Rogue: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 1

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Rogue: Bay Harbor Wolves Vol. 1 Page 9

by B. A. Stretke

  Leo had his hands in his pockets, tucked his head down against the cold breeze and just kept walking like he knew what he was doing and where he was going. The guard gave him a quick assessment as they met but didn’t stop or question him. When finally, he came out to County Road 23, he knew he’d made it and called a taxi. It would be expensive, but he would get home before noon.


  Derek scented the two humans before he even got close to the break in the fence. “They were spooked by the sentry. They took off and had their car on a side road about fifty yards away. They got away but their scent was still heavy in the air. It won’t be hard to follow.” Zayn stated and continued to investigate but it was clear what had taken place here.

  “I’m going back to the Mansion and check on Leo,” Derek said after a few minutes as suddenly a feeling of discomfort overtook him.

  “We’ll follow the scent and let you know when we catch them,” Zayn answered but Derek’s mind was on his mate and nothing else was resonating at the moment. He turned and started jogging back to the Mansion. Something was off and he didn’t like it one bit.

  When he reached the front porch, he knew his mate was not there. His scent was too faint, and a dread began to build in Derek’s mind as he entered and quickly tore through the place with Henrik on his heels looking for his mate. It wasn’t until he reached their bedroom that he found his answer. The note told him everything.

  “He’s been lured away. I doubt the message he received was from Max.”

  “Go, he’ll be heading to his apartment to meet his brother,” Henrik told him and Derek took off. He was out the door, in his car and on his way back to town in record time. He wondered how Leo had gotten away without someone alerting him. He was a resourceful human and although angry that he left, Derek was a little bit proud of his skill. Now he just had to find him before Raymond’s hired muscle did.


  Leo felt the inexplicable sinking feeling that always came to him when he was about to make a grave mistake. The broken window had been covered with a sheet of plywood by the landlord leaving the place looking derelict. He looked around for Max’s car, but he didn’t see it. It wasn’t yet noon but it was close so he should be arriving soon.

  Something was telling him not to go inside but his curiosity was getting the best of him and he had to make sure Max wasn’t already waiting for him. He entered through the main door and started up the creaking staircase just as his phone signaled a text. He got to the top and was looking at his apartment door when he checked the message. The air around him was suddenly so tense he could hardly breathe.

  The text was from Max saying that he just arrived at the apartment and was waiting for him in the hallway. That didn’t make sense there was no one in the hallway but him. Setup rang in his ears and just as he turned to run back down the stairs, two men he didn’t recognize burst through his apartment door and started after him.

  In the split second he had to consider it, he decided to go out the back and was giving it his all to stay ahead of these two. How could he have been so stupid? He made it outside but unfortunately, the back of Reinhart’s Furniture opened onto an alley and a couple of vacant buildings. No people and no traffic to lend him aid as he tried to outrun them. He made it to a side street which was just as deserted.

  Derek felt his mates fear spike to panic levels and he jumped from his car before he had it stopped and barreled up the steps to the apartment. The door lay open and off its hinges and the air was wrought with scents of Leo and the two thugs. Derek immediately took off in the direction they’d gone. He was out the back door and down the alley to the side street and the stone bridge over the Bear River before he came to an abrupt standstill.

  Standing before him were the two men. One was holding Leo by the throat and was smiling. The other stood in front and to the left of them, appearing ready to take on Derek face to face. Then the two jackals appeared coming from the opposite side of the bridge and walking forward to stand with them.

  “We were paid too much to just walk away, Derek.” One of them said with smirking confidence.

  “That’s too bad for you,” Derek commented offhandedly while walking ever closer to the large human who was just aching for violence. Derek could feel his thirst and silent rage ready to burst and Derek was just the man to help him get there. When he was close enough the human gave charge, but he was off-balance and awkward in his attack. Derek took him out in one blow to the throat. He was as good as dead when he hit the cold stone of the bridge.

  The three stared at the man who was lying on his side gushing blood from his mouth, nose, and throat. The jackals were up next since the other human was preoccupied with holding Leo. Derek would get to him, but he had to kill the two jackals first.

  Leo watched in utter panic as the two jackals began to fan out and taunt Derek. They were trying to split his attention and catch him off guard. They were huge and although he handled them readily the other night things looked less sure today as one pulled out a small handgun from behind that had been tucked into his belt.

  “You’re fast Derek, but are you faster than a bullet?” He taunted and aimed. “It may not kill you, but it will slow you down long enough for me to finish you.” Before the man could get off a shot, Derek grabbed the other jackal who had gotten too close and used him as a shield. The bullet pierced his heart which didn’t kill him instantly, but Derek finished him by ripping out his throat.

  “I only have to be faster than your friend here.” Derek returned the taunt and held tight to the corps as the jackal lost it and emptied the rounds he had remaining, but each shot went wild or was absorbed by his dead friend. When he was finished, Derek dropped the body and turned on the remaining jackal.

  All confidence and levity were gone, the jackal dropped the gun and tried to run. But Derek was on him in an instant taking him to the ground and twisting his head backward while pressing his knee into his back. The crack was horrifically loud and sent shivers through to your soul.

