Natural Born Killers (Sick Boys Book 3)

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Natural Born Killers (Sick Boys Book 3) Page 22

by Lucy Smoke

  more than to just lay down the fucking law, tell Abel what we're doing and

  that if he doesn't like it then he can shove it up his ass, and then grab my girl

  and go to bed, but that's not how we do things. Carters may lead Eastpoint,

  but I am determined to not end up like my father.

  He doesn't even talk to Brax’s and Abel's dads unless absolutely

  necessary. They're nothing like us and we're nothing like them. We're a

  fucking team. That means I need to convince them, not order them.

  "Abel, I want to take Avalon out of town for a bit," I continue. "Not just

  because I think she needs the break, but I think we all need it."

  "I agree," Brax says. "It can't hurt, man. I don't know why you're being so

  stubborn about this."

  "What about the chick?" Abel demands, stopping his pacing and turning

  on me.

  I blink. "What chick?" I ask. "You can find one when we get to the city."

  Hell, he's never been hard up for companionship. Neither him nor Brax. What

  the hell is his problem now? Does he have a girl I don't know about?

  Before he can respond, however, Ava snorts into her soda. "He means

  Rylie," she answers for him.

  Abel whirls on her and narrows his eyes.

  Realization hits me and I turn my gaze to Abel as I drop my hand. "Are

  you fucking her?" I demand.

  Abel turns back. "No." It's all the explanation he gives and from the cold

  hard look in his eyes, I won't be getting any more.

  A frustrated sigh works its way up my chest. "If you are—"

  "I said I’m not," he snaps, interrupting me.

  "But you want to," Brax says casually.

  Tension fills the room as Abel's shoulders tighten and his fingers curl into

  fists at his sides. There's a wild look in his eyes. Something full of both rage

  and pain. Yeah, Brax is right. He does want the girl. Doesn't take a genius to

  figure out what his issue is. He wants her and if it was just for a hard fuck,

  he'd do it and be done. Rylie, though, is the most promising recruit we've had

  —aside from Ava.

  The girl is smart and versatile. She's also got a past that allows us to use

  her to full capacity because as long as she lives on Eastpoint campus, as long

  as she remains under our thumb, she remains safe. I have to wonder if he's

  taken a look into her file. He wouldn't be asking to bring her with us if he

  knew. Then again, it's not like she can't leave campus. She can. She has.

  Since coming here, though, she for sure hasn't left the town, and that's

  another matter entirely.

  "Enough," I finally say, cutting through the growing silence with one

  word and a shake of my head. I shoot a glare at Brax. "You're not helping."

  "I'm not going to fuck her," Abel says again.

  "Fine, I believe you," I reply. "But that still doesn't solve the issue of why

  you don't want to go to the city with us. You want us to bring her?"

  "I don't think she'd like that, Frontman," Avalon says from her position on

  the couch.

  Abel blows out a breath and from the look on his face, he knows she's

  right. That doesn't make him any happier though. He runs a hand up through

  the messy hair sticking up at the top of his head and scrubs it back down his

  face before cursing. "Fuck," he breathes. "Fine. Just … do whatever. I'll go to

  the city with you."

  I watch him for a moment before making a decision. "I'll ask Marcus to

  keep an eye out for her," I tell him.

  All at once, the tension drains from him. He slowly exhales and nods.

  "Yeah, that'll be good. Thanks."

  I clap him on the shoulder. "Any time, man," I assure him. "You forgot

  she's important to us as well.”

  Avalon watches this from over the rim of her soda can, curiosity shining

  in her eyes. Without a doubt, I know she'll be asking me questions as soon as

  doors close behind us tonight.

  "Great," I continue. "Now that it's settled, we should leave here tomorrow

  morning. Brax—"

  "I'll call and get our regular suite," Brax cuts me off before I can even




  "Got it," he says.

  He takes a step away and then another and another until he's closer to the

  wet bar than anything else in the room. Then I watch as he reaches for a

  bottle and a glass. He doesn't even look at what he's pouring when he downs

  the first drink and starts on another. I sigh and give a nod to Brax to keep

  watch over him tonight. He'll go, at least, but there's no way he'll be in any

  condition to drive in the morning. Whatever is going on between him and the

  girl, I have no doubt that it, combined with whatever happened between him

  and Ava after she killed her mother, is something he'll have to work through

  on his own.

  Avalon doesn't say anything. She doesn't appear happy, but neither does

  she seem angry. She just looks … contemplative. Honestly, that scares me

  more than any of her other moods.

  "Baby?" I move towards her and hold my hand out. She looks at it with

  lifted brows before reaching forward and taking it. She lets me pull her off

  the couch. "Let’s get packed," I suggest. "And get some rest."

  "You never asked me if I wanted to leave," she comments lightly as she

  leaves her soda on the coffee table and pushes forward, heading for the

  staircase ahead of me.

  I freeze at the bottom landing, my eyes trailing her ass as she takes the

  first couple of steps. "Don't need to," I reply. "You're going."

