Born of Fire: The Dawn of Legend

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Born of Fire: The Dawn of Legend Page 94

by Dreagen

  Far below, a great army led by Alpha VayRonx burned across the land with the fury of their flames, each of them prepared for the fight of their lives in a battle that would determine the future of their people and EeNara as a whole. VayRonx, who had always preferred to keep his innermost feelings to himself, for the first time in his life felt pride born of personal satisfaction. Proud he had always been to be the leader of his people, the alpha of KaNar. In fact, one could even go as far as to say that his sense of pride in the matter ran deeper than most alphas, for his species was known for being the mightiest of all carnivorous DyVorians, and had descended from an ancestor that lived for the thrill of the fight. This same deep inner hunger for combat, while being kept in the darkest recesses of his mind, burned within every TarBoranx, within him. Now looking back at the enormous army massed behind him, he felt an almost overwhelming sense of triumph.

  “Hey, VayRonx,” TarFor called to him. “Did you ever think you would be the alpha of the biggest army EeNara has ever amassed since the war?”

  “Truth be told, I had not given it much thought,” VayRonx replied stoically.

  TarFor looked up at his friend and grinned. “Liar.”

  As they rounded one of the high canyon walls, the sight of the tower greeted them in all its magnificent and alien glory.

  “By the grand spark!” NyRo said in awe. “Look at that thing!”

  “What’s that coming out of the top?” BaRone asked.

  “It’s what we started feeling several kilometers back,” said VoRenna.

  “The real question is, what is it doing to the sky?” VayRonx asked, looking upward to the ever-growing rift above.

  “Whatever it is, I’m willing to wager anything that it does not bode well for us,” VyKia said. “We need to get there and stop them!”

  “Right you are!” VayRonx agreed as he let out a thunderous roar that spurred a domino effect of bellows and cries amongst all the warriors behind as they picked up speed and charged forward, clearing the final distance between them and what would be the battlefield.

  “What do you mean, both Rex and my sister?” EeNox asked after having heard LyCora’s report of the strange sensation she had encountered aloft.

  “What do you mean, what do I mean?” she replied, irritated that she was being asked to repeat herself. “It’s like I told you, that beam is made up of two very distinct red flames that are being enhanced over a hundredfold.”

  “But how can that be, exactly?” ShinGaru asked.

  “I was hoping you could tell us,” she replied. “After all, you’re the one who spent the past three years researching all of this, aren’t you? How would DraGons be able to alter flames like this?”

  “I don’t know,” he replied. “Most of the records were lost over the centuries. That’s why there are so many legends. Barely any factual information survived.”

  “Well, that’s convenient,” EeNox said, rolling his eyes.

  “Trust me, I know. I spent many a sleepless night frustrated over the lack of data to collect.”

  “Well, it looks like we’ll just have to learn on the fly,” LyCora stated.

  “NyEssa!” called one of the Highwings. “Look! The others are approaching!” All eyes turned to the eastern horizon, where a huge plume of dust illuminated by hundreds of flames moved towards the tower.

  “Well, it’s about time!” LyCora declared.

  The sky above the tower was now an ominous blood-red color, and otherworldly sounds began to pour from the rift like haunting calls from another time and place. The DraGons, now all transfixed by the experience, failed to sense the rapidly approaching flame signatures from the east. DayKar found himself gazing up to the heavens with tears streaming down his face. For so long he had awaited this day, this very moment. For all those hundreds of years where he roamed the world aimlessly, waiting for the day when paradise would be born anew on this savage planet overrun by barbarians. However, their time will soon come to an end. Soon the DyVorians, the race that prevented the DraGons from seizing the world that was to be their destiny, will be nothing more than the monsters that would occupy their legends.

  His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a roar that echoed from beyond the canyon, like a voice come to haunt them from the past. It was a sound that every DraGon alive today knew all too well, a defiant call that sounded all manner of ill intent against them—most of all, an unwillingness to yield.

  “Grand Marshal, sir!” VorTak said as he flew up and landed next to him.

