Not Always

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Not Always Page 12

by Ancelli


  “Last night when you screamed that your pussy was mine.” José chuckled. “Yours… this pussy is—” he mimicked her.

  “Really!” Jewel smacked him in the arm, making him laugh louder.

  “I’m going to get some things. I’ll be back.” He took the cart, leaving her behind. As soon as he turned into the next aisle, he pulled out his cell and dialed.“ Jazmine, is everything ready?”

  “Yes, José.” She laughed. “I got your last two texts.”

  “Is your mom still mad that Jewel didn’t tell them about the gala?”

  “Yes, however she’ll get over it. Everything is not always about her. I won’t tell her I knew she was nominated.”

  “We’ll be back in half an hour.” He grabbed four cases of beer, and five bottles of Jewel’s favorite wine. “Bye.” He placed his cell in his pocket. He observed Jewel from afar. She was on her cell. Who would’ve thought, Jewel and him in a relationship? But she was already one of the most important people in his life. Maybe this was what he’d always needed, a strong woman beside him.

  Two black men staring at Jewel caught his attention. They kept pointing at her and, talking. Across the distance, he tried to read their lips. He could have sworn one of them called her a bitch.


  “Javier, did your mom fly in yet?” Jewel asked her brother-in-law.

  “Yes, I just picked them up.”

  “Good. We should be home in about half an hour.” Jewel got two bags of chips. “Do you need me to bring anything else?”

  “No, we have everything covered. Thanks, Jewel,” Javier said.

  “For what?” Jewel watched as José strolled closer to where she was. Her heart fluttered every time he gazed at her with those amazing, caramel eyes. Jewel was still thinking about what he’d told the couple earlier. When the man had asked him if they had kids, he’d answered “No, not yet.”

  Not yet…

  “Helping my brother.”

  “Boy, please.”

  Javier started laughing. “See you soon.”

  “Bye.” Jewel placed her cell in her purse and watched José ramble up. “Why did you get so many drinks?”

  He studied the boxes, then at her. “For the game tomorrow.” José sounded like something was bothering him.

  “What game?” She placed her hands on the basket.

  José ignored her question, and looked beyond her shoulder. “What?” he raised his voice, making her twist around. “Do you know us?”

  Two black men stood a few feet away with their lips turned down and eyebrows drawn, disgust written all over his faces.

  José moved up next to Jewel, and possessively took her hand. “Do you have a fucking problem?”

  She could see he was pissed; his nostrils flared.

  One of the men narrowed his eyes. “Yes, I do have a problem.”

  “I’ll see you later.” The thinner, dark-skinned man rushed over to the express lane.

  “José, ignore him. Let’s go.” Jewel tried to pull him, but he wouldn’t budge. They had a party to get to. For some odd reason, seeing him like this got her all hot and bothered.

  “This is a supermarket. Keep that jungle fever shit at home, behind closed doors,” the remaining man said in a stern voice. “Sister, you disappoint me.”

  Jewel watched the man, awed and disgusted by his nerve. “I’m not your sister!” José took a few steps forward; she gripped his wrist. “José…” He removed her hand.

  “We didn’t do anything wrong!” He cracked his neck. “I don’t give a damn what you think!” José strode closer.

  The man moved back as José drew nearer.

  “I won’t let you disrespect my woman.”

  Jewel could see the vein in José’s throat starting to throb, and his right hand was balled into a fist. Did he just say his woman? Despite the tension of the moment, that made her giddy inside.

  Jewel moved in front of him. “Babe,” she softly said, making him glimpse down at her. “We have somewhere to go.”

  He stared at her, and then at the guy. “You’re right. Let’s go.”

  Jewel entwined her fingers with his, and they walked to the register. She could see he was still mad. He placed their items on the counter without speaking. She caught him looking up to see if the guy was still there. Thank God the fella had come to his senses and left without even paying for his things.

  “Are you okay?” Jewel passed him a few items.

