Dillon's Claim

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Dillon's Claim Page 4

by Callie Croix

  She looked up from her cake and smiled at Bridgette. “Damn right. We’ll be the best looking couple at the bar.” Being that all the other women seemed to have one of the Dumen boys wanting to accompany them.

  Bridgette laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll find a couple cowboys there to sweep us around the dance floor. And here.” She pulled a shiny pink gift bag out from beneath the table. “A goodie bag, just for you.” A wink. “Just in case.”

  Smirking, Charissa pulled it open. A lacy black thong, some flavored lubricant, a handful of colored condoms, and a sparkly pink vibrator. “Did you put fresh batteries in it?” she teased.

  “Of course I put batteries in it. There are some extra in there, too.”

  That might definitely come in handy later, when she was all alone in her bunk bed fantasizing about a man she didn’t have the guts to go after. Provided her body didn’t leave her hanging on the verge of orgasm again.

  “Come on,” Bridgette said impatiently, grabbing her hand and towing her toward the door. “Forget your cake and let’s get going before everyone else beats us there. I’m hankering to do some two-stepping.”

  The Winkin’ Point Bar was already packed when they arrived. Dozens of couples crowded the dance floor amid the strains of the house band. The thump of the drums and bass guitar reverberated in the floor as a fiddle started up a lively air that had people shouting and stomping their feet.

  “There’s Jessica,” Bridgette called over the music, waving across the room. “She’s looking a little lost, and I don’t know where Deke went. Think I’ll go over and keep her company for a bit. That okay?”

  “Absolutely.” She was just fine on her own.

  Making her way to the end of the polished bar, Charissa ordered a gin and tonic and sipped at it while she perused the crowd. Dusty and Shay were already dancing, as were Sara and Dane. When the song changed, a middle-aged cowboy approached her and asked her to dance. She accepted the invitation gladly, and soon she was laughing as he swept her around the floor with the others.

  After a few dances, she begged off and retreated back to the bar to get a fresh drink. It went down smoothly, the mild burn of the liquor warming her insides. By the time she’d finished it, she felt much more relaxed. And slightly aroused when she noticed couples making out on the dance floor.

  Her thoughts strayed back to Dillon. Remembering the way he’d touched her, kissed her, made her warm all over. Her body ached for him, for everything he could do to her. For all the things she’d denied herself because she was afraid of being hurt and disappointing him. She was stronger than that, wasn’t she?

  Right now it was hard to remember why she’d been fighting the attraction so hard, especially when she thought about the way he touched her. He had the most amazing hands. Hard and powerful, yet gentle enough to stir the butterflies to life in her belly when he stroked his fingers over her skin or through her hair. But, as the dependable Dumen brother was holed up in his office back at the ranch, she wouldn’t have to worry about him showing up here. The thought only made the ache inside her worse.

  Mentally shaking her head, she set her empty glass down and considered ordering another.

  She spotted Deke entering the bar, his gaze going straight to Jessica as he headed toward her. A moment later, Dillon walked in behind him, scanning the crowd.

  Everything in her stilled as his gaze zeroed in on her. Her nipples peaked instantly and a spark of heat ignited low in her belly. But after a long, charged moment, he looked away and headed into the crowd. She lost sight of him. Again, that sinking feeling of disappointment took hold. It irritated her.

  Hadn’t she wanted him to leave her alone? She’d had all night and the whole day to think about the way things stood between them. Now she was wavering about her decision to steer clear of him. It was time to make up her mind one way or the other. Sitting here alone wasn’t helping the constant ache of arousal thrumming through her body. He wanted her. She wanted him—rough edged kinky sex and all—despite the fear that wouldn’t quite go away. God, she was sick of letting past fears hold her back. Either she put her big girl panties on and went for it or she quit pining after Dillon.

