Blitzed by the Brit: A Secret Baby Sports Romance

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Blitzed by the Brit: A Secret Baby Sports Romance Page 22

by Jessica Ashe

  Leona considered my response and calmed down. A bit. “Barton is one of the most important clients this firm has had in quite some time. He’s not paying us that much now, but if he wins a Super Bowl—which he likely will—he’s going to provide a nice little pension for some of the partners here.”

  “I appreciate that,” I replied. “I’m sure if we send a big team of our best people to meet with Barton, he’ll change his mind.”

  Hopefully my tone and body language conveyed the additional words ‘the big team absolutely, positively should not include me.’

  “He’s your client for the time being,” Leona insisted.

  “What? But I’m just an intern.”

  I’d gotten used to Leona shouting, but I couldn’t get used to the feeling of being in way over my head. How was I supposed to manage a client like Barton? In addition to being an intern with no experience, I also hated the very sight of Barton. He was everything I detested in a man. He was like one of Tasha’s hookups turned up to eleven.

  “That’s the point,” Leona replied. “Your inexperience is useful here.”

  I frowned, and tried to portray mild confusion, as opposed to blinding panic. Was she really suggesting I look after one of the firm’s most important clients? That made no sense. As Leona had reminded me on a number of occasions, I couldn’t even be trusted to make the coffee, let alone anything else.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  Leona opened her mouth to reply, but then seemed to reconsider. “Doesn’t matter. Perhaps you’re right. You might not be the best person for this. I’ll have Jessie work on it.”

  For a brief moment, I felt high with relief. Then a pang of jealousy kicked in. Jessie was another intern, and even worse than me at making coffee. She was also completely Barton’s type. Blonde hair, slim waist, impossibly big boobs, bubbly personality. I hated her as much as all the men loved her.

  Barton would definitely take instructions from Jessie, and no doubt they’d both end up screwing the summer away.

  Not that I cared. He could screw whoever he wanted. It just didn’t seem fair that Jessie could get to the top based on her looks.

  Bloody hell, Kristi, calm down. You don’t even want the damn job.

  It still seemed odd that an intern would be handling such an important client. Then I figured it out. The firm wanted to charm Barton by sending pretty women his way. Not that I was particularly pretty—which was why it hadn’t worked. Leona was literally pimping out the interns, hoping to snare a new client. Starting back at school suddenly seemed enticing.

  “What would you like me to work on instead?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” Leona replied, already flicking through emails on her phone. “Make me a coffee, and then go bug someone else. I’m sure there’s some photocopying for you to do.”

  I nodded and stood up to leave just as there was a knock at Leona’s office door.

  “What is it?” she asked, without looking up from her phone.

  “Barton Fenner is downstairs in a meeting room,” Jonas said.

  Barton? He’s here. Oh shit, maybe he’s going to tell Leona that I bailed on him. Then I’d really be screwed.

  “I’ll be right down,” Leona said quickly, before yelling out “Jessie” at the top of her—already loud—voice.

  “Actually,” Jonas explained nervously, preparing himself for an earful from Leona, “he’s here to see Kristi.”

  I’m so not ready for this. I’m wearing the exact same clothes I wore on Friday night, beer stain and all. It’s going to be obvious I’m an intern and not a professional.

  Leona insisted on coming with me to the meeting. If Barton screwed me over, he would do it while I was sitting right next to my boss. This couldn’t get much more uncomfortable.

  “Let me do the talking,” Leona instructed as we walked down the hall. “He probably only asked to speak to you because you’re the only contact he has. I’ll mention that you’re busy on another project and then introduce Jessie.”

  “Fine with me,” I lied. The thought of Jessie spending the entire summer working closely with Barton had me on edge. She’d know how to keep the client happy, and for her troubles she’d get a pile of orgasms and a job offer at the end of her internship while I would be thrown back on the scrap heap.

