him. That’s how deep my

  need for him is. That's what truly scares the shit out of me.

  Micki’s warning—spoken years ago—returns to me. Needing shit is what

  lets people get a hold of you. Anything you need, they’ll take as a sign of

  weakness and no matter who the person is, they’ll exploit that weakness. My

  desire for Dean makes me weak.

  I shake my head. "Not now," I tell him, my voice hoarse. "Don't ask me

  now." He won't like my answer.

  Dean's head dips and he presses a kiss to my cold lips. "Okay," he

  promises. "I won't ask now, but you know you can't hide from it forever and

  you can only run for so long."

  I arch up and lock my legs around his waist, pushing against the bed with

  my shoulders as I feel the hard ridge of his cock press between my legs.

  "We'll see," I reply. “But for now you’re taking the ring back.”

  As if he doesn’t want to hear anything else from me, his mouth crashes

  into mine, harsh and violent—a lot like the man behind it. We roll, the sheets

  catch and tie us up, but with little effort, we free ourselves again. My hands

  come down as I toss a leg over him and find my position on top. I cup his

  face and lean down, kissing him again. Our tongues tangle and duel and the

  pleasure he gives me eats away at my insecurities, making them evaporate

  and disappear as if they were never there to begin with.

  If given the choice, I would let this man swallow me, I realize. I would let

  him consume me and take me into himself and I would never have to worry

  about being a separate entity again. I want him. I need him. I crave him.

  There is a reason why people love villains so much. No one wants a hero.

  A hero will choose the world over their lover. A villain will burn it down for

  insulting them.

  Dean's hands cup my breasts, he pinches my nipples, making me whine

  and cry out as he rolls them between the pads of his fingers. My head dips

  back, hair falling down my naked spine as I circle my hips, grinding into his

  lap, and relish the responding grunt of arousal.

  "Tease," he accuses, tightening his hold. The pain flares to life, making

  me gasp, but then it quickly dissolves as he releases me and sits up, shifting

  upward until my pussy aligns with his cock and he presses into me. I slide

  down, taking the hot, hard length of him to the hilt and gripping him for all

  I'm worth.

  Fate has a fucking funny way of taking people down wild pathways. I've

  never felt so insane as I do right now with Dean's cock inside of me. His

  hands wrap up in my hair. His lips devour me.

  For the first time in my life, I want to cry. I want to scream. I want to hurl

  insults into the wind for how unfair the world is. Why? I think. Why did I

  have to come to him like this? So fucking broken and damaged and in pieces?

  And why the hell did he have to help me pick those pieces up and put them

  back together, using himself as the glue?

  I rock my hips forward, sliding the ridge of his cock in and out of my

  pussy as I contract the walls, squeezing him and relishing in the sound of his

  groans. Fingers press against my back, digging into the healing cuts there. It's

  almost as if he's making sure that his name is still there. That his mark hasn't

  left me yet. What he doesn't seem to realize, though, is that his mark is far

  deeper than the surface level of my skin.

  Even if he disappears, his fucking name is branded into my soul.

  The scrape of his piercing sends me to fucking heights that don't exist

  without him. I gasp as he thrusts his hips upward, grabbing onto my waist

  and jerking me down into his lap. Harsh movements. Violent tendencies.

  There's no escaping it. My nails sink into his shoulders as I hold on for dear


  It hurts. It feels good. It makes me want more.


  "That's right, baby," he pants. "Say my fucking name."

  At the sound of his name on my lips, something else overtakes him. He

  shoots up and shoves me back until my spine meets the mattress once more.

  His hand grabs one of my legs and pulls it up, making my thigh ache as he

  anchors it over one shoulder before he repeats the motion with the other. His

  hips slap my asscheeks as he fucks into me with demanding thrusts.

  "Fucking. Say. My. Name." Each word is punctuated by yet more slaps as

  he sinks into me, only to yank himself back out and do it all over again.

