Born of Fire: The Dawn of Legend

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Born of Fire: The Dawn of Legend Page 33

by Dreagen

  LyCora breathed a notable sigh of relief. It was true that there were no other blue flames as powerful as her mother this far north before ClyVen, so naturally she had worried that as the word of what was happening got out, that her mother, and possibly even she, would be suspect.

  “LyVera, has my brother told you what happened?” DiNiya asked.

  “Yes,” she replied. “I will bring you and this poor flame back to the gates so he can be treated.”

  “Can’t you just do it here?” Rex asked.

  “No…and that is what concerns me.”

  “How so?”

  “The affliction that has been placed on him is a highly advanced form of flame manipulation. It will take some time to break it and require a more controlled environment to concentrate.”

  Rex was unclear as to what she meant by concentrate. After a little more than half a year ago, the whole concept of something like flame being real was still very jarring to him. Nothing he had ever seen or read about could explain how a flame actually worked. Still, he was beginning to understand that what he had been taught as the natural order was in fact only a very small fraction of an infinitely larger whole. He was now beginning to understand that flame was a science that was beyond the intellectual understanding of the top minds of Earth, and his too for the moment.

  All eyes shifted to the top of the canopy as thunder rumbled beyond.

  “Sounds like a storm is moving in,” DiNiya said, looking back down. “We should get moving if we don’t want to get caught in it.”

  The four of them climbed aboard LyVera’s back, far behind the CeraVora, and LyVera glanced back to make sure they were seated securely before taking a heavy step forward. The group sat and caught their breath for what felt like the first time all day as they proceeded through the forest to the gates.

  Rex looked off to the side and saw the enormous columns that were LyVera’s legs moving ponderously underneath. He marveled at the thought of something alive being so big. He laid the side of his face down against her back and closed his eyes. From far down deep within the titanic beast, he could hear her heartbeat—slow, strong, and continuous, like each step she took. Rex found his eyes growing heavy, and they shut as his heart slowed to match hers. He could feel himself moving in the dark, gliding on his own unseen power. Where am I? Is this the void? He continued to sail through the sea of blackness before slowly, everything began to illuminate in a pale blue light, before erupting into a kaleidoscope of bright shimmering blue organs, amidst a vast intricate network of veins—all glowing with flame. I’m…inside her. He looked around and saw he was traveling between huge columns that he came to realize were her immense ribs.

  He continued forward, where the path narrowed and angled up through the neck. Higher and higher he traveled, gliding over veins wider than tree branches and vertebra larger than him. Faster and faster he began to climb until he was arching over into her head and out her eyes, where he suddenly was high above the ground looking out at the forest through eyes that were not his own. He did not know how, but he was experiencing the world through another. This is unreal. I’m not just in her, but feeling life as her. It was then that he realized he was communing with her. Somehow his flame had reached out to hers and made contact. But how? Could it be that now that he had begun to learn how to control it, how to draw it out through will and not simply anger, that it was beginning to act in accordance with his natural curiosity?

  The line between where his mind ended and hers began was now blurring, and he felt as if he was losing himself. Still, it was very different than the time he had communed with DiNiya, which had felt like a union on the most primal level. This was more like a voyage into the mind of another. The distant calling of his name, however, began to pull him away from her eyes and slowly down her neck before it grew louder and drew him back the entire length of the way at great speed, until his head reared up from her back.

  “Are you all right?” DiNiya asked as she and the others looked at him curiously.

  “Fine,” Rex replied, the feeling of what he had just seen already slipping away. “Why?”

  “Well, because I was calling your name and shaking you for over a minute.”

  “Sorry, must have fallen asleep.” I wonder if it really was a dream? He looked up to LyVera, whose head towered high above. I wonder if she even knew I was there. Slowly, her head angled to the side slightly, locking one of her eyes on to him, before she turned her full attention back to the path ahead. Does she know?

  After an hour of travel and three torrential downpours, they reached the gates in time to see a large crowd massing in front of the tavern.

  “What’s going on?” Rex asked, standing up and looking out at what appeared to be a good portion of the gate community. “Did something happen?”

  “I don’t know,” DiNiya said, joining him at his side. “It almost looks like they’re waiting for something.”

  “Someone is coming from the gate,” LyVera said from high above.

  “Can you tell who it is?” EeNox asked.

  “Two BroMarvora pulling a carriage and another leading in front.”

  “A carriage,” Rex repeated with a curious expression. “You have celebrities in EeNara?”

  “What are those?” asked DiNiya.

  “You know, famous people?”

  “Oh, you mean someone like LyVera.”

  The DoraMax glanced down.

  “DiNiya, Rex,” came BaRone’s voice from far below.

  “Father, what’s happening?” she called down to him.

  “The healer we called is arriving. I see you brought back more than just fish,” he said, craning his neck up to take in LyVera.

  “Actually, she brought us back,” Rex corrected.

  LyVera brought her tail as low as she could to the ground, allowing the four to descend.

  “It’s good you four came when you did. I want you to help—What happened to all of you?” he asked, regarding their tattered state.