  I flattened my skirt and tidied up my blouse before walking into the room. This was my last chance to look like an adult, and not a silly intern.

  Barton sat at the far end of the table in a tight t-shirt that struggled to stretch over his large biceps. He’d made himself at home, resting his feet on another chair while he relaxed back and played with his phone.

  “Mr. Fenner, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Leona said cheerfully, putting on her ‘client voice.’

  Barton looked up from his phone and stared straight past Leona to me. I held his gaze and moved up to stand next to Leona—I wanted to look like her equal and not like a timid college intern.

  “Who are you?” Barton asked, flicking his attention to Leona.

  “My name’s Leona. I’m a senior associate here at—”

  “Nice to meet you, Leona. Now, please leave me with Kristi. The two of us have a lot of work to do. Lots of hard, brutal work.”

  Leona briefly looked taken aback, but quickly regained her composure. “Kristi is busy on another project at the moment, but we have plenty of other staff who would be happy to work with you. In fact, there’s another intern who would be a great fit.”

  Barton looked back at me and just stared. Silence filled the room, as I resisted the urge to move my hair away from my face. I knew it was a nervous tick, and Barton would spot it a mile away.

  “I want Kristi,” he said firmly, still looking at me. “She did a brilliant job for me on Friday night and saved me from a lot of embarrassment. Give me Kristi, or I walk.”

  Leona hesitated. She wanted to argue. Arguing was in her blood. Eventually, she forced a smile nodded. “Very well, Mr. Fenner. I’ll leave you in Kristi’s capable hands.”

  She turned and walked out, but not before giving me a ’don’t fuck this up’ look.

  The second the door had shut, Barton broke out into a big victory grin. I hated that he’d gotten his own way once again, even though it did at least mean I’d gone up in Leona’s estimations. Now I just had to find a way to not fuck this up.

  I took a seat opposite Barton, and folded my arms across my chest. “Why are you here?” I asked.

  “Because I need your help,” Barton replied.

  “There are plenty of other people here who can help you.”

  “Ah yes, the ‘other’ intern. You never told me you were an intern.”

  “You never asked. And trust me, you’ll like Jessie. She’s your type.”

  “What’s my type, exactly?” Barton asked.

  I thought back to the women I’d seen flocking around Barton Friday night and in the photos. To give him some credit, he certainly didn’t discriminate. Barton was an equal opportunity sleazebag.

  “Easy women,” I replied.

  “I’m offended,” Barton replied, clearly not offended. “I’ll have you know, I quite enjoy a challenge.”

  “No you don’t. You might think you do, but eventually you’ll get bored of me rejecting you and you’ll wander off to the nearest available woman.”

  “What makes you think I was talking about you?”

  I pursed my lips and frowned, but Barton didn’t look in the least bit perturbed. “I was just giving an example.”

  “It’s okay, I was talking about you. But I don’t think you’ll prove to be that much of a challenge. It would take no more than two weeks. The real challenge would be having you in this office, right here, right now.”

  “You’re not ‘having me’ anywhere. I can’t sleep with clients.”

  Shit, Kristi, that wasn’t the right thing to say. It just slipped out. The correct response would have been ‘I don’t sleep with assholes who would rather look at their ow
n reflection than me.’

  I sounded like I did want to sleep with him, and Barton noticed, because of course he did. He smiled, but didn’t comment on my slip-up. That just made it even worse. It was like he wasn’t even surprised.

  I never slept with men like Barton. Okay, so I didn’t sleep with many men period, but even if I did, men like Barton would be right at the bottom of the list. Tasha constantly pleaded with me to ‘let my hair down’ and hook up with a guy who had more muscles than brain cells. She certainly had fun doing that, but the two of us were as different as sisters could be when it came to taste in men.

  Tasha would love to spend time with Barton. The two of them would already be going at it on this table. I should set them up, but… that just wouldn’t feel right. I didn’t know why. Or maybe I did, and just didn’t want to admit it.