  He took a deep breath. “He better thank God I’m really trying to change.” He slammed the milk carton on the running belt. “The old me wouldn’t have asked shit. My fist would’ve done all the talking.”


  His stare became soft. “Sorry for what?” His brows met. “You didn’t do anything, except save me from going back to jail.” He pushed the cart to the end of the counter and started piling the bags in. “I owe you an apology. I need to learn not to let ignorant people get to me.” José wrapped his fingers around her wrist and pulled her closer, giving her a kiss on her lips so heated the cashier blushed.

  Jewel smiled against his mouth. “You don’t learn.”

  “Nope, not when it comes to you.” He pulled out his wallet. “I can’t seem to keep my hands off you.

  “Sir, it’s one hundred thirty five, with three cents.” The cashier waited.

  Jewel went to get her purse. José grabbed it and tossed it in the cart. “I got it.” He handed the cashier his debit card, and she swiped it.

  Jewel watched him. She hadn’t meant to make him feel like less than a man by offering to pay. But she knew that after child support, rent, and bills, he didn’t have much left. He took the card back. “Thanks.”

  José pushed the cart outside, again without saying a word to her. He popped the trunk and began placing the bags in. She was about to hand him one.

  “I got it.” He took it from her. “Go get in the car.”

  “Are you seriously mad at me now?” She set her hand on her hip.

  “Actually, yes.”

  “Because I offered to pay for my groceries.” She glared at him.

  “It’s our groceries. I live there too.” He placed the last bag in, and turned to look at her. “Yes, Jewel. Let me be a man.”

  “And what’s that?” She glared at him. “Because you have a dick and two balls. I thought that’s what makes a man.”

  “Funny!” He slammed his trunk shut.

  “Then tell me, what makes you a man?”

  “Let me wine and dine you, pay for things.” José scowled. “If I don’t have it, I will tell you.”

  “Like that’s going to happen.” She wheeled away when he tried to grab her arm.

  “Jewel.” He pulled her into him. “I thought I wasn’t good enough for you. Now I want to give you the world. Let me.”

  “José.” She touched his cheek. “You are good enough. I’ve told you this over and over. I don’t care about money or things.”

  “I do.” He combed his fingers through her hair. “I want what every man wants. I want to be able to provide for my family.”

  “You are.” She placed her hands around his neck. “Carlitos doesn’t want for anything.”

  “I meant you, too.”

  “We’re not married, or even close to it. I can provide for myself.” Jewel stared at him. “I don’t mean that in a bad way. You don’t have to worry about me.” José began to scowl. “If we decide to take this any further, you need to understand that sometimes I may want to pay, or do something for you. That doesn’t mean I think of you less. We should be a team. No more you and I, it should be us.”

  José gently pushed her away. “I see.” He opened her car door. She got in. He shut the door firmly, and marched toward his side of the vehicle. He turned the auto on, reversed out the parking space, and drove off.

  Great, she thought, twisting around to look out the window as he drove off the lot. José gave her the silent treatment, and he even had
the nerve to turn up the music and sing along with R. Kelly about the cookie monster and Oreos, ignoring her as he drove.

  I wish he was licking me like an Oreo right about now, she thought, smiling to herself.

  Chapter Seventeen

  José drove up their driveway, staring at all the cars parked in front and around the house. He shook his head. They hadn’t even tried to hide their vehicles. He glanced over at Jewel. She didn’t seem surprised about seeing all the automobiles. Was she that mad? She didn’t notice her family was there? José placed the gear in park, and turned the key.

  Jewel clutched the door handle, and José leaned over preventing her from opening it. He grazed his hand along her arm, and cupped her face.

  She stared at José as he rested his forehead on hers, and gently kissed her.

  “I thought you were mad at me…” She spoke against his lips.

  “You know I can’t stay mad at you for long.” José moved, touching her neck with his fingers.

  Jewel took his digits in her hand and kissed them. “We need to talk about us.” She gazed thoughtfully into his eyes.