  Leo was trying to get away from the man holding him, but he dug his fingers into Leo’s throat with one hand and held Leo’s arm twisted behind his back with the other. Leo could feel the tension and worry radiating off the man as he watched his friends dying. Derek mowed through them with speed and precision and although it was a ghastly sight, Leo couldn’t help but be impressed.

  The second Derek’s death gaze landed on the man holding Leo, the man panicked and flipped Leo into the air and over the side of the bridge. Derek felt his heart shatter in his chest as he heard his precious mate hit the cold river beneath the bridge. The Bear River was deep and swift and emptied into the bay. It was deadly water. The man ran but Derek had no time to give chase, he instantly dove off the bridge in search of his very heart.

  Leo knew how to swim but the shock of the cold water and the speed of the current had temporarily stunned him causing him to rapidly sink to the bottom. His survival depended upon getting out of the water as soon as possible. Hypothermia would take him in minutes if not sooner. He struggled to push himself to the surface and was beginning to lose hope. Blackness surrounded him as suddenly his body felt warm and he began to drift away. Suddenly a pair of strong arms encircled him and pulled him up and out of the water.

  Derek dragged them both up onto the embankment and began CPR on Leo. It was then that Leo realized he wasn’t breathing, and his consciousness was fading. He fought and hung onto every word Derek was saying using every ounce of strength he had to pull himself back from the darkness.

  “Come on, Leo, come on, breathe, breathe!” Derek was falling apart and felt as if he were losing his mind. Never had he felt so inadequate or so hopeless as he did while demanding that his mate not die. This could not be, he would not lose him. “Breathe, please breathe!” He begged as his eyes clouded with a combination of tears and a blind fury. “I can’t lose you. I’ve only just found you.”

  Finally, he was there. The small spark of awareness erupted in
to coughing and gagging and at last Leo was breathing. Derek rolled him onto this side making sure his air passages were cleared and then he hauled him up into his arms and held him like a man possessed. Such a feeling of anguish he had never known as this moment he thought Leo was lost to him. His priorities in life were made clear as he clutched Leo to his chest and just rocked.

  Somewhere behind him, he heard voices and then a thick blanket was wrapped around them both. It was Henrik, he’d followed him. “He’ll be okay, Derek.” Henrik was assuring and it was exactly what Derek needed to hear.

  “The one who threw him in the river got away,” Derek spoke in a tone that was still filled with a gut-wrenching agony.

  “No, he didn’t. Koa took him out.” Henrik put his arm around him and helped him stand while still clutching Leo to his chest. “We have to get out of here. Koa is clearing the area and you and Leo need to get warm. Come on.”

  Derek did not resist and leaned into his brother as he helped them up the embankment and to the warm waiting SUV. Derek slid into the back seat holding Leo still wrapped tightly in the blank for warmth. Henrik tucked another blanket around them before jumping into the front seat and taking off.

  “I almost lost him,” Derek said the words that were tearing him open inside.

  “You saved him, and you will always be there to save him. You are Derek Vaughn, you never fail.” Henrik held Derek’s gaze in the rearview mirror. “He didn’t die, keep your mind and focus there. You are not a man who deals in ‘what ifs’.” Derek nodded and pulled his mate closer relieved by the steady beat of his heart and the hot breath currently fanning his throat. His mate was alive, and in his arms, and that was all that mattered.


  The Pack doctor gave Leo a thorough exam, but he was well on his way to a complete recovery by the time they’d returned to Bay Harbor. His physiological wolf connections had served him well and aided in his survival and his recovery. Leo noticed that Derek didn’t leave his side for one moment throughout it all and carried him upstairs to rest although he felt well enough at that point to walk.

  “Humor me, Leo. I need to keep you close. My wolf is still on a razor's edge between panic and destruction.” He told him as he tucked him in bed and sat down beside him and held his hand. Leo found that he needed this too. The near-death experience had quite a chilling effect on his nerves, no pun intended.

  “Promise me you will never do anything so foolish again. Promise me that you will listen when I tell you to wait.” Derek’s words were sharp but loving at the same time.

  “I’ll never be that stupid again, at least I hope not. I will always listen to you, I promise.” A few wild and frantic kisses seemed to quell some of their fears.

  “What about Max?” Leo inquired. “Has he been found?”

  Derek heard the pain and hope in his mate’s voice and wished he could tell him his brother was well and safe, but that wasn’t the case. “We haven’t found him, but Henrik has people searching from Chicago to Eastport. We will find him. I promise you that we will find him.” Derek didn’t add that the chances that Max was still alive were slim. But he would bring Leo his brother regardless.

  “Henrik is handling the business with your Uncle. He won’t be bothering you again.” Derek said in hopes of lifting his spirits a little. “Henrik is backing yours and Max’s claims to your father’s hotels. Raymond will be out, and the hotels will return to you.”

  Leo sat up and wrapped his arms around Derek and buried his face against his shoulder. “I don’t want the hotels; I want my brother.” He began to cry softly, and Derek wanted to kill something.