  “How many?” DayKar asked in a cool, detached voice.

  “I’m…not sure!”

  “What do you mean, you’re not sure?” he suddenly turned and demanded furiously.

  “I don’t know, sir! Hundreds, by the looks of it!”

  “Damn,” DayKar exclaimed with a growl. “Of course it would be now! Then again, when have they ever had the decency to just roll over and die?”

  VorTak glanced over anxiously, and then back to the Grand Marshal, who seemed to be growing more and more frustrated and anxious. “My lord…DayKar, what should we do?”

  “The same thing we’ve always done, VorTak. Defend what is ours by right. Inform the others quickly. No DyVorian must be allowed to penetrate the tower let alone make it up here. The rift takes about an hour to fully open, and it still has at least another forty minutes before it is ready. We must hold them off until then. After that, we can finally resume our purge of this world,” he said, turning back to the altar and furrowing his brow.

  “Yes, my lord,” VorTak replied with a bow before glancing down at his sister. “Sir, is she—”

  “Don’t,” DayKar cut him off with a shake of his head. “Accept the reality and bury the pain down deep. It’s all either one of us can do now.”

  VorTak just stared at the lifeless form of his sister in his leader’s arms. A lifetime of memories flooded his mind before he felt the swell of emotion start to take him. With a grunt, he turned and dove off the edge, where he took wing and joined the rest of the fighting ranks.

  “Soon,” DayKar said to himself. “Just a little bit longer. Please, just this once, prove to me that you’re real and bestow your blessing of good fortune down on me.” He looked down at LemaRes. “I’ve earned it, damn you.”

  While Rex and DiNiya were trapped in a constant state of agonizing pain, their friends were bearing down on them on burnings wings of golden fire.

  “Are you sure you four are ready for this?” NyEssa asked as she angled herself downward for the approach.

  “Ready as we’re ever going to be,” EeNox replied.

  “We all knew what we were getting ourselves into when we signed up for this,” LyCora stated.

  “Well, then,” NyEssa replied thoughtfully. “Wish I could say the same.”

  With that, they all shot down with great speed towards the tower, squinting their eyes as the wind pelted them forcefully in the face. No sooner had they descended past the cloud layer then they saw the grouping of DraGons atop the tower, surrounding the small rise where the beam was originating from.

  “We need to shut that thing down!” LyCora exclaimed.

  “We’ll have to get closer for that,” NyEssa said, speeding forward past the others. “Hang on!” They accelerated until at last they could make out DayKar standing just short of some strange structure in the middle of the platform.

  “Damn!” LyCora cursed. “So he did survive!”

  “You know that monster?” NyEssa asked, surprised.

  “He used to be the famous scientist KyGahl, but somehow he became a DraGon.”

  “Or perhaps always was,” AnaSaya added cryptically.

  The very thought made LyCora shuddered, the notion that someone she had known of her entire life was an enemy lying in wait, stalking them in plain sight. Watching, waiting, and learning. It was unsettling, indeed, but then again, it seemed she had known so very little about herself as well that it was no real surprise in the end that some of the people arou
nd her were not as they seemed. However, unlike KyGahl now turned DayKar, they had fought by her side since their shared revelation. How ironic, she thought. Without her even realizing, she had bonded with the unusual band of juvenile outcasts. Then again, am I really so different? It was at that moment that she heard AnaSaya’s voice call out in surprise.

  “Look down in the flame!” she cried out. “It’s Rex and…another TyRanx!”

  “Wow, she’s right,” EeNox exclaimed. “But who is it?”

  “No,” LyCora gasped. “It can’t be!”

  “Do you know who that is with Rex down there?”

  Before she could answer, a dozen DraGons suddenly attacked from beneath, breathing fire as they rushed upward, causing the Highwings to veer off in multiple directions to avoid being hit.

  “Hang on tight!” NyEssa shouted as she dodged another blast of fire, spun a full one hundred and eighty degrees, and fired three quick blasts from her nostrils that struck one of the DraGons in his left wing, causing him to tumble out of the sky uncontrollably.