  She laughs, the sound low and husky. It sends an immediate pulse straight

  to my dick. The damn thing jumps in my pants, raring and ready to go.

  Halfway up the stairs, she pauses and looks back. "You're fucking lucky I let

  you boss me around sometimes," she says. "If I didn't feel like it, you

  wouldn't be taking me anywhere."

  I know. Avalon isn't the type to let anyone tell her what to do, but she lets

  me. Sometimes. Because to this girl, I'm special. I'm more important than

  anyone in her fucking life and never before has anything made me feel as

  powerful as she does. What man can truly say they've claimed their alpha

  queen and made her bow? Any man who claims to have made a bitch submit

  isn't a man at all. She doesn't bow for anyone, but I'll be damned if I don't

  bow to her.




  dirty vinyl tile floor. My vision blurs in front of me as confusion swims

  through my mind. What's happening? What's going on? Where am I?

  I'm flipped over onto my back and a dark figure hovers over of me and I

  realize what’s happening.

  I’m dreaming. A nightmare, by the looks of it.

  The face of Roger Murphy leans in close and the stench of rotten breath

  hits me full on. The smell is so overwhelming that on instinct, I gag. Vomit

  comes up my esophagus, threatening to drown me. Roger just grins as it

  burns and I have to turn my head and release it or let it choke me to death.

  Panting, shaking, I try to lift my limbs when Roger moves forward again,

  digging his grimy fingers beneath the neckline of my shirt. He rips it straight

  down the middle. My hands fa
il to stop him. In fact, my entire body is failing

  to stop him because I can't seem to move.

  The rest of the room is a blur. All I can see is him, the floor, and the

  stupid chipped kitchen table that's quite literally held together by duct tape

  and prayers.

  This isn't happening, I think to myself. This can't be happening because

  this already happened. This is a memory—a distorted one. This isn't exactly

  how it happened, but it's like my mind is reliving it regardless of the fact that

  it's fucked up. Despite the fact that it's wrong, it still feels like everything is

  being redone in excruciating horrible detail. Some things are familiar—the

  smell of his breath. The feel of his body hard over mine. My pants are gone—

  were they completely off when it actually happened? I can't recall. But I do

  know that this happened. That he did this. That I suffered this.

  No! I scream at myself. I already survived this. Not again. Tears burn at

  the inside of my eyelids.

  Violent anger curdles in my bloodstream. Why again? Why must I

  fucking go through this again? I'm over it. It doesn't matter. Nothing he did

  can hurt me now. Roger's dead.

  "If that's true," the ghost of Roger Murphy says. "Then why am I here


  My eyes widen but before I can ask him how the fuck he can hear my

  thoughts, he grips my hips, turns me over, and props up my ass. I'm going to

  be sick again. I want to scream, lash out, punch, kick, anything! Where is


  "Dean..." I try to scream his name, but when my lips part, it only comes

  out as a quiet croak. The dream swallows the rest of the noise and lets it drift

  around—like lights sparkling over our heads.

  Harsh fingers grip my hips and the sound of a belt buckle undoing comes

  through clear as a bell. I begin to shake. Trembling. More bile burns up my

  throat. No. No. No!

  The press of hard flesh touches my pussy, and I almost fucking lose it

  right then and there. My eyes dart behind me to the door of my mother's

  trailer. Dean is there. He's on the other side of that door. He's coming

  through any moment.

  Roger slams himself into me and I feel ripped open—like some disgusting

  pike has been shoved into my internal organs and it's tearing through my

  stomach. My lips part again, but no sound erupts this time. Not even the

  broken hoarse whisper from earlier emits. There's nothing. Just silence from

  me and the chilling sounds of Roger's grunts as he fucks me.

  A hard hand presses into the back of my head, keeping it down as he

  humps against my ass, his cock driving in and out. Sickness gathers inside.

  No, not just sickness—something else.




  Droplets of his sweat fall onto the skin of my back. How the hell can this

  feel so real? I wonder. When it's just a nightmare? Is it because this

  nightmare comes from my reality? Is it because I lived through this once


  My entire focus zeroes in on that fucking door, and for the first time in my

  life, I pray. I pray that this nightmare will follow reality and that Dean will

  come shooting through that door at any fucking second. Him and Abel and

  Braxton. Almost … almost …

  "Almost..." Roger laughs, the sound breathless as he continues behind

  me. I shake under him, my body shoved up the vinyl as he gasps and groans.

  Each thrust drives something home inside of me. Not just his cock, but the

  monster—the thing I am inside. The sick, twisted girl created from this act.

  "I'm almost there, li'l runt," he says. "Gonna fucking cum inside you so


  His words float in one ear and out of the other. I hear them, but I don't


  Where is Dean? Why isn’t he here yet?

  Roger’s lips lock down on my shoulder and bite through the fabric still

  clinging to my muscles. He bites harder until a sharp pain seizes me and

  wetness trickles from the wound he's opened.