  It had been several days since the incident on the bridge and Leo was back on his feet and feeling like himself again. Derek had taken it upon himself to move all of Derek’s belongings from the apartment to the Mansion. He’d also decided to let his craftsman house go and accept a room at the Mansion for him and Leo. It was warmer and Leo was a social person and needed people around him. As for Derek, he knew he could get used to it. Nothing mattered more now than his mate’s happiness.

  Max had not yet been located but thankfully a couple of leads had presented themselves and Leo was forever hopeful. There was a chance he was still alive based on the leads and Henrik had dispatched his lead enforcer Seamus Doud to bring him home.

  A small get together had been planned at the Black Dog Lounge to celebrate the union of Derek and Leo and to welcome Leo to the Pack. Leo feared for his brother but rejoiced in the fact that he was the mate of Derek Vaughn the most handsome, intelligent, and capable man in existence. He would put his pain to the side and enjoy this moment with his amazing wolf.

  The evening was winding down and Derek had already suggested with a lustful gleam in his eyes that they head home when a loud banging started on the door that led to the sidewalk. It had been locked prior to the start of the evening's event and a closed sign hung prominently. Javier moved to go answer the door not looking at all pleased by the demanding disruption. But Henrik stopped him and with a look that was inscrutable headed towards the public entrance. Something was happening because Leo could feel the rising tension in the room.

  “What is it?” he whispered to Derek.

  Derek shook his head but kept his eyes on his brother. “Henrik is disturbed by whoever is at the door. Whatever happens, stay behind me at all times and if I tell you to run do it.” Leo nodded and waited as everyone else waited. It was suddenly so quiet that a pin drop would echo in this room.

  The quiet broke when Henrik opened the door and a half-dead man dropped into his arms. The next few minutes were an absolute blur. He wasn’t recognizable at first with his clothing torn and dirty and his face covered in blood, but then Leo saw the dark auburn hair and the class ring and realized the man was Max. His heart leapt into his throat and he tried to wrench himself away from Derek who was holding him back.

  “It’s Max.” He cried. “Let me go to him.”

  “No.” Derek barked. “You have to stay back. Don’t interfere.” It was an order that was nearly impossible for Leo to obey. “Look,” Derek stated abruptly and directed Leo’s gaze to Henrik.

  Henrik looked unhinged. His wolf snarled and threatened anyone who stood too close. The room was hushed as everyone stepped back and stayed still. Henrik lifted Max into his arms while keeping everyone at bay with a look that was both predator and prey. He had half shifted and Leo had never witnessed anything so wild and feral. Black hair, fangs, and claws like daggers sprouted. Fear for Max spiked in his mind, but Derek pulled him close and comforted him with his touch.

  “He won’t hurt your brother.” He told him.

  Henrik howled so loud and desperate that every wolf in the room responded in kind. It was a visceral sound that shook your soul. Henrik raced from the room so fast that he was gone between one breath and the next. The room stood silent, stunned, and disbelieving but there was also a sense of anticipation that hung lightly in the air.

  “We have to save Max.” Leo pulled on Derek’s arm trying to get him to move and was completely taken aback by the smile that spread across Derek’s face.

  “In Henrik’s arms, your brother is the safest man in the world.”


  Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story. Please rate and review! -B.A. Stretke

  About the Author

  B.A. Stretke is a Gay Romance and fiction author who publishes through Dreamspinner Press, LLC, and

  B.A Stretke began writing as a hobby. He read his first Jane Austen novel as a teen and was instantly hooked. The age-old dream of being a novelist took hold. Now long into adulthood, and a few years as an editor under his belt, B.A. is a full-time writer.

  B.A. spends his days reading, engaging in sarcasm, and plotting the next storyline, often leaving little head space for much else. He loves hiking through the Northern Michigan woods he calls home, often finding inspiration for his books. Writing and finding that perfect
cup of coffee occupy the rest of his time.

  B.A. Stretke lives in Northern Michigan.

  You can connect with B.A. Stretke on his website:

  Follow him on Twitter @BAStretkeWriter

  Like him on Facebook! B.A. Stretke

  More Books from B.A. Stretke:

  Vampires of Blood and Bones

  Blood and Bones

  Stone and Steel

  Die Pretty

  Ezra’s Awakening

  Pittsburgh Vampires

  Meant To Be

  Bad Reputation

  Blond and Broken

  Master DuCane

  Love Is Danger

  Surrender To Me

  Eyes of Darkness

  The Vampire and the Witch

  The Vampire Next Door

  Never Let Me Go

  Dragon’s Blood M.C.:

  Apex: The Dragon’s Mate

  The Dragon’s Heart

  Loving The Hellhound


  The Bad Boy

  The Call of the Dragon

  Finding Forever

  The Dragon Twins

  King of the Dragons

  Rafe: The Dragon Knight

  Suffer The Knight

  Crimson Vampire Coven:

  ● Crimson Love

  ● Trusting Fate

  ● For Now and Forever

  ● My Vampire Lover

  ● The Vampire Code

  ● The Crimson Sorcerer

  ● The Crimson Omega

  ● The Crimson Alpha

  ● The Crimson Beta


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