  “Nice shot!” said LyCora.

  “Feel free to help out,” NyEssa replied, dodging another blast.

  LyCora turned her head and began firing blast after blast at two other DraGons that were flanking them on their right.

  ShinGaru, being of the same flame as the Highwings, combined his with the one beneath him, and together they were able to create a massive electrical surge that filled a forty-meter section of sky, violently electrocuting three more of their assailants. “How many left?” he asked, looking back to the others.

  “Too many,” EeNox replied.

  “And more on the way!” AnaSaya added.

  “We need to get onto that platform!” LyCora shouted. She then took another look at the oncoming DraGons and added with a hint of uncertainty, “I’m open to suggestions.”

  “Attack formation!” NyEssa called out. The other Highwings quickly lined up into a flying V, ignited their flames as one, and surrounded it with an electrical field. “You four hang on tight. No matter what happens, do not let go!”

  Glancing back, EeNox, LyCora, AnaSaya, and ShinGaru saw that the DraGons were nearly upon them. “We’ve got it,” EeNox said frantically. “Just hurry up and do whatever it is you’re going to do!”

  “Charge!” NyEssa cried out, prompting them to explode down at the enemy, who looked startled by the sight of the burning flying wave of CyTorians moving directly towards them in formation, while AnaSaya closed her eyes just as they were about to collide with them. The Highwings powered through the DraConic horde in the blink of an eye, leaving them badly burned and some dead, who fell lifelessly out of the sky, while the others did their best to recover in midflight.

  “Wow!” EeNox exclaimed, letting out a shrill cry of triumph. “That was amazing!”

  “Glad you approve,” NyEssa replied dryly. “Now all of you hold on tight. We’re going to make a break for the tower. Get ready!” The four of them unhappily dug their claws into their respective mounts, which seemed to show no sign of discomfort.

  “The rest of you cover our backs,” the alpha told the other Highwings.

  “We’re ready, NyEssa,” replied one of them. “Be careful, and good wind beneath your wings.”

  “You too. All of you.” With that, NyEssa and the other three of her tribe who were carrying the teens raced down towards the tower as fast as they could. No sooner had they done so, then another contingent of DraGons spotted them and wasted no time in making haste in their direction. The Highwings, however, covering their descent, were ready and immediately moved in to intercept. LyCora and the others watched as the figures atop the tower grew large as they drew nearer until they could read the expressions on their faces.

  DayKar, sensing several flames approaching, glanced up and was surprised to see the other four AmaRanthine descending upon him on four massive CyTorians, one of which he immediately recognized as the alpha of Grand Heights. Wheeling around to face them, he breathed in deeply, held his hands wide, and unleashed a wave of electrically charged fire.

  “Damn it! Shield formation, quickly!” NyEssa cried as she and the others disengaged their descent and threw up a wall of flame, just as the wave of electric fire hit them with such force that it knocked them out of the sky.

  ShinGaru felt himself sent flying off his mount and begin to fall freely in midair, his body stunned from the blast. Opening his eyes, he saw the others tumbling down with him. Seven of the Highwings were dead, while the other three were nowhere to be seen. Briefly he locked eyes with AnaSaya, who to his surprise seemed to be trying to motion at something with her head. Before he could attempt to respond, he felt something wrap itself around his midsection, stopping him from falling. With a shooting pain in his neck, he managed to peer up and saw he was in the grip of NyEssa’s left foot before they were suddenly enveloped in darkness. Shortly thereafter, he felt NyEssa spin on her back and land forcefully on a smooth flat surface, where she skidded to a stop.

  He immediately opened his eyes and felt himself roll on to the floor, where he looked up in wide-eyed astonishment at the immense inner network of the tower. The entire structure was filled with a series of platforms that led into tunnels, while what looked like a huge red spire of CarNite ran up the center from the bottom to about halfway up the tower. Slowly he rose to his feet, feeling a terrible bruised pain on the left side of his lower body. He gritted his teeth and forced himself the rest of the way up and looked around. To his relief he saw EeNox immediately looking just as bewildered as he no doubt did, but began to panic when he failed to sense any sign of the others. His fear was short lived, though, for no sooner did he spin around then he saw LyCora, AnaSaya, and NyEssa quickly approaching.