  So she’d made a mistake and hooked up with a guy who’d trashed her fantasies about experimenting with the kinkier side of sex. Big deal. Yeah, she’d been completely turned off and disgusted by the whole thing, but at least she’d been physically unharmed by the experience. Dillon was nothing like him. Dillon was dominant, through and through, but he’d never harm or humiliate her. Deep inside, she knew it would be different with him. And he’d made it clear he was still interested in her.

  Was she really going to give up the chance to try it with him just because she was scared? And because she was afraid of becoming even more attached to him? He’d made it clear he cared about her, and that could only make sex with him more amazing. The only thing holding her back now was the fear of having her fantasies of him destroyed.

  And getting your heart broken.

  Turning back to the bar, she ordered another drink and debated what to do. Maybe after she knocked this next one back, she’d feel brave enough to search him out and proposition him. One night. She could give him one night to test whether or not the sex would be even half as good as she imagined.

  She’d just taken her first swallow of the fresh drink when she saw him approaching out of the corner of her eye. Every muscle in her body tensed. Her fingers tightened around the glass tumbler.

  Dillon stepped up behind her, close enough that his chest brushed her back and she could feel his heat against her spine. She braced herself for an awkward start to the conversation, but he surprised her by settling his hands on her hips. No greeting, no preamble. Only the firm but gentle grip of his fingers that turned her knees to jelly.

  “Dance with me,” he said against her nape. The warmth of his breath made goose bumps break out across her skin. He pressed a tender kiss against that vulnerable spot and kept his lips there, caressing lightly while he waited for her answer.

  Oh, God. She hadn’t expected this at all, had no defense against it.

  Setting her hands on the bar top, she closed her eyes as he wove his sensual spell around her. He was taking control already, removing any doubt as to his intentions. Taking the responsibility out of her hands. Doing exactly what she’d wanted him to.

  Go for it.

  “Okay.” Her knees weren’t quite steady when she pivoted around to face him. His slow smile made her heart pound as he grasped her hand and led her to the dance floor.

  He maneuvered them into the crowd and swung her easily into a dance position, smoothly gliding into a two-step with the band’s lively beat. His wide shoulders blocked out everything behind them, his muscles flexing beneath her hand. This close to him, his tantalizing scent drifted up to tease her nostrils.

  At first her movements were stiff, but after a few moments, her muscles loosened up and she flowed with him. His grip was firm, sure, and the confidence he exuded was a complete turn on. She knew he’d bring that same self-assurance into the bedroom, and her insides quivered at the thought of being under his command.

  The band switched to a slow song. Dillon didn’t pause or attempt to leave the dance floor. He brought her even closer, until she felt the hard ridge of his erection pressing into her belly. The man was hard all over, and knowing he wanted her made her pussy grow slick and warm.

  Letting out a breath, she relaxed against him and laid her cheek against his shoulder. In response, he nuzzled the top of her head and stroked a hand over the small of her back, making her heart lurch. She felt safe in his arms, which was crazy. For her, he was the most dangerous man in the bar.

  They stopped dancing. A hard hand cupped her chin and tilted her head up until she met his gaze. His blue eyes were dark, intense. A flush spread up her cheeks. People were flowing like a tide around them. She could feel their curious eyes. Becoming self-conscious, she started to pull away. Public displays of affe
ction had always made her uncomfortable.

  “No. Look right here at me.”

  Startled by the quiet command, she stared helplessly into his eyes. His touch was gentle and she could easily have pulled away, but somehow she couldn’t move. The music seemed to dim somewhere in the background. The dancing couples crowding around them faded. A sizzle of sexual awareness shot through her as he held her captive with his eyes. His grip never changed as he lowered his mouth to hers.

  Heat exploded inside her the instant his lips touched hers. She gripped his shoulders and opened to the stroke of his tongue, gasped as everything inside her tightened. More. Closer.

  Dillon held her back, keeping control of the kiss as one hand brushed the curve of her breast. She swallowed a whimper of need as his hard thigh pressed between her legs. When he finally raised his head and smiled a little, her face heated. Damn, she’d been making out with him right out in the open where everyone could see. One searing look, one kiss and he made her forget herself. She ran her tongue over her lips, trying to think of something to say, when a commotion broke out behind them.