  “This isn’t going to work,” I said softly. “I’m not going to work for a client who just hits on me all the time.”

  “Yes you are.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  Who the fuck did he think he was? Were all rich, famous people this fucking irritating and arrogant?

  “You are going to work with me,” Barton replied, “because you’ll get to spend more time with me, and I know that’s what you want.”

  “I very much doubt you know what I want, Mr. Fenner.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that if I were you. Right now, I reckon you want me to walk over there and stand behind you. You want me to reach a hand down your blouse and cup your breast, as I kiss your neck softly. Then I’ll pull you up by your hair, and—”

  “This is a business meeting,” I snapped. I had to look angry to control the redness spreading across my face. I quickly crossed my legs, as my desire started spreading throughout my body. Again, Barton noticed. He never missed any of the signs.

  “Okay, then I’ll give you the business reason. You’re only here for the summer, correct?”

  I nodded, relieved to actually be talking business for once.

  “And you want a job here after graduation?”

  I nodded again. “Here, or somewhere similar.” Preferably somewhere I wouldn’t be working for Leona.

  “Then you’ll work for me this summer, and I’ll give you a glowing reference. You’ll be able to get any job you want.”

  “I’m not going to sleep with you for a reference.”

  “I know. You’ll sleep with me because I’ll make you come like you never thought possible. Again, and again, and again. You’ll come so hard, and so often, that you’ll barely be able to move.”

  I did my best to block out his words, but it was impossible. Just hearing him talk about me coming had me damp between my legs, and desperate to get home and spend some alone time with my toys.

  “Fine,” I replied reluctantly. “I’ll work for you on one condition.”

  “Name it.”

  “You never once ask me for sex.”

  “Deal,” Barton replied instantly.

  I raised my eyebrows in shock. I’d been expecting a smartass response, or a denial.

  “I won’t need to ask,” Barton said. “You’re going to ask me.”

  “God, you’re an asshole.”

  “And I will say no,” Barton continued, as if I hadn’t said anything. “I’m not going to fuck you until you beg me for my dick.”

  I looked into his eyes and saw not a single shred of doubt. He didn’t think or hope that I was going to beg him for sex. He knew it.

  He might be a dumb, meathead footballer, but I had a horrible feeling he might not be wrong about this one.

  Chapter 6


  Training flew by in a daze.

  I expected to get an earful from Gordon for taking it easy, but instead he congratulated me on giving one hundred and ten percent. My body was covered in sweat, so I guess I must have put in some effort after all. Somehow I managed to spot the runs and throw the ball, all the while thinking about all the dirty things I planned to do to Kristi when she finally gave in to me.

  Kristi was a good motivator. I’d seen her before training, and I’d be seeing her after I’d showered. I considered skipping the shower, but she didn’t strike me as the type to be impressed by a sweaty body—at least, not one that had been earned on the football field.

  I’d promised her sex within two weeks, but it had already been three days, and she was no closer to begging for it. In fact, she’d displayed a remarkable ability to spend time with me without trying to get her lips around my dick.

  Kristi had been with me nearly everywhere I went, but I was running out of excuses to keep her around. Training was getting serious, so there weren’t as many parties. I’d been invited to one of Doug’s, but I usually did anything possible to avoid spending time with him. I didn’t even like passing him the ball, and subconsciously, I think I sent him slightly shakier passes just so he wouldn’t make a clean catch.

  Three women were waiting by my car after I’d finished showering, but I ignored them all and went straight to the woman standing awkwardly a few cars down.

  “What do you need me for?” Kristi asked. “I’m really busy and need to be back at my apartment to wait for the repair guy.”

  The other women all looked in our direction, but didn’t come over. They knew I’d be back for my car eventually. They appeared to all know each other—that meant a foursome was on the cards if I wanted it. All I had to do was walk over and let them in my car.

  “I want you to come grab a coffee with me,” I replied.