  “I know baby, but not tonight.” He fixed his erection before opening the car door. José walked around to her side and helped her out. “I have other things planned for you tonight.” he wrapped his arms around her, knowing that the guests in their home wouldn’t be able to see from where they were standing. “And talking is the last thing I want to do.” José let her feel his manhood.

  Jewel laughed and removed his hand from around her. “Promise me you won’t be angry at me?”

  “Why would I be mad at you?”

  “Oh, no reason. Just say yes.” Jewel touched his cheek. “Please.”

  “I promise.” He kissed her one more time. “Come on.” He gently pushed her to the house.

  “We do have to talk,” she said, walking along. “Aren’t you going to get the groceries?”

  “Later.” They stood in front of the door. “Muñeca, we’re so proud of you.”

  “We…?” She turned to stare at him.

  José opened the door, and everybody screamed. “Congratulations!”


  Jewel frowned, looking at her family members. She hadn’t invited all of them to José’s party. She looked up at the banners hanging from her ceiling. Congratulations Teacher of the Year, read one side—and on the other side: Congratulations José!

  She turned to José, and he had a shocked look on his face, reading the banner with his mouth slightly agape. He swiveled to stare at his mother, Papo, and his sister Lucy.

  Jewel’s family rushed up to her and took turns hugging her.

  “Congratulations!” Jazmine kissed her. “You deserved it.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” her mom asked.

  “Yeah, Jewel. Why were we the last ones to find out?” Janice, her older sister, asked.

  Michael came forward, kissing her forehead. “I’m so proud of you, lil’ sis.”

  “Thank you, guys.” Jewel wiped at her tears, looking over at José with his family. She smiled. He’d planned this for her. José was one special man.

  “My baby is teacher of the year!” her dad beamed, hugging her tight. “We would’ve never been disappointed in you if you didn’t win. The nomination alone was incredible.”

  Her mother was wiping at her falling tears with a napkin. “I am so proud of all of you. I don’t say it much, but I am.”


  Congratulations José. This night was supposed to have been about Jewel. However, she’d surprised him once again. Jewel was an amazing woman; she never thought of herself. He smiled. They’d surprised each other.

  His mother strolled up to him, and cupped his face. “Mi hijo, estoy orgullosa de ti.”

  “Bendición, Ma.” He stared at her. His mom was the most beautiful woman in the world to him. José would do anything for her. Her hair had more streaks of gray, but that made her look more elegant.

  “Que Dios te bendiga.” A tear dropped from her loving eyes. “I know I don’t say it much, but I love you.” She stroked her soft hands on the sides of his face.

  José wrapped his arms around his mother. “I love you more, Ma.” He could feel his tears ready to spill over. This was the first time in years that his mother hugged him.

  She kissed his cheek. “I’m so sorry, son. Instead of pushing you away, I should’ve embraced you. You’ve proven me wrong.”

  “Ma, I understand why.” José smiled. “You did the best you could.”

  Walking up to him, Javier grinned, then gave him a bear hug.

  “Thank you for giving me a chance.” José patted his brother’s back.

  They pulled away from each other. “Bro,” Javier said. “You’re going to college.”

  They both laughed.

  “Even though it’s twelve years late.” His sister giggled, making her mother frown at her.

  “Lucy!” Maria yelled.

  Lucy ran into José’s arms. “He knows I’m joking.”

  José chuckled and kissed his sister on her head. “Damn, mija, you’re getting tall.”

  “Did we surprise you?” Jazmine asked with a sleeping Haven in her arms.

  He grinned, watching his niece. Haven looked so much like Javier. She even had a few freckles like their mother.

  “Yes.” He hugged her, and kissed Haven’s chunky cheeks. “This was supposed to be about Jewel.” He watched her as she talked to some dude.

  “Well, Jewel had the same idea,” Javier said.

  “I guess great minds think alike,” Janice said, observing him as he gazed at Jewel.