  “Long story,” said EeNox.

  “Good news is I think I remembered something,” Rex said.

  “That’s wonderful. What is it?”

  “I hate fishing,” Rex replied dryly.

  “I see. Well, anyway, who’s your new friend?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” said DiNiya. “This is LyVera.”

  “Hello,” the DoraMax said, bringing her head down as far as she could. “I’ve traveled from the Northern Capital to speak with VayRonx, KyVina, VoRenna, and yourself.”

  BaRone looked momentarily taken aback. “I’m surprised to hear that word of what has been happening in our humble mountain community has reached as far south as the capital.”

  “The recent tragic events that have befallen your tribe are no small matter and are of great concern to the Northern Council.”

  “I speak for all of KaNar when I say we appreciate the guild’s concern in this matter. Have they dispatched you to look into it?”

  “Not officially, but I have been asked on their behalf to do so should I make my way north.”

  “And so here you are,” he said with a smile.

  “Indeed, and I bring you someone who may know more on the subject,” she said as she used a tree to lower the unconscious CeraVora to the ground.

  “I see,” BaRone said, regarding him with uncertain curiosity. “Well, then, we have much to discuss.”

  The crowd now parted as the carriage came into the center of the square. The two BroMarvora pulling it stopped just in front of the tavern doors and immediately called back, “We’ve arrived.”

  The door opened and out stepped a large, muscular woman with broad shoulders and long reddish-brown fur that was tied back in a long flowing ponytail that went past the small of her back.

  BaRone smiled and approached her. “It’s been a long time, VyKia. Good to see you again.”

  The two pressed forearms before hugging each other.

  “It’s good to see you too, BaRone,” she said. �
�How is my brother?”

  “Brother?” Rex whispered over to DiNiya.

  “Still with us,” BaRone replied, sounding more optimistic.

  “VyKia is TarFor’s sister,” DiNiya whispered back to Rex.

  “Comes as no surprise,” VyKia said. “He’s far too stubborn to simply die when killed.”

  “We’re ones to talk,” he replied, giving her a wink. “How was your trip?”

  “Fine. You know you’re lucky we were this close to KaNar, or else it would have taken another two days to get here.”

  “Your brother is the lucky one,” he said before glancing at the carriage. “I see someone’s a little shy.”

  “Slept the whole way,” she replied, crossing her arms and looking annoyed. “And snores louder than TarFor.”

  BaRone laughed before glancing back at the others. “Come on over, you four. There’s someone I want you to meet.”

  The four looked at each other before walking over. VyKia regarded them all with interest before focusing on DiNiya and EeNox. “You two have grown much since the last time I saw you.”

  “Thank you, VyKia,” DiNiya said. “It’s so good to see you again.”

  “Likewise. We’ll have to spend some time later catching up after my brother has been tended to. First, however, there is someone who would like to say hello,” she said, looking to the carriage. They waited for someone to emerge but only heard what sounded like heavy breathing coming from inside. “I said there is someone who would like to say hello,” she repeated, although this time with greater emphasis. The breathing turned into loud snoring, causing VyKia to lose her temper altogether. “WAKE UP AND GET OUT HERE!”

  Everyone jumped, and the sound of someone stumbling inside the carriage could be heard. “C-coming,” came a soft, yet high voice from within.

  The carriage door opened, and BaRone smiled while Rex, DiNiya, EeNox, and LyCora gave a look of curious surprise.

  Standing before them with arms folded in front was a pretty young girl with long flowing blond fur and big lavender eyes. Something in Rex immediately stirred upon seeing her, for there was an air to this girl that reminded him of something, but what, he could not say. Still, it was a feeling of apprehension that now stirred in his chest.

  “Hello,” she said politely. “It’s very nice to meet you all. My name is AnaSaya.”



  The scene around the bed where TarFor lay was one of quiet intensity. Everyone who stood in the room was waiting to see what few had ever seen before: a healer of a caliber on par with those of the lavender flames of legend.

  AnaSaya walked around the bed slowly, dragging one of her claws across the sheets as she regarded TarFor thoughtfully. Her eyes scanned every inch of him, as if she was studying him for damage.

  Rex, DiNiya, EeNox, and LyCora stood back in one of the far corners and watched the unusual girl glide about the room like a curious phantom. The strangest part of it was no one said anything; rather, they just regarded her in silence, as if awaiting a miracle—something Rex knew they did not believe in. Leaning over to DiNiya, he asked, “So what exactly is supposed to happen here?”

  “I’m really not sure, to tell you the truth,” she answered without taking her eyes off AnaSaya. “No one here except some of the elders has ever seen a healer as powerful as she’s supposed to be.”

  “Personally, I don’t see it being that much different than how any of our resident healers do it,” said EeNox. “Just a little more powerful, maybe.”