  I'm out of breath. The world is hazy. My lips part and I follow his

  command as I go over the edge. I scream out his name as he stills inside of

  me and the world goes from hazy to all fucking white.




  like a gremlin out of some fairytale. Dark circles cling to the skin under her

  eyes, a bag of half-eaten potato chips lies open on one side of her keyboard,

  and a Monster energy drink can sits on the other side.

  “That’s what I said, isn’t it?” she snaps, fingers clicking away. “This

  motherfucker was good, too, but I found it. She had multiple accounts—

  remember, I told you. Didn’t I? Well, I’ve been tracing several of the

  transactions back from their source since you last came by.”

  “Clearly.” The word comes out on a dry note as I take a step to the side

  and glance into the mini trash can stuffed under her desk. The neon green of

  several more energy drink cans as well as plastic wrapping from various

  candies—no doubt grabbed from the convenience store and gas station down

  the road—peek out. “When was the last time you slept?” I ask.

  “Sleep?” she mutters as if the word is disgusting. “Who cares? What

  matters is I fucking found one of the bastards!”

  “Avalon…” Dean stands back, watching the proceedings with a grimace

  of confusion and a slightly horrified look. The rest of the room looks like it’s

  faring about as well as Rylie and her desk. Her sheets are peeled back, but it

  hardly looks like she’s even laid down since we last left her.

  “Just…” I don’t know what to tell him. All I can think right now is that

  it’s probably a good thing we told Abel and Brax to wait out in the hallway.

  “Give us a moment?”

  Dean frowns, his brows drawing down low before flicking his eyes from

  the back of Rylie’s head to my face. I gesture towards the door, mouthing,

  “Just go.” He looks at me like I’m fucking crazy, and who the hell knows

  anymore? Maybe I am. But he doesn’t argue any more. Dean huffs out a

  breath and turns, pulling open the door and then shutting it behind him while

  blocking his two curious best friends from the interior.

  The clicking of Rylie’s fingers against the keyboard and the soft whirr of

  her computer are the only sounds left in the room. Dragging in an exhausted

  breath, I turn back to her and step towards the desk, gripping the top of her

  laptop. Before I can shut it, however, her hand whips out with a speedy reflex

  I hadn’t expected.

  “Don’t touch!” she snaps.

  “Rylie,” I state, pulling my hand away without shutting it like I intended,

  “you’ve gotta get some rest.”

  “No, no, I swear, I’m almost done,” she says, eyes pinned to the screen.

  “You have no clue how hard this has been—he must’ve hired someone

  fucking good because I’ve tracked this damn computer from America to

  Sweden to Albania—who the hell sends money through Albania?”

  “Don’t know…” It’s clear she’s unhinged and I don’t know what to do.

  The last we spoke, we decided to be friends and as her friend, I feel like I

  gotta lay down some serious truths she’s not about to like. “Listen, Rylie,

  when was the last time you showered?”

  Her hands pause and she slowly rotates her head towards me like some

  creepy doll from an old horror movie. “Did you just ask me when the last

  time I showered was?”

  I nod. “Yes,” I say. “I did.”

  “Avalon.” Is that a twitch in her eyeball? I think that’s a fucking twitch.

  Maybe sending Dean off wasn’t the best plan. Being a friend is fucking hard.

  “Rylie,” I say back.

  “There are more important things to worry about right now! I’ve almost

  tracked down the motherfucker that sent your mom all that money—well, one

  of them anyway.” Her gaze slants to the side as something pings on her


  “Honestly, I’m more interested in you getting a shower and some sleep,”

  I reply. “No offense, but this room smells a little rank.”

  “I haven’t taken out the trash,” she says with a little hand gesture as she

  refocuses on her computer. Her brows pinch and she bites her lip.

  Shit. I’m gonna have to do it. Rylie is small and I can knock her ass out

  no problem, but I might actually feel bad about this one. I glance around the

  room. Should I go with a choke hold or should I use something? She’s

  muttering to herself, shaking her head as I step up behind her. Might as well

  just go with the old and known—choke hold, cut off the airways, and let her

  pass out. Sleep first and maybe afterwards, I can convince her to take a

  shower. A nasty thought perks its little head up inside my mind. I could just

  ask Abel to help me wash her up. She’d fucking hate me for that, but it’d be

  funny to see her reaction.