  My back is fucking killing me. His cock is so fucking small, it hardly feels

  there, and yet, just knowing that it is—that it's thrusting into me—is the worst

  insult. If he was going to rape me, why the fuck couldn't he have a real cock

  instead of this pathetic excuse dangling between his saggy fucking thighs?

  The blow to the back of my head takes me by surprise. "The fuck did you

  say, bitch?" he snarls.

  Shit … I forgot. He can hear these thoughts. A laugh bubbles up out past

  my lips. "What?" I reply. "Don't like the truth being shoved in your face like

  that?" Another punch lands against the side of my head and another laugh


  He fucks me. I laugh. He punches. I laugh. It's really too fucking funny.

  "Stop." Punch. "Fucking." Punch. "Laughing." Punch. "Bitch." But I

  don't. I don't stop laughing. Even when he pulls out and turns me over and

  hovers between my legs. Roger reaches behind him and then comes back, a

  needle filled with liquid in his hand. "This'll teach you to fucking laugh at me.

  Let's see how you like my cock with a little bit more of this in yo system. Bet

  yer just like yer Momma."

  My brain screams at me. None of this is real anymore. Roger Murphy is


  My stomach cramps as Roger looms above me, grinning down as his

  sweat drips onto my face, making me blink away the tears of agony. My

  hands ball into fists as I imagine what I'll do to him when this is all over.

  Even if Dean doesn't come for me in this dream the end will be the same. I'm

  going to kill this fucker and this time, I'll make it last.

  I'm going to cut him open and drag out his entrails and then make him eat

  his own dick. Hearing that oath makes Roger laugh, though. He roars with

  hilarity as he continues pumping his dick into me. Blood runs down under

  me, sticking to the small of my back. The needle presses into my skin and he

  presses the plunger down, letting the vile liquid fill me up before he removes

  it and tosses it away. The ping of the syringe hitting the floor next to our

  bodies hits my ears, an odd detail for a dream to have.

  "You think you can?" he asks me. This time, when he smiles, his teeth turn

  gray with decay. An eye falls out and lands on my chest. "Tell me something,

  li'l runt..." His other eye falls out and rolls down my stomach. I can feel them

  —the gross, squishy flesh of them on my skin. His flesh peels down over his

  chest and arms and shoulders until he's a half-mutilated corpse of a man. His

  lips are gone, but he keeps talking, his voice resounding in my head. "How

  can you kill a dead man?"

  I jerk my head to the side and catch a glimpse of a shadowy figure

  approaching. Pain rips through me. Anger. Fury. And something else ...

  another emotion that I can't seem to name.

  That shadowy figure moves forward until it becomes clear, and I stare up

  into deadened eyes and a hollowed out face. My mother strides across the

  vinyl until she's right next to where I lay underneath Roger. Then, slowly—as

  if she's got all the time in the world—she crouches down and reaches for

  face. I try to jerk away. I don't want her touch. It's too fucking maternal for a

  moment like this. If she's going to be here, the least she can do is help me.

  The least she can do is stop this horrible madness.

  "Oh, Ava..." Her fingers brush against my cheek. My asshole hurts. Roger

  doesn't even flinch. He keeps moving. "You deserve this; you know that

  right?" she asks.

  A knife stabs into my chest, making me cry out in shock. Tears pop up in

  my eyes.

  "No!" I scream. I don't. I never did. I was a child. I was her child. Why?

  Why are two dead people showing up here? Now? Everything is over for


  "But it isn't for you, is it, Avalon?" Patricia asks.

  I clench my teeth as another wave of agony assails me. I feel like I'm

  being ripped apart. The blood is drying against my skin. My face feels dry—

  drier than it's ever been—and yet my eyes feel wet. Like the tears are filling

  me up inside and can't be released.

  Don't cry, I tell myself. Don't you fucking cry. Not in front of her. Not in

  front of him. Don't give them that satisfaction.

  "You always were strong," Patricia continues. "It's such a pity that it's all

  a façade. You'll break before too long. This is just the start."

  "I won't," I hiss out between thrusts. "I won't fucking break. I'm not you ."

  "No, you're not," she says, and suddenly her gentle hands become cold

  and talon-like. Her nails dig into my cheeks, cutting my flesh to ribbons.

  More blood drips down my chin. "You're worse. You're the reason my love

  died. You're the reason this happened in the first place. You're getting what

  you deserve!"

  On the last word, she screams into my ear, making my head ring. Roger

  fucks me hard, his cock ramming in and out of my pussy until I feel something

  inside me break. Until I feel like I'm just a broken doll, lying underneath him.

  Strong only on the inside because the body on the outside is shattered into a

  million pieces. So small and tiny that no one will ever be able to put me back


  There's no stopping this. No helping it. I open my mouth and scream. I

  scream as he fucks me. I scream as he digs into my body and fills me with his

  fucking disgusting self. I scream until my throat is hoarse and numb and only

  then do I realize that it's no use. All while Patricia watches and smiles.


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