  Dillon immediately whipped around and stepped in front of her, shielding her from any threat. She peered around his shoulder just in time to see some men fighting while everyone in the vicinity backed away. One of the fighters threw a punch and more people jumped in. Someone went down on the floor, and a moment later, Shay staggered to her feet, covering her face with her hands.

  “Shit,” Dillon muttered. “Stay here,” he ordered, then strode toward the melee.

  Charissa retreated to the bar, watching anxiously. Dusty appeared in the middle of the brawl and swept Shay out of range of the flying fists. Seconds later bouncers jumped in and subdued the men before Dillon got there. The band kept playing and as soon as the floor was safe, people started dancing again. She lost sight of Dillon in the crowd but soon spotted him striding back to her. His expression was calm, and her heart rate slowed in relief.

  “Is Shay all right?” she asked when he reached her.

  “Yeah, but she’s gonna have one hell of a shiner.”

  “Does she need a ride back?”

  “No, Dusty’s got her.” He stroked a hand over her hair, searched her eyes. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” A little rattled maybe, especially since her friend had just been punched in the face, but otherwise fine. “You’re sure Shay’s—”

  “She’s fine, and Dusty’ll take care of her.” He ran a finger along her jaw. “Come back with me.” So I can take care of you. He didn’t say the words aloud, but his eyes made his intent clear.

  Oh, damn. How could she say no to that request? Leaving with him was asking for trouble, but she wanted to anyway. She couldn’t resist the pull toward him anymore. “I came with Bridgette, so I’ll have to tell her...”

  “She’s over there.” He nodded to the other end of the bar. Heart pounding, she wound her way through the crowd and told Bridgette she was leaving, then let Dillon escort her out of the building with a guiding hand at her lower back. His protectiveness made her feel cherished. Like she truly mattered to him.

  But she had a big problem here. Dillon knew exactly how much she wanted him, yet she couldn’t fight the tension roiling inside her as he drove back to the ranch. Did she have the guts to do this or not?

  “You seem awfully tense over there.”

  She gave him a sheepish smile. “I am, a bit.”

  “You can still change your mind, you know. I don’t want anything you’re not willing to give.”

  Charissa rubbed her damp palms on her jeans. He sounded like he didn’t care one way or the other, but she hoped that wasn’t true. “If you don’t mind me asking...what’s in this for you, exactly?”

  “What do you mean?”

  She shrugged. “I mean, what is it about being in control that gets you off?”

  “Maybe you better tell me what your definition of ‘in control’ is first.”

  She made a frustrated sound. “You know what I mean. Is it just the sex? The control?”

  He was quiet a moment, a thoughtful expression on his face. “I can’t explain it.”

  “Try.” She folded her arms across her chest and arched a brow.

  One side of his mouth curved. “Okay. Honestly? I love the rush of it. Of making my partner helpless, making her respond on a level she can’t without giving up control.”

  “So it is a power trip,” she accused, a bitter edge to her voice.

  “No, it isn’t. Not the way you mean. It’s an exchange of power. She gives up her control to me, and I give it back to her in a different form.”

  She eyed him dubiously. “I’m not into pain.”

  “Good to know.”

  “At all.”

  He glanced at her sharply. “Is that what happened? Did someone hurt you?”

  “What? No, it wasn’t that.” Though she supposed it had scarred her in some ways.

  “Then what was it?”

  She sighed and turned her head to look out the window at the shadowy rolling hills. “It wasn’t at all the way I imagined it would be. He made it all about him, wasn’t interested at all in what I wanted.” And it remained the single most repugnant sexual experience of her life.

  Dirty slut. Is this what you want? How bad do you want it, you filthy whore?

  She shook away the memory of him panting the words at her ear, his body pounding away at hers with no thought whatsoever for her comfort, let alone her pleasure. Oblivious of the way she’d cringed and held herself rigid, eyes squeezed shut in revulsion.