  “I’m not even really convinced of that,” LyCora said in her usual cynical tone. She was not a fan of the notion of another flame rivaling her own in this sort of territory. While understanding full well that the lavender flame was one that specialized in the restoration of living things, she, through intense training, had honed her own healing capabilities to a point where they even surpassed those of most lavender flames. Like all children of EeNara, however, she had grown up with the stories of those of the lavender flame being able to command such power over another’s flame that they could separate it from a person at will, making them deadly assassins in the war. Still, she always found it difficult to believe such tales, having never seen anyone who possessed this famed and mythical power. Then again, I grew up with a story about the red flame that’s even harder to believe, she thought, glancing over at DiNiya and Rex. But there they both are, standing there alive in the flesh.

  Suddenly AnaSaya froze while standing over TarFor. She held out both hands and gently clasped his face. Closing her eyes, she lowered her head, and the moment that followed felt like an eternity to Rex, but in reality it was only about thirty seconds. He looked around and saw everyone standing in silent anticipation. Leaning over again, he whispered out of the corner of his mouth, “Is this it?”

  Before anyone could answer, they felt a sudden wave pass through all of them, before feeling like it was pulling them right back into the center of the room. What the hell? Rex thought as he grasped his chest, trying to regain his breath. For a moment it felt like all the air had been sucked right out of the room and was being pumped right back into his lungs.

  A brilliant purple glow suddenly caught his eye, causing him to shield his face as he looked up. He squinted as the glow subsided to reveal it was coming from AnaSaya, who now gathered it all in a lavender ball of fire, which she let pass into TarFor. Everyone watched in silent awe as his veins began to glow vividly with her flame.

  “It’s beautiful,” DiNiya gasped as she watched swirling tendrils of lavender flame snake around the unconscious man like elegant serpents that responded to AnaSaya’s tiniest whim.

  AnaSaya held out her hands, and the tendrils slowly wrapped themselves around TarFor as if they were going to constrict the life out of him, but instead they began pumping what looked like pulses of light from her flame into his body. Every pulse made his veins glow brighter and brought color back to his pale sunken face. Slowly his green flame began to glow through her lavender as he himself began to slowly stir.

  “Look! He’s moving,” said EeNox, pointing enthusiastically. “She’s really doing it!”

  Together, the collective flames in the room had borne witness to a power from an ancient time. With one final pulse, TarFor’s body erupted in a torrent of green fire, and AnaSaya’s flaming tendrils receded and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she suddenly began to fall backwards. Without even thinking, Rex rushed forward and caught her before she hit the ground.

  “AnaSaya!” VyKia cried out as she raced over to her daughter.

  AnaSaya’s eyes slowly dropped back down, and she looked around at the concerned faces surrounding her before her eyes drifted upwards and met the crimson stare hovering just above her. “Oh,” she said before her blank expression turned into a smile. “Thank you for catching me.”

  “Don’t mention it,” Rex responded in a flat tone.

  The two looked at each other for a moment, Rex not knowing what to say next, when AnaSaya said, “Would it be all right if I stand up now?”

  “Huh? Oh…yeah…sorry,” Rex stammered as he brought her up to her feet.

  “No worries,” she replied in a gentle tone.

  “Are you all right?” her mother asked, sounding concerned.

  “Yes, just a little worn out. I think I overdid it a bit.”

  “You need to be more careful. We could have broken up your uncle’s treatment into sessions so you could pace yourself.”

  “Your mother’s right,” BaRone said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “TarFor is strong and can hold on for a little longer.”

  “Speaking of which,” VayRonx said from the window. “How is he doing?”

  BaRone leaned forward and put his head against TarFor chest, listening to his heart, before standing back up and replying, “His heart is beating stronger than it was before.”

  “Back to normal?” asked Rex.

  “Not quite, but considerably better.”

; “Well, that’s a good sign,” VyKia said, looking noticeably relieved. “Thank you, AnaSaya.”

  “Of course,” she replied with a benign smile. “You know I would never turn my back on someone who needed me, especially not my own uncle.”

  Meanwhile, the other four teens were watching her with a strange sense of fascination, as if all her mannerisms were somehow hypnotic. Indeed, there was something strangely off about her that made her a curiosity to observe.

  EeNox crept quietly behind Rex and whispered in his ear, “Smooth move swooping in and catching her like that.”

  “Seriously?” Rex replied, annoyed.

  EeNox just grinned and slinked back behind his sister.

  “Come on, you two,” BaRone said to AnaSaya and VyKia. “I’ll show you to your room.”

  He led them out of the room, leaving the four teenagers alone with VoRenna, who was looking over TarFor, and VayRonx, who was still positioned just outside the bedroom window.

  “You four should get some rest yourselves,” the alpha declared.

  “What do you mean?” asked DiNiya.

  “Well…just look at you,” VoRenna explained. “You’re a mess.”

  They looked down at themselves and saw that they were battered and bruised from earlier, with Rex and EeNox still wearing DiNiya’s long sleeve shirt and LyCora’s cloak around their waists and nothing else.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right, but will you be all right yourself looking after TarFor?”

  “Your concern is touching,” she said with a chuckle. “But AnaSaya seems to have done most of the work for me. I would not be surprised if he wakes up before the next session.”

  “We can only hope,” she said before turning to the others. “Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I could use a bath.”


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