  He held his hands up in the air. “Thanks, everyone! But me getting a GED or starting college isn’t a big deal.” He noticed Jewel, standing next to the buff dude. “Jewel, on the other hand, has achieved so much,” he proudly stated. “Teacher of the effing year!”

  Jazmine and Janice both burst out laughing while Maria scowled at him. “José, watch your language.”

  “Sorry, Ma…”

  Jewel stared at him. “José, what you accomplished is a big deal.” She peered around the room. “Right, family?”

  José’s dad and her mom Lauren watched her with smiles on their faces.

  Someone running made him glance down the hall, and his heart skipped a beat.

  “Papa! Papa!” Carlitos ran into the living room right into his arms. “Daddy!”

  José wrapped his arms around his son tightly, kissing him. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I miss you too, Daddy,” Carlitos said. “Did we surprise you?”

  José chuckled and kissed his son again. “Yes, you did.”

  Everybody started to mingle, letting the two have their privacy.

  José couldn’t believe his son was there. He continued to trace the boy’s face. “You’re getting so big.”

  “Yes, I am, Papa. I grew two inches taller from the last time you saw me.” Carlitos grinned, showing his missing front tooth.

  José chuckled. “Did the tooth fairy visit you?”

  “Nope, but Mama did.” Carlitos pointed at someone.

  José followed his finger. “Olga.”

  “Hola, José.” Olga batted her eyelashes at him, drawing him to stare at her golden brown eyes. Her blond hair was longer now, flowing down her back. She looked beautiful, wearing tight jeans and a T-shirt. Olga gazed at him. He remembered a time, when he would’ve been all over her, trying to get her to bed or anywhere he could lay her down and sink into her body. He glanced over at Jewel. She was still talking to that guy.

  “Olga, what are you doing here?” José tried to hide his confusion.

  “Is that how you say hello to me?” She invaded his personal space, placed her hands around his neck, and pulled his head down into a kiss.

  José gripped her wrists. “What do you think you’re doing?” He glared at her.

  “What we always do when we see each other,” Olga said, wiping her lipstick off his lips. “I see you’ve been b
ehaving badly.” She touched his hickey.

  “Those times are over.” He looked up, and Jewel was watching him with a scowl.

  “We’ll see about that.” Olga apparently still didn’t get it; she began caressing his arm. “Your sister-in-law,” she said, pointing at Jewel. “She made sure we made it.”


  “Auntie Jewel got us plane tickets,” Carlitos pointed out, making José glance over at Jewel again. This time she wasn’t looking back.

  José shook his head and took his son’s hand. “Come on, papito, let me show you what I built in the back yard.” They were about to move when he saw Connie. Fuck! This night can’t get any better.

  “Hi,” Connie said, approaching him. “Hi, Carlitos.”

  “Hi, Ms. Connie.” His son smiled.

  She was gorgeous. Her hazel eyes sparkled when she stared at José. Once upon a time, that look would’ve affected him, but now he felt nothing.

  José shook his head. “Hi, and bye.” He continued to pass by her to the back yard.


  Jewel couldn’t help it. She was pissed, energized, and couldn’t stop shaking her leg. Olga had kissed him, in front of everyone. She glared at Olga, and Connie, too. They’d had their chance, and blown it. José was too good for them.

  “Jewel, you okay?” Chris asked, looking at her with concern.

  “Yes.” She turned her attention back to him.

  “You had that look. The one you get when you’re about to blow up.”

  Jewel gave him a fake smile. “No, I was just thinking. How have you been?”

  “I’m well. You must be on cloud nine, doing big things. I could’ve joined you at the gala if you would’ve called me back.” Chris took her hands in his, making Jewel look down to their connection.

  He was a tall glass of milk chocolate. They’d dated for a short time, and then he’d up and proposed to her. What had he been thinking, proposing to her after only four months? He’d been well aware of the hellacious divorce she’d gone through.

  Jewel gently pulled her hands away. “I had a date, but I’ll keep you in mind next time.”


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