  Before I can lock my arm around her throat, however, Rylie lets out a half

  shout and jerks back away from her desk. I stumble back as she shoots up

  from her chair, the thing skidding across the floor and falling on its side.

  “No!” she screams in horror, but it’s too late. She stands there and

  watches as the screen of her laptop darkens and green letters appear typing

  out from left to right in the upper corner. “Oh my god.”

  “What happened?” I ask, peeking around her.

  The door knob jiggles and then bursts open, Dean, Abel, and Braxton all

  spilling into the room in a heap. “What’s wrong?” Dean snaps. “I heard her


  “My fucking computer!” Rylie wails, pointing towards it. “It’s fucking

  toast. They left a virus. I didn’t catch it and all of the fucking information…”

  She trails off as literal tears begin to well in her eyes. I take a hefty step back.

  “You can just get it back, though, right?” Abel asks, looking from her to

  the computer.

  “No.” She shakes her head. “I set it up so that if anyone tried to back hack

  me, it’d wipe the hard drive. I was too focused … I wasn’t paying attention—

  there’s always a chance when you go in through a backdoor and I had to

  because I was tracing the bank’s movements and the money. Everything’s

  gone. I can’t prove anything.”

  “Prove anything?” Dean replies. “Did you find out who was sending the

  money or not?”

  Rylie lifts a hand and pushes back a tendril of lavender colored hair. “I …

  did, sorta. I saw the name right before the screen went black, but I can’t

  prove it to you. I’ll have to re-hack everything and even then, if they caught

  onto me and it was actually a person behind that virus and not an automatic

  failsafe, the information will be gone anyway.”

  “Don’t worry about proving it,” Dean says. “Just tell me who it was.”

  Rylie chews on her lower lip, her eyes scanning her desk before returning

  to Dean. “There were two original locations that the money was coming

  from,” she says, her voice
dipping, growing quieter. “I was only able to track

  down one of them—the one who’s been sending her money for several years.

  The other one has only been doing so for a few months.”

  “Tell me,” Dean orders.

  She inhales sharply and blows out her next breath while taking a step

  away from him as if afraid of his volatile reaction which can only mean one

  thing. I grit my teeth. She doesn’t want Dean to get mad, but I already know

  he’s going to be. Her reaction can only mean one thing.

  “It’s Nicholas Carter, isn’t it?” I say.

  Purple hair flies around her face as she jerks her gaze towards me. Across

  the room, Braxton’s face darkens and Abel’s goes slack. Dean freezes. When

  Rylie doesn’t say anything, Dean takes a step closer. “Rylie,” he snaps, “is

  she right?”

  Closing her eyes, Rylie’s shoulders sink low and make her appear even

  smaller than she already is—a feat within itself—but she answers

  nonetheless. “Yes,” she says. “Nicholas Carter is behind one of the money

  trails leading to Patricia Manning’s accounts.”

  At first, there’s no reaction on Dean’s part and I think maybe he’ll be

  rational about this. Almost as soon as that thought has entered my brain,

  however, he proves me wrong. Rylie jumps and screams when he smashes

  his hand into the dresser propped against the wall. The face of the wooden

  boards covering the drawers cracks and breaks in half under the blow, and

  without another word, he turns and storms out of the room.




  Havers Dorm. I'm so fucking pissed, my limbs are shaking. At the same time,

  however, the bite of panic rears its ugly head and burrows into my mind,

  swirling in a mass around my thoughts and sinking its fangs deep.

  I can't keep still. So, I do the only thing that makes sense to me in this

  moment. I start walking—fast-paced steps. Stomping down the sidewalk,

  through the deserted campus. With my mind racing, I reach into my pocket

  and yank out my cell, punching the number I know by heart—but until now

  so rarely had a reason to use.

  It rings once, twice, three times, and then goes to voicemail. I punch the


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