  Dillon made a sound of disgust, his hands tightening perceptibly on the steering wheel. “Then he was either inexperienced or a selfish prick.”

  She smiled. “Bit of both, I think.”

  “What did he do to you?”

  She shifted uncomfortably in the seat, hating to say it out loud. But if they were going to give this a shot, she had to be honest about her experience. If she couldn’t have a frank conversation about this, how was she going to try it again with Dillon?

  “My wrists were tied up, and then he just kind of...did what he wanted to get himself off.” Meaning he’d slammed away inside her, moaning and groaning in between bursts of crude words he probably considered sexy but in reality had made her cringe in horror. She’d endured it with a kind of numb detachment, hating every second.

  “He raped you?” His voice held a deadly edge.

  “No,” she answered quickly. “It was consensual. Right up until his control snapped, anyway.” She’d felt so stupid afterward.

  “Did you even have a safeword?” Dillon bit out.

  She winced. Knowing how stupid she’d been was yet another painful barb. “Um...not really.”

  He scowled, shook his head. “Hell.”

  Yeah, not her smartest moment. She could’ve been hurt or traumatized. More than she had been. “Anyway, it didn’t exactly make me want to rush out and try it again.”

  “Yeah, well, no wonder.” Reaching across the bench seat, he tugged on her forearm until she raised it, then twined his fingers through hers. His grip was solid, reassuring. “I would never treat you like that. But I’m glad you told me.”

  She studied him as he made the turn into the ranch’s long driveway and drove toward the lodge. When he glanced over and caught her chewing on her bottom lip, she stopped. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in trying it with you,” she said softly. “But the idea still makes me nervous.”

  “I don’t mind nervous,” he answered, taking her aback. “I just don’t want you scared. The only way this works is if you trust me to take care of you, no matter what we’re doing.”

  Hope swelled inside her like a painful bubble. “I trust you. I do. But it’s...hard for me. I’m not sure if I can go there.” Meaning she couldn’t let go fully. Allow herself to feel the pleasure she so desperately wanted. Yet, here she was, pinning all her fantasies on Dillon and praying he wouldn’t disappoint her.
/>   “Only one way to find out.”

  He was right. Fear never did anyone any good. Maybe with him she’d find what she’d always craved. Maybe he could quench the unfulfilled needs that left her hanging when she was with a man. “Where are we going?” she asked in growing alarm when he continued driving past the lodge.

  “Someplace private.” His tone was sensual, mysterious.

  Her heart did a little flip, but she didn’t say anything. He drove a couple miles past the lodge and parked on the crest of a hill before shutting off the engine. In the sudden quiet, he undid his seatbelt, opened the truck door and turned to face her. “Wait here a minute.”

  The muscles in her stomach tightened. They were out in the middle of nowhere. She would be truly at his mercy, with no one to hear her if he lost control and she screamed for help.

  Stop it. Dillon would never hurt you.

  He went around back, lowered the tailgate and did something in the truck bed. Finally, he strode around to the passenger side and opened her door. He stood before her in the moonlight, so tall and imposing, those shoulders impossibly broad. Her pussy contracted, growing wet at the thought of what was coming. Her pulse raced. Taking her hand, he gently tugged her out of the truck and gathered her into a tight hug. The comforting gesture was so unexpected she sighed and smiled as she rested her cheek against his shoulder. Being held like this was exactly what she’d needed to chase away the unease inside her.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked when he caught her hand and led her toward the back of the truck.

  “Right here,” he said and ushered her to the open tailgate. She hesitated only for an instant when she saw the bedroll laid out, but he didn’t give her time to think about it. He jumped up into the truck bed and offered his hand. She gripped it, then he pulled her in after him and sat atop the open sleeping bag with his back braced against the cab.

  Spreading his thighs, he patted the space between them. With a half smile, she started to sink down on her knees, facing him, but he turned her so that her back was to him and pulled her in close. Her butt snuggled against the hard length of his cock as he cuddled her into his chest.


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