  “Are you two all right?” AnaSaya asked, eyeing them both with concern.

  “Nothing that should prove permanent,” ShinGaru replied, feeling somewhat relieved.

  “Speak for yourself,” EeNox said as he rotated his right leg and winced. “Damn, I think it’s sprained!”

  “Can you walk?” LyCora asked.

  “I’m going to have to,” he replied less than enthusiastically. “Question is, where to?”

  “Up, by the looks of it,” she replied, motioning to the top.

  “Wait a minute,” AnaSaya interrupted. “The other Highwings. I don’t see them…”

  “They didn’t make it,” NyEssa said, stepping next to her.

  “Oh no,” she gasped. “NyEssa…I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to act as if—”

  “I understand, young one, so do not burden yourself with guilt,” the alpha interrupted, spreading her wings slightly. “They were brave, proud flames who died for a noble cause.”

  “You’re assuming we’ll win the day,” EeNox replied somberly.

  “I was talking about them saving your lives,” NyEssa corrected, evoking looks of surprise from the four of them.

  “But…but we’re not important,” AnaSaya said. “No better than anyone else in the world.”

  “And thus just as precious as everyone else in it,” NyEssa said, bringing them in close with her wings. “We fight not for some grand purpose, but for you, our children.”

  “But…these DraGons threaten our future,” EeNox said, feeling smaller than he ever had. “Don’t the needs of the many outweigh those of the few?”

  “And if the whole world felt that way, we would have no future. Besides, what future would any of us have without our precious children?”

  The four of them felt their hearts well up with emotion for the first time since their lives changed. They had been through so much together, and now realized they were nearing the end of the journey, one they might not return from alive. Still, even if this morning’s sunrise was destined to be their last, they felt no regrets, for they had forged new bonds of friendship that could fill lifetimes.

  There was a sudden sound of an explosion that drew their attention below. Gazing all the way down, they saw what appeared to be the glow
of numerous flames.

  “It’s VayRonx,” said a male Highwing. “The attack has begun! NyEssa, we must move quickly, while the DraGons are distracted!”

  NyEssa nodded. “All right now, you four, stick close to us and we will get you to your friends.”

  “But how?” EeNox asked. “I don’t see any openings.”

  “They must have some way of getting from the top to the inside of the tower,” said ShinGaru. “Something that wouldn’t be obvious to anyone not familiar with the tower’s inner workings.”

  They scanned the ceiling far above them for several minutes, when suddenly one of three large circular rings on it began to glow.

  “What the hell?” EeNox said as he cocked his head to the side.

  From the circle came a narrow beam of white light, which struck a similar circle directly beneath the one above. From it materialized a fiery form, which quickly took on that of a flesh and blood DraGon. Stepping out of the circle, the knight regarded the six of them in wide-eyed surprise.

  “What?” he bellowed. “How did you get in here?”

  Wasting no time, NyEssa and the other Highwing shot forward, driving their beaks into the DraGon’s chest. He gasped breathlessly before collapsing to the floor, dead, a pool of blood spreading out from beneath him.

  “This way,” NyEssa said.

  The other four all ran up to the circle and regarded it nervously. “Is this thing safe?” EeNox asked warily.

  “Looks like we’re going to find out,” LyCora said as she bravely took the first step into the ring. “Coming?”

  EeNox took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and leaped in, only to find that nothing happened. Opening his eyes, he saw LyCora giving him a strange look. He quickly looked away now, feeling embarrassed. Then, in an effort to sound stoic, he called over to the others. “Okay, it’s safe.”

  ShinGaru and AnaSaya glanced at one another, then stepped into the ring with the other two and awaited for the Highwings to join them, when suddenly three more circles above illuminated, and sent down more beams of light, which resulted in three more DraGons materializing.


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