  “Why? Surely even you can’t get in trouble just buying a cup of coffee.”

  “Oh, you’d be surprised. Where there’s a staff room and a horny barista, there’s a way.”

  Kristi rolled her eyes, and opened her car door. “Goodbye, Barton.”

  “No, wait,” I said quickly, shutting the car door before she could step inside. “I have to catch up with sponsors, reply to a few press requests, that kind of thing. I could use your help.”

  “I’m not your secretary, Barton. You’ve had me following you around all week while you run errands. That’s not what you’re paying me for.”

  “Do you really want me to respond to journalists without you looking over my answers first?”

  Kristi sighed. I knew she was annoyed with me, but every time I heard that sigh, I thought of the noise she’d make as I plunged my cock deep inside her for the first time.

  “You draft the responses, and then I’ll review them,” Kristi said. “Like I said, I have to be at home this afternoon.”

  “Okay. We can work together on it at your place.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “What’s the problem? Don’t you trust yourself around me?”

  “No, I just don’t trust you.”

  Damn, that stung. I didn’t trust myself around her either, but that wasn’t the point. I’d kept my word so far. I hadn’t once propositioned her for sex. I was still waiting for her to beg, although that was looking less and less likely as the days went by.

  “Sorry,” she muttered. “I didn’t mean that. Fine, you can come back to my place. I warn you though, it’s not quite as nice as yours. You want to follow me in your car?”

  I looked back at the women still waiting expectantly by my car. “Nah, how about you drive and I’ll get a cab back here later.”

  Unless you come to your senses and demand a good fucking.

  How long could she wait this out? I was fit to burst.

  “Kristi, there’s a naked man in your house.”


  Kristi was arranging the shoes by the door and hadn’t noticed the naked man walk out of one room and into another. Probably from the bedroom to the bathroom, or vice versa.

  Had this been Kristi’s plan all along? She could have set this whole thing up. I’d never once asked if she had a boyfriend, I’d just assumed she was single. Now she could yell “surprise!” and go jump on his dick while I stood there like a complet
e tool.

  I could take him if I needed to. The guy had some muscle on him, but nothing like mine. I also had an advantage in the third leg department. If it came to it, I’d show Kristi just who she should be begging for dick.

  “Kristi, is that you?” a female voice yelled out from the room the naked dude had just walked in to.

  “Tasha? You said you’d be at work all day.”

  “So did you,” Tasha replied.

  “No,” Kristi insisted. “I said I’d be working from home because the repairman is coming to fix the air conditioning.”

  That explained why it was so damn hot in here.

  “Oh,” Tasha replied quietly. “Well, uh, I took the afternoon off.”

  “So I see.”

  “Want to introduce your guest?” Kristi asked.

  “No, not really.” She looked back into the bedroom and told the guy that he had served his purpose and should now get dressed and leave. A few minutes later, he squeezed past us on his way out.

  “So then,” Tasha said, arms crossed as she eyed me up. “You want to introduce your guest?”

  “You know who he is,” Kristi grumbled.

  “Damn right I do.” Tasha walked over and stuck out her hand. “I’m Tasha, Kristi’s older sister. Not much older though.”

  “Hi Tasha, I’m Barton—”

  “—Fenner, yes I know.”

  “Okay,” Kristi said loudly. “Now that you two know each other, Barton and I have some work to do.”

  “Exciting,” Tasha said, as she winked at her sister. “I’ll just hang out in the lounge with my headphones on. Don’t mind me. I won’t be able to hear any noise that comes from the bedroom, if you get my drift.”

  “We need to work in the lounge,” Kristi replied.

  “Oh, when you said work, I assumed you meant work that you did in the bedroom.” Tasha added another wink for good measure, but all she got was an eyeroll from Kristi. At least I wasn’t the only one who got them.

  “I don’t mind working in the bedroom,” I butted in. “I do my best work between the sheets.”


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